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Posts posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. Just checking in before i leave. I think my band has been tighter the last 48 hours. The only positive thing is down 2 lbs!

    I think I have mentioned that my dad is a private pilot. He mentioned to my mom this a.m. that the thing he is saddest about was the last time to come visit us a couple weeks ago... was his last time flying. Once someone has had dialysis it is usually an end to passing the FAA physical. I honestly think flying was keeping him healthy. I was just about to reserve our flight when my parents called, dad said no sense in the plain sitting getting dusty- so he is sending a friend pilot of his to come get us. so sweet! The positive is we just have to go to our little local airport, no lines, no check in. The negative is the usually 1 hr commercial flight is 3 hours on this tiny one!

    My dad is at the medical center. He had a pretty tough transport though. He had a complete fit when the guys finally arrived to transfer him! He was refusing to go.. b/c they made him wait... and he threatened to call the newspaper and report their incompetence... <sigh> Anyway, a very smart and kind nurse supervisor was able to diffuse him and away he went. Mom said he is a little confused too. This is from a man who literally went from rags to riches... started as a janitor in a Boston fish market... to owner/CEO of a fortune 500 company. He paid his own way through engineering school, while working full time. He's known for his kindness, honesty, intelligence, business sense and wit. He doesn't want anyone outside of family to know he is sick.

    I will be in touch! Thank you guys- I can feel the love.

  2. Hello guys~

    Well, looks like Nelson and I will leave in the a.m. for NC. They are transferring my dad tonight to a bigger medical center. The hospital near their house does not do dialysis. So right now they are frustrated, in his room waiting for God knows what! It may be paper work, the nurse to get back from dinner, or for the ambulance... either way it is frustrating waiting when you don't feel good. Not that I will really help anything, but my dad wants me to come up. I wish DH could come, as he might be even more helpful than a nurse practitioner. He just had 2 weeks of vacation and has to be back on Monday. Not that you can time things, but had this happened last weekend we could have all gone for a week. It will be tough for me to be there with Nelson alone. He can be a handful at times, needing attention.

    You know the one thing that made my dad so upset.. he has had the same nephrologist for 20+ years. When he got admitted his dr (cardiologist) called the nephr. for a consult and to let him know what was happening. The nephr. sent a partner to see him but never called or came himself. My parents took it so personally, as they feel really close to the doctor after all these years. It was so bad today, that I actually felt that this was bothering my dad more than his medical condition! I had DH put a call in to the good nephr. 2 hrs later he did finally call. But not sure if it really helped as now they say "he called, but only after Nael called and told him to!" Can't win for losing.

    They still don't know why he went into renal failure. He was perfectly fine a few weeks ago, with labs of a 20 year old. And then over the last few days with no apparent reason, the kidney just shut down. He has been so "good" the last year, exercising, eating healthy, keeping his blood sugars normal... and this is what happens. He also doesn't handle this stuff well and is a tough patient. His Turkish temper gets the best of him... but what he really needs to do is relax.

    My sister said my mom is an emotional mess. She is a retired nurse and handles everything well in front of him, but as soon as she goes to the cafeteria she breaks down and cries. So I am glad I will be there to help her out a bit.

    I had to cancel all my workouts, and even had a gyn appt on Monday to explore the absent TOM. All this can be handled later.

    ok gang~ keep up the good work. Thanks for the well wishes and concerns. I will update you when I can.



  3. G'Afternoon guys~

    Went to the gym this a.m.. DS was supposed to go with me- after my workout was his "kids exercise" class. He said he didn't want to go and I left. Apparently 3 sec after I pulled out of the driveway he had a meltdown and wanted to come with me. My cell wasn't working and my DH ended up bringing him to the Y. I put him in the playroom and DH did his first workout in a LONG LONG time. I had to go get him a Water and a towel. : ) Then when we were done with ours we went to the kids. It is sooo cute seeing all these kids exercising!

    I got a call from my mom after the gym. My Dad's in the hospital! They live in Charlotte, NC. Going to see what the doctor says today- i might be flying up with Nelson tomorrow. My Dad is diabetic and only has one kidney. He's on Byetta and has been doing very well with blood sugars. His last A1C was 5.8 (non diabetic!). His one kidney has been so so- lately trying to act up. He started retaining fluids the last week or so and yesterday he just felt lousy. We spoke to them last night and DH knew what it was immediately. He was the one who told him he HAD to go to the dr this a.m.. I am hoping the tests are ok and they give him an IV with some diuretic and he goes home. I guess the worse case scenario is some temporary dialysis. Here's the clincher. One of the motivating factors in me and my sister getting surgery was a conversation my dad had with his attorney/best friend. He had told him that he was sad (not mad) that both of his daughters were so unhealthy, b/c he knew that no surgeon would ever let us donate a kidney for him. His friend told me this in confidence. I still doubt they would do surgery on us, as we are still morbidly obese and not quite healthy. Let's pray his kidney is still hanging in there. This tugs at my heart in more ways than anyone knows. My parents have done so much for me in my life! I would do anything for them.

