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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Eva~ Thanks for sharing. It helps me so much to know that others who were adopted can and do live normal lives without feeling abandoned. It says a lot for your family too and how they did make you feel loved. Thanks Apples~ he is a special guy. He remembers all of you from the FL trip, btw. He has all the stuff you gave him in his room and he still wears your son's JD hat all the time. hugs. Yes, it is confusing. But that's why I HAVE to celebrate both. But I make the July one just DH, Me and nels. I told my family that they shouldn't do anything (calls, cards, gifts). We keep the 3-1 for everyone else. Hugs back. Thanks hon. Thanks Melissa. I agree with you- I think he knows more than he talks about. That's what the psychologist said- she said he knew but wasn't ready to deal/talk about it yet. But the most important thing was to keep the lines of communication open and always let him know he can talk/ask questions ANYTIME. thanks. Good morning girls~ Thanks for all the hugs and love. I felt it. Mothering- is something we all know. Either we had one or are one or both. I appreciate each and everything you guys shared and said. And the PMs just warmed my heart. Friday, when I wrote that first post, was my crying day. Friday night Nels was supposed to go to a "lock down" (supervised play) at karate 7-9. DH got home around 5, he saw my red, puffy eyes and just held me. He knew with just one look what had happened and what I was thinking (later we talked). He made me a chocolate martini (espresso vodka, Godiva Liqueur, and a splash of cream.) I had been so tight all day and had not eaten- and this was just what the doctor ordered! Then he proposed a family swim. We all jumped in the pool and laughed and hugged. DH grilled burgers for them- they showered and watched tv together until bed time- I took my shower and fell asleep early. We never made it to TKD, but Nelson didn't care. (seems DH offered to take him and he didn't want to go). Yesterday was just a PERFECT day. I hope it is a day that will be etched in his memory, as I know it will be in mine. That morning when we he got up, I hugged and kissed him like every other morning but told him it was HIS day. He was allowed to pick what he wanted to eat for all 3 meals and what we did and played and watched on tv etc.. (and if he wanted to eat). We played in the morning (with the new toys). He wanted Burger King for lunch (to get the toy for the movie Cats and Dogs that we were going to see). We met his best friend Nick & Mom at the mall. Saw the movie and then had ice cream and the boys played. Came home and played in the sand. I let him get out the whole wagon of toys (usually I only let him get out 5 or so), but this day we dumped the whole thing out! While he was playing in the sand, I was behind him in a chair getting sun- we had a talk. I always found the best talks with kids were when they weren't required to have eye contact (like in the car or at bed snuggle time with the lights out)- makes them feel safer and able to open up. I asked him if he remembered his Great GM from Turkey. He said yes (he saw her a few months ago in NC, and prior to that a year earlier- he loves her). I said, you lived with GGM for a few weeks before I got to meet you. He said really? Then I said GM, GF and I came- and then you came home to the US. I said the day you came into my life was the happiest day of my life! I asked him if he remembered being in Turkey and he said the first thing he remembers was his Jeep walker he had here at our house. One of the songs my GM used to sing to him- I reminded him of- he said that song reminds me of being a baby and that's why I don't like it. And then we talked about rice pudding which is one of his favorite things to eat(made with milk, sugar, rice flour). I said that was the first thing you ever ate with GGM, and since then you have loved it. Then we talked about one of our books (a mother bird has a full nest and one of her babies falls out of the nest and into the pocket of a kangaroo who had wanted a baby for a long time. She told the mommy bird that she would take care of him b/c she didn't have enough food or room in the nest. It made the mommy bird so happy to know that the little bird was warm and loved and happy.) So, I said, I am like the kangaroo mommy and you were my little bird. I said that's what it is when you're adopted. He said, "oh, ok. I think I already knew that" and he returned to digging a tunnel with a backhoe. I said, "mommy needs a hug" and he came and gave me the BIGGEST, sandiest hug ever! I had tears in my eyes (but was wearing sunglasses). We went swimming and then DH came home (he was on call and working all day). Nels decided on his dinner..LOL. Corn, chips, apple slices and ice cream sandwich. We watched a movie and stayed up pretty late. At bedtime I said we talked about a lot today, huh? he said, yeah. I said, if you ever have questions or want to talk about it you can always come to me and daddy, ok? He said ok. I told him I loved him and snuggled. Usually I leave to let him fall asleep but he was so tired within a minute he fell asleep. I stayed and held him for about 30 min. Just smelling him and listening to him breathe- remembering him as a baby who is now a big 6 year old boy. He still makes the same little sounds as he falls asleep. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe how lucky a person I am to have such a beautiful boy. I was happy with how the "talk" went and glad that the foundation we had built the last few years was strong. It made the first layer of information easy to put out there. My biggest fear had been that he would hear that he was adopted from someone else before I got a chance to tell him. (some other parents from his school know- and you never know if they told their kids or they had overheard- or who might have big mouths) Now, at least he's heard it. When he's ready he will ask more questions. I could tell he was ok with the info but didn't really want to ask anything else. What a perfect day it was. I am the most blessed mom in the world. Thank you God. Wow. Tearing up just writing that for you guys. The photos will not do justice for the day. Can't capture that with a camera. But I will share never the less. Thank you guys for everything. I promise to get back in the groove with the conversations and postings. Love you all, peasout.. Laura
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    You guys probably can sense that I am not usually a really religious person, but this is a prayer I wrote in my journal that year that I found online: Prayer for a Birth Mother, from an Adoptive Mother Loving God, how can I thank you for the generous woman who gave us her child? Our years of sorrow and emptiness ended with a phone call and a new child in our home. We rejoiced in the utter happiness that this birth mother - and her child - gave us then. We have received so much joy over the years. We think of this special mother, Lord, this generous woman who bore our child. The one who went through the discomfort of pregnancy and the pains of birth - only to hand her child over to someone else to love and care for. Please, God, bless the life of this incredibly noble woman. She gave me the great gift of motherhood, and I can imagine the cost to her: an empty spot in her own heart where this child we somehow share, will always abide. Bless her life, dear Lord. Give her an abundance of happiness and love and family. Please let her feel the prayers we have for her on each birthday of our child, each Mother's Day. We think of her with reverence and love and inexpressible gratitude. And now fround the other one I had saved: Legacy of an Adopted Child Once there were two women who never knew each other. One you do not remember, the other you call mother. Two different lives, shaped to make your one... One became your guiding star, the other became your sun. The first gave you life and the second taught you to live it. The first gave you a need for love, and the second was there to give it. One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name. One gave you a seed of talent, the other gave you an aim. One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears. One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears. One gave you up ... that's all she could do. The other prayed for a child and God led her straight to you. And now you ask me, through your fears, the age old question unanswered throughout the years... Heredity or environment, which are you the product of? Neither, my darling … neither. Just two different kinds of love.
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ having a crappy day. Just don't feel good, didn't sleep good, and having allergies/headcold stuff. Took something for the allergies and now it has me tough. (always does- antihistamines and decongestants just CLOSE my hole (band) and open my nose). I am breathing a little better but now can only get liquids. If this is the worst of my problems, I know i am ok. Many of you going through MUCH bigger stuff. Puts it all in perspective. Really, you guys help me so much. <hug> Another big thing.. tomorrow is Nelson's REAL birthday. It's the God given birthday that he came into the world. I know- why does a kid have two birthdays. Well, the birthmother had the kids so close together, one was born exactly 9 mo. after Nelson. Judge had two things- would have cost a LOT more money for DNA testing (2-3K) and 1-2 mo. for the results (would have had to stay in Turkey instead of returnign to the US- Nael was here working and couldn't come there). Or we could change his birthday to March 1 and it would "look" better. Also, made it look on "paper" that mother had waited the right amount of time between Thinking about relinquishing him and actually doing it. (Although actually she gave up custody 3 months prior to any "legal" paperwork), so she had waited much MORE than the 90 days. He didn't have a birth certificate, as he was born at home. On his "adoption/birth/new baby" announcements I put the July birthday. Later our attorney told us it would be IMPOSSIBLE to change it and we had to live with the March 1 birthday. I feel guilty that I agreed to it, but in reality I had no choice. (I was in Turkey with my parents, they had put their lives on hold for all this, judge, attorneys, other family, etc... waiting. $$$ was adding up). Nelson, as I told you guys before, doesn't know he's adopted. So rather than confuse him royally, we celebrate the March 1st birthday. But my baby boy is really only TOMORROW turning 6. Every year I have a special Mommy & Nelson day, give him some gifts and take him somewhere like Chuckie Cheese. Last year I said something like "it's like a 2nd birthday" but we didn't say Happy birthday or anything. Well, I bought a few gifts today and am ready for the day. I am an emotional wreck right now. Crying all day. (Hormones screwed up and really just emotional). I know the day is coming very soon that we need