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Posts posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. Afternoon Gang!

    Just thought I would send you some snow! Frigid here today. Guys are still out working in this crap. Harvest is at a halt now as it is too cold. Might have to leave the rest till next spring. I doubt that though. DH has way too much determination to leave it.

    Photos are a shot out to the bin site from my front door. Others are my shrubs out the back and my pup waiting for Christmas to happen.

    OMW!!!!!!! Look at that snow!!!!!!!!! Nelson just almost did a back flip when he saw the harvester! Then he said, is that a REAL farm covered with snow?! LOL. I guess as opposed to the "fake" orange farms down here! ; ) What a beautiful sight all that white stuff, but Burrrrrrr, I am cold just looking at the photos!!! High of 85 here today. AC guy coming on Friday for scheduled maint. :tongue_smilie:Stay warm Karen!!!! Cute puppy!!!

    Arlene~ Welcome home. Sorry to hear you are so tight. WTG on not needing the extension! :)

    Julie~ Glad you are sleeping better these days. I would really push to get your MRI soon. It's always better to find out exactly what is going on rather than just take pain pills. I had a feeling this was something more than your shoulder from how you were talking. I sure hope you get an answer soon. Hugs.

    Janet~ How is it being back at work after the vacay? (with the exception of those cookies) B) I was thinking about you guys when I was in Target the other day, bought me some Champion pants. : )

    DH will leave Sunday to meet my parents in Houston for Dad's consult at MD Anderson. I just sent a big fruit and gourmet snack basket to be delivered on Sat. when Mom and Dad get there. Their 50th wedding anniversary is Monday. What a place to be. I am so blessed to have such a nice husband that loves them as much as I do and wants to go with them. I will stay here with Nelson since it's his last week of school before the holiday break. I pray that the docs there may have some different news for my Dad's prognosis/treatment.

    Time to get the little guy ready for taekwondo. Tomorrow night is the "winter performance", so we have to get our 2nd TKD lesson in tonight. What a busy week! I still have this bugger of a cold. It's getting better, but my nose is red and raw. (even with the tissue with lotion)

    I will CBL~ peasout....


  2. I just got a PM from Apples, Disregard the info I sent about the taxi quote. I had a different resort listed. The one Apples found is a tiny bit farther but looks MUCH NICER than the one where we stayed. (and better price!!!) I am getting excited about meeting everyone!!!

    Just a fly by.... TTYL... peasout, Laura

  3. Apples, here is a little more info I found...

    from: orlando airport to: 8101 Resort Village Drive, Orlando, FL 32821 - Google Maps

    The airport is 18 miles from the resort. Google maps says 25 min.. Of course this will depend on the time you arrive. Rush hour in Orlando is a mess. The physical address of the resort is: 8101 Resort Village Drive, Orlando, FL 32821

    I called: MEARS TAXI @ Orlando Airport Limousine, Towncar, Motorcoach, Passenger Van - Charter Rates

    (407) 422-2222

    And they estimate the one way taxi fare is : $47-49

    They can carry up to 7 people in a van and the fare is the one rate no matter how many people. This rate can change if the traffic make the trip longer than usual.

    I hope this helps. I should also be there to be able to help "taxi". Can't wait to meet everyone!

    peasout~ Laura

  4. Hi all~

    Quick posting... I will be driving up to Orlando that weekend!!! Apples, I just sent you a detailed PM. I will pay for my slot, and the only reason I wouldn't go would be something with my Dad. But he told us all not to use his cancer as an excuse to NOT LIVE LIFE. It's actually on the top of his list. He wants everyone to continue working, take care of themselves (exercise/eating/life stuff) and doing what they do. IF you have time after all those are done you are allowed to visit. : ) So, I am putting myself on the list.

    I think you guys will like this place. It's very clean and pretty new. It's centrally located. Apples, one thing I forgot to tell you to ask for was ask to be in one of the "new" buildings and not next to the construction. They are in different phases of building the condos. The price was even lower when we went in off season, so we got a 3 br condo for the 3 of us, just so Nelson could go jump on beds... and have a room to just play in. I wonder if any of them adjoin? Or like a corner one connect to another for families. We can check on that.