    Time to attack some house work and wait for a call from my mom.

  4. If~ Do you have access to a microwave? If not buy a small FUNTAINER thermos (at Target or Walmart) They hold 10 oz.. I make a stew or bean Soup and take it with me if I am going to be out and about. (or a one pot wonder the girls are always talking about). Another travel thing I enjoy are the tuna SUNKIST- lunch to go. They are 2.6 oz. or can buy the little 3 oz packets. I mix it with vinegar instead of mayo or LF yogurt and spices. Another idea would be the individual cottage cheese. And there are several of the Healthy Choice that have more Protein. I found the amount of protein is perfect and throw the carb out. I think someone should market some frozen Entrees for the band/bypass patient. If I have other ideas I will let you know.

  5. Morning gang~

    I am back to 244.2 this morning! I feel a LOT better. Yesterday had-

    Breakfast: a yoplait yogurt (100cal)

    Lunch:Chick FilA chicken Soup (240 cal/ 15 grams protein), 4 chicken nuggets (130 cal/13 grams protein)

    Dinner: Unjury(80c) Protein shake made with Light Soy Milk (60c) and 1/2 banana and 4 strawberries (68c). 208 cal/27 grams Protein

    Snack: FF Cottage Cheese(70c), 4 saltines(51c).

    Jello SF Pudding(70c)

    Grand Total:870cal and 72 gams protein

    + coffee and BBQ sauce: 920 cal/72 gms protein

    I drank 2 liters of water!

    Worked out.

    I used a 1/2 of one of those BBQ Sauce things for the nuggets, not sure how much a TBS. of that would be. And I had my coffee- which adds 50 cal. So, let's say another 100 cal?

    Anyway, I know one thing for sure, when I write things down I am MUCH better with what I consume, I am less likely to snack uncontrollably, and I feel better.

    For today I just made the same shake I had for dinner.

    The company last night was ok. I got over my bad mood for the sake of my husband. The only negative was they wouldn't leave! Nelson was up until 10pm!!! I can count on one hand the number of times he has done that. He was thrilled. This gal had NO idea how to interact with a 5 year old. She plans on having kids in the next year and she dismissed Nelson's requests to help him with a floor puzzle. The husband on the other hand was very willing to play Wii Mario Kart with Nelson. Nelson beat him of course..LOL

    Welcome back Janet! Loved your photos! Looked like you guys had a great time! Meredith~ Glad you got your meat on! It does a body good! : )

    Have a great day everybody!

    peasout~ Laura


    *Sewer system has failed and needs repairing

    *I burned (really, really burned) 8 steaks on the grill

    *Cheesy potatoes boiled over in the oven

    *Slipped and wiped out on my newly scrubbed floor, spilling HOT peach cobbler EVERYWHERE. Salvaged 1 1/2 peices and I ate that with most of the whipped cream.

    *Walked out (long driveway) to get the mail and got three letters whipped out of box by wind and chased 1/2 way across a quarter of land to pick it up.

    Damn that cobbler was good!

    Gotta go....I hear Janet coming

    Lord have mercy!!! If that wasn't a day and a half!!! I have to agree with Julie B- at least you got a serving of peach cobbler out of the deal! LOL. So sorry about your ring. At least you didn't lose your ring FINGER! I had a patient once who slammed his finger in a drawer and his wife found it in the junk drawer with the loose change!:thumbup:


    Yep you heard me, I am officially at goal!!!

    WOW WOW WOW LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!:biggrin::thumbup::w00t::lol::thumbup:

    Congrats! That is so wonderful to hear! You did it!!! YEAH! I am so proud of you! You guys truly inspire me!!! I'd do a back flip right now if I knew how!

    If your stomach~ Thanks for the ideas. I know I am not pregnant. And a month ago I went to see my doc for a check up (internist). I just wasn't feeling well. He did a "battery" of tests (thyroid and everything else)... EKG... echo... etc. Everything was normal. He spoke with my surgeon, who later called me. He said, guess what? I never said you would feel GREAT while you are losing the weight. You will feel weak, and irritable and sometimes hungry and mad and sad. It will pass. In the beginning your body will fight this weight loss tooth and nail. Just bare with it, you will be ok. Your body is getting used to being on less calories. He was right. I have been pregnant- this is not pregnant. I wish it was! LOL.. but I think there is a reason that God doesn't have a lot of women in their mid 40s having toddlers!