to tell him about his adoption. I have painstakingly laid the groundwork for this over the years. Talking about the "concept" of adoption, using books, movies, real friends with adopted kids. The psychologist had told us to wait since we hadn't said it from really young b/c he is really a sensitive kid. But in the next year she thinks he will be ready and will start asking questions. Already when we were in Paris he was playing with another kid at a restaurant- the kid was from Holland. He asked Nels where he was from and he said "I was born in Turkey, but I am American and live in America." The kid said, "that's cool" and they played. I sat there with my jaw on the floor. So, I am preparing myself for the answers and want to handle it "right". I want to protect him. I don't want him to feel like he was abandoned or unloved. I want him to be able to hear the news without being hurt. But I will bet my life on it that it doesn't come without consequences. Every year on this day I always cry for the birth mother. I feel so for her and wonder if she is thinking and wondering about him. What a selfless miracle that she did, she answered my prayer- but is it haunting her?! Do I get to love this child and watch him turn into a man, at the cost of having broken her heart? I have all these thoughts and usually I handle it all quietly in my head and heart. Today I am crying my eyes out as I type this. Thanks for listening guys, not even sure if this makes sense. peas/Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and I know DH is relieved! Great news! Apples & Janet~ you are both my heros. HUGS....... I didn't exercise today either (while we are confessing), but I had enough power surges to run a small country! Changed shirts 7 times and took 3 showers. Hell, that's exercise. : ) I am planning on going to the gym tomorrow if I get sleep. Nite nite. peas
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ Thanks for all the empathy with the "change" peri- meno- loco coco phase of my life! My mom was REALLY a mess during her "change". Dad even bribed her with a convertible if she would go on HRT. She did! She felt better with HRT, but still will never know if that contributed to her cancer. DH asked me if I wanted a car..LOL. I said, "It's frikkin 98 degrees today- who the hell wants a convertible?" Mom was in foothills of NC with hers. Funny though, I inherited that car after the Peace Corps and DH and I had our first date in it Mercury Capri. We were in Orlando at a pharm. conference and I knew the town better than he did, so he wanted me to drive. Had our first kiss in that car too.:cursing: I just found some photos of it. Mom and I went on a week long road trip together back in 97 for my 30th bday. Drove down to Key West. Wow- a time I will never forget. Apples~I know you thanked already ahead for thoughts- still had to say it. Hugs. Hang in there. Give DH a hug from us all and say the girls have you guys in our hearts and prayers. Food is going good- had around 100 cal yest. Decided to only add a yogurt yesterday and stuck with shakes the rest. At night the "air escape" sound goes away but was not hungry. Such a rare occurrence that I decided not to eat solids for one more day. I KNOW I can't live on shakes- but decided to try and kick start my weight loss. I need to learn to EAT CORRECTLY, but for now... time to lose. Today had coffee (50) and a Starbucks Vivanno (18 gms protein, 270 cal). Had TWO bottles of water and now just had a Yoplait Greek Yogurt (130 cal, Protein 12g). Discovered that I can make a shake with crystal light and frozen strawberries (~50 cal for 1/2 cup) and protein isolate powder (80 cal, 20gms protein) that is tolerable. It's not GREAT, but by not adding milk, knock off 90 cal. I CANNOT drink Muscle Milk anymore. You guys know I was such a big advocate of this product for a LONG time! LOVED the 100 cal cans. Well......... they have done something to them, and it ain't good. The last 6 that I have tried (bought at random/different places) had clotted lump type stuff in them that LOOKED like spoiled milk. (It doesn't have milk in it and it tastes ok... it just has this FUNKY texture. Nothing worse than drinking a liquid and suddenly get an unexpected SOLID in the back of your throat!) Does anyone else drink them? My sister had the SAME thing in NC and won't touch them now either. Update on my sister. She is now down to 182, wearing size 14/16; so lost 100 lbs. (she is post-op Gastric Bypass June, 2009). She is not doing ANY intentional exercise. (but does a lot around the house and says she does 10,000 "steps" a day on her pedometer). She says she is eating 1000 cal a day. (my mom said she is eating more like 2000, but is losing). She lost her Cobra health insurance and now that she is unemployed for 18 mo., also found out that b/c of her gastric bypass RNY, history of hypertension and on anti-depressants that she is UN-INSURABLE. She cannot get approved for any policy. (according to her). Has anyone tried to get individual insurance since their surgery? Curious. I will cbl, but wanted to say hi while I had the time. peasout.. Laura
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    3rd night in a row of barely sleeping (up every 30 min it seems). Wake up covered in sweat! Pull all the covers off, then fall back asleep. Wake up 30 min later freezing and reaching for covers.... Oh menopause please come and go already! DH is saying might need to consider HRT but with DM's history of endometrial cancer I am weary. Coffee time.. been up 30 min already.
