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Posts posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. On my way to work.. so fly by. Thanks for the concern. I was on liquids yesterday and feel better today. Also nothing to drink or eat after 7. That is key for me.

    Apples~ hope you pass the boulder soon! OUCH. I have never have one but seen grown men cry, vomit and have nose bleeds from the pain. You are a tough cookie and if you are hurting I know it is BAD. Hugs.

    I have to run... running late. I HATE running late. Not enough time in the day sometimes. : )


  2. Just a semi flyby. Busy busy. Nels started T Ball last night. OMW, how cute. Seeing all those boys and 1 girl on the field was just priceless! He seems to love it. He can throw from 3rd base to 1st base! He can hit pretty hard (on the T) We need to work on catching (normal for this age). I think he's afraid of getting hurt. He HATED the required "cup" for boys. Rearranged it every 15 minutes..LOL.

    Well, I had an unexpected visit from TOM yesterday. You know- you can never depend on some people! <wink wink> They show up when they want to. Well he had me bloated and bitchy and face broke out and couldn't sleep and just plain irritated. Well last p.m. I had a Skinny Cow icecream (150c) around 930 pm. Was NOT a good idea. I guess dinner hadn't moved and when I went to bed at 1030 and as soon as I fell asleep 15 min later... the ole skinny cow mixed with acid made it's way into my throat (and possibly my lungs)! I woke up with the most horrible pain and cough. Took an extra prilosec and drank some Water. Then took a dose of my Carafate suspension. Decided to sit in the lazyboy and let gravity do its thing. I felt better, just have a sore throat this morning; but didn't sleep much last p.m. Now today I have no energy and feeling crampy and bloated. If I wasn't so bloated I would go get an unfill, but I think this is temporary. DH suggested liquids for two days- I think it's a good call. I worry that I have slipped a bit b/c I had an UNFILL last and never put any back in. Haven't had a PB in MONTHS, so I have felt restriction was perfect. This too shall pass.

    Linda~ thinking of you as you deal with family issues. It's so tough when you are going thr something and can't get all the info. sigh. HUGS.

    Meredith~ WTG my little gym rat! I need to catch that fever. I have been walking but haven't been back to the gym. Eating has been good- now need to get MOVING!

    Arlene~ Don't worry. Next week will be better. So nice of you to help out your mom!

    Eva~ Hola! Como estas? I am so proud of you for taking classes! WTG. Glad you get to spend time with Apples. : )

    Janet~ Nice to hear from you. So proud of you for doing bootcamp! The mini bypass is different from the sleeve. The sleeve they just do a vertical stitch to make stomach smaller. The mini actually makes stomach smaller and reattaches the end of stomach to the intesting but doesn't bypass as much intestine. It's relatively new and my guess (haven't read much of the literature) is it will have the same long term problems of bypass (overcoming bypass). But b/c the bypass is much higher, you have less risk of Vitamin def. etc. If you google it, you can see some photos of them. This frickin LBT makes it impossible to post a pic of link now. I just gave up.

    Melissa~ can't remember if i wished you a happy bday!

    Hi to the rest of you. will write more later. cleaning/laundry/trying to rest. haha. peasout...Laura

  3. Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I finally have a couple hours to myself and am so excited. I love being home alone with a quiet house (with just some quiet music on in the background.) DH kindly took Nels to lunch and a movie to give me a "break". No video game noise... No "Mom!" (repeated 100 times)... No banging, drilling or talking. (Had the handyman here the last few days fixing some things). Just so peaceful. I just unpacked DH's suitcase and have laundry running, house semi cleaned up and now some me time to reconnect with my LB buddies. ahhhh. I've missed you all so much.

    To Eva and Apples~ So glad you guys are able to hang out together! Apples I know you are enjoying the warm weather- you SO deserve it! Glad the boys are getting along (both DHs and pups). I would give my left arm to be there with you guys. Just love you both. : ) Next happy hour, make a toast and imagine me sitting right there next to you! Apples, have to tell you girl... DH said those socks ROCKED! He said it was night and day compared to his other cotton socks! He even hand washed the first pair he wore so he would have one for each day! (that never happens) He said to thank you again. Eva~ I think that is so cool that you will be taking day classes. I remember having sticker shock when i got my grad school books. We also had to pay for the syllabus for each class! My first semester was $1000 for books. Medical books are ALWAYS expensive. Some are great investments- Anatomy never changes much... but many of them were outdated when they were printed.

    Janet~ Hug. I miss you. I know you are having a little bit better weather than even us! We've had this up and down temp thing. Some nights lows in 30 and then 75 in afternoon. Makes it tricky to dress. Did you get bro's estate stuff figured out? I hate book keeping. I can do it, just hate it. I love your avatar pic with the hat. so cute.

    Sandy~ Have fun in Cancun. That sounds like just the break you need! Take pics! Hugs with the DF issues.

    Meredith~ Hey GF! Hope you are trying to stay warm! Did you ever get the Christmas stuff down? I haven't ignored your FL info. I soooooooo hope we can get together when you are down! I figured even if we have to meet half way near Lake O we could.. There's a little farm town there and we could meet for lunch; would be 1 hr for each of us. You are doing so great with your exercise and eating- don't get too down when you have one bad day. I always think of it like driving. If you are going down the highway and suddenly realize you are going 90 in a 55... do you say F*@k it and go 100?! No, you let back on the pedal and slow down. Just try to make the "good" days outweigh the bad days. You and I have similar personalities- kind of all or none. I hear you on not wanting to go to too many functions. Sometimes you just need some TIME together. You and Andrew need to have quiet home time. : )

    Jessica~ WTG on the exams. You are doing really well! It's a lot to balance a young son, DH, school, exercise, life, new apt, etc.. I would have to agree with Cheri about meds. Would be cautious about stopping them. If you wean, then do it VERY gradual. I even had a patient file down pills slowly over weeks, not days. (not extended release ones). Often times they'll say take half for a few days and then stop. It's still just too abrupt in my opinion. Good luck with that. Your exercise class reminded me of a class I took in undergrad called "combined rhythms". It was a PE class that was REQUIRED for the football players and was basically ballroom dancing! It was a GREAT way to exercise and meet guys..LOL! I made an A in that class. ; ) I just signed up Nelson for T Ball!!! Although he will be 7 on March 1, they said since he's never played they recommended him doing T first. We got him his cleats, bat and glove yesterday! He was soooo excited. we threw balls for over an hour when we got home. I am having my mom ship me my old softball glove from her house. I played all HS and even college. Kick off of season isn't until Feb 12, and can't wait! DH has never played baseball in his life (they didn't even have it in his country)- so he has no idea what he's doing.

