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Posts posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. Good morning sunshines!:wub: My phone rang at 3am and scared the gajeebers out of me! It was 10am Syrian time and my SIL thought she was calling DH's cellphone (a prepaid one he bought while there). My heart sank and I thought something horrible had happened for her to call at that hour. She hit the wrong contact #. urrrrgggggggggghhh. I was up and couldn't fall back asleep. Now I am just plain tired. Just got the boy off to school. Today is my house day (cleaning, laundry, bills, calls, etc). Wish I had Apples and her energy here to help! : ) Wishful thinking!

    I've been tight last couple days and not sure why. Nothing changed. Hmmmm. PBd last night on FF frozen yogurt! That was a first. Did ok with coffee this am but now trying Water with a splash of grenadine and am "gurgling"/band noises/mini burp thingies. (what do you guys call that- it's not a burp per se, but just air escaping). Will need to take it easy today. It's not from the PB b/c it was doing that before the PB. And the PB was more slime/stuck feeling/ then felt like it was going to be a full PB but more like a up to the throat one/burp and then went down. This menopause will mess with your head. No period for MONTHS, weight stall, I have felt preggo all week (sorry tx), - boobs sore,bloated, crampy, hungry cravings. Found an old preg test and just to amuse myself did it. Neg. (Thank God). The hot flashes have all but stopped this last month thanks to the supp.

    Remifemin® Menopause supplement brings natural, hormone free relief of menopausal side effects like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings!†

    that someone recommended (Janet I think?) Whoever it was . THANK YOU! sleeping better too. Now, mood- naw, that is the same! LOL:cursing::mad::eek::tt2::drool::sad::blink::glare::sneaky::smile::tt2::thumbup::):mad3::out::ciappa::smash::prrr::Yawn::crazy::incazzato:This is what menopause feels like to me. All of those at one time. LOL

    Arelene~ I hear ya on the weaning off carbs. It is sooooo hard coming off. Good luck!

    Tx~ You are doing great! It will be here before you know it. Like the others have said, have safe Snacks with you so you won't be tempted. If you get hungry hungry- better to have fruit, greek yogurt, or Protein bar/shake- then to a) "suffer" B) risk eating something not allowed. It's a balancing act. Pre-op and post-op were the easiest for me. I was SOoooo excited and motivated to get on with my new life! I lost 70 lbs the first 4 months or so. Ride the wave of HIGH motivation while you have it at its strongest! You will be so happy you did this! I don't regret this band for even ONE minute. It helped me change/save my life!

    Cheri~ Sorry you are struggling this week. Hugs. You have had a tough month. Don't beat yourself up. You will get it back off. You are a star student!

    Apples~ you crack me up taking photos of food. Now, just put down the camera and come help me with my house! : )


    Jodi~ Sorry you lost your post. that sux. I hate when that happens.

    Julie~ pain pain, come again another day! Keep positive thoughts! Hope u feel better soon!!! Did they do more trigger points this last trip?

    ok, that's all for now. I am procrastinated enough. work time.

    hugs, Laura.............peasout

  2. Apples2 is back!!! Decided I'm not giving up my power to ANYONE.

    Laura...sounds and looks like fun was had by all today. Such a nice photo of you and Nels together. That will make DH smile!...

    OK...I missed some of you...so sorry. Will check back later. Nice to be back. (like it was soooooo long)....No one junking up your thread.

    Apples~ I couldn't sleep and decided to get up and just see what was going on. Your post was like music to my ears! :thumbup:You never want to let anyone take your power. Glad you are doing your thang! :woot:Nels was afraid to get on the bus after that incident and I told him, don't let that bully know he got to you! I even said, it's someone who doesn't feel that good about himself to steal. Nels went on the bus with head held high and even made a decision on his own to be NICE to the kid. He was shocked that the kid turned into the quiet one suddenly! Thanks for the comments- we had a great day today. Weather was PERFECT!

    Gonna try and go back to bed:sleep2:........TTYL peeps...peas

  3. GREAT day today!!!

    Went out to brunch with Nelson's BFF, Nick and his mom. I had two eggs over easy and grits. One of my favorite meals. Then we went shopping for HALLOWEEN! Michaels has everything 50-75% off already- so strange! They are making room for Christmas already! Hit Party City and two other costume stores. I think we are set- Nelson is going to be a SWAT/policeman this year. Then we went to the big pumpkin patch- lots of wagons and tractors and mazes, and pumpkins of course! Then to McDeees for ice cream and playground. Then came home and put out some new decorations. I got a motion sensitive talking/moving skeleton for near the front door. This is the first year Nels can tolerate these (without being scared) so going all out! While out we saw the neighbor girls and invited them to swim. Nelson had 5 girls in the pool at once! What a lucky boy! He was in heaven and even said he was glad none of them had cooties..LOL! Now we are showered and in PJs at 6. Bought the new HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON dvd and I am serving popcorn and peanut M&Ms for dinner. He's not "hungry" for food and I don't feel like cooking. He's been eating healthy all week. Gotta break the routine sometimes.

    I am going to get my feet up- exhausted. Will go to bed early tonight!

    hope everyone is well.......peasout

  4. Good morning GF and new guy- Chris : )

    I need to be careful about saying hello girlies.........anymore! But if I ever do, don't be offended and just know I mean it in the kindest way!

