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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. Thanks for your replies. Sorry I have not responded sooner- I was out of the country for two weeks. I am thankful to say- at one month after surgery I am down 5 lbs! In that time I went on a cruise! I only ate in the dining room (no buffets) and I ordered the low calorie option 90% of the time). I am also on an appetite suppresant and I joined WW (to get weighed weekly). I think this will be an uphill battle, but I do not want to gain back 97 lbs!

    Young at heart, did you have your band out?

  2. I had my Realize band for 2 years, lost close to 100 lbs and was doing great. A few months ago I started having severe issues with reflux. I had unfill after unfill and remained "tight". It progressed to one weekend I was unable to swallow anything and was vomiting continuously. After a complete UNFILL, several days of IV cortisone and nothing by mouth- the swelling still would not go down and I was forced to have an emergency removal. I NEVER thought I was lose my band. Would like to hear from others- how are you doing since removal? weight? Other surgeries? Or decided not to do surgery?

  3. I just had to have my band out due to the same thing you did... stomach herniating up and out of band. I am only 2 weeks out.

    Hi Everyone,

    After much debate, I finally had to have my band removed. I absolutely did not want to do it but I really had no choice. I'd had a few problems with it over the 2.5 years I had it in including two hospital stays. With both hospitalizations my stomach had actually come up through the band because I was throwing up so much.

    The first problem I had went on for months because it was too tight. The second major issue was because of a band slippage and eventually self corrected and then finally I ended up in the hospital again in another state and the doctor recommended I have it removed because of the severity of the stomach issue.

    I cried my eyes out because I didn't want to do it but knew I had to for my health. I had lose close to 100 pounds and was so afraid of gaining it back.

    I had it removed in October. I immediately felt so much better afterwards. I've gained a few pound back but have done well so far. I'm still concerned about gaining weight back though. I guess after years of bad habits I have to constantly focus on eating the right things. I really thought I would have the band the rest of my life. :( I'm still upset about removing it but also know it had to be done.

    Honestly, if I had the money, I would get it back in... or even get gastric bypass... but I just need to continue doing the right things and keep the weight off. I will NOT go back to where I was. I'm at my goal weight and that is where I will stay! :)


  4. Good morning sunshines,

    Finally I have a few minutes to put a proper posting. Thank you for all the sweet comments on Meredith and I's pics! Really was such a nice time. My only complaint was we weren't able to spend enough time together. : ) Her cousin lives in Charlotte (near my parents) and we are already planning a reunion there. Hey, maybe we could make it a LBT meeting?! Charlotte NC is really nice folks! Just a thought. : )

    Eva~ Happy Birthday!!! Wall E LOVES Eva

    Janet~ Maybe Cheri's theory is correct about connection between vertigo and exercise. Since I fell off the exercise wagon I haven't had any BPV symptoms! Hmmmmmmmmmm... No exercise for me! ; ) LOL, kidding. But it is interesting. Glad to hear you are doing better. It's horrible.

    Cheri~ Hugs for you and Rachel. Cancer Sucks. So glad her cancer is responding well to the chemo. Sounds like they are hitting it hard and that's good. The G.I. side effects of chemo are very interesting actually. Chemo attacks rapidly dividing cells, right? Most commonly, chemotherapy acts by killing cells that divide rapidly, one of the main properties of most cancer cells. This means that it also harms cells that divide rapidly under normal circumstances: cells in the bone marrow, digestive tract and hair follicles; this results in the most common side effects of chemotherapy : myelosuppression (decreased production of blood cells, hence also immunosuppression), mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract), and alopecia (hair loss). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemotherapy

    Many don't know WHY they get those specific side effects from chemo. It's that the chemo actually thinks the esophagus, hair and bone marrow are CANCER b/c the cells divide so fast naturally.

    Thanks for asking about my Dad. He is hanging in there and still fighting. He is really having a tough week. He's been very weak and having some difficulty breathing. The fear is that the met. cancer that is in his lungs is really starting to effect his breathing. My guess is he will do chemo a couple more weeks and then stop. (just my gut instinct). I was hoping they would come down for Easter, but looks like we will be going up there. It's so tough to see him suffer. Just hope he finds peace in all this.

    Melissa~ hugs on the back stuff. You have just been through it all lately! Good luck on the interviews.

    Apples~ HUGS on everything with FIL and other stuff. They say God doesn't give us more than we can handle, right? Sometimes I think he overestimates. ; ) Slow down on Apples God! Her heart runneth over! HUGS.

