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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Magnificent A friend of my Dad's just sent this to me after knowing the tough day we had waiting for the PET scan results today. He knows we believe in God but aren't particulary "religious" or church going poeple (much like Karen's porch church). This video just brought tears to my eyes- so true how God is ever present in our lives.
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls~ I glanced the posts, so I sorta know where everyone is. It's tough to take even one day off- you get so lost. Lori~Saw the news link..OMG.. thank goodness it didn't get to you. So scary. Love the idea of the GM condo. So sweet of you to think of that. Your DD is so lucky to have a mom like you. Julie~ Wishing you the best with the PT and injections. Sometimes it takes a little while to "break up" the muscles that are tight after being a wad of pain for a year+! They can do wonders. When I was at my heaviest DH used to give me trigger points in my lower back muscles. Life saver. Linda~Glad Katie is ok. Those symptoms you described can be so scary and it is so important for her to NOT ignore them- one day it could be something serious. (This is where I edited- dang, forgot the NOT! duh?!) hugs. I know Aylah is glad to have her DGM around spoiling her and loving on her! (but I also know it will be nice to have YOUR time back.) I loved the new survivor. I spent some time in Costa Rica and Nicaragua so it brought back some cool memories for me! Thanks for asking about my dad, will follow with that news in a min. Oh, re: drew Carey. Drew Carey Weight Loss (PICTURE): Did He Really Shed Diabetes along with Fat? - Health Blog - CBS News HE said he did the old fashioned way, diet and exercise. Lost 80+ lbs. Good for him! I love him. Melissa~ SO glad to hear you started work! Sorry you are so tight! hope that calms down as the stress gets less. Might need an unfill? (though I know you are sick of drs) hugs. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the cool things your son is doing! It sounds like you gave him a great foundation all these years and he is thriving and becoming a great young man! So much to be proud of!!! Jewel~ I can only imagine the stress you are under with school and Jake's Dx. School will go by in a flash. One thing I always did when I was in nursing school is look around at some of the nurses (some smart and some, well, ditsy). If the ditsy ones could pass their NCLEX- then you know you will! You are smart and with proper time management you will get through it. Just don't get behind, keep up with the reading (the most important thing) I know you already have the "caring" part of the art of nursing in your blood. You will do it- I have no doubt! Take the advice of the other teachers on here re: Jake. Stay on top of things. With most public school systems, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! You have to be his advocate! It will all be ok. Phyl~ Sounds like your trip has been an adventure! LOVE the pics of the babies. They really have settled into life on the road. I really think about getting my mom and dad a dog. It just has to be the right rescue one. (kinda like yours) I know she wants one and the benefits of that unconditional love would help them both so much. I just don't want to add more to their plate than they can handle. My sister is still living with them and could help out with walks and other care though. Need Judy and others to keep eyes and ears open. It has to be a good fit. Your back sounds like it is better, huh? What a relief! And btw, LOVE the before and after pics, as I said on FB, you are a rock star! Can't believe that one person's comment. what a biach. Arelene~WTG on the Water aerobics! Drowned rat..lmao! You are motivating me. No excuses. Other than walking I haven't gotten to the gym. A lot on my mind with Dad, and a lot on my plate with new job/nels' school/DH's schedule crazy as he prepares for two weeks off to go out of country. (even when you have vacation- the amount of call nights doesn't change. So you end up working your A$$ off before and after a vacation.) LauraK~ thanks for the warm thoughts too. And you are right about the pinkeye tx. Sometimes the teabag works. It's impossible (without an expensive culture) to tell 100% if an infection is viral or bacterial- so most people want to treat. The best Rx is the $$$ eye drops. Usually tobradex (has antibiotic and steroid in it) or CIPRODEX. Both costly but work wonders. If someone doesn't have insurance can write a Rx for a cheaper antibiotic drop and a cortisone drop sep. and works almost the same. Working in a free clinic you have to learn the tricks of the trade as people can't afford the $$$ ones. : ) Luckily we do have a lot of samples. Apples~ Hope you are enjoying one of (or your last) weekends at the lake house. I know how much you love that slice of heaven. On a selfish note, we love to have you around more. I almost called you today- was having a tough day waiting for dad's results. I know you have been there and done that with many. (other of you have too) But we finally got them... Dad's PET scan is mostly "cold" showing no activity of cancer where it was before. (good news), but now a new lesion in the T3 vertebrae (spine). Will repeat PET in 2 mo. And consider MRI, but won't change much right now. He's not having symptoms of bone pain- so that is good sign. They also saw a blip in one of his lungs but radiologist said it was so small that they would not even be able to biopsy it. I was thrilled with the report (as was DH)- I feared it would light up like a Christmas tree as before. Mom and Dad are numb and don't know how to react. On one hand they are happy but the other they are thinking cancer is slowly coming back. Cancer sucks. It was torture today b/c the dr was an hour behind on his appts. and they had to wait. So it was 2.5 hrs before he called us! I was FREAKING out here! Glad it's done. Yesterday I agreed to keep one of my friend's daughters for a few hours. (she is a NP as well and the kids go to the same school). It was their wedding anniv. and they wanted to go horse back riding on the beach. Well, when they came to get her the Miami game was starting. (keep in mind my husband doesn't watch sports on TV other than world cup). But he is also very polite and offered the guy a beer (which turned to 6) and subsequently he watched the whole game with him! I had originally ordered pizza for the kids and wings for DH&me. Once it was obvious they weren't leaving, I made a black bean salad and stretched that lunch out to feed 6 people! THe kids had fun and it was nice for the adults. Hugs to you all. Sharing some pics. : ) The first one is a photo from 2 years ago of Nels and my Dad on their lake boat. I love this pic. The rest from the weekend. peasout.. Laura PS I am sure I forgot someone- sorry. Not intentional AT ALL. : )