    Linda~ hugs. Loved the pics on FB, just so cute! Sorry to hear about the kidney function. Have they ever discussed doing a renal biopsy to REALLY know what the issue is? It can be instrumental sometimes in treatment. Also, it's really really important to keep BP in just a perfect range. Too high or too low can be tough on a sick kidney.

    Cheri~ WTG on the loss! Seems you have your perfect balance figured out. I too love the sounds of a road trip! I am so hoping I can make the Chi trip. Still waiting to hear on the vacation schedule for the group.

    Great~ Hugs on the Hawaii trip. I so understand. Nothing like getting excited about something and then it can't be done. How is DD doing??? I know you are getting excited to be a grandma! : )

    Phyl~ How are you? I just tried to scan last few pages and didn't see anything from you. I love seeing all your pics on FB though! I travel vicariously through you. : )

    Arlene~ Hugs on all the stuff going on. Re: freezing chicken salad- just cuz it's on google doesn't mean you should..LOL. I asked my mom and she said not too. mayo doesn't freeze well and usually the chicken has been frozen, cooked, frozen cooked (the Rotis. chickens from stores are all previously frozen)- it just shouldn't keep changing temp like that. IMHO.

    Joyce~ couldn't agree more with everyone. Changing drs is ALWAYS a good idea when a problem isn't being solved. You HAVE to deal with the reflux b/c the possible complications are just too darn scary. I don't think your husband's idea of removal is necessary- but a happy medium is to have a really good unfill. Let the stomach heal after several weeks on a PPI (like prilosec) and then see how it goes. Of course they need to make sure it's in the right place and not a dangerous erosion or slippage.I had lunch the other day with the wife of a surgeon (he does RNY and LB) and was talking with her about some of the complaints some of us have had, and like Meredith & Phyl had. (she is a nurse/psychologist) and she was saying that her DH says 98% of the time, any % of slippage can resolve naturally with an unfill and time. Only in the case of erosion or obstruction or infection does it usually have to be removed. If someone has recurrent problems after the unfill/rests/refills THEN sometimes it is necessary to remove and consider another type of WLS. He still tells his patients that he prefers the band over all other WLS. He likes the adjustable factor- and he's seen so many RNY/sleeve failures 5 years later. As Janet says- it doesn't fix the brain.

    Jodi and LauraK~ living the dating life vicariously through you guys. Just love hearing what you guys are up to. My little bit of soap opera heaven on LBT! : )

    Melissa~ Seems like you are liking your new job- so happy for you. Can't believe the weather in GA. burrrrrrrrrrr. Have ur dr's considered putting you on Byetta (or one of the other injectables for Type 2 diabetes)? Many of my patients have WONDERFUL results b/c the major side effect of these meds is lack of appetite. Pt's have great numbers and start losing weight b/c of these. Most of them have a program for reduced price but you just have to fill out paperwork. Something to consider.

    Julie~ Sorry to hear you are still in pain. HUGS. I thought they were going to see about changing meds? Also, did you ever get a final diagnosis? You may have posted and I missed it. Also, I think the last posts I commented on were back when Mimi's adoption went through. HUGS and congrats! I know that is a happy thing for your family! She deserves it so much! Nels was watching FINDING NEMO the other day and asked about you. He remembers the turtle he gave her and wondered how she was. awww. : )

    I am sure I am forgetting someone. Not intentional- just CRS again. I read so many pages and was just so behind. I never thanked everyone for the lovely Christmas cards! I got them- and loved them- and FELT the holiday love! I never got around to cards this year. Sorry. These last 2 years were the FIRST time in my adult life that i didn't send cards. Dad's illness just has me in a funk with cards. (I think b/c i always do a holiday letter that talks about everyone... and with my Dad being so private- I can't talk about him. To leave him out seems weird.)

    Weather today is mild- supposed to be 72. It's cloudy though and not sure it will get up that high. DH is so happy to be home. Nelson and he have been joined at the hip since he got home- he missed his Daddy. Not sure which one of us missed him more. I do know this- I would not be able to handle a husband that traveled for a living.

    I got a call from one of my friends- her neighbor has a 55 gallon aquarium with TONS of saltwater fish. She just found out they are moving to TX (her husband has been unemployed for 2 years and finally got a job in field of engineering). They can't take their 5 year old Persian cat or the fish, as they will be in an apt that doesn't allow pets for the first 6 mo. When my friend called she said she was "giving" them away. I offered to take the fish but b/c of my elderly cat- couldn't take the cat. I was just about to go over to see the tank and she suddenly texted me that she wanted $300 for it. Considering that I would have to pay someone to help take care of it (I've heard those tanks are high maintenance and expensive), I was shocked when at first she said "giving" and then next wanting money for it. I know it is worth even more than what she is asking- but I wasn't WANTING to buy one. Now my friend thinks I am being "cheap". Sigh. How do I get myself into these things?

    Dad's repeat PET scan will be end of Feb. (right around my birthday). He and mom are REALLY nervous. I am being a realist and am guarded- I don't think it's going to be good. Not to say I am not praying for it to be- just have that there is low probability. I will keep you informed. Otherwise they are doing good.