    I am simmering inside but trying not to say anything. My DH invited one of the new docs to our house, that joined the group a few months ago. He's a recent grad from an anesthesia residency and is taking his boards on Monday. So someone offered to help him study. Well, last minute he asked if his wife could come with him! He has been here once before. Now, I am not one who gets hung up on messy stuff around the house. But usually the first time someone comes to the house, I like to straighten up, clear toys (at least a path), and make sure I have something to offer to drink. Right now the choices are apple juice, Protein shake or Water..LOL. Oh, I forgot the light vanilla soy milk! :lol: I was in the pool with Nelson when he told me. There are pool toys as far as the eyes can see... wet bathing suits... popsicle wrappers...

    This gal is from Miami and supposedly a high fluten interior decorator! They want to start a family soon. She will take one look at my messy house and Restoration Hardware Slip covered couch (nicely decorated with Crayola markers and chocolate) and run from the house to take her birth control pills! I can't do anything but laugh at this point. DH just looked at me when I cleared my junk counter (keys, wallets, toys, medicine and everything else) into an empty laundry basket and thew it in the guest room! Who bets I get to sleep late tomorrow?! (ha, that didn't even happen on mother's day!)

    I'd have a glass of wine, but we don't have any. :smile:

    What did you guys say about a frown? there we go, I twisted it around. It's sideways, but it will have to do! :tt2:

    peasout~ Laura

  7. Laura, you aren't pregnant are you?.

    Holy crap! I would literally poop a brick! (That would cure the constipation!):thumbup::biggrin: After 9 years of infertility, that would just be a trip wouldn't it? I seriously doubt that is the problem- though I am sure Nelson would love a sibling. But my gyn told me I was in peri menopause last time I saw her. My ovaries have been scrambled, poached and boiled. As a matter of fact I asked her about post surgery if I would need to be careful, etc. After looking at my labs, she told me I had a better chance of winning the Florida Lottery.

    Apples~ I almost peed myself laughing at your comment about the "I'm here to help" meaning about every little thing! :thumbup::lol::lol: OH gawd that was funny! Glad the freezer is fixed.

    Went to the gym. Did 30 min on my step tread and then 30 min of weights and then my stretches and situps. Then I got Nelson out of the playroom and took him to the YMCA kids exercise class. My trainer teaches it and boy was it fun! She made this huge obstacle course and then made them act like animals and walk funny. They had no idea the positions they were in were really stretches and exercise!

    Now time to deal with the daily chores. CBL!

    Welcome back Janet!!!

  8. Laura...forgot to add...we spend a little over a month in a cabin in the Ocala National Forest during the month of Feb. When the time gets closer, we should make a date to meet for lunch!

    Hi there! The dinner menu, BTW, sounds devine. I would seriously take up farming just to be able to cook. I've stopped all my major cooking since surgery. (back in the day I was known to make homemade pita bread and other sweets and meals.) It's hard for me to spend hours cooking to have a 5 year old stick his nose up at it and for me to only eat 1/2 cup. DH usually cooks these days b/c of it..LOL. He's a good cook but makes a mess! :lol:

    It's so funny that you mention Ocala... DH and I were just looking at the houses there. Not sure which area to go to. It seems there are rustic cabins and then really nice houses. If you have a reputable company- would love the info. And, YES! would love to meet you for lunch!

    Hi friends, I'm back from my trip to Bismarck to the doctor today... Saw my GP for lab results and ect... I got a very good report in general... Julie

    Wow Julie B~ Vit D huh? That's an easy fix though. My sis who has gastric bypass had the same problem pre-op. She has always avoided the son like the plague. She is on the Vitamins as well and encouraged to get some moderate sun.

    Congrats on your band saving you from food that doesn't even taste good! I have had that experience too and it is wonderful! It's funny how we suddenly have more discriminatory tastes and demand for quality food! I LOVE that! :smile2:

    On a lighter note. Constipation. Anybody besides me got a problem? !

    The first month of two I was fit to be tied- literally! It was such a problem for me. These days it is a rare problem. I found the Miralax to be very effective also. This was a prescription a few years ago and then went OTC. It's expensive but works and is gentle with less side effects than other laxatives. They also recommend it to RNY patients. I am particular to PER DIEM (made with senna, 100% Natural Fiber Plus Vegetable laxative). The other thing that I do is good old fashioned prunes/prune juice. I was using dates until I realized they were 140 cal for 2 of them!!! yikes!!!

    ok guys~ I am off to the gym this morning.