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    I got a well needed and deserved BREAK today! DH was on call last night but it was unusually quiet and he didn't get paged after 10pm. I didn't sleep well AGAIN, sort of the norm these days. I didn't get out of bed until 8am. (wasn't really sleeping but was too tired to get up). DH did Breakfast and then took Nels to chuckie cheese/movie/go kart place. He will be TIRED when he gets home..LOL. I agreed to watch one of my friend's daughters tomorrow b/c it's their anniv. (the girl we went to the beach with the other week). I felt bad b/c they don't have a sitter or family and just wanted to get away for a few hours. Not sure what we'll do. Maybe just hang around here and swim. My life is so exciting..LOL. I spoke to my parents this morning and dad is really nervous about the PET results on Monday. He is feeling better though since he got the IV fluids and diarrhea stopped. They've been through the ringer these last few months. I really hope it is clear. ok. I need to go use my time wisely. : ) Will CBL. and promise then to comment on others posts. peasout
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Lori, Yeah, I always say- I don't think God meant for women to have really young children and menopause at the same time! What a combo! The schedule will be ok. I know I need to lower my own personal expectation of all I get done. It's just a fact that the house work and all that jazz cannot get done on the days I am gone all day. Simple math. I'm just used to having things orderly and it makes me feel out of sorts when things aren't done. I literally cannot relax if there are things to be done or put up. I started taking the OTC supplement, Remifemin - 70% reduction in menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.† Many people swear by it. I wante to give it a try for a few weeks at least. If I am not having any improvement then I will have to do HRT. I cannot go days on end without sleep. It's just too much. My Dad had his PET scan yesterday but won't get the results until Monday. It makes me so mad when you know a report is read on sitting on a physician's desk! But his oncologist doesn't work Fridays, so he can't get the results until his next appt on Monday. Just pure torture to make a patient and his family wait. Praying it will be ok. Not sure Dad will keep fighting if it is bad. My mom is a basket case with all this. Usually she is tough as nails. It's been a year now and she is losing her stamina. Dad still isn't eating/drinking much. So hard to watch him go downhill. SIGH. Nelson is home from school. I better go. Just wanted to say hi and thanks everyone for thinking of me. Julie, update us!!!!!!!! I like the cruise idea too. There are even cheaper cruises out of Fort Lauderdale and Cape Canaveral (b/c the Bahamas is so close off short). But if more people will make it if it is central, then we should stick with N.O.. We will have to take a vote. I just have to decide what week before November (b/c we have to turn in DH's vacation requests for the upcoming year then. Yep- they have to plan their life a year in advance!) Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! peasout..Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    another fly by. Seems to be what I do best (and will do until my schedule gets better). I am feeling discombobulated today. This damn menopause induced insomnia is the part that is REALLY kicking my butt. It's making me not have energy during the day. I wake up suddenly from a deep sleep FREEZING, then I feel my face get flushed and then I sweat like a pig/prostitute in church/Mike Tyson in a spelling bee. This happens every hour or so all night and then every 2 hours during the day. I started taking the OTC supplement several of you recommended. (it takes 3-4 weeks for results to start). My Gyn said I could start hormones- DH wants me to- I am not sure. Sorta getting sick and tired of being tired and bitchy. Feel myself caving into the pharmaceutical promise of relief. SIGH.:wub: By the way, My dad is having his repeat PET scan today to see if cancer returned. I wish I could be there and feeling REALLY guilty that I am not. SIGH.:eek6: My day off and I am cleaning/folding laundry/paying bills/organizing...:sad: Hearing all this talk of LV is making me sad. So wish I could go. I just can't with DH leaving the 8th. Will you guys promise we will do another one sooner rather than later? I'm so bummed. I could use a pow wow with my girls- the best hugs in the world- the best healthy snacks- the best LAUGHS- sharing scars and life. I am truly going to miss being there. Can I call one night or do Skype? Eva, will you bring your computer? At least so I can see your beautiful smiles for a few minutes? I promise not to cry when I say goodbye. (Janet knows I am lying about that):alien: will cbl........peasout...........Laura PS had to share nelson's class pic. just love these little faces. volunteered yesterday and insisted on taking a before and after pic of the year. Teacher thought it would take an hour......... i had the kids seated and pic taken in 30 seconds!