    Jodi~ Thanks for your kind words. I know people have endured much tougher separations from their spouses. But each person's situation is their own. And there are always other factors that make a situation easier or harder. (ie. My dad sick this week, worrying about that, having to suddenly be the one in charge of everything.) Keep in mind that from 14 when I left for boarding school- I have been on my own for daily stuff (food, laundry, getting my own butt out of bed to class)- then worked through college- then RN- then Peace Corps- then grad school- then NP in trauma center in Atlanta... worked, took care of EVERYTHING (house, car, computers, savings, stocks, etc.) I was an "older" bride at 34. It was tough giving up some of the control that comes along with getting married. I was use to "my" money, etc. I took care of all the bills and stuff until Nelson, then DH took over. He's happier that way- he feels more balanced knowing where all his eggs are. I trust him completely and can peek at the eggs whenever I want, but am just as content not worrying about them hourly. LOL. The needah stuff is very interesting. Hmmm... What happens when you are menopausal and no periods... NEEDAH TAKE A BREAK? :) I am trying to be funny, but you are right- absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    Lori~ Aloha! LOVED your sunset pic. Just made me smile. BEAUTIFUL. Enjoy. Hope your DD gets there!!! She needs to get her feet in that water!

    Goose~ Just love the name. But seriously I have some greygoose in the bar and makes me want a bloody mary or screwdriver! Welcome to the thread! :) We are so glad to have new people here! Just let it all hang out- we are here to prop each other up, fluff up the feathers and send each other back into the banded world!

    Janet~ eating out is so crazy! I just read a study that even the calories that they post is usually 25% more than is actually served! Variations between locations/chefs, etc. So even "healthy choices" on a menu can vary the calories. One chef forgot it was the healthy chicken breast and already threw a TBS of butter on it, or instead of cup of rice they put two.

    Hi to everyone else. Can I just say ditto to Jodi's beautiful post? She addressed everyone so eloquently. : )

    I really really really am happy DH made this trip. I think it is bringing closure to a lot of his childhood hurt. I think I told most of you- but at 3 his mom remarried and left him and his sister to stay temporarily with her parents- so she could be a new bride with her hubby and not shock him with 2 kids. Well, one year turned into 17. She had 3 more sons with the 2nd husband. My DH and his full sis were TOTALLY raised by their grandparents. Maybe their whole lives spent 2 weekends at their moms overnight. They would spend days there, but too many kids, they had beds at their GP. But as a little boy, no one can love you like a mommy. He missed her and felt rejected. He felt that she loved his half brothers more. His GP were AMAZING people who gave him EVERYTHING and loved him unconditionally and taught him so much! They encouraged him to go to medical school and are the ones who deserve the credit for him being such a kind, balanced, honest, loving, smart guy he is. BUT, until this week- there was a 3 yr old little boy in my DH who needed to hug his mom's neck. She has been cooking for him (stepbrothers are all out of the house now), and worrying about him and loving on him. He has been fixing stuff in her house, filled her propane tank, repaired some electricity, rearranged furniture, etc. He finally talked her into taking a vacation this weekend to a resort 1 hour away! She hasn't taken a vacation in 30 years. So, lots of milestones for them. I am posting a pic. (she covers her hair when out in public but uncovers in the house and in her neighborhood. But she won't let him take pics uncovered. Not really religious reasons- just habit)

    My heart runneth over.

    peasout.. Laura

  5. Fly by night kinda gal (no time to catch up, just read the last page only)......

    Janet~ you just made my whole frikkin day wonderful by posting that AMAZING photo! You are my star today! Shining ever so bright. Thank you for being you. : )

    Apples~ I hear ya on the Amazon bulk stuff. Are you a prime member? It is sooooooo worth it! Paid for itself with a couple orders. Funny story, DH wanted to try some Kava tea. We live in a tiny town and the health food store didn't keep it. He found it on Amazon and it was very inexpensive and then free shipping. He misread the description and accidently bought ONE case instead of ONE box of teabags. "Kava is consumed throughout the Pacific Ocean cultures of Polynesia (including Hawaii), Vanuatu, Melanesia and some parts of Micronesia and Australia. Kava is sedating and is primarily consumed to relax without disrupting mental clarity"

    Well, he was a chilled out dude for a while..LOL. Kidding. He drank it twice, it was disgusting and he never touched it again. I had 11 boxes of the stuff and couldn't give it away..LOL. Sometimes vendors on Amazon will list things wrong also and you can get weird quantities. I wanted to get a velcro camo wallet for Nelson today. They were 1.19 each with free shipping. Well each was a pack of 6! I can't wait to see what actually shows up tomorrow, but for $1.19 who cares!

    Linda~ Hugs on being busy and all the stuff going on. Yeah, I don't know what it is with kids and their entitlement issues these days. And to have the nerve to bitch about things. OMG. My DS is going on 2 years living RENT FREE in my parents' house (at age 49). She has the nerve to bitch and moan at times. I have VERY little sympathy. OF course it is stressful living in a house with someone that just went through a year of stage 4 cancer! But hey, get off your A$$ and get a frikkin job and move out.

    Julie~ WTG on buckets. What would one usually pay for those? Glad pain is tolerable. Keep up the good work.

