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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    :welldone: :biggrin: :coffee: :party: :sifone: Apples- I see we were posting at the same time! woooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo on the teeth being done! Post us a pic!!! PLEASE! Funny I was just listening to that song "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"! LOL. Nelson's two front teeth are loose. He's such a chicken and won't wiggle them. I should tell him you changed ALL yours! So proud of you for sticking it out! WTG on that sweater! Karma. You deserve it.
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys~ I just got caught up on the last 3-4 posts. I have felt so behind here for the longest time. I figured there are things from the last 3-4 weeks that I will just have to miss. Just not enough time in the day. I have had a cold/allergies since we were up in NC. That lead to my ears getting blocked- vertigo- then hearing loss in left then right ear. (crackles when I blow my nose). I had to go on steroids and antihistamines after seeing the ENT. sigh. He wanted to go look up in my sinuses with a camera and I refused. (not my first rodeo). He slammed me with SEVERE pain that brought me to tears AND a $600 bill for that last year. I told him he had to give me anesthesia before I would have that done in the office again. He laughed. I was serious. Here's an interesting observation. He has 3 band patients (small town I guess...LOL), and he said all 3 have said when they have congestion in their nose/throat/sinus/chest that they also get really tight. I had to have a small unfill yesterday. I was so tight that broth was causing me reflux. Every time I laid down DH could hear "air" burps from across the room. 2 nights in a row I woke up with GERD symptoms. I am NOT going through that again- so decided to get the emergency unfill. (not sure how good a decision that is now that I am on steroids- which will increase my hunger here in a couple days- but had to be done). I can't hear $hit but am feeling better already. I was really upset with my GP- they couldn't get me in this week, said they were booked. (even with his PA and NP). You know, it's pretty bad when you work IN HEALTH CARE and you get the run around. I have such sympathy for my patients these days. A patient shouldn't have to wait a week to see someone when they are sick. <stepping off my soap box> Cheri~ OMG. <hug> I am so sorry to hear about that tragic accident. Just so sad. Really there are no words. Things like that just make me question the world we live in. We had that young girl in out town that was 9 killed in a car accident 2 months ago and I was filled with grief and barely knew her. I can't imagine a child who you had known all these years. I hope your faith and your work helps heal your heart. Thinking of you. Great~ I think it's great that you are going shopping with DD. Trust me, once the baby comes- her world will be upside down and she won't think about things like that. It's like when we were in France and took a "day" trip to London. Everyone thought we were nuts- but I thought when do you get a chance to do something like that again. If you hit 3 stores, have lunch and a hug- it was a WINNER day. I loved your status update on FB- had me LOL today. I read it to the bus stop moms and they laughed. There's been a lot of us not sleeping lately. Hearing of your snow has me jealous a bit. yes. I want Nelson to see snow. Mom had some in her freezer for Nelson (had turned to a ball of ice). He's never seen snow falling. A side effect of living in FL. Jewel~ I think you can reach your goal. WTG on the plan and the 5 lbs!!! I think that's great that your dr said he would run the race if you did! How is your son doing in school? How are classes for you? When are exams? Meredith~ Love your positive attitude! ALMOST contagious : ) How are you feeling? Actually thinking of you motivated me to get my unfill. I don't want to abuse my tool. Scares me when I am tight. Phyl~ Hope you feel better soon. You will have to send us a photo after you pimp your golf cart! We (Santa) is getting Nelson a 24v ATV. We hemmed and hawed about gas and it just scared me for his age. (although you can have a kill switch). He's 75 lbs (and the height of most 3rd graders), and his little 12v gator barely carries him in the grass. Our next thought was a golf cart actually! But we just weren't too sure if he could reach the pedal that good. We paid a little less that your cart though! I was also shocked to hear how many batteries golf carts need! Does your hold 5? Loved your jewelry. Wish I had the patience for that. Tx~ congrats on your fill. It's much better to go slow and sure. I can imagine it being tough to lie down with your shoulder. The fills get easier and easier as you lose weight. I hope one day my port sticks out! Apples~ How are you friend? Please stay safe on the roads! You have to take photos of your next snow fall. It's the closest I get to seeing real snow. : ) I need to send you a PM. Thanks for your warm thoughts about my Dad. My Dad starts radiation tomorrow. Yesterday was the consult with the radiation oncologist. To update (new ppl and those who missed my post), my Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 ureter cancer last