    OK guys. Been on the computer WAY too long. Need to go "enjoy" my free time. Hi to you all. Will try to stay in touch more.


    Was trying to put a film strip of my weight loss and just having the darnest time with this site. There is an icon under my avatar that goes to my gallery. This site has made me CRAZY trying to edit my signature tonight. LBT SUX

  4. Hey guys.

    I am so sorry I keep doing flybys. I have been so busy, just trying to keep my head above Water. Yesterday at work one of our state senators came to "tour" the clinic. You would have thought God or the health inspector was walking in the doors the way management ran around throwing everyone's coffee cups in the trash and straightening up. I stay up to date on current events, but I don't memorize each and every politician's face. He shook my hand... I introduced myself and he said "nice to meet you". I sooooooooooooo bad wanted to say, "And your name is?" But I bit my tongue (b/c my boss was standing right next to me).

    My DH will come home tonight from Wisconsin. He managed NOT to freeze any of his body parts off. Thank goodness. I will make sure he is thoroughly thawed out when he gets home. wink wink. I need to finish straightening up around here, go grocery shopping, pick up the boy, etc... Not enough time in the day. : )

    Hi to everyone. will try and read posts soooooooooooooooooooooon. xoxo peas

  5. ok guys...

    sorry this is a flyby. other than FB people- I am 15 pages behind. What in the world?! I guess with everyone being snowed in, you are junking up the thread! I have been so super busy. I will try and get caught up tonight. Hi to everyone. Hope everyone is safe and staying warm wherever you are. hugs.

    Spent the weekend with DH- we had date night and then getting him ready for his trip to Madison. Burrrrrrrr. Karen, he said your socks were AMAZING! He is freezing his butt off. He regrets not letting me buy him a hat and earmuffs. He has been tying his cashmere scarf like a lady around the top of his head to cover his ears. Nels is having a hard time with this trip. I guess last one I did more prep and had more activities planned. He just doesn't handle goodbyes very well. Such a sweet sensitive boy. I did revert to Apples ideas though and have let him plan most of the meals and even cook them (with supervision).

    I need to go. We were out playing outside. Rode bikes and went exploring in the preserve down by the river. Need to SCRUB this kid and make sure no creatures made it into the house. My butt muscles are sore- I've been alternating riding bike and walking. Gosh, you really feel every muscle when you haven't been moving.

    peasout.. more to follow. Laura

  6. Fly by this morning. Sigh... I WAS so looking forward to Nelson going back to school. Now that it's here.... I am missing him already and he's still asleep!!! Sniffff.. The contradictions of motherhood.

    Meredith~ you beat me to the bunch. Was already getting ready to lecture you on the Protein. You know, I still go back to what your dr Rx for pre/post op liquids. The high Protein boost. Now, I think they have way too many calories/sugar/carbs. BUT.. when it is used as a Meal Replacement, I use them from time to time. I have no yeck with other Protein drinks.

    Lori~ keeping you and DD in my thoughts. Hope all stays ok. Let us know. Call anytime!!! We got nelson the kinect (they have a Kinectanimals for kids where you take care of animals on a jungle full of adventure). It's a nice off the couch video game. I tried the sports one and broke out in a sweat...LOL. Maybe we can kinect one day. : )

    DH is up and ready for work. Off the computer till later. I am going walking after bus stop. I am already dressed! whoooaaa baby! peasout..,Laura

  7. Hey guys~

    The 2nd weekend of June will be iffy for me b/c we leave the 24th for overseas. : ( But... we won't have my DH's schedule until March probably for that month. (they usually give us 3 months at a time). You can request specific weekends off- but with us having 2 weeks in a row vacation, he can't make any request that month. If it works that he is off, or my parents ok- I will come up. I just can't come up with Nelson alone (won't be much fun) and can't leave him alone if DH is on call that weekend. It's just life. BUT... if it works out that DH is off that weekend- he has never been to Chicago and would probably be spontaneous enough to come up too. I would likely get our own room in that event, so don't count me in on totals for rooms. If it works out I am coming on my own then I can either crash on a spare couch or get my own room, it wouldn't matter. (remember I was a peace corps volunteer- can do pretty much anything! LOL)

    DH is off today after a 3 day stretch of call. One cranky husband, one bored kid and one girl with a full list of TO DOs. Sigh. I need some more time in this day! Already finished 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, scooped two litter boxes and paid bills. Thinking of a bike ride with Nels. Gotta get active!!! That's my goal for this year. : )

    Wish I could write more. Hugs to you all..........peasout... until later. Laura

  8. Hi guys~

    WOW... LOTS of posts to catch up on! Wishing everyone a healthy and happy New Years!

    We didn't do much. DH was/is on call all weekend so no parties for us. Actually b/c he had early cases this morning we were in bed by 10pm. Feel like ole folk at times. He's been working all day, still not home. : (

    I missed the Chicago decision... Last I heard it was somewhere in TX or somewhere warm?! What happened to the cruise? I had DH talked into it! We would have built in baby sitting - as most have it. Sigh. If it's summer- I will likely not be able to come. We are planning a big trip to Syria & Turkey for last week of June- first week of July. DH will go for 2 weeks and Nelson and I might stay in Turkey for 1-2 more weeks with my GM. It's still in the planning stages, but it will be a busy time for me. If it is in the early spring on a long weekend, then I might be able to come. I've been to Chicago several times, so for me it would be to see my girls. : ) I don't care to shop when traveling- as I can't carry it all back home!

    It sounds like everyone had a great NYE! Love hearing about all the activities! Still stuck on Cheri and "a hard man is good to find". OMW....