    Greygoose- your name makes me want a drink.

    everyone else... i will get back to you tomorrow.... :)

    I saw arlene and comments about sex for pain relief. My DH is 10000 miles away and I don't have any pain, but would settle for some relief! LMAO...........:lol: Actually, I was curious and just calculated the miles and it's only 7000. :biggrin: I miss that man. We spoke for 30 min this afternoon via Skype. So nice to see his smile and hear his voice. I just love my DH. (In case you guys didn't know!)

    I had a FANTASTIC day of volunteering as a nurse practitioner today. I asked for a packed schedule and they listened! I saw 8 patients between 830 and 130. 2 were annual physicals! and 2 were train wrecks (not literally, but had tons of medical problems and tons of meds). Used my brain and my empathy a LOT. Now I am worn out. I have one six year old boy ASLEEP....... I am going to get my feet up and chill. (he got a yellow slip today at school today for talking in class and my punishment was no tv. I think it was harder on me than him!) :)

    peasout......................... Laura

  6. Good Morning Again

    Laura - Fainting when you post that you actually went to the gym ;0).. Happy that you have that planned... Don't let anything get in the way of that - well it's almost 11 your time - so hopefully you are almost there..

    I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee....

    Well need to get butt in gear - cbl


    I went. I wasn't happy, nor very motivated... but I went. I showed up. I told myself if I got there and felt that horrible I could leave..LOL. Well, I wish I could lie and say I walked in the doors and felt awesome and ran 10 miles. Truth is I walked in and almost left. I told myself 1 mile and 2 weight machines and I could go. I did 1.5 miles and 4 machines. Bargaining I know. I did do 50 crunches and did my yoga stretching on the mat. After I did my crunches it was either stretch or fall asleep..LOL. I have decided I need to go somewhere else to work out. I think I am going to join that private gym that one of the lady anesthesiologists boyfriend owns. My Y smells like dirty feet. It just grosses me out. Now that it is "snowbird" season, it gets so busy. I want a bumper sticker that says: If it's snowbird season does that mean we can shoot them? :tt2:

    OK. not the motivated speech you wanted- but the truth none the less. I went. and I will go again tomorrow. :smile2::crying: I guess I showed Janet how to faint.

    Love you all. Just got off the phone with my DH. His tummy is upset. I think he ate too much of a good thing last night.

    peasout.. Laura

  7. Good morning gang!

    Arlene, WTG on the eating/exercising! I really think you have turned a good corner. (Can you make it catchy?!) :thumbup: I think the "didn't sleep well last night" thing is catchy. I was up every hour on the hour. I feel like I was out partying but didn't party. : ) Now I have to go face 16 first graders for my school volunteer time this morning.. fun fun. Just not 100% in the mood. I do LOVE seeing all their smiling faces. Once I am there- it is usually intoxicating and then I am glad I went.

    Kimberly~ Yes, it sounds like you do have a first bite syndrome going on. The comments/advice from others is spot on. How much volume/calories are you eating at a meal? Are you snacking? Drinking calories? Definitely think journaling would be a good idea. Go back to the guidelines you had when you were first banded. It's so easy to sneak in calories here and there- and then you will not lose. You've come to the right place. Lots of support here. A "fill" is not always the magical fix we are looking for. Trust me- Several times I was where you are and I went for a fill and then was too tight and suffered greatly. It's really about our head hunger, what causes us to overeat in the first place. We have to remember the band is a tool only, does just part of the work. Still have to make healthy choices and exercise.

    Lori~ glad you are back. WOW, that's an early flight! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what your DD did with the toes in the water! That sounds like something I would do. :laugh:

    Julie~ Sorry you had a bad night the other night. Did the babies help? I think there are VERY few things in life that the sights and sounds of a baby can't cure!!!

    Sandy~ I have to tell you guys. All your posts about the dogs is coming at a PERFECT time. I have had puppy fever the last few days (a neighbor got a cute little ball of fur. Shih Tzu. OMG what a cute puppy (can fit in your hand). I am sure missing my DH isn't helping. But this vomiting 3 times in the bed... and all the ailments, and behavior problems, and picking up poop have me cautious! My two cats are plenty. It's so funny that once you get banded, you have more empathy for your cat's furballs and PB episodes! LOL. I used to find myself getting pissed at them and now it's like... oh honey, I know. :) Anyway, good luck with the dog, and the Cesar book and catching up on sleep. : )

    I spoke to DH via video call last night and he is doing fine. He saw some old friends from highschool and medical school! He said it was weird that the guys that were skinny in medical school (like he was) are now married and well nourished (:)) and the ones that were chubby are divorced and skinny. Hmmm.. He was able to send me a bunch of photos of him and his family. So nice to put a current photo with the names. The video calls are also really helping Nelson deal with his absence! He feels connected to daddy. Today we have TKD and then I decided to let Nelson invite his BFF over for swimming after. I heated the pool this week to take the chill off. It's been getting in the low 60s at night but up to 85 in the afternoon. The pool was too cold to go in yesterday. Maybe we will have a pizza night for the boys. I haven't felt like cooking. (wonder why) But last night I did force myself to cook.

    OK friends. I hope everyone is well. I will CBl......peasout.. Laura

    PS. I don't want anyone to faint, but I plan on going to the gym at 11 after my school volunteering!

  8. ok guys~

    Just another sort of fly by. I did read the posts. You busy girls! I love hearing all the advice/stories/ways we help each other through our own experiences. That's what this is all about. I know you all have helped me with more than just my band! I love and need the tough love from the mentors. Don't know what I would do without you guys.