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all~ Janet~ Walked 3 miles in the beautiful 85 degree sunny day. Sweated my ass off. Did 50 sit ups. Jumped in the pool with my workout clothes on (did take the time to take my shoes off). Apples~ Thinking about you today and hope the procedure went well. I am staying on liquids for 24 more hours in your honor. : ) Well, I hope my 1cc fill wasn't overly ambitious. I am having "air escape" sounds this morning when I take big gulps of water. Coffee was fine. Then I had a kids SF protein shake at Tropical Smoothie Café :: Real Fruit Smoothies, Sandwiches and Wraps Jetty Jr. (banana & strawberries) with 1 scoop protein whey 179 cal. 22 gams protein. Had them "double blend" and make it loose (less ice). Drank it slow and did fine. I am always tighter in the mornings- so I will wait until tonight before I try anything thicker. Hope I don't need to unfill any- but I will get unfill rather than have reflux issues again. Still wish the Dr. could have filled my head instead of my band. Cuz we all know that's where the REAL problem is. Laundry laundry laundry. When does it ever end? And little cat, Coco (one in avatar) stepped in pool water on deck and went to the litter box and then crawled on my bed. ughhhhh. wet litter is such a joy to find on your bed after you get out of the shower! Anyone want a cat, 75% off! LOL Well, Nels and I are going to NC around the 12th to see Mom and Dad. His 1st grade orientation is on the 20th- so have to go before then. Can't believe this summer is almost over! We will go for 4 days or so. Mom's birthday is on the 17th, so it will be nice to be there close to it- if not on it. Dad is still doing so so. Slow recovery. Still weak and not real active. Has PT come to house 3 x week. Has a home nurse now 3 x week for baths! HUGE step. This happened 2 weeks ago since my Mom hurt her back. We are still trying to get her to get MRI and epidural. (after a month of pain meds and PT not working). Miss them a lot. My Dad's best friend from Turkey will be there the 7-14. He was a HUGE part of the success of Nelson's adoption and he will be happy to see him. We are overlapping the trip, but not to take the guy time away. House will be full, but will stay in the office with Nels, it will be ok. Glad in a way DH won't be able to go- he would hate the arrangements. I am sure he will love the break, though he would never admit it. : ) Great~ forgot to say glad trial is over. Praying the jury makes the right decision. hugs. Hope the camping happens. : ) Jodi~ Glad u are enjoying your summer and that Dassi is enjoying camp. Glad you are dating- be careful with Mr. LV. I see red flags all over that. You can have a bootie call with someone in your town. ; ) Hi peaches! You lurker, you! Julie~ hope your day in Bismark goes ok. The puppy story had me on the edge of my chair too! I think they make "break away" collars for dogs. (like kids necklaces). Though, since I am such a puppy expert (haha), don't listen to me. The plans for the wedding sound like they are coming together nicely. Sounds nice. Eva~ (did you ever see Wall-E yet?) I still say ur name like walle says it. : ) Hope you are surviving your week. Sounds stressful. Glad the tree is safe. I am such a tree hugger (peace corps and all). Glad you have your house to yourself. If I missed anyone else... sorry. HI! Will CBL..peasout.. Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Survived my fill. 1cc put in. On liquids for 24 hrs. (maybe sympathy for Apples?!) Ready to get going on losing again. Phyl- I made chicken veggie soup today. Soup mode! LOL Linda~ LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics! You look amazing! (even with the tatoo of a bruise! LOL) Julie~ I just checked Jewel's vlog and last one was in mid June from what I could tell. Hmmm.. Hope she is ok. Great~ Your trips sound great! I miss Paris. Our was too quick. Let me know what you want to see and I can send you some info. Are you adventurous and will do the Metro (subway)? The boys are swimming. A good activity after camp and TKD. Will CBL.. Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just popping in to say hi! Welcome back Apples!!!! Glad the party was a hit- you are the best hostess! Would LOVE to go to one of your parties. : ) Janet, soup will be on my menu tonight. On my way to get a fill. Wish me luck. : ) LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! xoxo Peas