    Hi to you all. Will check back tomorrow. Hopefully will be back in business Tuesday when school starts back! ; )

    peasout............... Laura

  9. Good morning girls (& Chris) LOL,

    Happy Birthday Cheri! I hope this year is filled with health and happiness! You must feel so good to be healthy. The retirement place sounds wonderful. I wish my parents would consider this. I think they plan on staying in their house for forever.

    Chris~ WTG on the fill. They aren't bad. Hell, if I were a bit braver I would almost consider doing my own! kidding, too hard to keep the field sterile. But I think it is barbaric for anyone to do a fill without the numbing lidocaine first. (Unless someones port is so superficial and close to the skin). If the port is in correct placement is should be pretty deep. Hell, I almost considered anesthesia for my first one! I had a Fluid filled cyst (seroma) in my port incision. It took my Dr. 45 minutes to drain all the pockets and then do the fill. Funny b/c my entire surgery from 1st incision to close was 36 minutes! Now my fills take seconds. Prep is the longest. If your provider does not use a sterile drape and sterile gloves- then you must insist on this. The biggest risk is infection.

    Melissa~ I read the other suggestions for the party. I agree with Janet. If it's b/c of feeling fat- not good enough reason. If the hassle of the drive and staying over, etc... then that makes sense. I guess we do have to accept ourselves no matter what. We are who we are. You teach your child a big lesson by doing things you aren't comfortable with. I have a friend who has had the opportunity to travel all over the world. Her parents take two trips a year- overseas flight and then a cruise. Well, she hates to fly. Her nephews have seen the world. Her son, has never gone anywhere. If you ask him if he likes to fly he says "no". He has never been on an airplane! He also hates his photo being taken. Why? B/c his mom does. So, I think as parents we have to realize that sometimes what we do or don't do is really a lesson we are teaching our children. Now, that being said... DH and I go to parties but don't love them. But DH and I made ourselves go to the Christmas party for the group this year. We had a blast!

    This is the first morning that I have had more than 5 minutes to sit down and read my email and drink my coffee. Nels and I have derm appt at 130 but decided not to schedule anything else. DH is working today, on call the next 3. Will be off Monday (post call). So, no hot plans for me! (Unless I want to go alone and leave a 6 yr old alone..LOL). We just barely make it to midnight anyways on a good night. Most years DH and I will watch Dick Clark- once the ball drops, kiss kiss and say goodnight. We old fuddy duddies at heart. : )

    Yesterday I opened 3 of the board games Santa got Nelson. I love that he is at the age that he "gets" them and enjoys them and has the attention span to sit through it. One wasn't so much a board, but the electronic battleship- so it mixes board with sound effects. He just loved that and we played 3 games! He did set ground rules since he was learning and I am "old and experienced" (no lie, his words)- I had to put my ships on the edges..LOL. Then we went on a playdate with some neighbor girls. (they are adopted from China, 6 and 8). It's so funny b/c Nels is a good foot taller than the older one and I think outweighs the 2 put together! They "get" each other. It's so funny how kids or adults- someone may try to hook two people together and if the chemistry isn't there, it doesn't work. The playdate we had day before yesterday is one of those. Nels just doesn't like this person very much. His face doesn't light up at the thought of a playdate. He goes b/c it's better than sitting at home. DH was tired from being on call and as a courtesy, I stayed away from he house with Nels ALL DAY, so he could sleep and chill. He appreciated it. We rode our bikes down to the Marina and one of my neighbors had gone via our canal to the ocean and caught 20 bluefish. He handed me a baggie with 4 fresh fillets. I had never heard of them but took them. DH googled it- they are a predator and are "gamey" tasting. Must be cooked the right way to be good. DH marinated them in citrus and olive oil and then put them on the grill- OMW they were good.

    Christmas was absolutely wonderful. It was so nice having everyone I love in one spot. I felt bad for my parents b/c we had that cold front come in and they were really hoping for warm weather. My Dad felt so good he flew himself this trip! First time in a year and a half!!! I was sick Christmas eve with fever all day. Thank goodness I had thought ahead and wrapped all the presents and stashed them in the attic! My mom did all the cooking Christmas day, as I was busy with Nels and his gifts. We had a VERY simple meal. I had marinated the turkey with herbs for two days. We cooked it in the clay pot- so minimal marinating. Just two sides. Done. Everyone eats small amounts except DH. LOL. My parents and sister were snowed down here for 2 extra days b/c of snow in NC. It was good though. I took plenty of photos but not too many. Everyone even commented! Dad said, "guess since you don't think I am dying right away, you don't feel like you have to document every second anymore?" LOL. So I took 45 photos of him (on rapid shoot). He never said that again. My sister is feeling frustrated since gaining back some weight. She is overcoming her bypass. She has never stuck to the recommendations of her dr. I am amazed she lost the 100 lbs she did. I fear now that the rest will be gained back. She is drinking wine every night. Just so worried about her. But I decided that she gets enough criticism from my parents. I act like Oprah around her. "I am coming from a place where I am right there with ya girl, not a know it all" She responds better.

    OK LBT is now not letting me see the last line I am typing! Perhaps I typed too much??? And what's the final verdict on adding pics? Unless you make it code you can't do it?? I have no idea how to do that and I am pretty smart. If you want to see my pics go to FB. : )

    Love you all, wishing you all a safe and happy New Years! May we all continue to realize our many blessings!

    Peas on earth. Love, Laura

  10. Just caught up on most of the posts= at least the last 3-4 pages! Geez you guys are busy junking up the thread!!!

    Jessica~ Congrats! WTG on wonderland! I am so proud of you!

    I am just now getting laundry done from my parents/sis' visit. I was sick after the rash with fever 102 on Christmas Eve- but Christmas was gone. So weird. Now Nels has a rash. I think it is the same thing but taking him to my dermatologist tomorrow to be sure. DH was on call last night and no sleep for the both of us! Going to bed now.