    Went to my DH's work Christmas party Saturday. It was my first time seeing most of these people since I lost the weight. (His boss knew b/c we got a pay advance since we have an exclusion on insurance). Well, I ended up telling a few of the docs and nurses b/c everyone was asking for my "diet plan" and how I did it. People reacted really positive. (but it is different when you are telling medical people who "GET IT"). I had a cute new outfit. (pants 16W and sweater was a Marc Jacobs L, not even XL!!! Althought it was a very very roomy sweather! LOL) I will post a pic. Keep in mind that Nelson took it..LOL, that's why it's a little fuzzy, he had his hand over the flash or something. The pics were taken at MY house before we left to take Nelson to his friends and then go to the party. I didn't bring my camera to the party). The last pic was taken the night before by Nelson's best friend Nick, we were having a playdate and DH came home in his scrubs..LOL.. impromtu family pic. Personally, I think I look weird when I have makeup on- which is why I rarely wear it. I don't even think I look like the same person from those two pics.

    I will write more later!!!

    peasout~ Laura

  5. Good morning girls,

    First off, I want to apologize to everyone for officially handing over the planning of the Florida trip to Apples. With so much going on with my Dad and now that I am sick, I just was feeling so guilty about not planning it. I will still be a consultant. : ) And I am going to plan on going, and the only reason I wouldn't be there is if I need to go to NC. So, add this big ole stuffy head on the count!

    Read a few pages of posts and here is what I think I remember. (Nyquil hangover) sorry to anyone that I have not commented on or said hi to.

    Meredith: You know, I doubt you have a leak. The one time I asked them to aspirate it all out, just to see, I didn't get the exact amount out either. I was having good restriction too. It doesn't really matter the exact number of cc. What matters is how you feel and how it's working. The band is flexible and bends in some areas. So Fluid can get trapped in a small area, just like a bent hose. It's very rare with the realize bands (and new lapbands) for someone to have punctured the tubing, and they make them so strong, that it is uncommon this soon out to have a leak. I used to be so stuck on this fill total, and it really doesn't matter as long as you have good restriction. hugs though.

    Well, I will finish later. I was up nice and early and Nelson had woken up. Now it's an hour later and want to send this as we are walking out the door.

    LOVE the pic of Janet and Phyl!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys look AWESOME!

    1 day~ hugs

    Apples~ hugs

    Everyone~ hugs

    peasout... peas

  6. God Bless You on that sneeze, Laura.

    My doc's RN's to emergency unfills if doc is not available. (He lives a couple of hours away). I guess knowing the RN's (one is in surgery with him), I would feel comfortable having them do it.

    I agree, Laura, a week's notice is not long enough for parents to get the necessary clothes for the concert. And, how cute, bibs and J.D. last year. Email me your address, I will send Nels some J.D. stuff. DH is big into it. When we first got married, I couldn't figure out who DH worshipped more...me or the equipment.

    Hope you get to feeling better. Colds suck, especially when it interupts your sleep.< /span>

    You are AWESOME... just to show you the JD fan at his best... had a JD party for 4th bday and got a gator for his 5th. LOL.

    Thanks all for the well wishes. My head feels like it weighs 100 lbs, but fever is gone.


    PS just saw that photo from his 4th bday and I cannot believe how big I was!!! Also, look at Nelson's hand... he even had JD tatoos and the "face Painter" painted a JD on his arm...LOL

  7. Hey all,

    I have a cold today. Stuffy, couldn't sleep, head hurts (think Nyquil commercial). I am finding it hard to get much of anything done.

    Just found out Nelson needs a solid black t shirt for his winter performance at school (and jeans). They are singing "I want to hold your hand". Walmart and Target are "out" of plain black tshirts for boys! Found one on Ebay that said "Beatles" but it was $20! This is when it sucks to live in a small town. Who has time to run to every store looking for a black shirt?! (Last year he was the sower in the Ginger bread man and wore overalls and a John Deere T shirt!!!) Besides the fact that they told us with only one week notice... I am also peeved that they aren't singing a "holiday" song. I understand the need to be culturally sensitive (can't talk about Santa, Jesus, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, elves) , but this year they won't even sing about SNOW or WINTER?! I think this is crazy.