    Julie~ So glad to hear the tens unit is helping! Hope it continues to be! Nice to hear the wedding cakes are done! wow

    Apples~ Just reading your post made me tired. LOL. I let the house "go" this weekend and just enjoyed the time with Nelson. Plenty of spare time this week to get it all done. Glad to hear you got the DS stuff squared away.

    Janet~ Hope you had fun entertaining and visiting. How's your friend doing? (the JW) I am sure she knows about this- that there are special hospitals that cater to their blood beliefs. They keep special products on hand that they are allowed to use. Nice you are keeping in touch with Andrew.

    Jodi~ You sound so busy! I have also heard nothing but amazing things about you (and others) after your get together in LV. I hope to meet you in the future.

    Lori~ Welcome back from Maine. Saw the FB pics! Looked amazing!

    Cheri~ What smart posts! LOVE it! So true for all of us, regardless if there is a diagnosis or not.

    Arlene~ Loving your posts lately! You seem to be in such a good place. So happy and positive! Glad you enjoyed church and your friends. : )

    LauraK~ Seems all us old married gals are living vicariously through you! Keep up the good work!

    LadyKC~Sounds like you had a nice weekend too. : )

    Melissa~ Agree with all Cheri said. Hang in there. It will all work out- just gotta DO IT. (I sound like a Nike commercial!)

    DH is safe and sound with his family overseas. It was a very emotional reunion! He seems to be having fun, seeing his old stomping grounds and eating tons of good soul food. : ) I think the stress of the first day is over and now he can just enjoy seeing everyone. I was able to talk via video conference call on skype today with him and his siblings! It was so very cool to "meet" the rest of his family! His mom wasn't there but he promised to get her to the hotel one day while he's there so she can see Nelson and I. He took lots of photos for us. His mom let him too (she hasn't allowed a photo taken of her in the last 10 years or so). I want to talk to him more- but understand he is so so so busy! We will have plenty of time to go over everything when he returns. I know when I am just in NC, I barely have time to sit and chitchat on the phone. We miss him but are doing good. More than good, great!

    Nelson and I had a great mommy and me weekend! Slumber parties, sheet tents in the living room, him cooking dinner last night. (scrambled eggs and waffles) I think all the preparation we did with him was worth it. He is handling this so well.

    I need to go get the little monster ready to wind down for bed. TTYL............peasout... Laura

  9. Good morning guys~

    DH landed in Paris a few hours ago and is on last leg of journey. He is somewhere over Italy (thanks to flight tracker) and in 2 more hours will be in Damascus. I realize many of you have been without your S.O. for LONG stretches- and have endured much worse. I guess each person's suffering is their own. I realized last night that other than him being on call- I have NEVER been alone in this house. The few times he went to a conference or out of town, my Mom came to stay with me. (either b/c Nelson was really small and I asked her to- or it worked out that she was in town). So it just felt very strange to be home alone. Found myself double checking the locks/alarm. Phyl, I loved your story about your Dad helping you with your 3 little ones. I think family always helps in these times. I miss my family and am suddenly wishing we lived in NC or they lived here. : ( And I do realize DH's visit is LONG overdue. It almost took this mini crisis to get him to go. (I have been insisting on this visit for YEARS and he was hesitant to go). I know it is good for him/me/us as a family. I am so thankful he had the time off and the ability to go. Imagine wanting to take a trip like this and then being unable to go. We are so very blessed.

    The goodbye went much better than I expected! I actually was stronger b/c Nelson was in the car. I didn't want to make the situation worse- and instead of crying, just had teary eyes under my sunglasses. Nelson hugged his daddy bye and not a tear to be found. (almost to DH's dismay) DH conveniently had bought him some Sponge Bob Matchbox vehicles to deflect- and it worked like a charm. A nice long hug, one big kiss and we sent him off.

    A restless night... but I survived. : ) Today is a new day! We both woke up with colds (just pray DH doesn't have it). We were planning on TKD and brunch but now will have a lazy morning at home. Letting Nels make a mess with toys in the living room. I dumped a huge box of legos on a sheet and he is a happy camper. It's nice not having an agenda today. Doing laundry and cleaning up a bit. Apples, took your idea of Nels buying DH something to take and bring back. He bought a little dog stuffed animal with sad eyes. Well, I was packing the bags and pulled it out to put clothes and left it on my dresser and never put it in the suitcase! Luckily I spied it before Nels and hid it! At least we don't have to worry about dh losing it or accidentally giving it away! LOL.

    I promise to comment on everyone a bit later. I have lots to say. (imagine that..LOL) Where's Janet????


  10. ok guys........ DH leaves at 2pm today and had a crappy night of call (up ALLLLLL night!) At least maybe he will sleep on the flight. Snifffffffff... pout. Need to get focused. Change of plans. Taking Nelson with us to airport- will be tough on everyone but better to deal with the emotions than avoid them.

    peasout... laura

  11. Hey apples!!

    I am doing good. Just waiting on the 13th to get here so i can start my preop diet. I watched videos on both of my surgeries this weekend. That seemed to ease the nerves a bit. I am more concerned about the shoulder work than the band. I am having the AC joint cleaned up. Thats mainly from throwing 100,000 to 200,000lbs of product a week at work. They are going to remove about 3/16in of my collar bone. FUN??

    Thanks so much for the support so far. I may be leaning on yall between now and the 27.