    Lori~ Send you a PM to explain the cervix issue best I could. We could talk on the phone anytime, might be easier to explain. Hugs. Keeping your girls in my prayers. It sounds like she will be ok though from what you wrote.

    Hi to everyone, sorry can't write note to everyone. Just consider yourself included!

    Peas out... Laura

    PS I love my son but I cannot wait for school to start!!! LOL! I need some me time!

  11. Fly by.............. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!!

    Love you- love the cards you have sent! It's been CRAZY busy here, but LOVING my time with my family. I can't attach pics to posts : (

    WIll catch up after they leave in a couple days. All is well here. : )

    xoxo Peasout...Laura

  12. cannot for the life of me figure out how to post pics. I don't want to do it in code- just the ole fashioned attach. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Cleaning, washing, organizing, etc. read: trying to make my house look like I keep it spic and span and spotless 24/7/365. My DH just laughed at me last night and went to bed. I don't know what it is- I get this way only when my parents are coming. Maybe b/c my sister is such a slob, that I feel I have to overcompensate. ??? Not that it matters- no time to figure out why- gotta get back to organizing..LOL.

    I will likely not be on much for a while. Will someone please give me some easy to follow instructions for the pics. Or maybe this is a conspiracy..LOL... you guys are tired of seeing my photos?! Can you tell I haven't had enough sleep?

    xoxo Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! (seriously doubt I will get my cards out in time).


  13. Hey everyone~

    Sorry I have been out of touch for a few days. Last week was so busy- between dr's appts for the rash, volunteering at Nels' school, working and finishing shopping- there was little time for ME. Last day of school was Friday and although I really needed the day to get my stuff done, I felt guilty (again) that the teacher didn't have anyone sign up for helping with their movie day. So although I had done more than my fair share of time and $ on the class- I went and bought the hot chocolate and donut holes from DD for their "Polar Express" day. (My Son's favorite movie of all time- he brought his train and all!) I could tell the teacher was very appreciative. I am proud that I motivated at least 50% of the parents to donate money for her gift card. His teacher has been teaching for 20+ years and I knew the last things she needed was another Chotchkie- so we opted for a visa card. One size fits all. : ) She did reveal to me once that chocolate covered pretzels were her all time favorite and BJs had a Godiva gift bowl filled with goodies- definitely something you wouldn't buy yourself and the bowl would make a nice fruit bowl. I think she was happy. Teachers have one of the toughest jobs on this earth. Not sure how they do it! School is out for two weeks- and although I do LOVE LOVE LOVE my son, I am always ready for school to start back..LOL. Just had some me stuff I wanted to do (pedicure and more shopping) that I won't get to do until January). But alas, I will survive.

    I just now caught up on most of the posts. My you guys are a busy bunch! Will try to comment on a few- apologize in advance for forgetting someone.

    Lori~ Have fun hugging your kids! awww.

    Julie~ Hope the pain lets up. Sounds like you have had a week like mine!

    Apples~ Thinking of you. Hugs.

    Meredith~ Hope you are over your flu. Not fun.

    Eva~ Nelson loved loved loved the JD Christmas ornament!!! Thank you so much for thinking of him!!! So sweet. : ) And also got your beautiful card. Thanks. : )

    Janet~ Loved your card! I MIGHT try and get some out- in all my free time, but better late than never.

    LadyK~ speedy recovery for the knee. hugs.

    Arlene~ hang in there. just plan on maint. for the holidays- it's ok

    Melissa~ how is work going?

    Jewel~ WTG on the exams. You are doing great!!!

    We had such cold weather for 4 days and now will get cold again! I am really hoping it stays in the 70s for my folks. Thanks to you all for all the well wishes for them. I feel the love. They are arriving Thursday. Dad wants a traditional turkey dinner with all the fixings! He asked me NOT to get the new england dinner I was planning on. So now might do a Ham or rib roast Friday- and Turkey on Saturday. I have a lot to do tomorrow. Will have house cleaned in the afternoon (thank God for my Brazilian goddesses!!!) But I still have to get all the laundry done and put everything away and in its place. I got talked into a playdate in the afternoon with one of DH's partners. He is the one that just had a baby 3 weeks ago and he has his 6 year old ADHD nephew all week d/t a family emergency. He desperately needs him out of the house for a couple hours so the wife can get some rest. I can't have him at the house- since they will be cleaning. So will go the the putt putt/bouncy house place. Then after I will need to get my grocery shopping done! Pick up my folks and sis Thursday morning around 10am. My parents really wanted to come alone but felt guilty about leaving her for the holidays. (although I secretly think she would have enjoyed the alone time). and my brother lives 30 min away and she could have had Christmas dinner there. But anyway, they are bringing her. She is 10 times harder of a guest than my parents. Nels will give up his room for her and sleep on an air mattress in his playroom.

    I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way (feel I have to preface the statement). I am just having mixed feelings with the holiday. I am so excited that they are coming down! Yet, a small part of me is sad. I keep thinking it might be the last one- and this wave of fear just overcomes me- and paralyzes me with anxiety and sadness. I worry about my mom. I worry about Nelson. I worry about myself. Dad is the one who appears to have it the most together right now. (And that even worries me). On the outside, no one knows. I am very VERY good at appearing to have it all together. I am organized and festive and cheerful to be around. It's at night when I am alone with my DH that I let it out and vent. He has been my rock through all this. Listening when I need to talk- and explaining when I need to hear the truth. He is really preparing me slowly but surely for the inevitable. But at the same time reminding me that doctors do NOT know it all. Only God knows when it will be his time. SO true. My Dad told me again today (he just finished day 14 of radiation and they gave him a diploma), that if he died today- he would have no regrets, not one. He said he is living his life the best way he knows how and has done everything he wanted to do. He said he isn't ready to die b/c he wants to do MORE of those same things he has done. But he does have a certain peace about him- for himself. He is worried about my mother. Although tears were running down my face as I talked to him (and I think he knew- even though I tried my damnest to hide it), I promised him that I would make sure of it that she was ok. I meant it- and I know he knows I did.He said, "I know you will. You are the kid I always know I can count on." He said he was looking forward to seeing us all for the holidays- and asked me not to fuss about food and groceries and such. Of course he knows I will- b/c that's what I do. I get joy from seeing my family together and everyone happy and comfortable. I will admit, that I make myself a little crazy worrying about the details in the days coming up to it- but I do calm down and enjoy once everyone is here. I will document the hell out of this Christmas. Thank God for digital photography. (and my new camera!)