    My bariatric surgeon's nurse called today to see how things were, since I haven't had a fill since Sept. She said they call during the holidays so that if people have fallen off the wagon, they can help with a fill or consult. I told her I thought I was ok... just needed to get back to healthier choices and exercise. But I don't need a fill. THEN she told me the RNs in the office were doing the "uncomplicated" fills now. I thought that was an MD/NP/PA function only. Anyone heard of this?????

    I need to go get another box of tissues.... ACHEW!

    hugs~Peasout, Laura

  8. you guys need to stop talking about fudge ; 0

    Thank GOD I don't have any of the ingredients you listed Apples, otherwise we would be in trouble!

    For my Dad's birthday cake (his bday was the 30th, he turned 76, but we celebrated on Thanksgiving), I made the cake using a Paula Deen "Sour Cream Bundt Cake" recipe (but instead of cream cheese icing did a chocolate one. And instead of bundt, I used 9 inch rounds.) Apparently she made this on the Oprah show and O apparently had a conniption with the ingredients. She says "I am a cook, not a doctor!" Paula Deen Bakes a Sour Cream Pound Cake - Video - Oprah.com

    It's really funny though, watch it if you need a laugh.

    But mom wanted a calorie rich dessert for dad. This cake had 2 sticks of butter and 2 cups of sugar (it called for 3 but I only put 2 b/c of the icing I was making) and a cup of sour cream. I made a dark chocolate ganache frosting that had 16 oz whipping cream, 16 oz dark chocolate and 1/2 pound of powdered sugar. Goodness gracious it was good but almost too rich. Nelson helped decorate it and made it a John Deere theme cake..LOL with yellow and green sprinkles. The photos don't do it justice. Nels put so many sprinkles you can hardly see the PAPA HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    Found the PERFECT gift to give someone that has everything. It's a mug from Starbucks that comes with a ceramic pen. You can personalize it (we had everyone sign it and write a little something), then you bake it and it makes it permanent. My Dad just loved it and mom says he is using it every morning.

    Starbucks White Celebration Mug at StarbucksStore.com

    Hugs and thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. You guys rock.

  9. Hey guys,

    Just checking in. I keep waiting to try to catch up before I post. I wanted to write a long note and say a bit to each and every one of you. Well, it seems that it's not going to happen. There just hasn't been enough time in the day. I read the last two posts- does that count?

    Apples~ Stay warm. Loved the pic of you and Great.

    Great~ Low K+ (potassium) is usually caused by poor nutrition, medications (like you mentioned, diuretics or cortisone), or lost by an overactive GI tract (ie. when you have diarrhea). There are a few weird diseases that can cause it (cushings, etc.)- doubt that is your case. Trauma patients can also have low K+ due to a "cellular shift". You are too far out from your surgery really for this reason. Most probably b/c of your diet. Up the usual potassium rich foods. (bananas, citrus, broccoli, spinach, Lima Beans, potatoes) you can google it for more. It was probably a fasting lab and you were dehydrated.

    I have been so busy with catching up here at home.. unpacking, laundry, Christmas decorating, Nelson back at school. And keeping track of my Dad's health. He's not doing too good since last Monday's Chemo #1. Been real weak, difficulty swallowing, retractable hiccups, pain, dehydrated. He went in Monday for Chemo #2 and they canceled it b/c his kidney function tests were really out of whack and he was dehydrated. He met with the kidney dr today and he said that he doesn't think his kidney will tolerate too much chemo but they will see in a couple days if it rebounds. They are pretty down. Dad said "I have two dead end streets and I need to decide which one to turn down". Basically that neither choice is good- chemo= bad quality of life with symptoms and no chemo= earlier death. lose/lose. I find comfort in the words of you all that have been through this before. It is never easy. I switch between a peaceful acceptance and being really sad and angry. I know it's all normal, it's just that CANCER SUCKS.