    Are they doing the band and the AC during the same surgery? Wow, if so, brave man, good idea, and very cooperative surgery team! (would never happen at my hospital where I work). Have you had that shoulder worked on before? (ie. familiar with the pain?) B/C that would be a concern of mine for you- pain.

    Why wait for the 13th for the pre-op diet? Nothing like the present. I started mine early because I was motivated, anxious to get things started, and wanted to decrease the chance of having too much fat around the liver/stomach which can make the surgery difficult (thus part of the reason for the preop diet). Just an idea. Need to have your last hoorays though. I had a seafood buffet (all you can eat crab legs, etc.) and pizza. Glad I did those too.

    In case your Dr. doesn't put it in the pre-op instructions- the day or two before your surgery, work on making sure you poop really good. (take over the counter laxative as directed on bottle). Trust me- no one has ever regretted this advice. A post op trapped poop from pain and pain meds is the worst.

    Have you started stocking your kitchen with your liquid phase stuff? Do you have a blender or small smoothie machine? Follow your docs instructions. I was on Clear liquids for a week, some differ on this. (SF Popsicles, broth, diluted clear fruit juice, SF Gatorade, SF Jello, SF drinks (but nothing with carbonation). Your dr might have other things allowed.

    Wishing you lots of luck! Welcome to the thread.

    Peasout... Laura

  12. Fly by...

    Lori, I only spent $600 at Sam's last week... i don't feel so bad now. : ) Have fun on your trip. It should be BEAUTIFUL! I have family up that way. Best time of year to go.

    Julie~ Hope the pain eases up!

    Arlene LauraK and Sandy~ WTG! You are my heroes this week!

    T minus one day until DH leaves on trip. Snifffffffffffff. <pout> <teary eyed> I think Janet and a few others know how much I hate goodbyes. I bawled saying by to my LBT girls... just imagine tomorrow! OMG. This will be the 2nd longest time in whole marriage that we are apart. First longest was going to Turkey to adopt Nelson- 6 weeks. But had my boy to keep me busy! Hey, I still have my boy to keep me busy, now that I think about it!

    “If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.” - winnie the pooh

  13. Just a fly by...

    Early release from school today. ughhh. they get them on/off the school bus, to class, to the cafeteria, back to class, then back on bus- will be home by noon. If you don't go- get a FULL absent! So silly.

    House is in chaos. DH leaves for overseas trip on Friday. Packing- sorting gifts- picking up dry cleaning, making photo albums, etc... Snifff. Trying to stay happy and excited for him. I will be sad after he leaves. But have to show a strong face for both my boys this week. Last year at this EXACT same time, I had to leave Nelson with DH for 2 weeks when Dad was getting his oncology consults. It was a traumatic time for him since he had never been away from me for more than 1 night ever. Nels still remembers it like it was yesterday. (Will always have abandonment issues b/c of adoption at 10 months). Just have to LOVE him through it! Have lots of FUN things planned and will allow a lot of freedom in his choices while he's gone. Let him feel like he has some control in his life. He and I will be fine. It's good for DH to see his mom after 20 years. Just wish I could be there with him, but some things you have to do on your own. It won't be easy. Very emotional time.

    I am soooooo tight this week. (sticking to 1000 cal easy) Lost 3 lbs this week! Allergies in an uproar. Walked yesterday after TKD (3 miles). First exercise in days. How many times have I said I am getting back to the frikkin gym??? I know I sound like a broken record. I know some of you can relate.

    Glad you guys all got back from your trip to LV ok. Loved the pics. I know some of you are struggling with different things- family, pain, food issues, work stuff. Just remember...(my mom always told me this)


    We are tough girls! (and new guy) We can do this! Stay strong!!!!!! Keep your chins up. Stay focused. Let's take care of ourselves and get healthy! woot!

    I love each and every one of you! If you don't hear from me for the next couple days- don't be alarmed. Gonna take a break from computer and TV, and spend time with DH. :thumbdown:


  14. Welcome home VEGAS GIRLS! Just loved the photos and can't wait to see more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just have to share this guys. The accident happened a few miles from my house and the family lives 1 mile from me. The poor mother has her husband, and 3 other children in the ICU. How she can plan a funeral and deal with them in the hospital. Forget either of them working and the bills still come in.

    R.I.P. Briana Cooper

    Last week our community lost a beautiful little 11- year old girl in a tragic car accident. I knew her through my neighbors who were in school and Girl Scouts with her. Her family is obviously dealing with the most devastating thing a parent can deal with. If you can please keep them in your prayers. Also, if you a...re able to donate to her memorial- every bit helps.

    Thank you for reading this.

    STUART — Todd Cooper was returning Wednesday from a family dinner at Five Guys Burgers and Fries, his 11-year-old daughter and three younger children in the car with him.Behind the wheel of a Honda Accord on Pomeroy Street at about 7 p.m., the 36-year-old father was turning on a green light onto westbound Kanner Highway when an eastbound Oldsmobile didn’t stop at the red light, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The Oldsmobile, driven by Michael Opsincs, 26, slammed into the 1996 Honda in a “T-bone” manner and left it in two pieces.Brianna Cooper, 11, died after being taken to Martin Memorial Hospital South in Port Salerno, while Bryce Cooper, 9, and 3-year-old twins Briley Cooper and Brandon Cooper sustained critical injuries. The latter three eventually were transferred to St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, said Scott samples, public information coordinator with Martin Memorial Health Systems


    Brianna Cooper Memorial

    ***If you click on this last link, it has a link to their church to do an online donation. Put in the comments that is it is for Brianna.