    Well, yesterday Nelson had a private baseball lesson from a retired MLB player. He was trying to get Nelson over the fear of being hit by the ball by making him catch balls in front of his face with his glove. Well, he was doing so well so he increased the intensity.... and Nelson caught one with his UPPER LIP! He looks like he was in a boxing ring for 2 hrs! His NEW front tooth was a little loose. (SIGH) It's better today but have to go to the dentist tomorrow for an xray just to keep an eye on it. He's not that excited about baseball practice tonight!

    Time to go do my volunteering in Nelson's class today. : ) It fills my heart. LOVE LOVE LOVE being the class mom! I wish I could make a career out of that! It's national volunteer week too ! woohoooo!

    peasout........ more later (didn't get to write all I wanted to) Laura

  5. Well, update........ Had lunch with Meredith and her aunt in Marco Island, FL! Meredith is EXACTLY like she is on LBT! IMMEDIATELY we felt like old friends. We had such a great time and had to keep pinching ourselves that we really met in person! What a great day!

    I'll write more later! Hope everyone is ok.... peasout... Laura







  6. Ughhh, still can't hear out of my left ear! When I was flying to NC, I knew I had Fluid in my ears but tried to clear them my nose etc before landing... but to no avail. POP, hissssssssss. I am on antibiotics, steroids and nasonex...... hoping it opens soon. Meanwhile the steroids have me feeling like I could eat a half a cow! Siiiighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Lori~ Hugs. Hang in there. Funerals are so tough (to me). Know that we are thinking about you.

    Linda~ Yes, after the Epley should try to sleep at a 45 degree angle. Doesn't necessarily have to be a recliner- can be propped up on pillows. You just don't want to be completely flat. Wishing your DB and his family comfort and peace. How terrible.

    Janet~ How did it go not taking meds last night?

    CRS either............... crap. More later.......peasout..laura

  7. Yummmmmmmmmm, Linda! You have me craving some GREEN yogurt! LMAO! Yes, nothing like a little mold to help the digestive track! : ) Nice letter though. Dr. Oz and his family are from Turkey. My grandparents knew his extended family well. I don't agree with everything he does or says, BUT... I love his explanation of diabetes. Google DR. OZ DIABETES EXPLANATION. I actually give that info to my patients.

    OH........ I forgot to update you guys on the patient of mine who is morbidly obese and in his 20s. Well, he lost 4 lbs the first month. His BP (on low dose of BP meds) is normal, and he has shown up 100% of the time to his PT/OT appts! (3 times a week). He is doing stength training and 15 min of cardio. (sedentary for last 5 years). The health center at the hospital even gave him a free scholarship to the fitness center after PT ends. He is really motivated and had a better state of mind. Thanks for those of you that were wondering.

    Julie, hugs. Listen to your dr. Would not want to have more complications. Baby that esophagus. (includes stopping the diet soda- VERY bad for the stomach and digestive tract).

    Meslissa, Hugs. It is so tough. You can do it. When you are down- the only way to look is up!!!

    Janet, Hope the little sand in your ears settles soon. Vertigo SUX.

    Meredith and I are having brunch Sunday on Marco Island! DH decided it would be a nice weekend getaway- so Nels, DH and I will stay Saturday night at a beach front resort! woohoo!

    I have so much to do- wish I could write more but I can't. Better than none at all! xoxo peasout............... Laura

  8. Hello everyone~

    I keep waiting for time to do a proper posting, and it looks like the right time will never come. sigh. Many of you know, I've been in NC for 8 days and returned Saturday afternoon. It was wonderful seeing my parents, it was sad seeing my parents. Amazing how it can be many emotions wrapped in one. Dad just finished 3 weeks of this 2nd round of chemo. It will be 3 on, 1 off for as many months as he can handle it. His hair is falling out, his neuropathy has returned, and he is weak... but he is a fighter! My mom is physically and emotionally tired. I think a week of having a break from cooking and cleaning did her well. I don't think I cook as good as her- but by golly, I gave it my all and had few complaints. It was tough entertaining Nelson and doing all I did, plus going with him to the Dr. 3 times that week. (for meds and IV fluids). He will have "off" Easter week and hoping he can come down.

    Linda~ Hugs and prayers for your family. It's so tough when a loved one is sick. It sounds like he has been through the ringer the last few years. You are a tough cookie and have handled so much this year.

    Janet~ Been there done that- bought the t shirt on the BPV. That's my diagnosis and it SUX big time. I remember the morning I woke up and first had it- I was convinced I had a brain tumor or something! It really gives you a feeling of being out of control of your body. HUGS. Wishing you a speedy recovery. you are my other tough cookie- if anyone can whip it, you will. Missed you.