    On a positive note, I didn't gain/lose over Thanksgiving. DH gained 10 pounds in the last two weeks, so that will tell you how it's been. I feel my band has been doing its job. I am not being too hard on myself. I wish I were losing but am ok with staying the same. The 5k I was supposed to run is Saturday. I am bummed that it isn't going to happen this time for me, but there is always another one around the corner.

    Hope everyone else is ok... talk to you later. peasout~ Laura

  10. Hi guys~ We made it back to FL. Sooooooooooooooo many posts to catch up on! I will try and read some tomorrow. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks Janet for telling everyone I said hi. It was a nice break from the computer though.

    We had a good family time. I was very thankful for my family... for my Dad... and for all my blessings. I will update more tomorrow. Missed you all!

    peasout~ Laura

  11. Hey everyone~

    I think I have too much on the brain... going on two nights without much sleep. Was also stuffy and couldn't use my CPAP. I have not been using it much lately and don't travel with it anymore. Unless my sinuses are acting up- I don't snore anymore. I never had true apnea. YAWN.

    Going to get younger today too. Just a touch up, as last time I had high lights. I am a week early, but wanted to get on schedule for the holidays.

    DH took Dad's truck in for service today... and guess what... it's contagious! The battery was dead! Better it happened before the trip! The drive will be around 12 hours. We make more stops when Nelson is in the car. I allow him 10 min breaks of lying on the floor board each hour and playing with cars or whatever. It drives DH NUTS. We never wore seatbelts as kids, sat in the back of the station wagon. He got a "game boy" from his auntie, so he might not notice the need for breaks. It's going to be interesting driving up and flying back. Who wants to bet I will have more stuff than I can fly back with?! LOL

    I am soooo unmotivated to exercise this week. Just trying to keep my head above Water. DH promised to walk with me every day at my parents house. The weather is perfect there and leaves so beautiful.

    Need to go do work.. clean, laundry... etc. I will CBL. Hugs to everyone.


  12. Hey guys~

    Just got back from taking Nels to Taekwondo and to dinner with DH.

    Dad got his biopsy and it was negative... BUT.. it said specimen wasn't adequate. His doctors all had a pow wow and concluded that he needs to start chemo. They are bummed. I think they were somehow praying for a miracle. He's on the schedule for Monday. We will move our trip up a couple days to get there before. We are driving his Excursion up for him for the winter. (he bought that big truck back in June when he was down here and only drove it twice!) We will fly back the Friday after Thanksgiving.

    Love all the talk of holidays. I am taking it all in- not much to comment on since this will be my first holiday banded. Will CBL~


  13. hello to all my peeps~

    You guys are making me hungry with all the turkey talk! We will all be together in NC and it should be interesting. 2 of us had bariatric surgery this year, Dad is taking Megace to try to stimulate his appetite. Mom is losing weight and eating a lot (b/c of stress she is burning it), my brother who has always been perfect weight is now a good 40-50# over. My niece is fighting her weight but said she is down to 198 now. The other two are skinny, and then Nels is a solid 58# but the pickiest eater. He won't eat turkey unless you tell him it's chicken..LOL. Last year he had 2 bites of "chicken" and bread. Won't touch the sides. Dad wants to cook one turkey and deep fry the other! Good golly! But hey, whatever he wants... I will damn make sure he gets! His birthday is the 30th of Nov and I think we will Celebrate his bday on the same day, since everyone will be together.

    Dad went to the oncologist today and he gave them a lecture about NOT waiting anymore on the chemo. He thinks he should start NOW, and fears the tumors have grown. They were all really upset after the appointment. We still don't have the biopsy back yet. DH called him and they discussed it. He said it doesn't really matter what it says, he is 100% convinced of the diagnosis, as is the docs at Duke and Johns Hopkins. Mom was crying all afternoon. I think they got some false hope from the urologist and the oncologist was doing some damage control to get them back down to earth. He kind of said, you either do chemo or let's arrange hospice when you're ready. He did say it nice and caring, but they took it all wrong. I guess there is no easy way to "take" that info. SIGH. My poor parents. I wish I could take this pain away from them. I don't even care about my pain, I just hate to see them hurting. Dad has been furiously meeting with is attorneys the last few days. He wants affairs in order as they say. It's just so sad.