    DonationsSee More

    safe_image.php?d=9aef00a5d2b3db2e21ee4d1914c31742&w=90&h=90&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.briannacoopermemorial.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2Fthesis_18%2Fcustom%2Frotator%2Fbriapark2.jpg Brianna Cooper Memorial


  15. Peas - I can't believe Nelson is a purple belt. It seems like he was a white belt yesterday. Tell him Congrats for me. Also I am glad you like working at the clinic.


    he is a purple dragon............ which is the kid's division. : ) not real purple! : )

  16. ok guys, What fort are we supposed to be holding down??? Everyone is in Vegas! snifffffffffffffff. I just saw some photos on FB and they look funny! They are blurry and dark and inside a limo and nightclub! Looks like they are having a blast! We can't wait to see the real pics girls! Be safe and hurry back soon!

    I worked Thursday- went great! Love the clinic and all the people that volunteer their time to work there. The patients are grateful and it makes it all a wonderful place to be. : )

    Yesterday was Nelson's TKD belt testing! He is now a purple belt! SOOO proud of him! : ) After we had a pizza and pool party at our house with his best friend and parents. Went to bed late and pooped out. Today is class get together at the local park. (wasn't brave enough to have it at the house). Only 5 RSVPd but with my luck 100 would have shown up at the house! It's from 1-3. High of 86 so should be a nice day outside. I will post pics later.

    I hope you are all well. peasout.. Laura

  17. Oh gosh, I just love hearing about your upcoming adventure! Clubbing in Vegas via a HUGE limo, complimentary foofoo drinks and Janet bullriding! yeeehawwwwwwww! I can't wait to see photos!!!!!!!!!!

    Y'all have fun, be safe and spend at least one second thinking about me. <smile> I love each and every one of you! I will be thinking about you all! And I promise I will be there for the next one! (Even if we have to have it at MY house!!!)

    I start my new job tomorrow- gotta Iron and get some stuff done.

    peasout.................... Laura

    PS BON VOYAGE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Hi guys~

    Finally have a few minutes to write a bit. We had horrible tropical storm/flash flood warnings this morning. Weather radio went off and woke everyone up. Bus was late and it was raining- so drove the whole bus stop to school. (6 kids) Thank God for big SUVs! : ) Nelson LOVED having all those girls in the car! Funny that there are no boys on our street.

    I volunteered all morning at school. Teacher had laryngitis and was VERY happy to have me. I did all the reading and even did some of the lessons. I loved it! I would have been a teacher if I wasn't a nurse. Got to the bottom of Nelson's troubles yesterday. He's clashing with one of the other kids and he is demonstrating some poor time management skills. He gets stuck on one work and doesn't move on to the next. He wants everything to be perfect, but there's not time for perfection in class. Something to work on. I bought the class little plastic bins to organize their desks. (can't remember if I told you this). With coupons and school discount, etc. They were like $3 each for 16 kids.(they are good quality and something the teacher could use for a couple years over and over). You would have thought I gave the teacher a million dollars she was so thankful. Anyway, she had the kids write me a thankyou card. It was sweet. Had lunch with my boy and now am home for an hour before the bus comes and then to TKD. Belt testing is Friday.

    Janet~ food is going good. Exercise is not. No excuse or reasons- other than been busy. Saturday was on my feet for 8 hours- must have walked at least a few miles. Tomorrow will go to the gym. Had my fill a few days ago. I have good restriction but not too much- feels like sweet spot. : ) If I can get my ass to the gym, we will be in business. Walking 2 times a week, 3-4 miles isn't gonna cut it, I know. Better than nothing?!

    I officially start my NP job on Thursday. I had to go buy my own labcoat yesterday. This is the first job in all these years that didn't provide them for me! (and it's the one I am not getting paid for!) I tried on my old one and it was HUGE on me. (looked like a kid playing dress up with dr's coat on!) I still have to alter the one I got, they are so unflattering. I bought two new pants. I don't like to wear dry clean only stuff b/c I like to WASH things after having contact with patients. Wish I could wear scrubs. Also, Once my schedule gets set- everything will get easier.

    I have been busy getting DH ready for his trip. Buying gifts, new suitcases, all his meds/stuff, sending clothes to drycleaners & having shirts pre-folded (they pack nicer with collar stays and sleeves done perfect).

    Lori~ Sorry to hear about the CC stuff. We have a special program called Shopsafe for online purchases. (It generates a specific number just for that purchase, so never giving out REAL number). May want to look into it. ALso, glad for the sentencing of that A hole! Sorry to hear about your friend's daughter.

    Phyl~ Loved the news of great niece/nephew! WOW!!! TWINS!!! : )

    Julie~ Glad you slept better. When is the next injection? Did you have any relief? What's the plan now?

    Eva~ Hope you are surviving the last week! Thinking of you!