year. By the time it was found (after 3 major medical centers missed it) it had spread to his lungs, liver, nodes and spine. It was inoperable and incurable. He had 6 rounds of chemo which put it in a dormant like state. But now a year later it showed up on his 3rd follow up PET scan in the spine (T3) and some pea size tumors in lung and abdomen. He and my mom are really bummed. They were planning on a 2 week cruise this Christmas. (their 50th anniversary party got canceled last year after his diagnosis) They will be married 51 years on December 14. Cancer sucks. I am feeling so helpless. There are no words to say and nothing to do. I find myself sending him a text message daily with a photo of Nelson smiling. Figure maybe that might help. I am worried about my mom. They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle- but I am worrying that she is running on fumes. Not sure even she knows what will recharge her battery at this point. I miss Janet. When does she get back? I can't wait to see photos of her trip! ok. time to make some dinner and fold some laundry. If my life gets any more exciting- I might just burst! <said with a hint of sarcasm> p.s. my neighbor's daughter just gave Nelson a "pickle" for the tree. Anyone else ever heard of this? HIDE THE pickle? peasout...Laura Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends. : )
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys~ I can't sleep tonight and thought it would be a great time to figure out the new LBT layout. NOT. ughhhh. I noticed a sudden decrease in postings! I have checked the WATCH TOPIC tab at the top of the page- where should I be able to find my forums??? I have been saving a link to the page every time on my desktop now for fear I will never find you guys again! I talked to my mom and dad tonight. Nels sang Happy Birthday to Gramps. : ) Although going to a radiation oncologist on your birthday is not way up there on most people's wish lists. Dad has a bunch of fears. I think his biggest one is fear of pain. You guys keep him on your prayer lists. Just was hoping for a much happier Christmas for them. They were supposed to come down to FL for Christmas. DH has Christmas eve and day off but has to work the rest of the week, so can't travel really. I was really hoping they would come down here for the weather and to see Nelson enjoying the holiday. It has me so sad and frustrated that there is nothing I can do. I said "I wish I could be there with you tomorrow." and he replies, "yeah, that would have been really nice." OMG. dagger to the heart. food has been ok. I haven't weighed since I got back from NC but I don't think I gained at all over TG. But my allergies were really bad up there and when I am on antihistamines and decongestants, I stay really tight. I couldn't eat if I wanted to! Now I feel like I have a cold and can't taste much. DH cooked the last two nights, I just haven't been in the mood. I was happy with a can of soup- as bad as that sounds. He wanted real food. Both nights he made healthy arabic food. One was,Fasulia, a green bean and stew meat in a tomato/onion sauce with spices. You usually eat it with rice but I didn't have rice. The other was a modified Lamb Ratatouille. He always adds extra tomato sauce/water/other sauce so I can eat it. : ) I have a great DH who doesn't mind cooking after a long day at work. (as long as I clean up).LOL ok.. time to go TRY again to count sheep. Have a great day everyone! peasout... Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Oh Meredith, I am so sorry to hear you have a partial slip. That does NOT sound fun. My concern is have they unfilled you? Many times if you are unfilled, the placement will sort of correct itself. How did they diagnose you, with barium swallow, endoscopy or CT? Not to scare you, but I would strongly recommend that it be unfilled and wait a while instead of rushing to surgery. Maybe not the answer you wanted to hear. A while back I was having severe GERD (reflux) and constant PBs and feared I had slipped- had sudden change in symptoms. The unfill, taking a PPI like Prilosec twice a day, using ulcer medicine like Carafate to coat my esophagus, a bland "ulcer" diet (no caffeine, no acid, etc) for 3 weeks. All this completely healed what was causing my problem. You can have an inflammatory reaction in the stomach where the band is tight. It will keep pulling away if the cause of the inflammation is not treated. So being too tight and vomiting was causing this for you. Just an idea. I would hate to see you go through surgery if it is fixable by a non invasive means. Phyllis had something similar and it healed on its own. Hang in there. PM me anytime. I am soooooo uber proud of how well you have done! I saw your reunion pics on FB and you look amazing! WTG!!! Thinking of you. peasout.... Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Ok. I know we are doing a lot of B&M about the new LBT... but this is for the birds! I am tech savvy and cannot figure $hit out! Pics are gone- can't sign up for this thread to save my life- it kept saying the spellchecker couldn't be recognized and when I went to the sister site to DL it again... it lost my LONG post I had written last night! I got so frustrated, that I just signed off. Wow. Just so frustrating. I can only imagine that for people who have never been on threads before- that this must be nutso! I know if I came and tried to navigate on this for the first time- that i would sign off and RUN from the computer! A bunch of dyfunctional BS on here. DH and I are on a bunch of these between MDs and NPs and have never seen something so screwy. Funny how SREWY and SAV VY look like the same words..LOL. I just caught up with some of the posts and now am behind again. I have a new droid phone and can't navigate this either Lori. But then again, can't do it on the computer- so am not expecting to on the phone! LOL. We got new Blackberrys last month. Loved the LOOK and FEEL of the phone, but it dropped every other call- so had to send them back. They gave us a deal on the new Verizon Droid. Very complicated, but way worth it. It's like having an i-phone with a keyboard. Can do things old school if you want, but has a great touch screen too. I figured out the camera last night. Surprise to everyone, i know. <giggle> ; ) Well, Thanks for all the PMs from you all about my Dad's news. It meant so much to me to have all of you reach out the way you did. They are dealing with it the best they can- tomorrow is the big day for radiation. Not sure if the first appt is just consult or they do the scout CT and tatoo. This is all new to me, as I have not had anyone close to me have radiation. We had a lovely Thanksgiving all together though. Really nice to have everyone in one place. (with the exception of my niece who is in Seattle with her online boyfriend).Dad actually had the stamina to fly us back on Saturday! He had a pilot friend come as co pilot. (mainly for the flight home) But was so proud of him- he flew the whole way down here! Nelson said Saturday night as I tucked him in, that seeing Grandpa fly was the best part of the week. : ) I agree with him. House is all decorated and lovely! I just adore Christmas time! I did get a little sneaky this year and had our handyman put up our outdoor decorations while we were gone! (not sure if I told you guys this- as I lost that post and can't remember what I really said- or just thought I posted..LOL) We did Mom and Dad's decorations for them, and I knew DH was "done" and that Nelson would be insisting that he do it. DH needed at least one day of true "vacation" before returning to work at 6am today. It was a nice surprise to come home to. Sat and Sunday we put up the ornaments and other inside stuff, but again- the bins were all down from the attic waiting for us. I might hire my handyman to put it all up this year too! He is VERY OCD and very organized. If DH had his way he would put everything in the circular file at the end of the season and buy "new" each year..LOL. I did throw the lights last year, as I found them 90% off after Christmas. I Did 90% off my Christmas shopping today on Cyber Monday! I just love the free shipping and great deals! I had extra online coupons on top of the deals they were offering today. I compared notes with friends who went to Walmart and Toyrus and stuff- and I got the same if not better deals- and did it in my PJs! Now, if the stuff actually arrives..LOL. ok guys. I need to get to the bus stop. I can't re-write the post I did last night. Sorry, just no time. I did write a personal note to each and every one of you. Please know that I send my hugs to you all. peasout.. Laura
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just checking in... took me 15 minutes to find you guys. I don't have my computer with me- so no saved pages. This new format is confusing- and I am computer savvy. geez louise! Not sure I will have the patience for this. sigh. We are still in NC, going back to FL in the morning. It's been a good trip- lots of good family time. We did all mom's Christmas decorating for her- so she didn't have to worry about it. I also think it helps lift the mood. Dad's PET scan didn't go too great. It's not entirely unexpected, but the cancer has returned. He has a rather larger met. tumor in his spine. (T-3). Bone cancer is horrible b/c of pain. They will do radiation- but then will worry about fracture and pain after. He can't take the normal "bone filling" meds b/c of his kidney failure. So, the prognosis from that stand point isn't great. The remaining areas- showed some "pea" size nodes returning. His oncologist is saying we should be able to wait 6 months before more chemo. Overall it isn't THAT bad- he is still giving him 1-2 years---- but... I think my parents really thought it was gone. It's been really sad at times here this week. The only day the rad. onc could see him is Tuesday- my Dad's birthday! ughhh. What a birthday present. We did have a lovely Thanksgiving day- all the family together. Celebrated Dad's birthday. All in all- it was nice to have everyone here. I know it meant a lot to my parents. I can't catch up with posts (hell, can hardly find them). Give me a few days to get my head above Water, and I will catch up. Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving. Happy Birthday to Apples and Phyl. Love you all. Peasout.. Laura