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girlies~ I am the queen of flyby posts these days. Barely enough time to catch my breath here, but have to comment on a couple things. Apples~Sooo nice to see your sweet font : ) and smile. : ) Sorry for another wake, but glad you are home. Thanks for the update on Julie. At least they narrowed it down to one area maybe. Pain medication can put you in a vicious cycle. I have to have my hat off to all the single parents or moms who work full time. I honestly don't know how you do it ALL. Just a few days with a full schedule and so many things undone. (and I am a good multitasker too Karen). But how do you get it done if you aren't at home from sun up to sun down?! Came home to a full dishwasher, laundry to be folded, kid to be fed and bathed, cats to be cared for, mail to be opened, bills to be paid, phone calls and emails to be returned, etc... How does one fit working out into working/taking care of a kid/house/husband/sick family/cars????????????? I am exhausted and feeling bent out of shape. I am not an anxious person and I feel everything is out of place. I know today was an unusual day- (and had meeting at his school until 7pm)... perhaps tomorrow will be better. Need to take a shower and figure out dinner for me. phew. peas..............out
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Just a fly by... Cheri~ OMG........ that is so so sad. What a tragedy. Hang in there. Hugs. Julie~ I am thinking about you! I hope someone there can think outside the box and find a solution. hugs More car drama. I left to go to MY work... and DH was leaving 15 min after me. I shut my phone off since I was going into a meeting. His car wouldn't start. ALL the cases at the surgery center were waiting on him to arrive. (the CRNAs cannot start until MD is on premises). I felt bad b/c I was just in orientation and could have left but phone was off. DH took a cab. Now, you city folks won't find that odd at all- but we live in BUM FUDge. There is ONE cab company..lol.. and it has one car and one driver. It took them 50 min to pick him up and he smelled of alcohol. After I got out of orientation I came home- had car towed by AAA (starter they think) and then drove my car to hospital and had Hertz pick me up- went there to rent a car. Now have to take Nels to TKD, have a friend pick him up and take boys to dinner, b/c I have curriculum night at his school. (DH is on call tonight.ughhh) The joys of life. I still always say, if this is the toughest stuff I deal with all day............ then I am doing OKAY! : ) My Dad is having a rough time this week. He had to go to the oncologist b/c he's not able to eat or drink much the last two days and has had REALLY bad diarrhea for a couple weeks. Usually he can keep up with fluids but now he can't. His potassium is really low and he's had two days of IV fluids with K+, but my gut tells me he needs to be admitted. Crossing my fingers he's ok. He said last night he is glad he didn't let them take the port out b/c all his veins are shot. SIGH. peasout............Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just a quick nite time fly by... Thanks for all the compliments girls. : ) Yes, I am busy... BUT... I find that I actually get more things done when I have a packed schedule. I just flounder about if I have nothing planned. I do need to get more diligent about getting the exercise in. I still don't know what my work schedule will be and whether it will change my school volunteer day. Once I get that set- I will PROMISE Cop Janet and others to get my regular workout schedule planned! Melissa~ Sounds like gyn issue but could be early appendicitis. I am glad they are watching it. Does it hurt when you jump up and down? Any nausea/vomiting? Did they feel a mass? I would have a CT scan if they are unsure. The radiation is NOTHING compared to unnecessary surgery or a ruptured appendix. I need to look up that new tubal thing you had. Seems they fill the tubes with something to block them. Perhaps that formed an abscess or something? Keep us informed. ok, brag time. Nelson had a private taekwondo lesson today. Next week is testing/tournament and it is optional to do a wood board break. He's never done one and was quite nervous about it. Usually they have them do their first one in class around the other kids, but I didn't want him to have too much pressure. I even told him he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to. Well, his Sensei (2nd degree black belt) and Master (6th degree black belt) talked him into it. He asked DH NOT to come today (which hurt his feelings but I think Nels was just too afraid to let him down). Long story short... HE DID IT! The look on his face was just PRICELESS!!! So proud of his accomplishment! I had tears in my eyes. I didn't take photos in the dojo (actually so emotional that I forgot my camera!!! Can you believe it??!!) So I took this one in the car! Got my car fixed. The rear wiper/window motor went out and decided I don't need them. $1000 for a window and washer just seemed so high! Took DH shopping for clothes for his trip. He's going overseas in 3 weeks to see his Mom (can't remember if I told you guys). He hasn't seen her in 20 years. LONG STORY. But she is not doing too fell (healthwise) and being around my parents got him emotional. He spoke to his mom for their holiday on Friday and she said she wanted to see him before she died. I don't think she is close to dying, but I do think he needs to go. There is a lot of healing that needs to go on. I think having Nels and I there would be such a handicap. He needs to enjoy some family time and soak up his culture/language/food that he hasn't seen in a while. I will miss him for those two weeks- but it is so necessary. We scored great for him! New suit/shirts/shoes/pants. Had coupons for Men's warehouse. I didn't find any shoes for me. DSW didn't have ANY wide shoes today for some reason! I found one pair of clarks but they had stitching around the sides and DH said they looked like men's slippers..LOL. Not very sexy and decided not to get them. Might order some from zappos- free shipping and free return shipping. ok guys.. need to hit the hay, new job orientation in the a.m.! Peasout... Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    OK... Continuing on. Bus was LATE again. I wouldn't care if we had a covered shelter or if the bus came in front of our house- but it stops at the stop sign 1/3 mile away next to two vacant lots near the river. Think HOT, HUMID and BUGS. So 4 minutes late and the kids are all begging to be driven to school. BTW, not sure if you have these in other parts of the country(* No-see-ums are tiny biting flies that often live near water. You often see many of themswarming together in a cloud. Keep your mouth shut or you might breathe some in or swallow them! (It won’t hurt you, but it will probably make you cough.) Biting midges are called no-see-ums because they’re so tiny that it is hard to see ‘um. No-see-ums are less than ¼ of an inch long.) So, That was the bus drama. Today I have to go to occupational health and finish up my pre-employment screening. PPD reading, lab results, etc. All my other stuff is in. (ACLS card, FL ARNP license, etc...), Now they are ordering my Rx stamp, monogrammed labcoat, etc. I guess next week I will be official! Tomorrow is orientation. They make us go to the hospital wide orientation and then the clinic one. I have one new dilemma- CLOTHES! I can't wear scrubs (which I have ALWAYS done for work). They require dressy casual. I always wore clogs (some comfy-good for your feet) made in Sweden or Germany kind. Also a no no. They want your foot front and back completely covered and no sports shoes. SIGH. I have big/wide feet and that's why I live in Florida b/c you don't have to own shoes that cover every part of your foot! So, shoe shopping is on the itinerary today. Wish me luck. Let me try to remember what's going on with everyone: Julie~ Oh hon, I am sorry the Mayo consults didn't reveal an answer to your pain. As Eva and others have said- if it was an easy answer, your local drs would have figured it out. Hang in there. HUGS. Oh.... congrats on the new DGD!! wonderful news. : ) Janet~Glad you had a day to recharge the batteries. If anyone needs it/deserves it...YOU DO! : ) Nels wanted to check our farm and was upset that everything had died. Then after we planted he wanted to fly the biplane- I would die before I use really money for a game and shut FB off..LOL. I lost my ummmppphhh for FV. Jessica~I am sorry you are having trouble with Jake at school. I agree with the others, that MUCH more evaluation needs to take place. I never think it's a good idea to just place a kid on medicine without a definitive diagnosis. He needs a thorough psycho-educational evaluation by a licensed pediatric neuro-psychologist. When Nelson was having some challenges in Kindergarten we had him tested. It put a lot of our fears to rest. His IQ was actually gifted. He did not have ADHD like one of his teachers thought. He was in the wrong environment for him. He needed a more structured environment. Montessori was NOT for him. He is not a self motivated kid- he likes someone to let him know what is expected of him and WHEN. He is thriving in the 1st grade in public school. Hugs with all that. It is time consuming and scary and you have a lot on your plate with your school too. Great~Have fun in NO. LOVE that part of the country. Food and people are yummy. Southern hospitality. Enjoy. Eva~ You go girl! WTG on the walking! Glad you and DH are doing it together. It makes it so much better an enjoyable! I am waiting for the weather to get cooler here so I can finally get DH out of the AC! Karen~Hope you are enjoying the lake and healing well. LauraK~ hugs on the heartbreak city. We would never tell you I told you so- just unconditional love here. : ) Hang in there. I know there is more... but I need to go get dressed. Will CBL peeps. peasout...Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys, Sorry for the MIA this weekend without a warning. : ) If you are on FB you saw that I was busy busy! DH was on call, Fri, sat and Sun. Those weekends really kick my butt b/c have to keep up with Nelson 100% of the time and if we are home and DH is asleep, then it takes 10x the work to keep him quiet in the house. I know- 6 yr old and quiet should never be in the same sentence..LOL. Thurs was beach, Friday he had school then we swam and rode bikes. Sat had a playdate with a 5 yr old boy (who has ADD or something- that day WORE me out)- met at Cracker Barrel for bf and then putt putt and then swimming and playing outside. Sunday- cleaned/talked on phone- then to hospital to see Daddy (after Nels didn't see him for 3 days). Homework, play and then sleep. That's the synopsis. No gym but LOTS of walking in 100 degree heat!!! Love you all, let me get the little one on the bus and will comment to all. xoxo Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys~ Thanks Lori. What a short but sweet summation. We went to the beach. Did LOTS of walking, digging, swimming. The kids had a blast. The friend I went with is also a NP. We talked shop and watched the kids. After we got home had Nelson rinse off and off to TKD we went. DH didn't think my day was "busy" like his... but hey, it was a lot of work getting 2 six year olds to the beach and back in one piece! Two pieces, now that's easy! LOL Janet~ You are right. I am heading that way. Being in the bathing suit today sealed the deal. Although, I have to tell you, I last wore this tankini on my honeymoon in 2001. Feeling pretty good about that, size 14. : ) peasout.. Laura