    We took some pics before the Christmas Party Saturday night. I don't like them very much. I didn't feel my best- just got off steroids and antibiotics and still blotchy and stuff. We all have those moments when we don't like ourselves in photos. This was one for me. And I am a ham in front of a camera, especially since losing weight. I am not fishing for compliments please. just will share them despite my feelings. Our new babysitter took them. Nelson was being silly and insisted on wearing a pirate hat and eye patch in some of them. For some reason I am not seeing the photo attachment now that I switched to advanced. ugghhh. Might have to retry.

    Peasout.... Laura


  14. Fly by for me today.......... sorry.

    Yesterday I worked. So many of my patients are so depressed this time of year. If they are in such a financial situation that they qualify for the clinic- then it's pretty bad. Imagine having the stress of possibly losing your home, unable to buy food or presents for your kids and putting your health last on the list. I left there drained, emotionally and physically. I am so blessed. I thank God every day for all the blessings in my life!

    I had to miss the big Christmas event in Nelson's class yesterday. I delegated it to 4 other parents. I got an email from the teacher that only 2 showed up! I just don't get people- if you say you will do something... then JUST DO IT! uggghhhh! Today they are watching the POLAR EXPRESS. I am bringing in hot chocolate and donut holes. I can't wait to see all 16 of their little faces when I show up with the goodies! (bringing some apple juice too in case someone doesn't like hot chocolate). I love these kids! I love the teacher too! i got a very low response for the group gift (visa gift card). I ended up adding way too much so it didn't look so cheap. I thought DH would get upset and instead he just hugged me and said I have a big heart. : ) I love my DH.

    ok guys........... love you all too!!!


  15. Hi guys~

    Just sort of a fly by. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for me and my itching. Well, I went to the dermatologist yesterday (it took a firm call from DH to get me in- I hate that too. I couldn't get past the secretary and she said the first available was Feb!!!) My dr was super nice of course when she saw me and gave me the time of day (even though she was busy). Well, she said I had every right to be concerned- it looks bad. She took a biopsy although she is 99% convinced it is a viral exanthem. (rash caused one of many viruses). She said it is SEVER and is surprised I haven't itched my skin off! I have it on every surface of my body except myu fave- but it is on my neck too. I will attach a photo of some examples. It's common for kids to get this more- but I have "weird" skin and tend to react strongly to every thing. So, I have to continue the antihistamines- atarax or benadryl at night and high potency steroid creams for in between. I am done with reglar prednisone tabs. The benadryl and atarax knock me out. DH has seen me scratching in m sleep! (it's that bad). She said the stress of my Dad's diagnosis is always a contributing factor too. So, I will live- I will just look horrible for a few more weeks. I am just thankful it doesn't appear to be a recurrence of my gutatte psoriasis- which I really don't have time for!!!

    Only 2 more days of school! I was hoping to have gotten all my wrapping done and presents hidden in the attic. (Florida homes are notorious for no hiding places or roomy closets!) I guess I will have to sneak a few down each night and get them down that way. I am excited that my parents and sister will be down. It will make the holiday fun and cheerful. I have to start thinking about the menus for the other meals. We will have to wait until after Christmas to do the new england clam/lobster bake. Florida is on thier "no no" list for shipping. It's too warm to risk it. (we always got those sent to NC no problem). Dad wants an organic Turkey on the big day. He loves homemade leftoever turkey used in pie. I want to give my mom a break from cooking. She is wearing herself thin).

    Next Saturday is DH's big anesthesia group Christmas party. Last year I was feeling sassy and bought new black pants and a sassy red and gold sweater and new heels. well- today I went to 3 stores and can't find anything that I LOVE. I can't wear the same thing as last year. Might have to venture to the mall in a couple days.

    Tomorrow I work. I am feeling torn, as it's one of the biggest "center' days at school. They will be doing 4 crafts. I delegated all the work, so hopefully it will all get done. Friday, they are watching the polar express and I will bring donut holes and hot cocoa. I am also REALLY pleased with my parents! So far I have 10 out of 16 reply and send in money for a group gift. I decided to give a visa gift card. I figured teachers have enough "junk" from all the years of teaching! I do know she likes chocolate covered pretzels- and Godiva had an amazing gift basket I couldn't pass up!

    (chocolates, coffee, Chic pretzels and a nice decorative bowl)

    I hope you are all doing OK. I promise more writing later. So much on the brain right now!!!

    hugs... Laura

  16. Hi everyone~

    Thanks for all the well wishes. Rash is WEIRD. It's not following a typical pattern for anything. It's not a usual allergic reaction- and it seems it's not my old guttate psoriasis (that I once was on chemo for). Initially we doctored it oursleves- but after 2 days called my dermatologist. I was upset with her front office- I called and they said her first available appt is Feb!!! I hate pulling the "this is Dr. A's wife" card, but I had to. But I am still waiting for her nurse to call me and say when I can come in. I've had 6 days of steroids and antibiotics. I've taken benadryl several times a day and used a whole tube of high potency cortisone cream. I haven't used any new cosmetics, soaps, or household cleaners. No carpet in the house- we have wall to wall tile! No new foods or environmental exposures. It looks like a drug reactions but not on any new meds. (except what I am taking for the rash- and the rash was there before I took the new meds). Hopefully we'll have an answer today. ITCH! urrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

    It's cold here- was 27 degrees this morning. That's just too cold for me. Not sure how you guys do it in the colder areas. This weather makes me want to stay in bed!!! I have a lot of work to day and errands to run- but just cannot handle being out and about in this weather.

