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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jojo41

  1. jojo41

    How dare she!!!

    fee....I had no idea it had happened before...are you sure it was the same store??? And Thanks...I do feel better after taking action and speaking to Supre management....the gift voucher didn't hurt either:)
  2. In Naples there is a Dr Luigi Angrisani who performs lapband surgery. Further north of Italy in The Vicenza Regional Hospital are Dr Franco Favretti and Dr Gianni Segato. Try and google these Dr's to see if in an emergency they can help you out. Good Luck
  3. jojo41

    How dare she!!!

    stefunny.....You are right....I did come onto the "Rants and Raves" to vent....that's what I though this section of the forum was for. And I must admit when certain individuals started defending the shop assistant and insinuating I was being "paranoid" or "taking it personally" at first I was a bit ticked off because unless you were in that shop with me you have no idea how I was treated (besides when someone rolls their eyes at me I don't think I'm being paranoid) and I didn't want someone shoving their "holier than though" opinions down my throat......I just wanted to VENT! But to be honest some people can't help but play "devils advocate" or "taking the moral high ground". If that works for them, then good on them:clap2: ......it doesn't work for me so I just ignore them.
  4. jojo41

    Weightloss and PCOS - WOMEN/Adult

    I also have PCOS and looking back have had it since a teenager (although not diagnosed until 7 years ago). When I was younger (late teens and twenties) I used to live on 1 meal a day, black coffee and cigarettes to keep my weight down then when I gave up smoking ,had my children and started to actaully eat I blew up like a balloon, grew facial hair and my periods became irregular (anything from 45-65 day cycle). I had my surgery 8 weeks ago and on my last dietician visit (3 weeks ago) had officially lost 25lbs and guess what.....I had my first 28day cycle in almost 10 years!
  5. jojo41

    Pllleeeaaaasssee help me!!!!

    shaunaruder......you poor thing....the head hunger is a killer! I must admit once I went onto mushies (3rd week) and until I had my first fill (week 6) I was STARVING! Then I had my first fill 8 days ago and the restriction now compared to before is amazing. BUT......you have to have a bit of restraint and stop sabotaging yourself. It's only for a few weeks until you get your first fill....then things will start to improve.
  6. jojo41

    How dare she!!!

    gonnabethin and to everyone who has posted on this thread. Great news......I decided to telephone the Store's Head Office and after being put through to several people I spoke to the area manager....she was MORTIFIED and apologised profusely for my treatment. She assured me that it would be dealt with immediately and that it was definitely NOT the store's policy to speak to customers in this manner. She also told me that the shop assistant's age was no excuse for her behaviour as their staff are given comprehensive training in customer service. Then yesterday I received a $100 gift voucher from the store. I was going to use the voucher this weekend to buy my daughter some clothes ......but now.... I just might keep it until I reach my goal weight! :girl_hug: So stand up for yourselves people......I may be fat but that does not give anyone the right to disrespect me.
  7. jojo41

    NSV's for she...

    Great news!!! We have a local Mexican restaurant that I love. Last year we went and they only had booths available. I managed to squeeze in and eat my meal with my stomach pressed up against the table. We went back a couple of days ago and already after a loss of only around 25lbs my stomach didn't touch the table, there was actually a gap of a couple of inches! YAY!!!:clap2:
  8. jojo41

    Question about pouch size

    Excellent article faybe.....interesting to note that the average size pouch holds 5.5 ounces and the pouches tested ranged from 3 to 9 ounces yet the size of the pouch had "NO IMPACT on the person's success in weight loss". Now I can relax a little about "stretching" my pouch.....I've been a little paranoid about it.:nervous
  9. A couple of weeks a go I reached my first goal (-25lbs) I bought myself a gorgeous pair of shoes. :clap2:
  10. jojo41

    What A Croc: Croc Hunter Killed!!

    Such a disgrace.....Steve Irwin would roll over in his grave!
  11. jojo41

    Aussie Roll Call

    Sarah....you are so right. One day I feel great restriction the next....nothing! It's hard to stay away from the "goodies" when you are starving! Jo
  12. jojo41