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just read the last two pages of posts. I think I am motivated to post just so Janet or Apples don't beat me to the 1000 page!!! : ) LOL I just got back from my work at the clinic and now I have 14 minutes to change out of scrubs, eat lunch and get to the bus stop to get Nelson to TKD. Tomorrow is another day in class, as we are doing TG crafts. Oh what fun motivating 16 six year olds to do 3 crafts in an hour! I will need some of Janet's stress Rx when I am done..LOL. (can you fedex me some?) Apples, so happy to hear an end is coming to the incident. hugs Linda, missed hearing from you. Glad you are ok.hugs. Lori, LOVE that you are focusing on your kids and new GK to be. That's really all that matters. Tx, WTG on the shorts! Isn't that great?! woohoo 13 min. now- gotta go eat a greek yogurt. I LOVE working b/c I am too busy to think about eating. Hmmm.. maybe I should go back to work FT. Hmmmmm.. Just spoke to my parents- we are flying to NC for the week. They are very nervous about Dad's repeat PET scan on Tuesday. Hard to calm them. (b/c secretly I am really worried about the results). Sigh. Love you all- sorry I haven't been posting. Just so busy with life. NOTHING personal. Just don't do the computer stuff much at all anymore. Gave up all the farmville, and other FB crap. Would rather spend time with DH. <blush> more later. xoxo peasout... Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just a fly by to let everyone know I am ok. Just busy busy busy. Air show and birthday parties... getting ready for Thanksgiving in NC... crafts and TG festivities in Nelson's class... never ending! Life is good though! : ) I am blessed and feel great!!! I haven't felt this good in a LONG time! Saw some folks who hadn't seen me in 1-2 yrs- they had to pick their jaws up from the ground. Cracked me up! Julie~ Hope you are doing better than when we spoke Saturday. Let us know what your dr says. hugs Apples~ just saw your post about colon prep. Hope it all comes out ok. ; ) Literally. Happy pooping today! Will be thinking about you tomorrow. Hi and hugs to everyone else!!! peasout..Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    fly by. forgot there wasn't school today and have a FULL schedule of patients booked until 1pm! My boy's BFF's Mother gets the privilege of watching him today. I feel bad (but I am helping her TONS with her son's 7th bday party on Saturday). Also, her Dad's foundation BUILT the clinic where I work. It's "his baby", so I think he told her she HAD to. Awkward situation. The boys will have fun playing though. off to work I go! peasout..Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    :thumbup::tt2::lol2::rose::wub::wink5: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY APPLES!!!!!!!!!! That's a lot of memories, love and companionship! So happy for you both and wishing you many many more! Phyl~ Hugs. Hang in there. Also, yes- sounds like your incident of GERD. I am thankful he was willing to work with me. It DID the ticket so far. Doubled my prilosec, taking carafate before bedtime, and no eating fat/large meals/or ANYTHING after 6pm for a while. Already feeling 100% better but I know the esophagus takes a while to heal completely. Janet~ I just love you. Your words of wisdom always help me. Even when I don't follow it all, it helps the little voice in the back of my mind. : ) There was a cookie on a plate that Nels didn't eat... and I heard Janet, "Throw it away!! It's junk!" And i did. :smile: Chris~ WTG on your appts. I am surprised your ortho didn't have you in PT sooner. Usually they want some passive mvt early to keep the mobility/decrease adhesions. Just follow the recommendations and you should do great! You seem like a compliant, motivated patient. : ) All this talk of baking.. hmmmm... Just can't do it. I have bananas too that need to be used but love it too much. The public school system here is so strict with food. Cannot bring ANYTHING to class that is not SEALED from the grocery store/bakery. Must have a safety seal. Last few years I always baked stuff for Nelson's class. Even the nursing homes, orphanage, assisted living, etc. all have the same policies. So sad. Almost everyone I know is eating healthy too. Maybe can make something and bring it tomorrow to work. : ) ok guys, have a hair appt to look younger. :wink: Might take a before/after. B/c today I look like something the cat brought in..LOL. My son was just a joy this morning. I was in a bad mood (spilled a cup of coffee, cat missed the litter box, other one PBd, didn't sleep well, have a lot to do, lots on my mind, etc.) And he came over to me and sang a song from Kindergarten.... "A fish is an animal that swims in a brook He can't write his name or read a book To fool the people is his only thought And though he's slippery He still gets caught! If that's all life is what you wish You may grow up to be a fish" It completely brought me out of my morning funk and made me laugh out loud. Children have this innate ability to bring joy into the world. I love my son. Off to see the wizard..... peasout..Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey all~ Didn't get to catch up on all the posts, but still wanted to put a quick post. It's cold here- 40s last night. We just aren't used to this weather. Not sure if it's the weather- or one night we ate dinner late (and too much). I didn't PB but felt full (not stuck even). Went to bed and 10 min. after I fell asleep I felt acid in my throat. I coughed for an hour and felt like I was choking and (felt like) I aspirated. So, this went on for 3 nights, EVEN with not eating ANYTHING past 530pm. I increased my prilosec to two times a day. Was taking the carafate liquid Rx at night to coat my esophagus. Well, it is continuing. Called my dr and they wanted a COMPLETE unfill. I absolutely refuse. I mean, COME ON, before the holidays... a complete unfill??????? WTF. So we compromised and took out 1cc with strict orders for no caffeine (basically ulcer diet) and liquids after 4pm for a week. Last night was a DREAM. He thinks I am eating too much quantity in the pm meal. Said we should only be eating 1/2 cup. SIGH. But I am terribly worried about the long term side effects of GERD and the band. So, following drs orders for a week. If it returns will get an unfill until healed. He was "pleased" with my weight- I had not seen him since the last fill. Had actually lost a few lbs. Was 220 when I saw him last and 214 on their scale yesterday. We had (for my dr) a long discussion of maintenance and the plateau... and testing the limits, etc. He said it is NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL. He said most bandsters do it at some point. He said he feels I will lose more based on the initial motivation, success, and adherence to the "change in lifestyle". He said I have lost 60% of excess body weight and thinks I can do 70-75. He wants to see me 190ish by March. (at my 2 yr. appt). ok guys, time to go to my "room mom" job. : ) A few pics from the father/son weekend. Promise to respond to posts tonight. Too much to say and not enough time to do it right. more later...peasout.
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Yeah, I think it is the Ads by google. So scary, it's like BIG BROTHER watching us. They have our zip code and put things that are near us. There is a CONTACT us at the bottom of LBT and I just sent a really expressive email about how horrible it is. I think it's great to have ads (especially new and improved products/services, etc.) and understand the need for the $, but when they start putting UNHEALTHY ads it crosses the line for me. Let's unite and have a ZERO tolerance for this B.S.!!! Everyone please hit the contact us and tell them how you feel. So funny about our boys and their love of flight. : ) Nels will be sure to come home with a little space ship/shuttle and play with it for DAYS. DH was trying to go up there Friday for the last launch, but couldn't get off work in time. Lucky for us/unlucky for NASA- it got delayed until Nov. 30!!! We won't be able to go that day though. : ( I just posted some of my most recent pics in bikini and panties. No modesty. So proud of how far I've come! LAP-BAND peasout......Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok............ i have to say something that is PISSING me off. I think we need to UNITE and write the owner of this LBT.......... he has CROSSED the line by letting Papajohns advertise on this thread! I think it is BEYOND acceptable. Not sure if you guys are seeing it on yours, but I am PISSED.
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning friends. Well, I slept until 10:30 (time on my clocks) today! I know, it's really 9:30...LOL. LATEST I have slept in, ummm, how old is Nels (6), 6 years! The clocks will have to wait until DH gets home. <smirk> There are too many of them in the house (DH likes a clock in each room). :cool: My boys had a fabulous day in Orlando. Universal's Island of Adventure (there's a new Harry Potter exhibit). Then dinner show with the whole Sponge Bob gang. (Patrick, etc...). DH called me last night a little confused- the 2 BR suite they got... well, there were no doors on the rooms! So, every time he tried to watch tv or look at the computer- Nels would get up..LOL. DH finally just surrendered and went to bed early..LOL. This morning they had a private Breakfast with Bob. (Sponge, that is). Nels called me and was upset that I "forgot" to pack his bathing suit. It was 40 degrees last night! I apologized to him. (took the fall for DH). It was purposeful, as we had no intention of him swimming with those crazy Canadians! It was 50-60s during the day but windy. OMW. Today they are going to Kennedy Space Center. They called me from the road. DH had packed last night before they went to bed..LOL. (guess he was ready to get out of there!) He had the suitcase in the car before their breakfast date! So, I have a few more hours of freedom. My battery is recharged. My garage is clean. Laundry all caught up. (Yes, I couldn't "relax" until it was done). Finished a book I have been trying to finish for a month. Life is good. : ) :tt1: Apples~ I just love your tradition of 3 trees. I remember you mentioning it last year. Just beautiful. I think any woman would LOVE such a thing! (and lucky to have you for a MIL):smile2: I would give anything to have a BABY photo of my DH! So, to have anything handed down would be just a dream come true. I asked DH to ask his mom if she had any and he refused. I think he didn't want to know the answer. The youngest photo we have of him is 5 or 6. Either she didn't have any made- or didn't keep them. It breaks my heart. I think it breaks DH's too- which is why he didn't dare ask. He said there were tons of her last 3 boys baby photos around her house (his step brothers), but none of he and his sister. The 2nd husband