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ My first chance to sit down and write anything in a while. Happy New Year to my friends celebrating Rosh Hashanah. I'm happy to have a day at home with Nelson, free from the usual rush and time to just BE. I was up at 4am and tried to catch up on the posts. I got the last 4-5 pages at least. Anyone care to write a summary of the last week or so- it will be greatly appreciated. : ) Julie~ I gather that you are at Mayo. I am hoping we find some answers. hugs. Apples~ Congrats on the newest members of your teeth family! Hope you are resting and recovering at the lake. Hugs on all the "stuff" going on. I responded to your PM. Janet~ Hugs with Andrew stuff. I don't want to be buried in socks. I hate socks. I like Karen, if buried in what I wear to bed, will be BUCK nekkid! LOL. That's all I care to contribute to the funeral conversation. I think I read that all your work is reversed and upside down and backwards. Hope all is ok. Everytime I see your before/after photo- it motivates me. That's all I have to say. Kick butt girl! Arlene~ Congrats on the new little girl! awww, I LOVE the sight and sounds of a newborn baby! Eat her up. Enjoy. Eva~ HOT. You and the weather..LOL! How's it going? How many days until Argentina? If you haven't read Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez then I HIGHLY recommend it as a bring along for the trip. Although the setting isn't Argentina, there are so many similar things that it will bring the book to life reading it while in South America. It was the first book I read while in the Peace Corps, and to this day one of my favorites. Great~Welcome back from Hawaii and Denver. Our little traveler. Hope it was good to see everyone. Everyone else, hello & will write more. At the moment CRS and have a boy requesting breakfast..LOL. I think the beach is calling our name today. Yep, I hear it. Plan on packing a cooler with lunch, grabbing some sand toys and towels and heading to the Water. I start work next week (NP job) and have already started class volunteering 1-2 days a week and being classroom parent. I need to get better at fitting in exercise in all this. I am doing some (2 days a week at gym and one 3 mile walk another day). But I see Janet shaking her head and saying "Girl, that ain't enough!" I know. Do I get a C for trying!? Will CBL..........peasout peeps. Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ Another flyby. My folks leave tomorrow morning. They were supposed to leave today but the weather was too iffy. I didn't even tell them I was supposed to volunteer at Nels' school. I am going to write the teacher an email and leave a VM. I can do it any other day this week (although holiday again Thurs). I have to change next Tues' too, as it is the day of "orientation" at my new job. I just hate to look like the "slacker" room mom my 2nd/3rd weeks on the "job". sigh. It's unavoidable. My parents visit has been bitter sweet. Dad isn't feeling well the last two days and has spent most of the time in his chair in DH's office. He thinks our house is too cold and sits in here with the sliding glass door wide open. We usually keep air on 74-75 and have it up to 79 for him. Any higher and our electronics will start going! Already DH's computer is not loving the 100% humidity and 92 degree reading in here. Saturday he was fine-he and mom took DH's car and went to check on their condo, out to lunch with friend and to the beach for an hour, followed by a swim in our pool. Yesterday we had company (Nels' best friend and his parents) and Mom enjoyed. Dad wouldn't even come out for one minute. Everyone came in the office to say hi. Today, more of the same. I made my mom get out. I said he has a dr and NP to take care of him. She hit some of the LD sales a Steinmart, etc. She felt so guilty. My family is famous for this guilt thing. At least she had a change of scenery and a little decompressing here with me. He is less demanding here (with her). He isn't eating much and that concerns her. She thinks he "looks bad" although he looks better than when I last saw him. I think they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Dad made them schedule another PET scan for this month. (supposed to wait 3 more mo.) It won't change the treatment but dad thinks they did it too early. (which they did) and is afraid it was a false negative. I wish he would just LIVE and stop LIVING test to test. I am not in his shoes though. I have not had cancer. Not sure how I would be LIVING. I know he is scared. Nels loved having them here and just hugged on them all the time. He didn't seem to even notice Grandpa only staying in the office or bed and kept bringing him some of his toys and stuffed animals. I have to tell you a sweet story. My mom brought Nelson an airplane from Walmart. He is overindulged and has lots of things. She knew he liked the Imaginext toys and got one. He already had the one she got. He said "Grandma! I just LOVE it!" and hugged her neck. I later said to him- I am so proud of you that you didn't tell her you had it. He said, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, Mommy. I do have it already, but that shows that I do love it! Having two is even better! Just made me smile with pride and love. It's true that kids can be spoiled, but not spoiled rotten. To have that insight at 6 is lovely. I haven't read posts. Sorry guys. I will soon. Just wanted to say hi. hugs. Pics: 1 Nelson running to see Grandpa! He said "I am so proud of you for flying!" 2 Just off the plane 3 dinner the first night 4 Mom watching the boys swim peasout.... Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Fly by.. haven't read any posts in days. Been soooooo busy. A friend of mine from the Peace Corps who was living in Peru, then Angola, and now DC came to see me Friday morning! I hadn't seen her since my wedding in 2001. She said- you haven't changed a bit. LOL. I am the exact weight today as I was on my wedding. 