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    G.S.~ I feel like I have to say something about your post. First, make sure and express your symptoms to your bariatric MD tomorrow. There could be something going on causing you to feel this way. I had the same exact feelings/symptoms a couple weeks after surgery. I went to see my surgeon, sure there was something really wrong with me. (keep in mind, I am a nurse practitioner- and thought I knew everything). My Dr's response was "I told you lots of things but I never once told you you would feel GREAT after surgery." It was true. You won't feel "great" until later, as your weight starts coming off and you start physically and emotionally "feeling better". You have drastically cut your calories from what your body is used to. You will be in withdrawal for a while. Your body is using your muscle to fuel itself- this causes lots of toxins in your body. The most important thing you can do is to follow your dr's instructions to a T. I am not sure what stage of food you are on- still on liquids? soft? How much protein are you getting in..etc. If you aren't drinking enough fluids, it's usually the number one reason you are feeling bad. But going from 2000-5000 cal/day to 1000 cal a day takes getting used to. You also had major surgery and need to heal. But they need to rule out infection/blood pressure/blood sugar issues first. If all that is ok- then it's just your body getting used to it. You are doing great, keep up the good work. I still haven't caught up on all the posts (just read last two pages and Julie's summary). Eva~ what a wonderful story about your MIL. Gave me chills actually. Sounds like you are doing a lot of activity- does that tree have dirt yet? Julie~ WTG! I hope the guys at Mayo find some answers for you. Janet~ Another puppy? I missed that. I thought you just got rid of one? You are so right about what used to be our portions. JB~ glad you got the fridge fixed. I am feeling better. I think I will go to the gym tomorrow. Still stuffy/sinus/slight cough. Probably something from the plane- everyone was sneezing. I have a fill scheduled for tomorrow. My ticker advised me I hadn't updated in more than 80 days and I about passed out. Hadn't really realized I had plateaued that long. Time to get going. I have a fire under my ass now. I am thankful I have not gained. I have never gotten maintenance under my belt EVER. So this is an accomplishment for me. I have lost 1000 lbs probably in my 43 years- but have always put it back on. Although I am not proud of my stall- I am proud that I learned where I can stay to not gain. Such a busy day. Finally have everything unpacked and put away. Laundry all done. Nelson is eating again. For dinner he had green peas, grilled chicken, apple slices, cantaloupe and tomatoes. (he went 8 days without eating fruit or veggies in Paris- still not sure how he kept pooping!) Now he is craving the few that he likes. ok- now my chill time. Hi to you all- sorry if I missed someone. peasout.. Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Janet~ I know- you are 100% right! I do worry too much about him. Before bath last night I had him step on the scale and he was down 4 lbs. That's a lot when you weigh 60 lbs. He really ate almost nothing for a week. This morning he woke up and had a piece of cheese, 5 chunks of cantaloupe, and a piece of toast, and a cup of choc milk. The first solid food in days. He was hungry. You are right. And the NP in me knows all this- but the mom in me gets nutso. You hit that nail on the head. : ) I feel like I have a snot monster on my back. I am all stuffy, can barely breathe thr my nose, slight cough, chills, body aches. Only positive thing is I have NO appetite. I had coffee and that's it so far. DH and I had date night last night. Saw the Leonardo DiCaprio new movie, Inception. Wow. It's good but weird, kinda like Matrix. (dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream kinda thing...) I would get lost and ask DH and he was able to keep it all straight. He liked it. We tried to eat at this cool seafood place on the river but the wait was too long. So we ate Mexican. Was in the mood for a top shelf margarita. Ordered Asado (skirt steak)- they marinate it and it's REALLY tender. Only ate about 3 oz and DH had rest. Ate 1/2 my refried beans and the guac.- no rice and no chips. Was proud of myself. It was our "anniv dinner". I am so low maintenance these days. (I used to like fancy places on anniv. ) and now it's just not a big deal. Just wanted some alone time with DH. Nels had a blast with the sitter. My cleaning girl who is Brazilian has her two kids in Brazil for the summer and is lonely. She just loved on him. (she's known him since he was 10 mo. old.) She took him to a friend of hers that has dogs. He played with 2 puppies and a golden for 2 hrs and then went to the park and had dinner (milkshake). Then it was bath and tooth time..LOL I hope I get better in a day or so- so ready go get to the gym. My mind is motivated, which is a change. I have been so unmotivated last couple months. Let's hope body follows. Welcome to the new people! Arlene~ that treat sounds delicious! will have to try it. Judy~ sorry bout the fridge. that sux. Look at it this way, get to start with fresh new condiments and stuff! : ) sorry bout the stuck. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I am chilling, using a whole box of tissues and sitting in bed watching cartoons with my boy. As lousy as I feel, it's these moments with him that I love. Soon he won't want to be around me and will be glued to video games and friends. xoxo peasout... Laura
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Nelson FINALLY got that loose tooth out! It was a thorn in my side! He was in the bath and told him I just needed to wiggle it.... and i held on! He moved his head back and he practically passed out!!! Maybe he will eat tomorrow!!!!