    My body is frustrating me. I skipped my TOM last week! I was sure I was going to start on my anniversary, was PMSing big time... and then POOF, nothing! I feel bloated and yucky. Up another 2 pounds! (yes Meredith, I am either the same or more than you now!) Either the food I did eat is settling on my hips or I have some incredible Water weight! SIGH:mad2:

    have a great day! CBL!!!


  9. Good morning gals~

    I've been up since 6, it's 1130 now. Put up 8 loads of laundry and been puttering around the house, playing with the little one. DH took him to see a movie (G-Force), about guinea pigs who are police. I politely passed on that adventure. (I would rather clean!)

    Meredith~ Naples is across the state..LOL :mad:, BUT... I used to live near there and we LOVE that area of FL. To me the west coast of Fl is the best! It's not that far, only 2.5 hrs. I would LOVE to meet you. We are always looking for a reason to get out of town, I could leave the boys at the beach and join you for a band friendly lunch. Something to look forward to!

    Julie/Mrs. B~ Good morning to you. Your pontoon ride sounds so beautiful! I have never seen the Missouri river, or that area of the country for that matter. We must put it on our to do list.

    I LOVE your new profile pic! SOOOO cute!:(

    Doodlebug~ Your DGS is so lucky to have you and your DH in his life! My DH was raised by his GP, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. The love and wisdom that was instilled in him is priceless. They had a special relationship.

    I pray that your DD does well with the program she is in. I am sure knowing her son is loved and cared for helps her. Wow. I can feel the love & pain through the computer. <hug>

    I was talking to my DH about my weight gain this week. He said I really really did not eat that much. Some of the meals did have sauce and there were certainly a bit more calories than normal- but he said not representative of 4 lbs weight gain! He said he thought to himself at meals at how lucky I was to have my band. He would find himself really hungry and unable to resist the bread for example. I couldn't even get one bite in. He said it was night and day how I would have eaten before WLS. It was interesting to see the event through his eyes. Basically, I went on vacation- I ate pretty well but had some treats- and now time to get back in the swing of things. :tongue2:

    We have a baby sitter tonight! We will go see a movie. Usually we love going out to eat, but I am so sick of restaurant food- think we will skip eating out!:mad:

  10. Hello all~

    I am feeling better today. Last night I must've gotten up to pp about 5 times! Already this a.m. was back to 245, so we will see in the a.m. My feet are much much better. It's weird b/c this is the first time since surgery that I have had any swelling in my feet/hands. DH was also up 5 lbs or so from that trip. LOL Meredith! You are a trip, at least we are the same!:biggrin:

    Linda~ <hugs> I am so sorry to hear about your DGD's diagnosis. DM is a frustrating disease. It is good they caught it early and it does respond well to steroids and the IV meds. I knew they gave IVIG, but didn't know that much about the methotrexate. I will definitely keep her in my daily prayers.

    1day~ Thanks for your support. It does help knowing you guys are there. And even more... knowing we have all been in the same place.:thumbup:

    Kath~ sorry to hear about your DD's relapse. Drug addiction is a horrible thing. It seems like your band is really helping you- glad you are having restriction with your 2nd fill!

    Young~ thanks for the tip. I hope your A1C does get better. They gave you a surgery date! :tongue2: That usually means they are confident that you will get things under control. Buckle down and be good these next few weeks and you could bring that # down! I use a mask with my CPAP. (ResMed- Ultra Mirage). I tried the nasal pillows but always had a leak. My DH has had a CPAP for 9 years and tried every mask out there! The one thing that helps me is the humidifier! If you don't have one, it may make the difference for you. I don't want to repeat the sleep study, but I am fairly confident that the weight I have lost has cured my SA. My DH, being an anesthesiologist, will watch and listen to me sleep sometimes. He said I have stopped snoring. I never had periods of stopping breathing- just that my oxygen levels went down. When we went to Quebec I didn't bring my machine and did fine. I know my SA was induced by my weight gain. One more thing to say goodbye to soon! And, yes, I would love to meet you when you are town!

    I've been busy unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and getting back in the swing of things. Although we had a GREAT time in Canada, there is no place like home. :unsure: Here are a few pics from the trip. After we landed in Newark the pilots invited Nelson up front. (he had an airplane shirt on and had an identical plane in his hand!) He was thrilled!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  11. uuuurrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! <growl>:cool2::smile::wub:

    I probably shouldn't have done this... got in tonight and stepped on the scale... up to 247! I never usually weigh in the afternoon. My feet are really really swollen... swelling? I guess traveling and increased sodium with eating out for a week. and weight??? Water retention AND..... I guess plain and simple from eating TOO much... and not exercising!!! I feeling like a sloth. I hope I can get to the gym tomorrow.. my feet are actually hurting with slippers on! Not even sure if I can get my running shoes on. Feeling yucky and pissed off at myself.