212. I need to update my ticker. : ) So she never saw me when I was 100 lbs heavier and says I am the same. Thursday night my folks called and said, "We need a change of venue, is your guest room still open?" I said yes, of course! They flew down Friday afternoon!!! Tough flight for Dad, 2.5 hrs in small plane- but he did it. Mom too, with her back still bothering some. They both did PT and then to airport Friday. Nelson told them when they arrived that it was the best day of his life to see Grandpa flying his airplane again! (I had tears in my eyes behind my sun glasses). Dad was in the co-pilot seat but hadn't flown, he had a pilot- but Nels didn't know that. Made my dad smile. We are having a good time. Just nice, they haven't been here in a LONG time. Even my cats are all over them and excited to see them. (as they used to visit at least one long weekend a month for the last 9 years) They went to have lunch with a friend, borrowed our car. I am making a standing rib roast for dinner. My Dad would have a heart attack if he knew the price of the meat! LOL. But just want a nice meal for them. I spent Thursday afternoon and most of the night cleaning/emptying the guest room and house of toys/clothes. They hadn't visited in so long that the guest room was a bit of a mess. Anyway, I am tired but the happiest I have been in a long time. Life is good. I read one post up and saw Linda's post. My prayers are with you and your family. HUGS. I promise you guys I will catch up next week after they leave. HUGS to you all. peasout..Laura
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ I am pooped and should be in bed. BUSY week this week. I volunteered in Nels' class for the first time today and the teacher is so grateful! It seems not one other parent sent in anthing (supplies for class) not signed up to volunteer. I am still just shocked. I told her I would do whatever I can! So call Mrs. Classroom Mom. Wish my mom lived nearby, she LOVES this stuff. She's so creative and loves interacting with this age. JOB. well, yeah, they loved me! He said I was just what they needed! They want a min. commitment of 4 mornings a month, 16 hrs total. Prefer they be once a week or two days back to back every two weeks. So that you can follow up with your own patients. Makes sense. The medical director is amazing, smart, well educated, teaches med students and loves the teaching part. The medical office/center itself is top notch! They have EVERYTHING! Like a small ER. Every specialty rotates through, so you get referrals to come to you! They even have an in house optomotrist! I have to do orientation on the 14th (anyone in the medical field knows all the videos they have to show you). Kind of a bmmer when you are a volunteer- used to not mind it back when I got paid good money to sit on my butt and do nothing for orientation. Tis part of the territory. The other staff seemed super nice. The full time NP has been there since 95 when they opened. She seems really nice and helpful. Only one gal I have to keep my eye on. Can't get a read for her year. sleep time here... peasout.. Laura PS. thought of editing my post- it's now 6:30am and I just realized HOW tired I was----------couldn't spell or write properly. Yawn. Off to wake up the boy. 4 hrs is not enough sleep.
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning sunshines, MONDAY, aahhhhhhhhhhh... after a busy weekend with DH on call, i am THANKFUL for Monday. :thumbup: Nels woke up without a fuss, eating grilled cheese for Breakfast (Hey- that's what he insisted on), then going to the GYM (have an appt with my old trainer), and then DH and I are having lunch with Nels. I want to see what the cafeteria looks like and stuff. Tomorrow I volunteer for the class- reading mom. Then job interview (volunteer NP 2 days a month)- after the 2 you get paid if you want. We'll see. I just need to get my feet wet after not working for a few years. Great place to network as all the docs in town volunteer 1/2 day each month. Might meet them all! LOL Janet~ WTG on the gym! YOU inspire me, really! Melissa~ Hang in there girl. It's tough- it sux sometimes- but you will find something! HUGS. Phyl~ LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos! You look amazing! Love the family ones, sis, mom. Just precious photos. Wedding was lovely! I know what you mean though about how it's done these days. Cheri~ I hear ya on the AC! Don't know how I lived 2 years in the Peace Corps without it! Hope they figure out the Ca+ I know there were more- but gotta go get the boy ready. Will update replies... promise. peasout..Laura
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Can't sleep either Julie. SIGH. Going on a week with VERY little sleep. Not sure why- too much on my mind- or a part of menopause. Too tired to write anything intelligent or comment on posts. Had a busy day with Nelson's best friend and his mother (started at 830 with TKD- finished at 5). Was fun. brunch, park, playing in the yard, swimming, riding bikes, more swimming, playing inside. They were soooo cute dressing up in old role play stuff, arresting each other and putting out fires! I love the immagination of 6 year olds!!! And the laughter. Wish I could bottle it. Nelson was bathed and passed out in bed by 8. I went at 930. (maybe that's my problem) I think I need my unfill, filled back. Can eat too much. That's also got me feeling punky. On monday, DH and I are going to Nels' school to have lunch with him. He is really excited about it! Then off to the gym together- made DH promise me. Tuesday is my interview for the NP job at the VIM (volunteers in medicine clinic) in the afternoon. Get to meet the founder. Everyone that knows us both- says we will get along fabulously! One of kids was in the peace corps I heard,and he has a soft spot for previous volunteers. Then will set up domr locum tenens work (per diem/temp) for NPs. I am ready to get back in the trenches. I will still be the classroom mom and do that too. I actually get MORE done when I have a schedule. I sort of spin around when I have too much time on my hands. Seems odd even as I write it. Don't get me wrong- I do A LOT of stuff daily- just get more done when I am on task. Now I am getting tired and a HOT FLASH. Trying some natural herbs and such. (soy, herbs, etc.) Thinking I might need some lowdose hormones (patch) or something. The not sleeping is NOT tolerable. I promise tomorrow I will write more to individuals. HUGS.