    I haven't felt like getting back to the gym. Still fighting with TOM and just feel punky. Tomorrow Nels has a dr's appt and will miss school again. Some of these appts were made months ago and I will have to wait 6 mo to reschedule. Just better to get it over with.

    Hugs to everyone, I will write more in the morning.

    peasout! Laura

  14. Hey all~

    Janet~ OMW! Now, that is a girl who loves clothes! I have never had that many things. Perhaps when I reach goal and trying on clothes is fun- then I will be different. I love the colors... and your shoes look fun! It sounds like you girls had a great time.

    Phyl and Janet~ love, LOVE the photos! You guys look amazing!!! And the bags aren't bad either. : )

    Apples~Are you almost done packing mom's stuff? That is so nice that you have given it so much of your time. Also, good luck on the trainer stuff. I know I just LOVE working out with a trainer. It's one of my splurges. If it calms down this week, we can try to talk about FL. I feel so bad that we haven't gotten started.

    Great~ congrats on all the walking! : ) And I hope you aren't all covered in white stuff! I saw on the news that some parts got 12 inches last night! We were down to 60 and I was freezing..LOL

    Meredith and 1 day~ hi and thanks for the well wishes. hugs

    Julie B~ hope you had a good trip and are feeling a bit better. My heart just goes out to you. I can feel your frustration and just wish someone could find some answers for you. hugs.

    I finally unpacked and am getting back into the groove. I decided not to even weigh myself for a few days, so I can let the fluid/travel stuff settle. TOM came after only 2 weeks. I think I will be having the surgery after Thanksgiving for an endometrial biopsy and possible removal of the main fibroid. I am not feeling NEARLY as bad as I usually do. (perhaps b/c it is early?) I still didn't feel good enough to walk for 10 hours at the air show. (port-o-potties and TOM do not mix!) DH took Nels by himself. It was my first year since 2001 that I missed it too. There's always next year!

    My Dad is doing better today. He is starting to be able to pee tiny amounts now (rest of urine goes out nephrostomy tube). We are anxiously waiting for the bx results. It will tell us what direction to go. His oncologist is getting antsy and wants him to start chemo. I guess it is his right though to have definitive answers. My mom was so glad to have me there. When I was leaving though she was tearful and said "please come back". I almost lost it. So heartbreaking. DH and I were just talking about how it would be such a good time to move to NC if it weren't for this house. We owe more than it's worth (as do a lot of people) and just don't have the $ to pay the bank the difference! My GM is visiting from Turkey for the next month. She is my Dad's step mom and is actually 2 years younger than him. They call each other brother/sister and are close like siblings. She brought him a lot of his favorite things from there. I know my mom will enjoy the extra help.

    ok guys, hope everyone had a good weekend! Talk to ya later! peas.

  15. hi everyone~

    Just got back to mom's house. What a long long day! Dad is out of surgery and in his room. They did a cystoscopy, changed the double J stent and did a brush biopsy of the ureter. The urologist is an old fart and said in his opinion he doesn't see any evidence of cancer. His gut instinct is the brush biopsy will be negative. Next will be CT guided needle biopsy of ? mass near ureter. He said until you have TISSUE biopsy with cancer, then diagnosis cannot be cancer. Even with urine cytology and PET scan. Who knows... maybe he is right. But oncologist and nephrologist seem VERY comfortable with CT, PET and cytology. They are actually upset that we are delaying chemo. I don't know. Maybe I have blinders on... but my dad doesn't look like he has cancer. We will know in 3-4 days.

    Nels was with mom's neighbor all day. He doesn't feel good and was on a hunger strike. All day he had 3 juice boxes and a hand ful of cheerios. He ate 2 chicken nuggets and a cup of chocolate milk before bed. Poor thing. It's raining like crazy here and WINDY! In the 40s. (that's cold for us Floridians!) He loves all the leaves and is sad he cannot go out in this rain.