    Thanks for letting me have my little pity party. I know... enough feeling sorry and get back on the band wagon tomorrow.

    Refuse to change my ticker tonight. I will get hydrated tomorrow.. walk a little... and re-weigh day after tomorrow and will update the damage then. <pout>:eek::mad2::cool::wub::angry:


  12. Hi guys! Congrats joanne! Meredith, great job!!! My body kicks out the absorbable stiches too. Right now we r in the newark airport waiting for our 11am flight to west palm beach. I'm on my crackberry... Lol, I mean blackberry as I write this.

    Very interested in seeing my scale. Have no idea where it is. I am officially sick of restaurant food! Ready to be home and eating healthy again. Cbl


  13. Good afternoon guys~

    We are back in the hotel for a litte R&R after being up early and out the door by 7. We are having a great time. So glad we went on the ferry boat tour yesterday and horse & carriage ride. This a.m. woke up to rain and low 50s. That is really wet and cold for us south floridians! It was actually pretty refreshing to put on long pants and jackets! We decided to hop in a cab and go clear across town to the La Gallerie de la capitale. It's a HUGE mall that has a roller coaster and 10 other rides inside! (Train, bumper cars, carrosel, etc.) And a big arcade and food court. We went to one of those build-a-bear stores (the Canadian version anyways). Nels picked out a baby lab puppy. The girl made him pick a star and place it on his forehead and make a wish before placing it in his heart. He held it on his forehead for 30 secs. Later he told me he wished that one day the puppy would become real! : ) awwww. We decided not to lunch at the mall. food court crap and so busy. We came back to Old Quebec and went to a little cafe. I am getting smart now at meals. Had a cup of Tomato and cabbage Soup. (mainly a broth with some little bits of tomato and cabbage.) Then ordered the crab cake appetizer. It was the perfect amount. I did the same for dinner last night; cup of Soup and small appetizer. I know many of you recommended doggy bag. This sounds weird but I cannot stand bringing leftovers home. I don't know why but I have never liked restaurant food reheated. My DH is the same. It's one of the many things we have in common.

    This cold rainy weather has me wanting to nap. Boy I wish the days when Nelson would nap! Now he is content watching cartoons and playing with his new puppy. We will recharge our batteries and then go out again in a bit.

    We are walking a lot but no other exercise really. I feel like I should be in a gym. I will have to hit it every day next week!

    You guys are all cracking me up with the crazy dreams! LOL. As far as making a plan to meet up... Let me know and I'll be there! Any excuse for a trip! I would even sponsor it, though I am sure FL is too far for most to travel.

    Mrs Bubba~ hope your incision is ok. That is a little scary for any drainage. Get better!

    Meredith~ How is your incision? You sound like you are doing good. Let us know what the dr says!

    Bugs~ Glad surgery is done! Glad to hear you are ok.

    Janet~ Have a great trip! Be good and have fun! Loved your photos!

    Time to go, just wanted to check in!


  14. DH fixed the computer! Sometimes it is so nice being married to a geek! : ) He is laughing at me as I type this. We are about to go out and about again. Today we went on a guided bus tour of the city and then a ferry boat trip. Had lunch on the boat. I ate the inside of a chicken salad sandwich. Could tell there was a LOT of mayo, I think that is what made it go down ok. We will attempt dinner again. Felt horrible too b/c the restaurant last night was well over $100 for 3 of us! I did have a glass of wine! I was shnockered (word?) with 1/2 glass! I am SUCH a cheap date these days!!!

    time to get dressed, just checking in

  15. Hi guys, greetings from Quebec. Thanks for all the advice and well wishes for traveling. The trip up was fine. I brought a Protein Bar for the flight and was surprised they served turkey subs. I ate a little of the meat and the Tomato. During the layover I found a ff yogurt. We went to an amazing place for dinner, I was so looking forward to it! I ordered curry scallops and shrimp. Not sure what did it but after only 3 bites I had horrible pain! I guess I didn't chew well. I was afraid of pb and stopped eating. I was so bummed! Now in the hotel I am hungry. : ( just ate a dozen almonds and feel ok now. Tomorrow is a busy day of sight seeing. I am writing on my blackberry. My laptop is On the fritz! I think Facebook farmtown gave me a virus! Dh is not happy. Tomorrow is our 8th wedding anniv! I told him... What do u get a guy who has everything? A really bad computer virus! Lol! Sorry for not commenting on posts, can't review while using phone. Will check posts in a day or two. Peasout!