probably had a lot to do with that, but still just isn't right. :frown::sad: Arlene~Loved the pics- just beautiful. Lori~ If your kids won't take your leftovers- I WILL! I will even pay for shipping! I love decorating for Christmas. It's the only holiday I go all out for. (although this Halloween I did more than ever in my life, now that Nels isn't afraid of ghost and skeleton decor). I am bummed that I didn't snatch up all the John Deere ornaments two years ago at Walmart. They discontinued the line last year. : ( We do two trees- though they don't have the same ornaments. One is mine- and one is Nels'. He's allowed to trim his tree ANYWAY he wants. : ) Mine has white lights and his has psychedelic, flashing, music playing, etc. (It will give an ordinary person a seizure!) <looking for a seizure emoticon...> This was the closest I could find, LOL. Julie~ Love that you guys had fun with your DGD. I am sure she is having some adjustments with her new family. It's good that you could have her alone. Love the skunk thing..LOL Sandy~ It looked COLD in that run photo! so proud of you! I tried the PB2 a while ago and didn't like it. But I was just banded and was missing too many REAL things. I bet if I tried it now, I would be ok. Even shakes- after the liquid phase, I was DONE with shakes for a while. Now I have a liking for them again. Joyce~ Glad you are having fun! Enjoy your family. JaGo~ Welcome to the thread. You've come to the right place for support. I know before I was banded I LOVED hearing from people that have been there and were SUCCESSFUL. I had to leave my thread of people that were banded the same month as me, b/c they were all so negative. Surround yourself (even on LBT) with people that are positive and motivated! It is contagious! Best of luck with approval. (Did they tell you surgery would be scheduled the same week you get approval? Most require some pre-op work, diet, education, etc.) Let us know! I just crack up every time spellcheck tried to change LBT to BLT.......LMAO ok guys- I am off to enjoy my last few hours of freedom. :smile2: until later..........peasout...........Laura
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good afternoon! We had a low of 44 degrees here in south Florida! OMW! I turned on the heater when it hit 65 in the house and when I smelled that "first heater use of the year" smell- I was SURE the fire alarm was going to go off! It's still only up to 60. I know that is beautiful weather for most of you- we just aren't used to is. LOL. My Burmese cat, Coco, is under the covers with a heating bag on top of her! I just made some tomato Soup. Feels like fall. LOVE it. DH and Nelson left for Orlando this morning! They were both very excited. I did all the packing for them and even stuck in little treats in the suitcase. (of course). I got Nels a new spongebob shirt. I mean, come on, you can't have Breakfast with Sponge Bob and not have on a shirt with his pic on it! They are at Universal today- Islands of adventure! DH has sent me a few pics from his phone. Very thoughtful and sweet of him. I miss them (of course) but am sooooooooooooooooo enjoying the time to myself! I just cleaned out have the garage though, as my boy finally thinks he is too old for his Little Tikes house (garage/store/restaurant- 6 in one town center), his LT table and LT pedal tractor with trailer. (which he's had since he was 3 and now has to duck to get in the door). My baby is growing up! My cleaning girl took it for her 3 yr old daughter for her Christmas present. She cried tears of joy and it made my heart happy to give it to someone who would love and appreciate it. She offered to not charge me for cleaning for a month or two. I declined but told her I really thought that was nice. (she needs the money). I might take one week, just so she feels like she is giving back something. Sandy~ WTG on your 5k! Soooooooooooo proud of you! Apples~ I hate hunting in general too. I think all the animals should be given anesthesia and not have to suffer. I understand the need- over population, etc. Just think there might be a better way. Glad you are getting your calories in and feeling better. Janet~ Good luck with the closets. I only have one- as usually there is only one season here. I have a 2 ft section that is winter clothes. My mom still (graciously) stores all my leather and wool sweaters in her huge upstairs cedar closet. I collected a lot of Alpaca sweaters/jackets during my travels through Bolivia and Peru. They are just so big/heavy that I rarely use them. I have 5+ leather coats that just don't get worn until i am up there. Cheri~ Glad conferences are done. Nels just got his report card. Her they do M/P/NM (meeting expectations, progressing, and Not meeting) He got ALL Ms except a few things in conduct. :eek: That's sooo like me. All through elem. school I got straight As! (and c's and D's in conduct..LOL! Talked too much). He is still transitioning from the freedom of Montessori, so I am ok with what she wrote. We will meet next Friday. Imagine, he went from not reading at all to now reading at a 1.7 AR level! (they started him at 0.5 this year) He's doing 2-3 tests a week! He is so proud of his reading. So proud of everything he does. He is REALLY thriving in the public school environment. Structure is what he needed. I am so happy we switched schools. ok girls, wish I could write more. I have a couple movies and 2 new magazines to get to. : ) hi to everyone- have a great weekend! peasout..Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ Apples~ HUGS. Hope you are feeling better. Hamburger? yuck. Thanks for the update! Julie~ Loved the photos of the wedding! Just beautiful! I know you are glad to have that behind you. I just love weddings. Janet~ I was thinking the same thing. I know we have all been busy. Just that time of year. Hugs. Been there. Done that. Bought the tshirt! : ) Great~ Thinking of you. hugs. LauraK~Glad you are feeling better. Cheri~ Great advice. Words of wisdom. Arlene~ Yep, sounds like the fill is out. I know I have been tight the last few days since sinuses acting up. FINALLY have a few minutes to get on the computer! I've been really really busy with Nelson (TKD, homework, being class mom- Halloween and now Thanksgiving crafts and food), DH, volunteer work at the clinic and home improvement projects. (gutters, pressure washing roof, lanai, sidewalks, paver driveway, sand in them, waiting for rain to stop to seal them.) Keep in mind, I am NOT doing the HIP, but having to deal with the workers and the mess and have to park cars in the street, etc. Life feels hectic and house feels upside down. When my environment if not in order, I feel discombobulated. Girls came and cleaned today while I was at work. Just have LOTS of laundry to fold and put up. But NOW I am better. : ) This weekend talked DH into going to Orlando with Nels for a father/son night. They are staying in the Sponge Bob room at the Nickelodeon hotel. Reservations for dinner with Sponge bob and special SLIME (It's a nick thing). I am looking forward to my first night off in WEEKS. Sorry I have been MIA. Just busy, tired and continue to be frustrated with my maintenance. (I know what to do- just need to do it.) No need for pep talk, just need to do it. I am the weight I was at my wedding in 2001. I can buy 14/16 off the rack. My band is keeping me at a steady weight +/- 5 lbs. I am not advocating staying overweight, but am THRILLED that this is the longest I have lost weight and kept it off. I have lost 60% of my excess body weight. The statistics say most LB lose 55%. I plan on losing more, but have to tell you- I feel GOOD. I feel SEXY. I feel HEALTHY. I can SHOP. I can eat healthy without worrying and obsessing. It's a good feeling. My first year of banding I spent so much of my day thinking about food, counting calories, planning every bite. It's nice to know I can TRUST myself, my band, and my body to kinda do the right thing now. There is something very freeing about that. I do KNOW I need to start exercising more. Right now, walking 2-3 miles three times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. <stepping off my soapbox> <bowing> Until later.............. peasout. Laura
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Fly by. Can't read posts today. DH on call. BUSY BUSY week. All ok. Love and miss you all! Will try and catch up tomorrow. Someone give me a recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tx WTG Janet~ hugs Apples~ CAKE.... yum xoxo peas
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok..... fly by post..... way too many pages to read! Anyone care for a recap? It's like a nightcap but you give it to people like me who don't have time to read 15 pages on our precious thread but soooo care about the people and want to know what is going on! I have been busy living life. Busy week as classroom mom and all the class crafts and activities... Being a good partner to my hardworking DH (who will get up at 2am for a case and won't even B&M a bit.) I am so grateful for him (and he for I, so it's a win/win)... getting ready for Halloween (we had WAY too many parties this year for Nels!) but on the positive note we WAY got our money's worth for the costume! I can't believe we will T or T on a school night. Sigh. Glad it will be dark- will be easier to get him home. : ) We are going home for Thanksgiving. DH is off. Dad's PET scan is on Nov. 23, so we will be there for that. Not anything we can DO for him, but be there for moral support. Tough emotional times for my parents. LONG year it's been. I am still maintaining. Need I say more. Status quo. Not happy with it, but not upset. It is what it is. Miss you all so much! Will hopefully have more time this week to get caught up and do real posts! peasout..................... Laura a few pics.. me and nels at the Halloween day at his school. me at an adult party.. nelson reunited with his last year's GF who went to old school (hug and KISSED on lips!OMG), The neighbor kids all dressed up, Nels last night drinking pumpkin juice, as he calls FANTA..LOL and admiring our carving work. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ Just a fly by. Been REALLY busy with Nelson's school (lots of Halloween activities), Halloween parties, TKD, and being with my DH. Sort of taking a break from the computer. I will check the posts now and again but haven't had time to post proper. Tx you should be out by now and in recovery or in room. Hope you are doing well. We are thinking about ya! All is well, no worries. Will try to post tonight guys. peasout~ Laura