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi girls~ OK.. let's get this straight about the repairman. Think Mr. Bean. (are you laughing yet?) This guy was a goofy, skinny, talked with a lisp and he had Mr. Bean type eyes. Well, Tuesday he said the reason for the lint in the dryer was the vent. The lint caused the thing to squeak. Chimney sweep guy (who was here 4 mo ago) came right away- Think Tom Selleck as a retired fireman- it was NOT the vent. He cleaned it (not me:blushing:) clean as a whistle..LOL. Now Bean has to come back to replace the pulley, but has to order it. My pool repairman, oh God, think, a Cuban looking Dom deluise, butt crack and all. Now, my UPS guys is hot. I do a LOT of my shopping online..LOL. That reminds me of a story. During one of my major weight loss attempts I was admitted to Duke University Diet and Fitness Center for a month. (gift from my parents for finishing nursing school.) About Duke Diet & Fitness Center - Duke Diet & Fitness Center - DukeHealth.org While I was there, Dom Deluise was there! We stay in individual condos but it is more like a dorm house with corridors. After 3 days of 1000 calories he called Dominos and ordered 60 pizzas- one to be delivered at each door. We thought it was a "test" from the staff. He almost got kicked out for that stunt. I remember losing 30+ lbs that first month and thinking I had this THING licked. Oh, I lost weight and stayed on plan for 3 months. Then started gradschool and that was all she wrote. Jessica~ I hear you on the stress of the first week of our sons being at school. I honestly think it is harder on us than them. Nelson is being a trooper. This week the teacher is doing "evaluations" to see at what level each kid is reading/writing/math- She said Nelson KNEW all the words but was obviously nervous and moved around in his seat, played with a pencil, and looked around. She knew he came from a Montessori environment where they don't have desks or tables- and is giving him time to adjust. Jodi, you are right about the volunteering. I have quickly learned that in public school it is different. None of the other mothers signed up to volunteer, so I am IT. I am the class mom and will do the reading day as well. I know that I will get to see my child in the classroom AND that the teacher knows I am plugged in and interested. And somehow that does trickle down (or back) to Nelson. I will continue even with starting work PT. Jessica, how is the bowel stuff going? Jodi~ Love your story of walking behind Dassi and her friend on the way to pizza. I love being a fly on the wall when I can. I wish I lived in a city where we could walk places. The burbs are for the birds for that! ; ) Julie~ hope you are feeling better. Jaw pain is horrible on top of the pain you already are on. Janet~ You are right. Nothing can replace the feeling of strength. I know for me when my trainer did the before/after strength testing, I was amazed at how strong I got in a short amt of time. Can you imagine if they had scales in car seats. Try to start the car and the speaker says "get your butt to the gym!" Lori~ Enjoy your time with your DD. Sounds like a much more enjoyable time than the hunting weekend. Phyllser~ LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos on FB. I am not so fond of zoey's new do. I like her fluffy. But I am sure there is less hair and z feels better. And preg test was not wrong. It came in a pack of 3- did 2 of them..LOL. Save the 3rd for a rainy day. My Brazilian goddesses are coming today. It's been a month!!! House needs a good head to toe cleaning! I do the usual stuff but we have high ceilings and I HATE ladders. So, I need to go clean and pick up for the cleaning girls.LOL. (At least clear a path). It makes me file/scan papers, etc... so things won't get lost. DH is on call all weekend, so need to recharge my batteries and keep charging on! I have the utmost respect for single parents. I don't know how they do it day in and day out by themselves. Don't get me wrong- I love my kid to pieces, but everyone needs a break once in a while. : ) ok guys. TGIF. Will CBL.....peasout.. Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ SIGH. Where to begin. Been a busy week for me. Kid started first grade (you live on the moon if you didn't hear this news..LOL) And... My dryer stopped working (I LIKE doing laundry and this REALLY threw a kink in my system)... The neighbors must think I am having an affair with the appliance repair guy b/c he has been here every day for the last 3 days. The pool pump/chlorine system died. (Those of you that know about pool pumps or pumps- know that the end must be in Water, too much air sucked in will break a pump. The other day Nels asked if he could take the vacuum out of the pool and I said yes- I assumed he unplugged it from the pool wall. $600 mistake. SIGH) My brake light keeps coming on in my Toyota. Scared the gajeebers (is that a word?) out of DH and it had to go in. NONE of the other mothers in Nels' class signed up to volunteer for ANYTHING and I am stuck being the sole room mom. (Most have many kids or work full time- understandable. Switching from private to public school- I have a few things to learn). I have an interview on Tuesday for a part time NP job. While talking to the administrator she looked up my license and noticed that it expired 2 months ago. SIGH. $75 penalty on top of NP renewal fee AND have to renew my ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). I did an online ACLS test and the company charged my credit card but didn't email me the card. SIGH SIGH SIGH. TOM is 4 weeks late and I am feeling REALLY crappy (N/V, bloated, boobs tender, etc..) . I was hoping pregnancy was an explanation but alas just ole menopause knocking at my door. (I am sure the gal at the drugstore thought this ole broad is buying the pregnancy test for her daughter! LOL) 2 nights ago had ZERO sleep- only after I realized it was a full moon did I understand why. sooo tired. What else? there's more but won't bore you with anymore details. So, Janet, confession is good for the soul. Been too busy having an affair with the repair man- didn't get to the gym. Walked