  16. Good morning. Well I had an exciting night last night. I can let you in on a secret I am supposed to keep til next Sat. when they announce it since you don't know my family, etc. I am going to be a MIL!!! DD and DF (that's fiance now) came over to tell us they just got engaged.

    Oh Long, Congrats!!! I absolutely ADORE weddings! I know you are glad you will look great in the photos! Now you have even more motivation to be good~ time to look for a dress! I know my Mom loved helping plan my wedding with me!

    Laura, your pictures are great. I love to see the difference a few months make. I bet you are feeling wonderful! I think we are close to the same weight now too.

    I have 4 more days on liquids and I'm so looking forward to an egg Thursday morning. Strange how that works...I really haven't had too much problem with the liquid diet, but I do miss eggs. I may have to make egg drop Soup this week.


    Thanks Eva~ I know other people's pics helped me and try to pay it forward. Also It helps me see the changes and how far I have come already.

    I did not mention the great reaction I got from my friends yesterday. I am getting ready to quilt a nap-quilt for the 2yr old GS. I'll take it with me. Subject is CARS! He loves Lightning McQueen and the movie Cars - I will probably have the opportunity to watch it many more times in the next few weeks. (it's okay - it's also a good snuggle with Grandma time...)

    Joann~ Don't fret about the 3/4 lb. VERY soon it will be down! And congrats on the friends' reaction! It is a good feeling when people NOTICE all the hard work!

    We have seen Cars about 3000 times! LOL! We also collected all the diecast ones from the movie! Nelson still loves that movie. I know you will have a great time seeing them. I am sure your DD will appreciate it so much! Nothing like a mom's love for sure!

    Hi everybody...... I DID IT>>>>>>>>> 100 pounds gone!!!! I'm very happy and feel pretty confident about things


    I am so very proud of you! And JUST in time for your bandiversary!!!! WTG!!! YOU inspire me kiddo!

    ok guys~ I am busy busy packing for our trip to Quebec, Canada! Of course packing means packing for 3 of us! And the weather is supposed to be in the high 40s/50s at night which makes it tricky for us Floridians! LOL. I am looking forward to getting away. This will be first trip since banding where we are flying, not driving. So I am limited on what stuff I can bring. I am not bringing Protein stuff, etc. I am sure I will be just fine, but it makes me a bit nervous. We will be doing lots of sight seeing and walking. A few boat trips, the ferry and then to go whale watching! We will have wifi, so I will likely bring the laptop. Always comes in handy for Nels to watch movies on too... and to look up sightseeing stuff.

    Have a good week everybody!


  17. I emailed Apples last night - I am concerned that something has happen since she hasn't posted all week - I haven't had a reply yet.... Lets keep her in our prayers...

    I am glad you emailed her. I am concerned too. I hope she is ok. I know you will keep us informed! Thanks Janet.

    Meredith~ Glad you got your lentil Soup you were craving. I made some today actually! I add lots of veggies (onion, carrots and celery) to make it even healthier. A one pot wonder if you will. :rolleyes:

    Oh, before I forget about the Muscle Milk. Make sure you get the Muscle Milk LIGHT! The regular MM is too high in fat and sugar. (230 cal/25 grams protein). I have only found the Light in vanilla and chocolate. I ONLY drink the chocolate- the vanilla tastes like baby formula to me. LOL.

    It depends where you are on what you are eating and how many calories you consumed for the day. MM Light - It's 160 calories and 20 grams of Protein. I generally have it as a snack in between meals if my Protein is low for the day. I usually have it mid-morning as I am tight in the morning and can usually only have a coffee and a Yoplait 100 cal yogurt for Breakfast. At GNC they have the 100 cal/8 oz bottles (15 grams of protein). I try to buy those when I can.

    Muscle Milk Light Ready-To-Drink

    It's late. I am pooped. Time for bed. Oh, I added photos to my profile. Wanted to add lots of fat before ones for comparison. I told my DH that he can take photos now..LOL.. for the last year or so he has not been able to take any unless I said so. :smile:

    Hope everyone is doing ok.


  18. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

    Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

    I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later.

    Young At Heart :wink2:

    Welcome young!