    Apples~ HI!~I never txted you back and feel horrible. Just so crazy here. LMAO on your april fools joke!

    Eva~ Tile sounds nice. You remind me of a friend of mine who lives in Canada. She was snowed in her house too many days this winter and FINISHED her basement by herself! hardwood floors, framing and drywall. She's 5 ft and tiny little Chinese girl. WOMEN ROCK!

    Jodi~ woohoo! Good luck with the cardiac surgeon! He sounds really nice. Dr's are great <smile> and they know anatomy! <blush> Keep us informed!!! Thursday I think you said?! wtg

    Julie~ So nice hearing from you! You sound like you are doing better! So proud of you! Talk about someone who has been through the ringer! Tough times never last but tough people do!

    Jessica~ Loved the pics from the cruise! Sounds like you had a great time! Hope that class goes well. You will get through it. What do they call the nurse who graduated last in her class? RN! Not that you will- but my point being, just get through and take your boards. There are no recognitions after school for making straight As. Just focus on learning as much as you can. You will do fine!

    Joyce~ Wishing you luck with the PT. Hope you feel better soon!

    Well, looks like Meredith and I are going to get together on Sunday! I can't wait to meet her!!! I will post pics (somehow), someway!!!

    I need to run, more tomorrow! If I missed you, sorry! xoxo peasout............Laura

  9. Hi guys~

    Sounds like everyone is doing good/better. Janet~ so glad the vertigo is calming down. Many times when someone gets it, who isn't a usual vertigo person, it's caused by a virus. Hope it stays away. I get it twice a year and it sucks. Now, the INSTANT it starts, I go to the neurologist and have them adjust the "sand".

    Julie~ So glad you are feeling a better. It sounds like you are on the road to recovery! I am so hoping that for you, you've been through a lot.

    Linda~ so glad the MRI was negative and we can deal with this- with PT and NO SURGERY! That's so awesome!

    Karen~ Enjoy your date night! Blind folding huh? You are so cute!! Do you keep the blind fold on? <wink wink>

    Cheri~ Enjoy your spring break!!! I hear you on the CC- I NEVER ever keep a balance. Can't stand paying interest.

    Eva~ hi and glad the writing is going good. So busy with all your learning! The cleaning can ALWAYS wait! The coffee thing sounds interesting!

    Jodi~ Don't beat yourself up on the gain. Think of all you've been through and all you've done. Now just get back on track. I've been there, done it and bought the t shirt. It's a part of this journey. hugs. Where are the BM pics?

    Thanks for all the concerns about my DH's family. They are in Damascus. They are in a safe area and should be ok. They said it's like a big storm is coming b/c everyone is stockpiling food and Water (after seeing what happened in Egypt) I think the people deserve a democracy. Peaceful demonstrations should be allowed. So far, even with 30+ people killed, the people demonstrating never once had a weapon- not even a stick. The sad thing is, if change doesn't occur then all the people demonstrating risk their lives and families lives- the current president will send his security to come after you. Just plain unbelievable to us. Pray for Syrian people.

    Nelson and I live for NC today. DH will stay behind and hold down the fort. : ) I am sure he will enjoy a little down time- just chilling after work.: ) My Dad is having a much stronger reaction to chemo this time. His white blood cell count is way down and he had to go in for treatment for this. Mom said by week 2 he had lost his hair and eyebrows and now eyelashes. Everything is magnified. I hope that just our presence will help. Will do what I can. sigh. I took Nels to the beach yesterday with one of his friends (it was the first day of spring break). We had fun. At least he has one day of "fun" for the SB. He just packed his little backpack with toys. awww. I need to go pack. TTYS. peasout..................Laura

  10. Fly by~ Just so busy. School is out tomorrow, so today is my Friday- only busier. Work, then Nels @ bus stop, then try to find DH bday present (bday is tomorrow 25th), start packing for NC (Dad doesn't want to travel), clean house, grocery shop for DH...etc...

    Thanks for concern about MIL. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/03/23/syria.protests/?hpt=Sbin It's just so sad what's going on there. A doctor and medic were killed in a mosque yesterday while helping the wounded. We are so blessed to live in the US. Many of us take our freedom for granted. Imagine being arrested, beaten or killed just for having an opinion?

    Cheri~Your news about DD just brightened my whole day yesterday. Hallelujah.

    Hi to you all! peasout, Laura

  11. Hi girls~ I am going to DITTO everything Eva and Linda said with the exception of submitting my story : )

    I am exhausted today for some reason. Not sure if it's the full moon, hormones or too much on the mind- but haven't been sleeping soundly for a few days. If this is my worst problem, I will be ok.