    5 years ago today 9/11

    Terrible day for our family also. My Mother-In-Law had been ill with stomach cancer when we got a call from my Father-In-Law telling us she was in hospital and the Priest was going to be performing her last rites. We got the kids to my parents and drove to the hospital as quick as we could. When we got there she was unconcious and breathing slowly and heavily. The Priest came and then we just sat and waited....waited....and waited. We decided to put on the TV and couldn't believe what we were seeing. It was live footage of the Twin Towers and then we saw the second plane.....it was unbelievable. Not long after my Mother-In-Law took her last breath and passed away. Although Australian time she passed on the 12 Sept it was the same time that the Trade Centre was being attacked.......it will always be a terrible time for our family. My nephew (who was 6yrs at the time) told his mother not to worry at least Nanna won't be lonely because she has lots of American people from the building to keep her company in heaven. :think
  13. You've had some great answes here so I'm not going to add to that, but just to let you know how easy it is I have a couple of regular dinner situations that I thought would be a nightmare after I had surgery and they have not been a problem. We have a once a month trivia/dinner that we go to with 10 other friends. I've been twice since my surgery (17th Jul) and NO ONE has noticed my much smaller portion. The other is a once a month get together with family, and I don't mean any family I mean my loud, food lovin, ITALIAN family whose mantra is MANGIA...MANGIA... MANGIA!!!! (eat, eat, eat) There is sooooo much food on the table we could feed a third world country. And guess what??.......NO ONE noticed....everyone was too busy stuffing there own faces and talking that no one noticed I had about 1/16 of my normal size portion. Just be prepared if someone does manage to notice just tell them you had a big lunch, trying to cut back or you've had a bit of a stomach bug. Jo
  14. jojo41

    Aussie Roll Call

    Hi Sara.....I have only had the one fill (6 days ago) and have just started to feel some restriction...not alot but at least I can finally feel some. My doctor will do fills 2 weeks apart but many people on this site have said it can take 1-2 weeks to feel the restriciton properly so I am going to wait 4 weeks and if my restriction hasn't increased I will get another one. From what I can gather It seems part of having the band is being patient...it's not a quick fix (unfortunately). Good Luck Jo
  15. jojo41

    I kind of don't believe it....

    Paulax...I can absolutely relate to how you are feeling. I have so far lost only 25lbs (not complaining but I have done this MANY times before and gained it all back) so it still feels like an impossible dream to lose 96lbs and finally (after 8 long years) be slim again. I am definitely having trouble getting my head around the fact that.....this time I will lose all my excess weight! I still find myself reading over all the threads from people who have not had great success with the band, have had slippage or have had to have it removed and keep thinking that will be me. It just seems almost "too good to be true" that the lapband will help me finally achieve my goal.
  16. jojo41

    Just started solids and went to town :(

    Agreed.....I had the same problem once I was allowed to eat solid food I found that I could eat anything and unfortunately did. However I had my first fill 5 days ago...the first 3 days I was on liquids and soft food then on day four I had some chicken thigh for lunch when .....BAM!!!! restriction. Since then I have been amazed as to how little I can eat and not care....it's great!
  17. jojo41

    Skinny Models Banned in Spain!

    correction...."I certainly WOULDN"T call that a large size!
  18. jojo41

    Skinny Models Banned in Spain!

    Vinesqueen .......you are right about the Aussie swimwear models at the Marajoara...they were all thin women...the largest was an Australian size 12 (US10)and 5ft 9in .....I certainly would call that a large size! As a matter of fact the average Aussie female is a size 16 (US14) and 5ft 5in.....much shorter and "rounder" than any of the "so called large models" used. It is pathetic the way these designers make a big song and dance about using "real" or "large" women for their shows when most women can only dream of being that "big"....what sort of message is that giving our kids, that a woman 5ft9in and a size 12(US10) is a "big" woman!
  19. jojo41

    What constitutes '3 days'?

    I agree....I had my fill on a Wed 9am so I counted 72hrs from then (so I was able to eat from 9am on Sat)
  20. I saw my surgeon 2 weeks after surgery, then six weeks for my first adjustment/fill. He gave me his card and told me to ring him anytime...... morning,noon or night if I needed to see him (pretty amazing as it also has his mobile(cell) number on it).....now that's service.
  21. jojo41

    Being "normal"

    I also eat out regularly and although I was only banded a few weeks ago I have had no problem going to restaurants (admittedly I only eat about 1/4 of what I used to). I have also been out to restaurants with friends who do not know I've been banded and they haven't even noticed my reduced food intake....I just take it slow and chew, chew, chew.
  22. jojo41

    How dare she!!!

    Don't worry gonnabethin....I did call her on the eyerolling and attitude and also told the manager.....however I got the feeling that it did me little or no good.....I will definitely write to the store's head office (I was given the webpage by a fellow lapbander).
  23. jojo41

    How dare she!!!

    andreerichards...there are a few plus size chain stores in Australia (I guess you have to know which ones they are and where to look) but they are alot more expensive than your "normal size" women's boutiques. I agree DonnaB....I am a little tired of having to take the "high ground" and pretend I'm not bothered by being treated as a second class citizen because I am fat.....let's face it fat people are actually the majority in many countries now yet fat discrimination is one of the few acceptable forms of discrimination left.
  24. jojo41

    Tip from Dr. Phil

    Oh my godness that is so true.....the last time I went to my dieticians office (4 weeks ago) I had "oficially" lost 25lbs ....my husband hopped on the scale and he had gained 8lbs! The dietician warned him that it is very common for the partner to finish of the bandster's leftovers and that many partners gain a significant amount of weight.....luckily he exercises alot...although by the looks of it the exercisae aint workin!

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