    Can barely eat here again. Still don't know if it is flying or stress... b/c I flew here to be stressed. yikes. Anyway, i am getting in Protein with either Protein Bar, skim milk, ff yogurt 100c or muscle milk. had wendy's chili for dinner and did ok.

    read all your posts on my phone. you guys just make me smile. i am tired and cannot even use capitals. that's bad, eh?

    apples~ happy anniversary baby.. got you on my mind <singing>

    janet~ glad the geek squad fixed the puter! glad it was only power.

    julie B~ hope you are doing better. that pain must really be driving you nuts. the cooking sounds soooo good.

    meredith~ love love the pics! i hope you find your perfect house. : )

    jazz~ yeah, be careful on those bars. the calories add up. I only do one a day... and make it a 160 cal one that has at least 20+ gms of protein. Protein Shakes made with water... or a mixed one like muscle milk lite. welcome to our site.

    1day~ good to see you.

    great~ i love to hear that your 100 yr old gm is alive and well. so sweet. hope your knee is feeling better.

    that's all i can remember. pretty good for someone who was at the hospital for 12 hours. peasout till tomorrow. will update again soon. Laura

  16. Hi guys,

    Thanks for sending the thoughts,prayers and well wishes. I am in the O.R. Waiting room with mom and siblings. Nelson is at gm house w neighbor. I started him on antibiotics just in case. No other complaints- fever and no appetite. Dad was so happy to see him! Glad we came. We'll know more after this surgery. I am thankful for so much. Will write more later, right now am using phone to type. Ttyl. Peasout....laura

  17. Hey guys~

    Nelson and I leave in about an hour for our trip to NC. Last night he starting running a 99.6 fever. SIGH..... What do you do? I called my Mom to give her a heads up; not sure if they want him around Dad. Dad is having surgery tomorrow. (cystoscopy, doublt J stent replaced and ureter biopsy) Spoke to Dad this morning and he said come on up, didn't want us losing the $ on the tix. I just worry about him getting sick is all.

    DH was being sooooo sweet yesterday and this a.m. He is really sad about us leaving. I told him to enjoy the "time off"... he laughed b/c he has to work all week. But he can eat beer and sandwiches for dinner in front of the tv in his boxers without us. : ) I don't like the tv on during meals.

    Apples~ Happy Anniversary tomorrow. You guys lead an example of how it is done! Thanks : )

    Hugs to everyone. Have a good week. I will try to check in, but if I don't you will know why. Will return Sat. I do have LBT on my Blackberry so we at least read.


  18. Good morning Girlies~~

    A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey is NOT for young kids!!! I am familiar with the actual story and was prepared for the story line... but in this DISNEY movie they had Marley's ghost (at one point his jaw cracks apart), the children of Ignorance and Want who accompany the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the reapersome Ghost of Christmas Future are particularly frightening. It scared a 42 yr old woman! But b/c Nels was in front of his best friend, he didn't want to leave. OMW, I cannot believe how deceptive the trailer is! Live and learn.

    I just have to share this next thing with you guys. I saw someone's status on Facebook. I didn't know if it was a true story so I researched it. I just cried when I saw the news story. If you guys have a few minutes and an old Christmas card please send this kid one. Thanks.


    Story that was on the news.

    Noah Biorkman is a 5yr old boy, who is in his last stages of neuroblastoma cancer after a 2 1/2 yr battle. His family is celebrating Christmas next week and all he wants is christmas cards. Lets try and see how many we can get to him, from all over the world Please! His address is 1141 Fountain View Circle, South Lyon, Mi 48178 Thank you! Thank you!

  19. apples~ so glad you are ok. imagine back when you were heavy... a fall like that would have really hurt. please be careful. Do what I do, walk around naked. LOL... at least I don't trip on flannel jammies. oh, wait, it's cold there?! Yep. I would freeze.