    We are VERY worried about the political situation in Syria (where my MIL lives). They are having protests (like every other non democratic country in the middle east). I am so thankful I encouraged my DH to go see his family a few months ago. Unless things improve quickly, it doesn't look like we will go this summer. We will probably go to Dubai where his sister lives. Wish we could talk MIL into traveling there.

    I posted this on FB (sorry for the repeat) but yesterday I thought I was LOSING my mind when my car alarm kept going off without any rhyme or reason for about 10 min!!! Then I realized the spare keychain was TRYING to send SOS signals from the washing machine! DH had put the keys in his bathing suit pocket Sunday after the beach. Well, I check all pockets except for bathing suits! I took it apart and took out the battery but it looks like it's toast.

    We were supposed to go to NC for next week's Spring Break. (just Nels and I) But Dad said he may want to come down here for a change of scenery. He has next week off of chemo (3 on, one off) He said he won't know how he is feeling until Friday or Sat. So will have to have house "ready" just in case. : ) My house is like being home for him- but in a warmer place. He's having a really tough time with chemo this time. Cancer sucks.

    Cheri, I'm just so happy for your daughter! Just such positive news! Each tumor is different. It sounds like she has a great team of doctors and they knew exactly how to attack this! WTG!

    I need to get dressed. My day to go volunteer as class mom.


  12. Hey guys,

    Joyce~ Wished you a HBD on FB but what the heck... HBD!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Julie~ JULIE, julie! What will we do with you??? Since you are in pain, I won't spank you. : ) Of COURSE you are always welcome here! You are one of us. It doesn't matter band, no band- we are sisters. Hang in there. It gets better.

    Arlene~ It's going. I'm down 4 lbs since my fill last week. I exercised for 4 days and then fell off the wagon. Need to get back to that. I need a trainer. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. I WAS telling myself I wanted to get back in some cardio shape at least before someone KILLS me........ but I think I just need to do it. It doesn't matter anymore. Just sad that I lost so much strength not being on the weights. Just gotta jump back in. Friday. Tomorrow is work and then appts all afternoon.

    DH didn't get back until midnight last night. We were up talking and unpacking.. I am tired today. I've been tight the last two days- but ok tight. 2 nuggets as Lori would say. I'm ok with that right now. Tight but no reflux and able to eat hard Protein for evening meal. I've been doing Protein supplement or Soup for lunch.

    ok..... sorry sorta a flyby. Eva..lol, yeah I have the human touch. Where do I put this plumeria??? how big do they get??? I see pics of bushes and TREES.. not sure which one i have.


  13. Good morning girls! Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief... DH is home from his business trip to Wisconsin! : ) His flight was delayed in Detroit b/c some passenger went ape shit and started screaming! They had to bring him back to the gate and have police remove him. Then they had to wait for his bag to be found in cargo. Meanwhile, I didn't know why the flight was delayed...... he didn't get home until after midnight. yawn. so tired this morning. He got Nels a got cheese t shirt..LOL, a little cow stuffed animal and a dairy farm snow globe. I didn't complain about him being gone 4 days this time- aren't you proud of me?! (no applauds necessary)

    Apples~ awww, I bet she is gonna be rubbing your feet from heaven! I hope insurance comes through. I remember hoping for insurance to come through with my LB and was crushed when it wouldn't pay. We refocused and said instead of a new car or a trip that year- let's get my surgery! It was the best "vacation" I ever did! So, even if it doesn't get approved, get it done! Panniculectomies aren't nearly as much as a TT. Hell, most offices have a way for you to finance them now. Have fun with your kids this week! I am sure you just eat them up! : )

    Eva~ You are so busy piddling in your yard! Someone gave me a branch off their plumeria and I just stuck it in the ground near my garage and now it's blooming! I have no idea where to plant it- not sure how big they get. I don't have a green thumb at all. Wish I did. How is the writing coming? And hey, thanks for that comment about being on the train ride too. : )

    Jodi~ So happy Dassi's celebration went so well! I love your description of everything. I think that is amazing how she really is growing into a young woman and how proud you must be! Congrats. Yes, now take a breath and relax. : )

    Cheri~ Wishing your daughter the best of luck. Yes, many plastic surgeons don't want a potentially "dirty" surgery (anything done near poop or pee) to be done at the same time as their case. The risk of infection IS higher. And the fear is always if someone pushes to get them done at the same time, the surgeon will take no responsibility for a complication. It's a hard call. Had a friend who had to get some podiatry work done (bunion) and she wanted her nose done at same time- since she was under anesthesia. PS REFUSED for same reason. No dirty foot will be done while I do a face! Anyways, I hope she gets a plan of action from the group of specialists. I also pray she has the strength to fight the good fight. Just try to be there for her as much as she allows you- find that balance and find the peace in that amount. hugs.