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening girls~ Julie, thanks for the wonderful update. I feel caught up now. I have at least 6 loads of laundry, still not feeling great and just got home from Nelson's TKD belt test. He was so tired but insisted on going! He only slept a few hours last night (he woke up 4am b/c of time change) and then at test time, 5pm (it was like midnight in Paris). He did great and got his green belt! So proud of him. The last few days of vacation we didn't take too many photos. Our anniversary it was raining. We went to "Disney Studios" (their version of our Universal Studios). We did mainly indoor shows and such and photography wasn't allowed. I was cold in the rain and just wanted to go back to the hotel. (hadn't slept well the night we returned from London). Nelson went to the kid's "playroom" which is a babysitting type service. The lady in charge didn't speak but a few words of English so I was nervous leaving him. (although the door is locked and he couldn't leave- they take a photo of you and look at your I.D., so no one else can sign him out) He had a ball and it gave DH and I some alone time. After we picked him up we went out to dinner. There were plenty of "fancy" French places but I just wasn't in the mood to dress up or deal with Nelson and the food choices. His tooth was really bothering him and he wouldn't eat anything. I made an executive decision to go to Rainforest Cafe (although we have one here in Orlando, FL- but haven't gone in a year or so). It's very entertaining for kids- pretend lifesize animals that move and make noise and the whole place looks like a rainforest. Aquariums everywhere. Food was ok- but it was enjoyable b/c Nelson was happy, which made us happy. : ) The day traveling home I didn't take any photos. I was done, tired, and ready to get home. Today I was feeling lousy- and then to TKD. DH made homemade chicken vegetable soup for me. Such a sweetheart. Tomorrow night we have a babysitter so we can have a proper "date" night for our anniversary celebration alone. Julie~ Sorry to hear about your GP's letter. It's not fair but unfortunately not uncommon. Perhaps she is frustrated at not being able to help you get better and feels it is a potential legal problem? (just guessing) And that maybe someone else with a fresh set of eyes might be able to figure it out. You bring up a good point to about the meds. A lot of practitioners get nervous if they feel patients are "drug seeking". It's frustrating b/c you have REAL pain and just want someone to help you. I hope you get some answers soon. Lori~ Hope your travels are safe. Early morning flights are tough. I was surprised at how full the flights were this trip. EVERY seat was full! Can't wait to see pics of your house! Arlene~ Sorry to hear about your cracker attack. Carbs are tough ones. Good going on the walking! Sounds like you have been doing good. Hugs. Janet~ How'd that new phone thing work out? DH was talking about those. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new pic. You look awesome! I am ready to get back on track this week and get out of the maintenance phase I have been stuck in. Thinking of a slight fill and getting back with my trainer/gym. Apples~! hope you are having fun at the lake. Thinking of you with the dentist appt! Phyl~ Love the pics of your puppy on FB! What a cutie! Sounds like that dog keeps you busy and happy. : ) Yeah, hope Jessica and other MIA are ok. I spoke to Meredith not too long ago on FB. She is doing AWESOME and has lost a lot of weight and is close to goal I think. She loves her new house and got her degree and is starting the PA program in the fall. I need to go to bed- will write more tomorrow. Here are a few pics. Hugs to you all!!! peasout.. Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    OK guys, I need someone to PLEASE make me one of those catch up summary lists- to tell me what happened the last week! Between unpacking, grocery shopping, returning calls/emails, watching Nels, and trying to let DH have 2 days of "rest" before being on call on Monday... I am overbooked, to say the least! I have a sore throat and chills. At first glance it looked like strep, but both of us have decided it looks like a viral exudative (white stuff) tonsillitis. So I am sick and jet lagged... whoa boy. The vacation was 7 days, but you have to count a day of travel there and one back. We planned it that way for many reasons. 1) Europe is VERY expensive. Two espressos and a sprite at a cafe on the streets of Paris, $25 Euros = $32. 2) First overseas vacation with a 6 year old. We weren't sure how much he could take 3) We weren't sure how much we could take! In the end it was a perfect amount of time. Only thing I would have done differently was added staying over a night in London. The "day trip" thing was too short for us. I have two days of photos I still need to add. The 21st- our anniv. and then yesterday. CRS (can't remember if I told you this), Nelson has a wicked front bottom loose tooth. He REFUSES to let anyone help it get out and he won't do it. He said he heard the tooth fairy will still give you money even if you swallow it. BUT... he won't eat! He is living on juice, milk, pringles, yogurt and ice cream. I haven't weighed him, but I am sure he lost 2 lbs this week. (I do realize he is FAR from starving to death). I wanted to just yank it while pretending to be looking at it.. and DH is adamantly against it. He says you don't want to lose trust, etc. He is much more patient with these things then I am. Before I forget , Janet........... happy bandiversary! I know there were some others too. H.B. to you too. Janet, your photos are so inspirational, really. What a great example you are to us! Thank you. I weighed myself this a.m. (no BM x 2 days, TMI- but had to say).... and I only gained one pound. VERY proud of myself. Thought it would be worse. Didn't eat that much but did have some drinkie-poos every day! :biggrin: Love you guys and will await the angel of summary updates! CBL..........peasout! Laura
