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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by warmmorningsun

  1. warmmorningsun

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    Ohhhh I can see I'm going to have to kick it up a notch....hmmmm Pervomania - Manic perv behavior Pervious conversation - the conversation you were having before this one Impervious - not suseptable to pervs Perv-i-nator - Ah-nold in Cal-i-forn-e-yah Perv-ic - needing no improvement on one's perviness Bring it! :biggrin1:
  2. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Leila, so glad it went well for you. I know you were debating it; let us know how you're feeling over the next few days... I was just disappointed about not being able to get the fill; I'm a *somewhat* logical person and appreciate his concern:) Now, for the fight: I have to get away from the chocolate. Tomorrow is a new day :confused:
  3. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Oh Barbara, I know! I've really had a time this week. It's the same habit I've always had - mindless eating. I'm starting tomorrow with new resolve to STAY AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE. I did go for a half hour bike ride tonight and bought some more propel to drink so I start fresh again tomorrow. I love you guys on this thread, I think the Junebies rock more than any other group on this site! :confused:
  4. Thank you! :biggrin1: I've had that name and email addy for almost 10 years now :confused:
  5. warmmorningsun

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh My God. That is f'ing hilarious! I can't stop laughing...must .... breathe.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like...it might get stuck in the band? :hungry:
  6. warmmorningsun

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    President of Pervuniversity :confused: Acting member of PervAnonymous My Body's so Pervalicious for you now! Have a Perv-asive need to be a Perv Pervisims welcome here....(please add)
  7. I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read that :faint:
  8. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Well no fill today :confused: My surgeon is going on vacation and decided that he didn't want to do fills right before he left town in case anyone had troubles. Now, I intellectually understand this. Maybe even admire that he doesn't want anyone to run into problems...But damn! I am eating M&M's like there's no tomorrow! (they go down so smooth...). I have miraculously not gained anything else, but I sure haven't lost anything else either. I was really really 'jonesin' for this fill:p I have to try to do something until next Tuesday the 1st. I think I'm going to try to do the water thing and to ride my bike. If I can't resist the M&M's, at least I can try to counter the damage! :cry
  9. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    First things first, your post made me want to eat healthy, good God, my mouth was watering after reading what you ate! I've been stuck on Chicken, I think I need to branch out and take in some variety! Also, love your pic, you're gorgeous! Hi Junebies! Going to get my second fill on Tuesday; I've not been restricted at all past 10am in the morning
  10. warmmorningsun

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Here are my stats: warmmorningsun: Start 305/C 289/G by Christmas 230 My favorite: A Christmas Story. I never get sick of it. "You'll shoot yer eye out!" Last Christmas will be hard to beat, I received a beautiful engagement ring! My little girl also received an engagement necklace :eek: Soooo, for this year I think I would like new clothes to go on my new body... My little girl and I spend Thanksgiving afternoon going through her toys to give to charity so other kids who "don't have a room of toys" - her words - have something too. It's my favorite way to start Christmas!
  11. warmmorningsun

    Feeling tired

    I don't know if this would help anyone, but the Smoothie King Gladiator 20oz smoothie has 45 g of protein, and if you add an extra scoop it gives you 67 g of protein. it's a great way to get in protein without getting so full...and it really does seem to give me more energy
  12. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I had my fill on monday (1.0 in a 4.0 cc band) and I too am hungry. I called my MD and made an appointment for another fill on the 25th. By that point I'll either be happy to get the fill, or it will have kicked in and I'll just cancel..
  13. warmmorningsun

    Mexico or States

    So glad to hear things went well for you! Congratulations!
  14. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I got a fill today and overall it went well; they put in 1cc in a 4cc band; i didn't feel any different until the last hour (about 4 hours after) I currently feel...full. It's weird. but i'm excited to finally get the fill. it wasn't painful at all and took all of 20 minutes total for the appt
  15. warmmorningsun

    Lack of concentration after banding?

    Hi Deana, I had dizzy spells and weakness, and even busted my ass on my third day at work because I got dizzy and fell (you should see the size of that bruise!). I also started a new job 5 days after being banded. I felt SO MUCH BETTER when I got some more calories in. I know that kind of goes against the whole theory of losing weight at the front, but my health was a bigger concern at that point. I ate refried Beans, blended beef vegetable Soup until it was pureed, blended scrambled eggs, etc. and I felt so much better. I called my MD first and told him why I wanted to do it, and he whole heartedly agreed that it was important for me to do so. He only emphasized that I blend whatever I took in as thin as I could. Hope that helps. Call you Doc and talk to him/her if you get dizzy, etc.
  16. warmmorningsun