    Janet~ Having fun?!

    Mere~ LOL, glad you didn't fall off a float! Happy St. Patty's day! It's the only holiday I don't get that excited about. I guess I should do something for the sake of Nels. Maybe I will go to the dollar store for something green. : ) So sweet that you are going to do a race in honor of your friend's baby. So sad that that happened. omg. can't even imagine. How's the restriction going? I think I told you I got the fill? I was doing PERFECT until day before yesterday and got stuck on a piece of chicken that was in some soup! Didn't even fully PB but felt like I was going to. Felt "stuck" for about 30 min, gagged once but nothing came up. Now yesterday was TIGHT the whole day! But was down another lb. But more b/c I didn't drink as much as I should have. : ) Gurgled some last night when I laid down and feared reflux but had NONE. Thank heavens!

    Julie~ Glad you are home. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

    ok... sorry, that's all I remember and all I can see on this page! Such fear of losing a post with this dang LBT. I am going to go enjoy the day with my DH. : ) Everyone take care....TTYL...peasout..Laura

  14. Hey everyone~

    I didn't get a chance to read all the posts... sorry.

    OK............ did you guys know what date I forgot??????????? DUH. I had such a blonde moment 11 days ago............ OMW. I completely forgot my 2nd year Bandiversary! I was so busy with Nelson's birthday and my parents being here. I just forgot. DH just asked me tonight what the date was b/c he knew it was some time before his birthday which is the 25th. I guess I celebrated in my own little way... by getting back on track, starting to exercise again and getting a fill. : ) I FEEL good about getting my butt in gear! I don't want to harp on not being where I hoped I'd be 2 years out. sigh. Life is good. I am still on this little journey.......choo chooooooo!

    Love you all!

    Janet, hope you are having fun!

    Julie, we are thinking about you and wondering how you are!

    Apples, Thinking about you and hope all is ok.

    Jewel, WTG on race. Look up hypothyroid- it might answer some of your questions. Need to recheck and if truly low, need to see why and see an endocrinologist. Don't let FP just throw med at you. IMHO

    Arlene, LMAO about the scale! you both lost! omw... too funny! sounds like something I would do.

    ladykc, hi & good going for one finger typing! : )

    linda, hope you enjoyed your chill day

    cheri, love your last couple posts.

    melissa, hang in there!!! tough times never last but tough people do!


  15. Hey guys~

    Janet~ I don't find you preachy either. You shoot straight from the hip, IMHO. You are 100% right... just b/c you can eat something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.... is SO RIGHT ON. It was a test. B/c always before I couldn't eat bread or pizza dough (except for one bite. If I had two then I would PB) So, I never ate it b/c I knew I couldn't. So when I tested and COULD............ then I knew I needed a fill. It's mostly psychological. But somewhat physical b/c now I am AFRAID to eat anything like bread. Today I had 1/4 peach (20 cal) with 1/2 cup cottage cheese(80 cal, 14 gm protein) for lunch. It's now 3pm and I am still full- from a slider! So, I feel good. Breakfast was a muscle milk, 170 cal, 20 gm Protein. At Sam's they had milk and cookie samples... i had like 1/4 milk and one tiny 1 inch cookie bite which I crumbled in and drank it..LOL. Just found out our babysitter is free--------- so date night! whoohooooo!

    And down 3 lbs just 36 hrs on liquids............. sodium is a powerful thing!

    Jewel~ WTG on school and 5k! And diagnosing DH at work. Sounds like everything is coming into place.

    Cheri~ You are right about so many things. Thanks for the advice. : ) How is DD?

    Great~ hope DGD gets better soon. Yes, usually jaundice will peak and then level off and then drop. When I was in the Peace Corps, I couldn't do levels. I used to take photos of the kids with my digital camera and compare the "color". Have a good road trip Grannie!

    Eva~ How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of your vacuum? LOL. Hope you crawled out and got some work done. ; )

    Apples~ hi.

    Lady KC~ hi.

    Where is everyone?

    I need to go hop in the shower.... TTYS.........peasout..Laura

  16. YEAH Phyl!!!!!!!!

    YIPPEE!! After my worrying about all the "food events" of the past week, I was down 1 1/2 lb this morning!!