two days and had enough hot flashes to provide electricity to a small country. Does that count? LMAO (LAUGHING MY ASS OFF) that your car read 119 degrees and that's what people thought you weighed! Imagine a car that said- ok, you gained 4 lbs today- I am NOT going through the drive through and taking you straight to the gym! haha:tongue2: I weigh 80 lbs b/c that's what my car said..LOL. Lori~ welcome home. I hear you with the comparison thing. My DH does it for me too. Sometimes I am just shocked at how my brain sees it. Glad you had fun. Arlene~ anxiously awaiting the news! Hang in there! That's all the ole brain can process. Apples is gone. Julie is hanging in there. Melissa is sick- hope you are feeling better. Someone keeps calling me LauraK. Can't remember who now. I know there are more, but that's as far back as posts I can see. I pledge to try to get to the gym NEXT week. This week I am barely keeping my head above water. Maintaining has to be OK for right now. Thanks for the support you guys. Tough week. peasout.. Laura
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls~ Yes, I exercised both days- but not the gym. I actually put on my walking shoes to take him to the bus stop (1/5 mile) and decided to just keep walking. Monday did 2 miles. Today did 1.5 with DH and then it started raining. But I cleaned the garage and since the washer/dryer is being serviced today- I pulled them out and cleaned behind. How gross what stuff collects back there! I am in a cleaning mood now that I have time again. ok ok ok... laugh all you want Miss Janet! Yes, I am a first time Mommy... and YES, I have OCD/perfectionist tendencies. You should have seen his school supplies! The teacher said markers should be labeled with name on each. I have premade vinyl labels (different colors) so each marker had his name with the same color as marker. The clear pencil bags were $0.05 at Office Max (reg. $2.50) so each thing had its own bag. I am sure other parents throw their kids stuff in a bag and out the door they go. After being at a Montessori school for 3 years, Nels likes things back in order too. Toys are organized in bins- We have a "car" bin, etc. It's a good practice for life- to put things up when done and in its own place. I put a lot of time and energy into my kid probably b/c he is my only kid and I waited so long to finally have him. : ) Should have seen me during the 3 years of infertility and the 10+ IVFs. I was sooooooo into "nesting" during that time. Would just re-do closets and organize and decorate, etc. My DH has "cured" me of most of my OCD stuff b/c he is a mess. (hard to believe). I have found a balance and can let stuff go a bit now. My poor little Ricky (17 yr old, 20 lb cat). I moved the litter box from the laundry room so it wouldn't be in the way of the repair man. (moved it just outside the room near the dining room). Well, last night Ricky needed to pee (he's hard of seeing/smelling/walking, etc..) and he peed on the rug where the litterbox had been and then covered it by pulling up the corners. aww, bless his heart. I felt so bad for changing his routine. Janet~ I wonder sometimes how you work and do your gym schedule. That sounds like a nice change if it will work with your trainer. And you are right- he will live with a wet shirt. ; ) Eva~LOL about the ad for "workout" buddy. That would be funny to see responses! The peaches sound devine, though I doubt I would have the patience to do that much work for them. My mom freezes them with splenda/water/fruit fresh. Did you put sugar in them? Julie~ I think Cheri's advice might be worth thinking about. Not changing too much until your appt. Although, we are not the ones with the side effect, you are. Glad to hear how much you have done with bars for wedding! Wow, then you start again for Christmas?? Sorry for your continued pain. HUGS. Apples~ Where are you???? Sending you out a card from Nels. Didn't know if there was a different address with all your travels. ; ) Linda~ Hugs for Merry. So sweet of you to stay the night with her. It is horrible to see animals in pain. My Ricky is hurting in his back/hips and can't jump on the bed this week. He had cortisone shot last week and not much more they can do. Just hope it doesn't get so bad that we have to put him to sleep. ughhh. Dread the thought of it. ok guys, will write more later. DH is post call and home and don't want him to think I stay on the computer all day! LOL:tt2: CBL..peasout.
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Not that I was worried, but he made it home safe and sound. : ) One of my neighbors had all the bus stop friends over for cupcakes and icecream after the bus. So sweet. He was starving! I read the menu wrong and they served corndogs and something else that he wouldn't eat- so he had chocolate milk and applejuice! He wants his lunch box tomorrow. sigh. At least he tried.
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Thanks guys! I need one. Feeling a little out of sorts. Happy to have a "free" day but keeping my cell near by just in case the school calls. They don't even have the kids have a "change of clothes" these days. I know he will dump his milk down his shirt and shorts or something. : ) SIGH. I know, I am overthinking it. <taking a deep breath> I might have a tequila sunrise instead of the gym! ; ) xoxo Peas
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

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    It's the first day of the the rest of his life. My baby started first grade!!!! Well, I survived. Do I get a medal? Fly by... need to go chill before gym. peasout...Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

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    CONGRATS! I love you JulieB! I for one am so proud of you and all you have gone through AND still got healthier to boot! The best is yet to come- I just know it. Hang in there, you are an amazing woman and I am proud to call my friend. Love, Laura
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

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    some more pics.... oxox peas

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