    Sorry all the trouble everyone is having with the adult kids. SIGH. Must be in the air. My sis who lives at home is going to drive my parents nuts. Almost 2 years now, no job (barely looking), does bare min. around the house, (she has been their errand person- and I know this has been a Godsend when Dad was really sick. Now he is ok and she is still just sitting there!) June was 1 yr post op RNY and she is down 90 lbs or so. She's 185-190. (she is saying.) Still in 16 womens/18s. I am in 16s and supposedly 30 lbs heavier, same height, and I exercise and have muscle. She isn't exercising and gets winded going to mailbox. Mom said she is sabotaging herself and grazing all day long. Of course sis says everyone is staring at her eat and it causes her to "squirrel food" away and eat at night. They are "picking" on her a lot. But she is lazy, not exercising, not always making good food choices, spending unemployment money on crap instead of saving (they haven't asked her to pay for anything but asked her to save so she could move out one day). She is also drinking "a glass" of wine at night- but with bypass that gets her buzzed big time. (yes, cross addiction!) I can't say anything to her b/c she thinks I am the "chosen" one anyway and that I $hit roses in my parents eyes. I can't help her. I try and encourage her and she takes it the wrong way. She is almost 50 (in Feb) and I fear she will live in my parents' attic apartment the rest of her life mooching. My parents have gone above and beyond the call of duty for her! Time to stand on her own two feet!!! uuuhghhhhhhh. rrrrr.

    ok girlies. I need to get going. Am bummed about LV (repeating myself). Just wish I could go, but DH's trip and Nels in school- just can't. Love hearing about it and will just do this one vicariously through you guys. Will miss the hell out of ya though! Sorry if I missed someone- can't remember the rest. Hi to LauraK, Jodi, and others. Love you too!


  19. just a quick fly by.

    apples~ {{{biggest warmest loving hug ever possible}}}

    Nelson got in trouble yesterday for not listening to the teacher and she "pulled" his green card (it goes to yellow and a note gets sent home). I didn't get the note since I am volunteering this morning. Hmmm.. should be interesting. Glad he was honest and told me. I look at YOU as a mom meter of boys. When I am bitching and moaning and you remind me of how much you miss hugging those boys when they were young--- I hug my boy more. I know whatever he did, had to have been bad b/c you are understanding. Give him time to cool off and think. Ball is in his court, as they say.

    Gotta pack lunches. Will CBL in an hour.

    peasout... LAURA

  20. Good morning sunshines~

    Wow, a lot of catching up to do! Busy beavers you were this weekend! Finally finished reading. Love hearing about the LV plans. (still sad I can't come)... but am holding someone to their promise to call/skype!

    This weekend was half busy/half restful. DH and I decided to do halfsie/halfsie with Nels since out sitter fizzled out on us. I took Sat and he Sun. Me and my GF, Marissa took our boys to WannaDo City in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. OMW... what fun! It's 80 miles (but straight turnpike, so it's quick).

    Wannado City - Videos

    Click on the link- it's hard to explain. It's like a children's museum of a REAL city. but they basically get to "act" out different professions. There's a firehouse and truck and they go put out a real fire. The ambulance picks up REAL patients, there's an OR and nursery. Bank where you cash your paycheck (each job you do- you earn money that you can use on snow cones, Cookies, or toys) Magic show, jewelry store, newspaper, police station, HUGE airplane, animal hospital, candy store, salon, pizza place, carnival with rides..etc. They had so much fun and laughed so hard. We were exhausted by the end of the day and everyone slept well. Sunday I slept in (had a restless menopausal night)- DH too Nels to movie, lunch and toy store. Then in afternoon we played outside (I got some sun), we waited on icecream truck, and then Nels swam. Hi of 89 today, so it's still swim time here.

    Just got the boy to the bus and now time to do all my chores that I let go this weekend. : ) My Dad is doing ok. Only issue now is he may be bleeding in the GI somewhere. He's on coumadin for the DVT he had a couple months ago- now having dark stools. Told him he needed to go see GI doc again. DH leaves in 2 weeks. I am already starting to get sad. I hate goodbyes.

    I will write more later- glad everyone had a good weekend. I am having a sudden craving for pecan pie and dancing!!!

    peasout... LAura

  21. Laura - 4 lbs - ate a hamburger - why?? Just cuz you could doesn't mean you had too - why did you eat the bread - you didn't really gain 4 actual lbs in 4 days - I seriously doubt that - it was Water from all those carbs - Ya the dog ate your shoes - what did you do leave them in the front yard so he could ;0) lol...

    Hugs on you Dad - Cancer is the pits and as an NP you know this cbl

    :smile2::):mad: Let me know if the red font is too much. I had to confess, it's good for the soul. I didn't leave the shoes for the dog, they were stinky from my last walk and airdried them on front porch (instead of lanai) b/c of afternoon sun. Anyway, I bought new Brooks yesterday. Had to get men's b/c of my wide feet. Sigh. So depressing. Went for a brisk 3 mile walk this morning after the bus stop. I did lunges down at the docks and can already barely walk. I got out of shape these last two months w/o my trainer. Plan: 2 weeks of walking and getting some strength and then starting with a new trainer in a new gym. It's called THE FACTORY. The owner is the BF of one of the female MDs in DH's group. He's eye candy for the cougar. She's puertorican and he's black and in PERFECT shape and a cutie! They say he is tough but with the right balance. I need it. Trying to get DH to go, but won't count on it or push it. The hamburger was a homemade one, not that big. It's all I had but shouldn't have had the bread.(I did put a slice of avocado!) Point was that I was ABLE to do the bread and before was NEVER able to w/o PB. Thus decided on slight fill yesterday. Feels perfect amt. (I like to call it my choke collar for when my head isn't on straight). The weight was down 2 today. Took some senna natural lax. Feel so much better. Guess (TMI), I was FOS. :mad:

    Julie~ I am so sorry you are still having pain. I can't remember if you ever tried the acupuncture? My chiro had a Chinese med specialist and he did WONDERS when I was going through infertility/gaining weight/had back pain. Might want to add it what they are doing. Thinking of you.