    My food today:

    Muscle Milk 170 cal, 20 gm Protein

    Tomato Soup with 1 mini babybel cheese melted in 140 cal, 7 gm Protein

    Cabbage and beef Soup (none of the beef), ? 40-50 cal

    McDonald's kiddie vanilla icecream (no cone, but couldn't find the calories for minus the cone), 150 cal, protein 4 gm

    Protein shake made with GNC isolate 28, 1 cup milk, 1/2 banana, 5 frozen strawberries- 36 grams protein, 250 cal

    Protein 67 grams, Calories 760

    I am MAJORLY going into carb/sugar withdrawal and feel VERY hungry. This too shall pass. No exercise but worked all day.


  17. Hey everyone,

    Wow, sorry to hear about Julie. I am glad she is doing ok. Sucks that she lost her band. If you type in Lap Band erosion causes you will see lots of information on it. In the past it was mostly due to technique- the sutures were done in a different spot or too tight. That used to be 10% of the cases (especially in Austrailia and Europe). Now it usually due to being too tight, having large fills done at one time, medications, drinking soda (or tea and coffee a lot), having recurring reflux and not doing anything about it. (this is just some of them). I know Julie drank soda (although she states she let it get flat) and she was on a lot of medications. Pain medications are VERY tough on the stomach. I don't know that these were her cause- just thinking out loud. Julie, we are all praying for you! You are a tough cookie and will be ok, I just know it.

    I know you guys are dogging fills right now. But I got one today. : ) I was down to 4cc or less in my band. I was finding it too easy to eat larger amounts and things I could never eat since banding. (bread, etc.) I gained about 7 lbs since my unfill 5 weeks ago! ughhhh. That was more the ticket for go on the fill. I still only had .75 cc of a fill. I am still on liquids but already feel better. I think that's where I will stay if I don't have reflux or any side effects. I hope that are struggling- find their way. I know that I cannot be TOO TIGHT ever again. I need to stay on the side of loosie goosie, but being able to eat two slices of pizza is NOT ok for me. I wish it was.

    Rainy cold day here (66 LOL)! But a low of 50 tonight is expected! dang, my pool is heated and EVERYTHING! Tomorrow night we are to get 42! Just CRAZY!

    A bit of a fly by, will try to check back later. peasout.. Laura

  18. ok.............. i got the message! Although I also liked the new one.. b/c it loaded faster. : )

    Janet, that post was kind of interesting. This person put all these links to supposed "articles" about a LB surgeon. The only problem was all the links went to "blogs" supposedly about this surgeon. He is a very well respected NYU bariatric surgeon who actually helped pioneer LB surgery! He has published more than ANYONE regarding gastric banding! And interesting enough- he has a band himself! Obviously this person had a complication- and is now has a personal vendetta. This just isn't the place for that. Feel free to look at the info on this dr. VERY interesting and impressive!


    Well, DH took the boy for a day of movies, bungie jumping in the mall and a trip to the toy store. I did 4 load of laundry and made homemade beef and cabbage soup- and watched some tv. : ) Now DH was called in again for an ectopic pregnancy and appie. SIGH. Why do people have to have an appendicitis on his call night?! (kidding of course)

    Julie, wishing you luck tomorrow. I still missed the post that explained why you were going in the hospital. Anemia? Caused by? Which of your drs is admitting you? the plan? Good luck! We are all thinking of you!!!

    Linda, loved the pics on FB!!!

    Peasout.. laura

  19. Morning everyone. I don't get notifications either so didn't get that rant -- I don't care about which thread we use -- either is fine with me. As long as I can find it, I'm happy.

    Just got Bryan's b-day cake in oven - having family here for his 22nd b-day celebration

    Laura, sounds like your parents are coping pretty well -- happy they spent the week with you -- good for them too -- you didn't mention your sister -- did she stay back home this time? I hope so -- they probably needed a good break away from each other too. Some old person must have fallen for your DH to have to do an emergency hip. Hope your DH is home by now. I know my surgery was rather quick - I think it only took about an hour.



    Hope you have a nice bday celebration! The cake sounds yummy.

    Yes, you guessed correctly- my sister stayed home. They wanted her to take care of the cats and mom had a new dishwasher being delivered. She also started a 6 hr/week job. Yes, you heard me right- 6 hrs. OMW. She is a licensed insurance agent, believe it or not- the guy who hired her is cheap, owns his own agency, and wants to pick and chose WHEN she comes in for those 6 hours! I can't believe she accepted such an offer. But I guess she can say she is "working" now. (doesn't sound as bad to be a free loader at 50, living at home). I really get so frustrated with her. But then a small part of me is glad she is there for my parents- at any capacity.