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Can't read posts... soooooo tired. Home sweet home! We arrived 2 hours ago. Everyone got baths and heading to bed. We lost a night of sleep on return trip. Will try to catch up some this weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi girls, Today is our 9th wedding anniv! DH wanted to get me flowers or something and I told him to not worry- I will do SOMETHING when we get home (go to the spa or shopping) rather than spend $$$ on flowers I have to leave in a hotel room when I leave. : ) It was the thought that counts! Yesterday we took the speed train to London. It goes under the water (in a tunnel)- it's really dark and feels like a night train. Only prob was some popping of the ears, but I didn't get motion sickness. (From the main station in Lille it was 1.5 hrs) Amazing really. London was nice but rushed. Ideally should spend more than one day there..LOL. But we wanted it for the "experience". We took the train at 8, then paid for a city tour, then lunch, tour, then cab to station at 430. The tour is one of those with multiple stops and you can get on and off- bus comes every 15 minutes. It was perfect for our needs. Just wish we had more time. Today we are in Paris. It's drizzly and cool. low 60s. Glad we stayed around here today. Nelson got brave and went to the "Mickey camp" (daycare type place in the hotel). He's having fun playing video games with kids from all over the world. We will pick him up and go out to dinner. : ) Didn't read any posts... will have a lot of catching up to do!!! xoxo peasout
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    quick hi! thanks for all the well wishes! Got stuck for my first time at dinner tonight.. ughhh.. my fault, tried to eat potatoes. did some papaya enzyme and feeling better without PB. Worried I am not getting enough protein here- didn't bring any protein suppl on purpose. Food is great though and not doing heavy caloried stuff. Walking 3-5 miles a day (estimate). Lori, will tell you more details later, but yes, can get almost anywhere in Paris with train/metro. (they have like 11 different lines) It can get confusing- I am spoiled b/c DH lived here and knows it very well. But now I could get anywhere alone. Some more pics : ) I can't read all the posts- wifi too expensive... but miss you all..peasout..laura
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone! Greetings from Paris! La vie en Rose! (Life in pink) We are having a wonderful time- really one of the best vacations ever! Partly b/c Nelson is almost human (independent with bathing/food/sleeping)... and b/c I feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better with my weight loss! 94 lbs ago I was tired and couldn't walk much... hated pics at times... ate until way too full.. thought about eating most of the time. Now we are enjoying our time... able to walk for hours in the hot sun! Dining in Paris and not getting upset at the tiny portions and now able to be amazed at the amazing taste of the food! Just a lovely 9th wedding anniversary! This is our 2nd anniversary with Nelson along. (Dad got sick that month last year and they couldn't watch him). All the previous years my parents had him for a week. But have to tell you, we have had fun. Probably could use a little "us" time, but it's ok... will line up some sitter when we get home. ; ) Read last two pages of posts, way too much for me to catch up on! Having to pay for minutes for wifi here. Congrats to janet and arlene for bandiversaries. So proud of you both. Cheri, the death of that 29 year old must have been an amniotic Fluid embolism (the fluid causes an obstruction in the lung blood flow and an inflammatory reaction in whole body- causes DIC where blood doesn't clot). Really the most heartbreaking thing that can happen to a delivering mother. DH had a case when he was newly in practice. It's nobody's fault and is unpreventable. Just tragic. Just had to mention that. I hope everyone is well. Miss you guys. Will post some pics! and check in soon! xoxoxoxo peasout... Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ Last post for a few days. I know our phones don't work over there, something about not having SIM cards. But I will have internet and promise to get some up! The boys out SOUND asleep and I am still running around packing last minute things! I can't sleep when I am excited! Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Au Revoir! peasout..... Laura PS Janet, that puppy is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Did they do a trade in?!