    PSL is around the corner from me! WOW, if you do make it down, we should meet for coffee or something. :angry: I live in the boonies so it's exciting when someone has actually HEARD of this area! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I also have sleep apnea. Silly me made the appt for the study before finding out if my surgery actually covered WLS. After I got the results, I found out I had an exclusion! I still got the CPAP. My sleep quality improved tremendously! I also find when I wake up around 3 or 4 that I have to take it off. Now that I have lost 1/2 of the weight my husband says I do not snore now. I never had true apneas, but rather my Oxygen levels dropped b/c of airway noise. My guess is at goal I will not need it. But I love the humidifier, it really keeps my nose clear with my allergies.


    Today is my 2 yr band anniversary !!!

    WOW WOW WOW!!!:scared2::thumbup::scared2: WTG~ Congrats on two years kiddo! You have been such a successful banster! We are all proud to know you and thank you for being a mentor and teacher to us all!

    Girl, I could not have gotten through this last year without the threads you started and all my lap band buddies. Thanks!

    Happy Anniversary to you too!!!!!!! WOW! Congrats!


    Conrats Phyllis! And I LOVE the new hair! Your band anniversary is one day before my wedding anniv!

    I was reading my post op instructions and it mentions drinking 1 med cup full of liquids . Do I need to use ans buy these cups?:cursing:

    You can ask them for some at the hospital, you don't need to buy them. They also sell little plastic cups at the grocery store that are 60cc, so you can just fill them half way.

    Bill4/Nicole~ Welcome! Congrats on your success so far. It is sooo important to keep a food diary! I find that if I don't get 60-80 gms of Protein a day, then I am hungry. Really keep track, and that will help.

    Weight Loss - Diet Ticker

    Then go to edit signature and paste your link there. Make sure and put the privacy to public if you want people to see your graph. Hope this helps

    OK... CBL!


  19. We are home! DH had surgery at 2pm yesterday. He is doing so well that Dr. Davis released him. The drive home gave him some discomfort, but it was probably my driving gave him anxiety. Thanks for your prayers and concerns.

    Oh Charlene~ What fastastic news! I am sure he has the BEST person in the world caring for him now! Tell him we all said GET WELL SOON!


  20. Hi everyone. Had a .250 cc fill yesterday - I love that my surgeon will give me teeny tiny fills, he's very good at listening to me. I spent the afternoon at the hospital with my friend and she is doing okay. They are doing a pet scan tomorrow -- and then she'll probably be coming home. She's doing very well considering her diagnosis. It brings up a lot of other memories for me as my mom also died of lung cancer six years ago. I need to adjust my ticker and go with my surgeon's goal for me -- I never had asked him before what his goal for me was so he checked the file yesterday and told me 132, so I'll change my ticker to that and if I can and want to lose more, so be it, but if not, I'll be happy with that - that'll be 113 from where I started....

    Laura, I thought you're pics were amazing -- congratulations on your loss -- you've done a fantastic job! I've never let my weight stop me either -- I love to swim too much to ever stop, so even though my bathing suit size before I got the band was a 30, I still put it on and went to the beach/pool. I too had told myself I was fine with being fat, but truly I was absolutely miserable and only said that to cover the fact that I felt like an out of control eating maniac. I felt fat Monday all day and all night and was still feeling fat Tuesday morning. But, I got on the scale and I was down 2 lbs. so that fat feeling went away immediately.

    Hope everyone has a great day. CBL. Linda

    Linda~ Congrats on the fill and the loss! That is so awesome! It is great that your surgeon will do tiny fills. I have no doubt you will reach and surpass your goal weight!

  21. Bugs~ congrats on deciding to have surgery! We wish you the best of luck!

    What to Pack For the Hospital:

    Comfortable pajamas/gown- muumuu (loose fitting is best)

    Socks and slippers

    Glasses & glasses case

    Outfit to wear home (something loose is best, also make sure it won’t rub on your incision)

    Underwear although truth be told I didn't wear any for a while after surgery, too hard to pull up!

    Toothbrush and toothpaste, deoderant,Hairbrush

    Your pillow (if you don’t sleep well with a pillow other than your own)

    A list of your current medications

    Your cell phone and a charger (some hospitals still charge for phone calls)

    Entertainment such as books, music, Ipod, portable DVD player, magazines, laptop (so you can let us know how you are doing via LBT)

    If you are one who gets hot, bring a small fan.

  22. Laura Congrats on your loss - I am a firm firm beleiver in keeping a food long - I did it for the 1st year.

    When I looked in the mirror prior to losing the weight I saw a fat chick - but not as fat as I really was.. This whole thing that fat pple can be healthy - well - I just don't know about that - ya when pple are younger their obesity doesn't stop them as much cuz they are younger - but like Cheri said for us older ones it does start gettting in the way of our lives physically...