    I agree with most- like the new thread. : )

    Yes, DH got done in about 1.5 hrs and even took Nels to a movie! I am cooking cabbage stew, doing laundry and cleaning house- so much for my "free time". LOL. I am feeling punky today. TOM surprised me for a visit, a week earlier than expected! TMI I know. Just feeling bloated and PMSy. So glad I didn't get that fill the other day now. There's always next week.


  20. Let me know which thread we are sticking to! LOL. Here is my post from the old one...

    Hey everyone!

    Sorry I have been remiss in posting. Just so darn busy! Sometimes life gets in the way of LBT. ; ) Well, and sometimes LBT gets in the way of LBT! (Apology accepted by the admin. So much better to hear them admit their faults then try and hide them!) : ) My parents left Friday around noon. It was sooooooooo sad saying goodbye. I stood their watching them take off with tears strolling down my face. One of the airport workers (who has known my dad for 15 years) came and just hugged me. It was really sweet. My Dad has a really positive outlook (even though his dr is cautiously optimistic) My mom is worried but hides it mostly. They really enjoyed the week here- it was warm, pool was heated and we swam almost every day. It was so nice that they came to school with me to Celebrate Nels' birthday with his class. Memories. I can honestly say that growing up I don't think my dad ever came to my school ONCE, ever. He was so busy working (owned his own company which was a textile mill that worked all 3 shifts- so he was always there checking on things). It's just the way it was. Just cherished the whole week.

    Saturday was baseball game for Nels. Then came home, cooked dinner and then went for a bike ride with Nels. Today DH is on call- had to go in to do a hip replacement. Not sure why that is scheduled as emergency on a Sunday morning! Again, gotta roll with the punches.

    I am so behind on posts. I will comment to the last couple pages. Sorry if I missed something.

    Lori~ CONGRATS on becoming a Grandma!!! I saw the pic on FB! What a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! (and how worried we were she would come so early). Hope your DD is doing ok. How is she after the fall? What about GB? How long will you stay there? Enjoy every moment! Soak up those baby smells and grunting sounds!

    Cheri~ OMG. I am so so sorry to hear about your daughter! Just terrible news. It sounds like she can be a fighter when she wants to be and I am praying she finds all the strength. One thing you have to tell her is that oncologists in general are very cautious about their optimism, even when there is nothing to worry about. Only way I can describe it is they would rather you be prepared for the worst and surprised and thankful if it is good. Everyone in the medical field likes to focus on all the risks, not the benefits. (and I know b/c I have to do it too). I will keep you guys in my prayers.

    Phyl~ I hope you get the appts lined up with your drs. Sometimes pending the medical clearance, they will hold a surgical date for you. Just really explain the timeline you have (sometimes talking to the office manager helps). Yes, it seems that you have been watching what this knee will do for long enough. That is an a-ha moment when you did the walk last year- and had to ride this year. hugs.

    Janet~ hey you! How's the 5 day shopping thing working for ya? LMAO. BTW, you can't start a 5 day and say except for...blah blah blah bras. That's like me saying, I will do the 5 day pouch test, except for the ENTIRE cheesecake I will eat for dinner on day 3. LOL.

    Apples~ Glad you made it home safely. : ) How did the birthday dinner go?! Tell DS happy birthday!!! Have you unpacked and settled back to the cold? If you need anymore sunshine breaks- come to FL!!!

    Eva~ Did you survive your speech in Spanish? You are one busy gal with work and school and yard and such!

    Julie~ I missed the low HGB comment. Hope you are ok. What's going on?

    Mere~ Congrats on the nephew! Saw his photo on FB, what an adorable baby! So you did the 5DPT? You are still unfilled, right? I desperately want to start filling back (I have only like 4cc in). Yesterday I was able to eat a slice of thin crust pizza (from real pizza place made super thin) at lunch time. Even with my unfill, I haven't been able to eat Pizza Crust. Is ur dr going to repeat the xray- or see how you do?

    OK guys, gotta get going. This post took longer than I thought. : ) I will CBL.........peasout..Laura

  21. Hey everyone!

    Sorry I have been remiss in posting. Just so darn busy! Sometimes life gets in the way of LBT. ; ) Well, and sometimes LBT gets in the way of LBT! (Apology accepted by the admin. So much better to hear them admit their faults then try and hide them!) : ) My parents left Friday around noon. It was sooooooooo sad saying goodbye. I stood their watching them take off with tears strolling down my face. One of the airport workers (who has known my dad for 15 years) came and just hugged me. It was really sweet. My Dad has a really positive outlook (even though his dr is cautiously optimistic) My mom is worried but hides it mostly. They really enjoyed the week here- it was warm, pool was heated and we swam almost every day. It was so nice that they came to school with me to Celebrate Nels' birthday with his class. Memories. I can honestly say that growing up I don't think my dad ever came to my school ONCE, ever. He was so busy working (owned his own company which was a textile mill that worked all 3 shifts- so he was always there checking on things). It's just the way it was. Just cherished the whole week.