    Mexico or States

    You are correct in stating that they can come in anytime unannounced (I am sorry, I was wrong in neglecting to mention this; I didn't agree to the statement above because unannounced surveys are entirely validation surveys of JCAHO's own results, not a certification survey, nor do they remove certification based on an unannounced survey.) The validation surveys also are narrower in scope and function on just a few standards. It's a validation survey between triennial surveys. It's also based in research JCAHO is doing to justify the need for their certification. As a result, findings during an unannounced survey require only a plan of action. You submit a plan of action to address findings, and that item will not be surveyed for actual certification until a regularly scheduled triennial survey. Also, because JCAHO is a private organization, it offers voluntary accredidation. I respectfully point out that all hospitals have the option not to become JCAHO certified. Medicare and Medicaid also do not grant reimbursement based on whether a healthcare provider passes a JCAHO survey or are JCAHO accredited. They do, however, recognize JCAHO accreditation as a substitute for annual surveys conducted by state run departments of hospitals or departments of health. These annual surveys, when passed, grant Medicare certification, and Medicare certification IS required for reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. If a healthcare provider only passes their annual Medicare survey from their State Department of Health and are not JCAHO accredited, they ARE ALSO eligible to receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement. I would say that if the hospitals in your area are largely JCAHO accredited, it has nothing to do with reimbursement, and instead has to do with market competition among an area where JCAHO certification is prevalent. All that being said, for those who are irritated with me hijacking this (sorry!) go to jointcommission.org to read up if you want to be informed, and to your state department of health to read up on their guidelines. You can compare the two and decide if the state department of health guidelines are stringent enough to give you peace of mind, or if you prefer JCAHO's guidelines. Also, I guess in speaking to the original point, the US DOES have avenues to monitor the quality of care a patient receives; either through accrediting bodies (there are also other accrediting bodies out there besides JCAHO - AOA and CHAP are two, as well as MAGNET), or state certification. If you want to read about Mexico's vision for quality, here's a good article to start with: http://www.baylorhealth.edu/proceedings/15_3/15_3_ruelas.pdf#search='quality%20of%20care%20in%20hospitals%20in%20mexico' Above all else, RESEARCH, and be comfortable with the decision YOU make for YOU.
  17. I wanted to point out two things: 1. You had it right when you said we shouldn't compare ourselves to others and that we are all different. 2. For someone who was insightful enough to figure that out, you sure were judgmental of the person who's posting about her workouts. I think if you read the posts a little more in depth you may find that she is using this board as a sort of exercise journal not only to motivate herself, but to help motivate others. And, if you can understand that part, you'll realize she's not boasting. In addition, this board is not only for gaining insight on how the band works, trials, and tribulations. It's for support of one another. And it's not exclusive of exercise as a means of support. If you don't want to read about it, that's fine, we all get something out of this board, we all skip certain posts because it doesn't help us or appeal to us. All of us ARE different as you pointed out. But please don't belittle the person who is using this board for other means that you yourself don't agree or subscribe to. Thanks for allowing me my two cents.
  18. I received lovenox in the hospital before surgery, and the day after, but was not required to go home with it. I took it to prevent blood clots that may be more prevalent with lack of movement, etc. according to my MD. My BMI was 47.1, if that gives you any concept. I think it's a preventative medicine, but ask your MD to be sure.
  19. warmmorningsun

    Mexico or States

    I hate to throw a wrench in this, but JCAHO is actually not a medical standards govering body for all hospitals. To become JCAHO certified, you actually pay JCAHO to come in and survey your adherence to standards they set. There are hospitals that aren't JCAHO certified, and they are not required to be certified either. JCAHO doesn't regulate anything actually. They set voluntary standards of quality. They NEVER drop in unannounced, they always give you a date range of when they will come. So, all that being said, a facility is not guaranteed to be JCAHO certified. And to throw this topic off even further, I chose to be banded here in the US, so I'm not plugging Mexico, or downing US hospitals. Just throwing in some clarification.
  20. warmmorningsun

    Virtual Model

    Christy, I'm killing myself laughing over here at the "paint job" too funny!
  21. I'm interested as well; not sure though on whether I would be travelling with or without fiance (hubby by that point) and my 4 year old (5 at that point). Can you give more information about deadlines of when we need to notify you, etc?
  22. warmmorningsun

    What is Wrong With Me?

    :grouphug: I swear that's exactly what I was thinking! I felt all of the above when I got pregnant too!
  23. warmmorningsun

    New Medicare Rule! Can"t Get My Fill!

    Leenerbumps, is it an option to contact the MD 40 minutes away with hat in hand and tell him what has happened and ask him to consider your situation and agree to do your fills? Not pleasant, but maybe necessary...?
  24. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey Barb, don't know if this would help, but I"ve been taking a chewable benefiber in the morning and it has helped me tremendously...
  25. warmmorningsun

    June 2006 Band Crew

    HI all, happy 4th! Heading to bed now but wanted to drop in and say hi. All day I ate. and ate. I still have to chew chew chew, but so far my hunger is not subsided. I'm getting filled on the 10th of July (thank God) so hopefully that may help. I'mstill at a standstill on my weight loss. Which is better than gaining, right? (that's what I keep telling myself!) Hope all are doing well

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