    Hi to you all- I will respond to posts later today. peasout..Laura

  17. I am EXHAUSTED.............. spent the day on a field trip with 16 six year olds! Hats off to the teachers that do this EVERY day!!! It was cold and windy, but the beach was beautiful! We went to our local environmental studies center and learned about turtles and manatees. I forgot to bring anything for lunch. It was funny though- everyone gave me a bit of theirs and I was fine after a few bites : ) We are getting into the 30s tonight. brrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am going to get my feet up. My rash is now all over my body. I am thinking now it is a viral induced one. I had a fever blister just days before it came out. Just so weird! I am itching!!! Can't write anymore or read the posts. Love you all. hugs.. peasout..Laura

  18. Soooooo....went and looked up the weather. Not bad compared to yesterday. Only 5 below zero with a wind chill factor of 24 below zero. Balmy...heading to church!

    Karen~OMW!!!! That is cold!!!!! I think I would just plain freeze to death there!:chillpill: Ha ha... couldn't find any emoticons for cold weather, but I found a chill pill. Not that you need one. Brrr. Well, please know that if you can't wait until AZ, you have an open invitation to Florida! Guest room is ready. I will even heat the jacuzzi for you! Today it's getting up to 74. But then another cold front tomorrow : ( Down to 30s. pssssst.... p.s. Thanks for the carepackage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nelson hit the JACKPOT!!!

    Regarding the font issue. For some reason when I use regular Explorer I am having issues, but when I use Google Chrome it does better. Hmmm... Not sure why. Did I tell you guys I hate the changed to LBT?:hurt:

    Jessica~ WTG on the 5k! What a great achievement! And good luck on the exams! They will be over before you know it.

    Julie~ Hope you are feeling better today. Have you ever tried Melatonin? I started taking it a few months ago and it really works. You have to get one that dissolved under your tongue b/c if swallowed it won't get absorbed. I had bought it for DH when he was traveling overseas, but it was buy one- get one free. Now I take one every night. And I think you might be building a tolerance to the narcotics. Since you have pain anyway even when you take it, try going a couple days without taking it. You might find that you aren't have as much rebound pain. Just take tylenol or advil instead. Just an idea.

    Janet~ So proud of you for working out like you do. You are such a positive motivation for us. I actually went for a 10 mile bike ride after reading your post yesterday! (I put my bike in 10th gear and even do that up hills.) My legs feel like Jello today from the quivering. I need to get back to the gym on my regular basis. My trainer got a FT job at the Y as the wellness director.

    : ( So now I need to find someone new.

    Melissa~ Congrats on the new job!!! So happy for you! I hope it provides all the stability you need to find happiness in your life. I've heard they have great benefits.

    Cheri~ Hope you had a nice party. I hope you didn't overdo it by cleaning though. I loved your idea for food- have everyone bring something.

    Lori~ Glad you had a good time with DD. So exciting that she is so far along now and showing!!! Yeah!

    So I am getting really excited about my family coming down for Christmas!!! I am proposing a different kind of Christmas dinner. (not sure how everyone will react). I am thinking of doing a New England seafood dinner. You can order lobster, shrimp and steamers- they come alive, shipped overnight! I will have to make some fried calamari for Nelson (it's the only seafood he will eat!)

    ok. I need to get some work done. DH is on call all weekend and it has me off schedule.


  19. Fly by... on my way to work. Didn't sleep last night. I am taking these F#*&^%$@ steroids and they are killing me! One or two more days.

    Janet, I wish you lived closer, my DH is such a computer geek and would upgrade your computer with just his spare parts! He just rebuilt Nelson's yesterday. I love that he is handy like that. I personally have turned off my brain to the techie stuff now that I have him. Sad, but true. I know my software, but would never bother working on hardware.

    ok guys, is it just me- or do the email notifications only give a LINK to the thread? I used to get a real message and now it wants to connect every time. uughhh..

    need to go get ready.

    TTYL...peasout. Laura

    ps brrrrrrrrrrrrr. 40s and windy today

  20. Hi guys,

    ok they are changing things. for a while there I could change font size and color on fast reply- now it's gone. Have to go to full editor to do it. I used to see who was watching the thread but now for two days it's gone. I think they are still working out the bugs. We all hate change, but this is ridiculous. They had PLENTY of time while they were down to fix this. AND... they are making a BUTT load with all these ads. I think we should find a new site... just an idea. I know, we all hate change..LOL

    OK... my rash got worse. Didn't think it could get worse. It spread 4 inches up above and below my panty line! ITCHY! I had plans for the day and didn't want to cancel going to see Santa with Nelson's best friend... so I had DH "treat" me. I know it's what my dermatologist would have done. I bit the bullet and started on prednisone. Just over night it is so much better and more importantly - less itchy. I am afraid to wear panties though! Guess I won't wear skirts for a few days..LOL ; ) :scared: :blushing:

    Eva, thanks in advance for sending something to Nelson- soooooo sweet of you to think of us. : )

    Last year I was in such a funk with my Dad sick- that I never sent out Christmas cards. This year- I can't find my address book! LOL. So, if I don't find it- I might go a 2nd year without cards..Hmmm. On a very positive note- my parents are coming to stay with us over Christmas!!! We are so happy and excited! Now, i don't have the guilt of not being there, and I don't have to be without my husband for a 2nd Christmas in a row. We will all be together. Even think they are bringing my sister. That should be interesting. It will be a full house. But nice.