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Flyby........... just saying good morning. Read the posts... nice some of you are back. Hope everyone has a good day- feel better if you aren't- stay up if you are. Taking my camper to camp, they had Christmas in July yesterday! The teacher set up lights, christmas tree, played music, made hot choc and xmas cookies, played a xmas movie. Oh boy, Nelson was in heaven! They made snowmen, snowflakes, a reindeer out of a plantpot... he was singing "Santa Claus is coming to town" on the way home..LOL. Then he told me how many days left until the day and I almost wet myself! Today they bring a "teddybear" with them. Amazon screwed up and sent me two sets of luggage! one silver and one black! The computer apparently said the silver was out- they sent me an email and I said send the black then. So now both came, but I will keep the silver. Either way, these are shiney and i see them scratched after first trip. Glad they were not expensive. (i took your advise girls!) Hair cut/colored and then bank and then packing. I have a bit of my pre-travel stress. Just hate that all the responsibility of the details is on me. I have folder with all the tickets, reservations, etc. Camera charged. Laundry almost done. I am excited and feel very very blessed. I didn't think we'd go anywhere for a while b/c thought Dad was going downhill. To hear that he got in the exercise pool yesterday made me tear up with joy. He is now trying. Mom finally talked him into a nursing asst to come 2 times a week to help b/c her back is still hurting her. He agreed. This is BIG TIME change for him to accept. Things will get better, I feel it. Life is good. Have a great day guys. love ya.... peasout.. Laura
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    whoa............. ditto everything Janet just said! That's what I have been wanting to write! Hit the nail on the head with everything. All the comments to everyone and all! I saw that Oprah and it was an ahh--haa moment statement! So true. ok.. my new luggage came from Amazon (free overnight shipping with Prime........... and 75% off the retail price!) It's Samsonite Spinner something. VERY light and got great reviews. My cats won't get out of it though. My 20 lb, 16 year old cat, Ricky makes the 28" suitcase look small! LOL..... he's just sooooooooooo big! Hmmmm... Need to get clothes in there before Nelson gets home from camp and realizes they have 4 wheels! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS It's POURING raining today and making it hard for me to get things done...... ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Ok.. Confession is good for the soul.I was on my way to the gym and stopped to get a mani/pedi instead! It's the only day I have time. Tomorrow dh is on call and I have hair (get younger) in the a.m.. I couldn't go to France with my peasant feet (cracked from wearing flipflops). I have been good w exercise last week or so- but today and tom will be out. Can't sweat after having hair done! Right? Phew, feeling better. Thanks for listening. Laura
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

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    OMG, no! don't teach Apples to multi! She multi tasks enough at home! LOL. On a serious note... HUGS Janet, can only imagine how hard that was. Reinforces my puppy wanting phase is just a phase. My other friend who rescued the 3 week old puppy after the mom wouldn't care for it... she is a WRECK these days. Bottle fed for a few weeks, no sleep, no life, now he's eating wet food but poop and pee EVERYWHERE. I defiinitely don't have the patience for that. I'd rather be ignored by my cats. Of course every once in a while they comes and give me the love I need. (on their terms) Apples~ We leave Friday. OMG OMG OMG. I am so excited! I haven't been this excited in a long time for a trip. We have lots of fun things planned. The fast train to London, lunch in the Eiffel tower, boat tour, dinner at the REAL Ratatouille restaurant (if you saw the movie). Nelson will likely not eat anything but the bread...LOL... but we still want to go for the experience. It is all classical french food. Hey, he might surprise us! He won't eat escargot I am sure! Judy~ Holy cracking me up! Your story of Paris! ha ha. I agree with the others about the comment. Just that... healthy. I will say I took offense once to one of my doctor's history and physical reports when he wrote I was "well nourished"! :eek: Lori~ I am still just smiling since hearing your news! It's the only baby smiley I could find quickly. : ) ok.. gotta pack lunch for the happy camper and get outta here. love you guys! will CBL and write more!!!!!!!!!!!!! peas
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Things are crazy here... packing for Paris... taking the boy to tkd/camp, etc... I promise to write more to everyone tomorrow. I just read the posts and wish I could comment to each of you. Being caught up is as good as it gets right now. I have this random photo screen saver... and this pic just popped up and had me laughing. It was his first Halloween and he HATED being a sweetpea!!!!!!!!!! Hope it can make someone smile. peasout... Laura
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Wow, is the weekend over already?! Nelson starts another camp tomorrow. This one is called "A theme a day". Tomorrow is Creepy Crawly Day. (insects, caterpillar crawl races, eat dirt and worms (chocolate pudding with oreo crumbs and gummy worms!) LOL. He is excited. This camp is at one of the local private schools (the tuition is like $20K for ELEMENTARY!) I wanted to see what it's all about. Perhaps they use 14K gold pencils or something. I will be busy packing and organizing. I just found a deal on new luggage on Amazon with free 2 day shipping. (the new nice wheeler Samsonite- extra lightweight). I need a fill but definitely decided to wait until after France. I am being "good" this week though, so I can enjoy the vacation. We will be doing LOTS of walking and plan on trying to climb the Eiffel tower! 1665 steps! THe 1 day to live thing made me sad to think about it. Would likely just stay in bed with my 2 favorite boys all day talking and laughing and hugging. (might do an unfill too!) That freaks me out to think about it. Just makes me want to say I love yous MORE. BTW, I love you guys! Will CBL... gotta get ready for tomorrow. peasout.. Laura

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