    Apples~ I know you are gone to the lake- hope you are having fun. Next yr we HAVE to have internet for you there.

    Jodi~I mean, the phantom. No lecture for me about Mr. LV. I have been there- done that. As long as you can sep. the head/heart, then have fun. I LOVE the cirque shows. During the holy times, can you have the DVR running? I guess as long as it is programmed ahead of time? I remember working at Mt. Sinai in Miami and the elevators stopped at each floor so no one had to press buttons. : ) Enjoy the time with Dassi. Sounds like you have great control of the exercise and eating. WTG! So proud of you!!!

    Linda, Lori & someone else asked about the PET. The original cancer mets locations were cold. But there was a NEW uptake in the spine. They are recommending MRI, but his doc wants to repeat PET in 2 mo. But now, medicare is giving him a hard time. I try and support them (but even this last PET I thought was unnecessary, as it didn't change the plan). But can't tell them that. My parents are very sensitive. If I even go 1 day w/o calling I get on the "list". They are going through the toughest battle of their lives. They had so many plans for these years. They saved $ their whole lives and now cancer is robbing them of that dream. Dad said that 75% of his friends are gone already. At 76 he feels lucky to be alive. He said he won't do anymore treatment. Mom is crushed. I respect his wishes. So new mets is in the spine at T3 level. Clear as mud. (BTW, unusual presentation for return of CA. Usually with his kind would show up in liver/lungs/original tumor location.)

    Melissa~ glad you like the new job! so happy for you. : ) hugs.

    Arlene~ i wouldn't worry about the no loss with the new working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. : ) Just stay on plan.

    Phyl~ Glad you are back. Love to Zoey (though I don't like dogs licking my face). Maybe That's why I don't have a dog! It's the licking privates and then licking us that I cannot handle. LOL

    I am missing others- sorry. CRS. Hi to you all. Felt bad about the ME ME ME post last night. I am in a bit of a funk and trying to stay positive. I know I have so many blessings in my life. I just hate that I am not losing (and I know what I need to do and just can't get myself motivated to do it). I need to STOP being happy with maintaining. It's not ok.

    will cbl............peasout.. Laura

  22. Fly by...

    DH on call. Nels was in a MOOD today. (He got in an argument with his new BFF today at school and the kid moved to another table in the cafeteria.. and Nels was upset the rest of the day.) To think this stuff happens already in the 1st grade! He has his TKD tournament tomorrow and will do the official board breaking ceremony. He was allowed to decorate it- made it a window with fire * think GLITTER!..LOL. He will be a fireman rescuing someone.

    My neighbor's dog ate my workout shoes. SIGH. They were $100+ Brooks from the running store. They weren't new and her dog is old. (she offered to pay but I couldn't accept) I went and got new ones. ummm, Janet, I didn't work out today. TOMORROW I will. (dog ate my shoes, really).

    My parents are REALLY preparing for the worst today, now that the news is sinking in. Dad told Mom he won't do anymore treatment if PET is positive in 2 mo. SIGH. She cried all day. Medicare won't pay for his repeat scan b/c they classified his CA as "terminal, Stage 4" and they think repeat scan is unnecessary. Can the govt add more insult to injury????!!! WTF.

    OK guys. I have to send gifts with DH when he goes to Syria to see his Mom and family. WHAT can you buy from the US anymore that isn't made in CHINA??? Needs to be lightweight, small, packable, and really cool. I bought a bunch of magnets of Florida filled with sand, some little sea shells, Univ. of Miami stuff since DH went to residency there (hats, keychains), Jones of NY mini umbrellas (made in China, but say NY), Levi's wallets (made in China), kids were easy- bought Fisher Price stuff (won't break ever). Clothes are cheap there and don't know sizes anyway. Any other suggestions? I made a nice photo book for his mom with photos from last year.

    Will write more later. I am so tired and hungry. Got a fill today. The other day was able to eat a whole hamburger. Gained 4 lbs in 10 days. I am going to start exercising again. I did read the posts but just can't reply tonight. sorry guys- but I do love you. Also, feeling sad about LV. : ( peasout.. LAURA

  23. Fly by.... volunteered at school all morning, lunch with Nelson, came home, ran to do an hour more of orientation at the clinic (they wanted me to do 5 full days with the NP)- just can't do it. Won't pay a babysitter to volunteer as a NP. (Plus don't have one that is reliable for long periods of time. There is a teenager that we will trust for 1-2 hrs but that's it. She worries me with the texting, etc.) REAL sitters want consistent hours/pay. They will just have to "use" me when I am available during school hours. Came home, got Nels off bus, then to TKD (last class before tournament on Thurs.) He broke his 4th board- Yesterday he had a rough time with the board, took 3 times and his confidence was shot. Had to puff him back up today. He's ready now. Made dinner (stuffed zucchini). Still need to do homework, baths, laundy, clean. Didn't exercise or even shower! I am EXHAUSTED. cbl...peas

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