    Dentist appt today at 10. Yuck. I just HATE going to the dentist. But one of those necessary things. Might do some shopping afterwards. I was basically done, but now that my family is coming down I need to get a few more things.

    ok guys- stay warm. Have a great day.

    peasout.. Laura

  21. Laura - Hugs gf - yep when you get my age and have lost most of your family - you understand that all we have are our memories - I'm 55 and know tomorrow isn't promised and I wanted the kids to have some great memories - I think Kaitlin will have the best - since we scuba dived and para-sailed together - great time for Grandma & GD ;0 - Plus she thinks I'm a cool GM ;0).. Andrew goes on vacation a lot w/his Mom and we have done 2 major ones - so for him it's not a super big deal - but I think he enjoyed it - it made an effort to make me happy so it's all good.. But we (me joseph melissa) would like to take an adult only vacation ;0).. Maybe next Christmas - there present will be a little 3 or 4 day cruise by themselves and I'll watch the girls ;0).

    I can get back to post after looking at pic - but don't know how I do it - will pay attention next time..

    I love that Kaitlin will have those memories with her cool GM! : ) Cute.

    OK, now that you said you could do it... I tried every key...LOL. ok Esc works! You would think they would say hit Esc to exit or something. duh.

    I think I am developing a latex allergy. sigh. I remember a few years ago after wearing the sterile gloves for procedures that I would get red and itchy but would leave work or have a weekend and it would stop. I remember thinking it could be possible, but it went away. Well, now that I have returned to work- I have noticed things with elastic starting to itch me more. Well today, Lord have Mercy, I am itching to death! I just took two benadryl and will likely be asleep before Nelson. All along my elastic on my panties is a red line. Nowhere else. oh please tell me no. There are a lot of latex free products out there now (even bra and panties) but they are expensive. I am hoping it is a fluke. The soap I used is my same Dove, but it's a new package. Maybe they redid their formula? SIGH.

    Jewel~ good luck on your 5k! And WTG on your test!

    CBL... Laura

  22. you guys, I can't figure out how to upload a photo that isn't so huge! All the pics show such detail (like Apples' nose hairs!) I liked the old option better, where it put 5 small files. And like Phyl said- it's impossible to get back to the post after you look at a photo! There isn't a close option. Hmmm.. growing pains! On another note, I am loving the new Facebook profile option. It's really nice to see people at a glance. I went through and took off all the BS though. No more farmville, farmtown, or pics of the day. Just too many viruses on those applications.

    Julie~ Sometimes taking a step back from all the doctors can be wise. You need to make sure you have a primary care provider who is getting all the reports from the specialists. Someone needs to review everything and check the different medications for side effects and cross reactions. Hugs. Last we spoke they thought it was Sjögren's syndrome. Is that still the diagnosis? What did they put you on? (If you feel like sharing.) After you and Cheri both were diagnosed, I am noticing an increased incidence. I had a patient just the other day that I suspect has it. Wild.

    Have you noticed if you go from quick reply to full editor, it doesn't keep your font color and size? uurrggthhhhhh.

    Great~ I hear you on the TSA stuff. When we went to France they had 3 different check points. I bought us each a big bottle of Water only to realize they had another one for our gate! So frustrating. The last two times I flew though went private and it's amazing. I could get used to that. : )

    Janet~ Glad you are back!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED the pics on FB! You look so happy surrounded by your family! You are so nice to do that for them. Trust me, those are memories no one will EVER forget. The more I know about life- the more I see how important memories are.

    Arlene~ Sorry to hear about the gain. You seem really sensitive to carbs and sodium! Most likely it is the salt that explains the gain b/c it's pretty much impossible to really gain 2-3 lbs overnight except with Water weight. Let us know how the WW thing goes. Everyone's advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I get it. You aren't really doing it for the "diet" but more for ideas and for being accountable, right? Good luck!

    Is anyone else annoyed that they are now using more than 1/3 of the screen in ads???? I would rather pay subscription than to have to look at falling leaves and PapaJohn pizza ads! They should have an opt out option! I know, lots of bitching. : )

    It was in the 40s last night here--- and now expecting the 30s tonight!!! I live in FLORIDA, right???? Just crazy! I think I need to move to the keys! Heck, just checked Key West and it's going to be 50 there! Brrrrr

    Just found out DH has to go to Wisconsin in Jan for a hospital conference. I am pretty sure he will freeze to death. I just bought him his first winter coat from Lands End. What kind of gloves do you snowbirds recommend? Scarf? fleece, cashmere or acrylic? so many options! When you guys need help with your sunscreen and boogie boards, let me know.

    Time for TKD and homework. TTYL....peasout.. Laura

    Pic of Nelson torturing the cat..LOL

  23. Morning ladies and gent,

    I've been scanning many posts and please forgive me for missing stuff. As you know, it's almost impossible to catch up after a lengthy absence.

    Talk to you all later....and have a great day.


    Eva~ Wow, I am feeling a little like chopped liver! LOL. Snifffffff. No post to me. : ( I am kidding you. I signed on and yours was the first post I saw. I then realized how long it has been since I posted regularly- life sometimes gets in the way. We are glad to have you back. It sure was quiet without you and Janet around. I mean, really quiet..LOL. You guys talking about all these cookies! I am having a sudden craving for COOKIES! I don't think I am baking any this year. Nelson's school has a strict policy for no baked goods (for allergy and sanitation- everything has to be from a store- sealed- and with ingredients labeled!) A policy like that will sure knock the baking bug out of ya!

    Just wanted to say hello and give you a HUG. peasout. Laura

  24. So what is the meaning of a pickle in the Christmas tree? Sounds interesting!

    The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes.


    I had never heard of it before my neighbor's girl asked Nelson where he found the pickle yesterday. Today she showed up at the bus stop with a pickle ornament that sings! Nelson has been playing with it ALL afternoon!

    xoxo PEAS

    Apples~ OMW............. beautiful teeth! Thanks for the sneak peek! woohoo!

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