    Saturday was baseball game for Nels. Then came home, cooked dinner and then went for a bike ride with Nels. Today DH is on call- had to go in to do a hip replacement. Not sure why that is scheduled as emergency on a Sunday morning! Again, gotta roll with the punches.

    I am so behind on posts. I will comment to the last couple pages. Sorry if I missed something.

    Lori~ CONGRATS on becoming a Grandma!!! I saw the pic on FB! What a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! (and how worried we were she would come so early). Hope your DD is doing ok. How is she after the fall? What about GB? How long will you stay there? Enjoy every moment! Soak up those baby smells and grunting sounds!

    Cheri~ OMG. I am so so sorry to hear about your daughter! Just terrible news. It sounds like she can be a fighter when she wants to be and I am praying she finds all the strength. One thing you have to tell her is that oncologists in general are very cautious about their optimism, even when there is nothing to worry about. Only way I can describe it is they would rather you be prepared for the worst and surprised and thankful if it is good. Everyone in the medical field likes to focus on all the risks, not the benefits. (and I know b/c I have to do it too). I will keep you guys in my prayers.

    Phyl~ I hope you get the appts lined up with your drs. Sometimes pending the medical clearance, they will hold a surgical date for you. Just really explain the timeline you have (sometimes talking to the office manager helps). Yes, it seems that you have been watching what this knee will do for long enough. That is an a-ha moment when you did the walk last year- and had to ride this year. hugs.

    Janet~ hey you! How's the 5 day shopping thing working for ya? LMAO. BTW, you can't start a 5 day and say except for...blah blah blah bras. That's like me saying, I will do the 5 day pouch test, except for the ENTIRE cheesecake I will eat for dinner on day 3. LOL.

    Apples~ Glad you made it home safely. : ) How did the birthday dinner go?! Tell DS happy birthday!!! Have you unpacked and settled back to the cold? If you need anymore sunshine breaks- come to FL!!!

    Eva~ Did you survive your speech in Spanish? You are one busy gal with work and school and yard and such!

    Julie~ I missed the low HGB comment. Hope you are ok. What's going on?

    Mere~ Congrats on the nephew! Saw his photo on FB, what an adorable baby! So you did the 5DPT? You are still unfilled, right? I desperately want to start filling back (I have only like 4cc in). Yesterday I was able to eat a slice of thin crust pizza (from real pizza place made super thin) at lunch time. Even with my unfill, I haven't been able to eat Pizza Crust. Is ur dr going to repeat the xray- or see how you do?

    OK guys, gotta get going. This post took longer than I thought. : ) I will CBL.........peasout..Laura

  22. Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for all the well wishes for our vacation! (and all the nice responses to the FB photos). I wish I could post some here, but just too darn complicated. We had an absolute BLAST! I have to say, one of our best vacations ever. It was just so nice that everyone enjoyed it. Nelson is so independent now and makes friends easily- so DH and I were able to read our books, soak sun or swim (while watching Nels nearby). Lots of fun excursions- the best was swimming with the dolphins! I could have done that all day. My NSV was getting my butt in a wet suit. I have to tell you- I have wanted to do that for years but was too afraid I wouldn't be able to get it on. I actually could have used a smaller size- it was sagging in the shoulders and crotch..LOL.

    We arrived home Sunday afternoon and my parents were waiting here for us. We found out on vacation that Dad's cancer is back. New mets in lungs, lumbar spine, ribs, retroperitoneal lymph node. They will try another double agent chemo round. Praying he can handle it. Still hopeful. He is such a fighter. I decided not to tell Nelson until after his birthday. He is so happy to have them here. He turns 7 tomorrow. Where has the time gone???

    I promise to catch up soon on all the posts. Liked the few recaps- No baby yet for Lori, Apples traveling, Meredith loving her snow's balls..LOL, Janet busy, Eva watching tv all day, Cheri, Linday and others hanging in there. Julie Hugs. I feel like such a bad friend. Just not enough time in the day. Love you all. peasout..Laura xoxo

  23. ok guys........ this one is LITERALLY a fly by! LOL. I leave in an hour to go to the airport...haha.

    Everyone take care......... I will have laptop but not sure I will be on LBT or not. ; ) Too busy with the beach, the dolphins and my two favorite boys!

    xoxo Peas

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