    I know that you don't see the diff right now - but you will

    There is no magic # where you look and see a skinny chick

    But one day you will wake up and say - Oh I see it now - it may take a few more lbs for that to happen - but once the stomach goes - you will - I don't think I am explaining it correctly - Im not fully awake - but the realization will come.

    But I have days that I say oh i'm fat - but I know I'm not

    We Can see the diff and the closer your get to your goal you will to.

    Janet~ Thanks. I hear you. Some days I FEEL it definitely when lying down and can feel my hip bones... or putting an old pair of pants on that finally fit. I know the visual will change eventually. But you are right... until the pooch is down it is a hindrance in the visual. Even before your coffee, I get you. :)

    Good morning gang~ Last night I had my first PB in a LONG time. I had only had 3 bites of dinner- fish (grilled grouper), steamed broccoli, 2 of nelson's frenchfries. I have had a couple fries in the past (oreda steak fries) and done ok. I think I didn't chew well or something. OMG.... pain, like you wouldn't believe. Then SLIME... like you wouldn't believe. Then more pain, until tears were coming out my eyes. Went to the BR just to spit and take some deep breaths, but no go. What was so bad this time was that instead of literally a PB, this was the first time since surgery that I vomited/felt my stomch really twisting. I was nauseated the next couple hours. Finally about 3 hrs later I was able to drink sips ok, then had a 1/2 Cup of Soup. Hour later a yogurt. BIG SIGH. It's funny in a way, b/c I was JUST about to make an appt for a fill! Then an episode like that tells you you might not need one. I feel ok this morning.

    Well, 2 more lbs down this morning. Not so sure it is real weight though after dinner's episode or some dehydration. But nevertheless the scale said 243! And the ticker says 69 lost 68 to go!!! woohoo, half way!!! Lowest in a LONG LONG time! And here is the clincher.... I WEIGH LESS THAN MY HUSBAND!!!!!!!! He is 245. His highest was 279 at the time of my surgery and he has been losing slowly but surely, but slowed down these last few weeks. He won't say, but I almost think, he was slowing down for me!:)

    Back from the gym. Did only 15 min. on my step tread and then an hour long POOL-ates. (like Pilates) but in the pool! It was nice, but sun was hot. Only problem with outside Water class in Florida!

    Yeah, Apples where are you?!



  23. Janet & ifyourstomach~

    I too NEVER let my weight get in my way. My ability to post photos in my underoos even while morbidly obese, is one of the many things I feel no modesty in doing. Actually there is some interesting data out there regarding motivation and ones ability to lose weight, eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. (I will post the source when I get to my home computer). But the basic concept is for obese people to get healthy...that if you are too dissatisfied with yourself (extreme self hate)- then you will have very little motivation to change things. On the opposite side of the bell curve- if you love yourself (extreme self satisfaction) and your weight doesn't stop you from doing things- then likewise you have very little motivation to change. But if you have a happy balance of being generally happy but hating the weight- then you will have higher motivation and thus willing to do the things it takes to be healthy. Over the last 10 years I had 4 admissions to the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center. Diet & Fitness Center - Duke Diet & Fitness Center - DukeHealth.org

    Anyway, it was there that one of the psychologists said "you need to be a little less satisfied with your obesity." I had never had it put that way and it did help me change the way I viewed things. It's also one of the reasons I take the photos instead of relying on weight alone to see changes. Just as I had a hard time really seeing my obesity- the same issue remains, that if with an almost 70 lb weight loss, I don't see a big change in the mirrow. It really is a type of distortion. I guess the reverse of an anorexic?

    We've talked about it before- if they could band our heads we would be set!

    3 days of being REALLY honest with my food diary and down another pound!:wub:

  24. phew! just returned from the gym. Did 30 minutes on the step treadmill at 3.4 miles/hr. I alternate between the min and max step... I get my HR up to 150s and then rest a min and then back up. I burned 360 cal. Today for some reason I sweated more than usual! My shirt was soaked!!! Then I went to do my circuit with weights and then sit ups and planks and pushups. I was there for 1.5 hrs. Just pooped now. My trainer is in the hospital... she has to have her spleen out d/t a platelet disorder (ITP). So, not sure what I am going to do now. We leave next Monday for vacation for a week, so when I return I might have to find someone else for a while, as she will be out 3 weeks or more.

    Julie~ So good to hear you are doing ok. Congrats on the weight and sooooo close to the 100 mark!!! yippeeee.

    It's not as hot here as some of you are reporting with 100+, but it's still HOT! Time to go get some work done! CBL! ~peasout

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