    Hi to everyone~ I read the posts but am braindead this morning. DH was on call and that blankety blank blank beeper went off every 30 min the little bit of time he was home. And he was only home from 1230-2 then to hosp and then 430-515. I can only imagine how he feels b/c I feel tired, partied out and hungover! (and I didn't drink..LOL)

    Taking Nels to the mall to ride some train and then to the new 3D Grinch movie with his best friend Nicholas. Not sure Nels will handle it, it looks a little scary. I need to give DH a little break.

    will cbl... peas

  20. wow wow wow!!! PHYLLLLLSSSSSSSSERRRRRRRR!!! WTG!!!

    CONGRATS ON ONDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are so darn proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That just MADE my day. : )

    And getting back to the dog thing. I didn't say they WEREN'T human... I said... you crack me up with the dogs that are almost human. ; )

    I love dogs. I just don't like them if they are dirty, smelly, jump or lick. LOL.. even rereading that it sounds so bad. I guess I got spoiled growing up with the dogs I had. We had a collie who was about 6 when I was born and Sassie was such a big ole lazy love. We used to take her to the lake on the boat. Loved her. Then we had a terrier, Lucky, who was a big ole ball of hair. He was so good. Never licked. (I think the licking the butts and then me is the biggest thing I hate.) My cats don't lick me, but they do lick their butts. It's the OCD/clean skinny chick hiding in me that hates dirty things. Also, before a kid, I loved loved loved my animals. After kid, could take em or leave em. When I get an empty nest, I will buy 10 of them.

    You know, I wish I could get my parents a puppy. I think they could so benefit from the positives of having a dog. But would never add to their stress. I just wonder if having this happy thing around would make them feel better. Just a thought... what do you guys think?

    YouTube - bobby collins talks about his dog

    FF to the one min mark... I almost peed my pants laughing.

    this part two when he talks about running. so funny.

    YouTube - BOBBY COLLINS LIVE Movie1 Chapter6

    Hope the humor helped. Time for some last min. chores before car line.


  21. good morning...

    janet~ hugs... our mentor IS human! : ) Wow, wtg though on the gym. I was mad at myself but not THAT mad. But after reading that I think I will go to the gym this morning.

    Great~ congrats on the PT. You really are knocking it out!

    Oct and Apples~ (and most of you) crack me up with the dogs that are almost human. I have two crazy cats. One is a 20 lb pound kitty who I saved one hr before his time. And the other is an over bred Burmese who doesn't have the sense of a piece of toast. She has fallen in the pool a dozen times trying to drink from the spa Water fall..LOL. She will only eat grocery store Delicat. Won't touch Science diet, etc. or canned food or meat, fish or cheese. The big boy will eat ANYTHING. If I ever get a dog it will have to be something smaller and calm. A friend of mine has a sheltie, lab and german shep. they all lick and jump. oh! Just freaks me out.

    Mrs B.~ how's the carpet?! I bet you are happy to see white again!

    Took Nels to the derm. He's fine. She said that he is just a freckly/mole kid, but not to worry, they look fine. It is very very rare for moles in kids to be cancerous.

    I went to a pharmaceutical dinner for nurse practitioners last night. I am trying to network and find the perfect PT job. They had it at one of those fancy restaurants where the entrées are $28-38! I prepared for this the whole day with my eating. Break. 200 cal Protein Bar (20gms protein) and coffee w/ cream (50), lunch was a 100c Muscle Milk Light 15g prot. So I had a lot of calories left in the bank. Appet. was brie/fruit/coconut shrimp. (I had one shrimp and one bite of brie), 2nd course was Soup or salad (I had lobster bisque), I don't even want to know the calories in that! It was a small bowl but still what do you think 200 cal?? So then entrée I ordered Red Snapper Grenobloise but they added olives and mushrooms with the capers. delicious!!! served with steamed spinach and rice. Well, I was soooo excited about my Protein that I ate too fast.... (everyone knows what is next, huh?) PAIN... Iron FIST... STUCK..... We are in a room in the back of the restaurant, some pulmonologist is talking about his drug with a slide show. I tried to sit there for a few min but was so afraid to PB that I grabbed my bag and left. I sent a text to the coord. of the dinner and lied and said I had a babysitting emergency. I never PBd, in fact by the time I got home I was FINE, and ugghhhh a little hungry once it passed. So, small bites... and chew chew chew chew!!! Even the softest protein in too big of bites will get stuck! I had a glass of skim milk and two 50 cal Cookies of Nelson's an hour after I got home. At least I stopped at 2.

    Time to get moving. TTYL......peasout

  22. Hey guys~

    Wow eva, what a beautiful nice long post. You summed up my thoughts exactly. Can I just say ditto? <smile>

    Meredith~ welcome back to the rat race. I know you needed that time off after your schedule with school and work.

    Apples~ I saw that comment about the gym. <wink wink giggle> You crack me up about the "almost choked on my popcorn"! I think we all have to find our own normal. Mine normal is about half cracked, which is how I like it. ; ) I love how you are saying the kids were being kind about their mom's stuff.

    Janet~ WTG on the gym. I know what u are saying about different gyms and the machines. I am so sore today from getting back to weights yesterday. Will head back tomorrow.

    Great~ so proud of you and the knee. Keep up the good work. I was smiling reading about those pots. When I first got married I got a set of those on my registry. I managed to KILL a couple of them with a burnt dinner gone bad. I was too embarrassed to return them even though they had a warranty. I could use those pots now, but would never spend that kind of money on a set. Also now, who needs a set- you always need like one new one. So, did you get them? : )

    M&D called and dad is scheduled for surgery next Wed. They are going to finally get a brush biopsy, change the stent and change the nephrostomy tube. The urologist wants to eventually get that out so dad can have a better quality of life. They want me to come up, so Nelson and I will fly up on Tuesday. I was trying to get his "expectation" to know when to return... and in the conversation he got upset with me about that. Basically I just wanted to find out how long he thought he could handle Nelson... and he was like "how do i know?!" <sigh> So much for me trying to be sensitive and do what he would wish of me.

    Will CBL. Taking Nels to the dermatologist. He got a haircut yest and the barber noticed that one of his moles on his scalp is bigger and raised. I am sure it's nothing- but better to be safe. I told him it was where an angel kissed him. : )


  23. hello all~~~

    You guys have been so busy with the posts! I take one day off and I have 5 pages to read. Even I cannot keep up with that.

    Julie~ yum, the bread sounds divine. Glad you found a way to make it without killing your shoulder. I LOVE the chip tea party Mimi did! Their imaginations are in full gear. Cracks me up.

    Apples~ you are so kind to help pack her apt. As busy as you are too. Her DD will be so thankful when she has that collection safe and sound. And you are a tough cookie with good survival skills, I had no doubt. : )

    Janet~ OK my friend. I took your advice. (The angel on my one shoulder was telling me the same but I wasn't listening b/c you know who was screaming on the other!) Yest. I went to the gym during lunch time. I was just amazed at how many people are there during their lunch hour!!! I didn't feel like going AT ALL, but told myself to go and do 30 min on the step tread. I did it. I cannot believe the strength and speed I lost in one month of not going! I went again this morning after dropping Nels off. I did 30 min on treadmill and 30 min odd and end weights and 100 crunches. I am beat, but feel better for going. (more psychologically than mentally right now.) Thanks for the swift kick in the A$$ that I needed. <smile>

    candy is out of the house. That stuff kicked my butt. You know what it is, this is the first time since surgery that I was around large amounts of chocolate and candy. And now there are two things: 1) the feeling of the SLIP OF WILL POWER, just knocks the wind out of you. We all know that horrible feeling when we start letting things go. It's like a mini feeling that you are capable of screwing it all up again. 2) the physical withdrawal from sugar/carbs is so damn powerful! I was talking with DH about this... and I am feeling so HUNGRY. I have not felt this hungry since pre band days! And it is literally insulin levels are up waiting for me to eat some chocolate! I need to get past this next couple days and hopefully it will pass. What a powerful vicious cycle.

    We are supposed to have a "cold snap" here today..LOL. Meaning a low of 65! High will still be in the 80s. But at least the AC won't kick in all night. I was hoping for some real cold. I guess we will get that in NC for Thanksgiving.

    I need to go get some house chores done. CBL peeps. peas

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