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    CC fraud SUCKS. Shop Safe | Credit Card Fraud Protection with Bank of America "ShopSafe® is a free credit card fraud protection service that allows you to create a temporary card number each time you make an online purchase. This number links directly to your real credit card account number but keeps your card number completely private and protected. The ShopSafe number is used just like any other credit card—a merchant never knows it's not your real credit card." Discover also offers one. We have NEVER had a problem since we used this program. It's amazing. OK guys....... we are doing great! VERY happy to be together as a family again. : ) DH slept 12 hrs last night. He had missed a whole night of sleep with the trip. The boys are swimming. Then Nels and I are going to a Halloween party and give DH some alone time. He's been around people 24/7 for the last two weeks. He's exhausted and is on call Monday! Thanks for all the sweet comments, PMs and notes. Love you guys! Will catch up tomorrow maybe. : ) xoxo peasout PS. The family photo of DH's trip is the updated one... the other one was blurry. He had a great trip and overall everything went well. Some awkward moments, but that always happens with family, right? The good thing is he reunited with his mom and both of them had some well needed healing of the heart.
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Eva, so glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!! your email just made me smile. I've missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, the comment about Joyce being a voyeur just about made me pee on myself! hilarious. sick humor. bad girl! LMAO LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing about Argentina! I went to Iguazu many times- That is on the border of Paraguay where I was in the Peace Corps! Did you cross the border at all? Did you stay there? There is a couple that you can see the falls from your hotel. We did a helicopter ride, wish I did the boat too! : ) OK.... gotta get Nelson on the bus........... then going to get Nael!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo! can you tell I am excited?! He just sent me a txt from atlanta that he made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Julie, good luck with the wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo peasout
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all~ Fly by again. DH is on his flight coming home. He is somewhere over the Baltic Sea- flight from Damascus to Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Atlanta this time. (there was an 8 hr layover and he was able to see 3rd stepbrother at airport for lunch! This was the only sibling that didn't make the reunion.) 25 hr trip. I will take Nels to bus and then hop on highway to Ft Lauderdale. 80 miles but morning traffic. He might have to wait a bit till I get there. I am ready to hug his neck. : ) IF you don't hear from me for a couple days, don't worry. wink wink. Janet~ hugs. Thinking of you. peasout.. Laura
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

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    JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Julie... Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you another year of health, happiness and love! You've come a long way baby! Lots of things to be happy for- your first grandbaby coming! I hope this year can be a painfree one, a time of motivation and feeling good so you can enjoy your beautiful and blessed family! Love, from your friend, Laura P.S. This is a cute video for the birthday girl.
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    hi guys~ I so wish i had the energy and time to write to everyone- will rush and brush the surface... Phyl~Hugs to Earl and wish him a speedy recovery! Eva~ Welcome home! You were missed! Can't wait to see pics Apples~ I have always loved the pink JD stuff. Wish we had a store close to here. Nels just LOVES those places! Janet~ I like to cut my acorn squash up in cubes and make a one pot wonder. Stew meat or lamb, one small can chick peas, one med. onion, tomato sauce, all spice, a little cumin, heck, here's the link- i just found it. Moroccan Lamb Stew They call for lentils, but I like the garbanzo Beans in this one. I also use acorn instead of butternut. yummmmmuy Julie~ You sound busy! Hang in there! Thanks for asking- he leaves Damascus at 8am tomorrow a.m. but won't arrive to Ft. Lauderdale until 930- more than 25 hour travel time! I will drop Nels off at school and head on down to get him. I can't WAIT to smoochie and hug. Just miss that man of mine! I have work tomorrow- they PACKED the schedule per my request. Happy about that. Half are Spanish speaking. Word got out already! I am the only Spanish speaking care provider, there are front office girls who can translate but leave desk vacant! It's also making me brush up on my vocab and grammar! Then need to get some groceries for DH as I will make a few ready foods for Friday lunch- he's sick of restaurants. ok guuys.. hasta manyaaae, peasoout!!!!!
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    ok.. just a fly by. read the posts but am too tired to respond. Volunteered all day, then had to get craft stuff for fall festivities for class (things add up at Michaels)- luckily some parents who can't volunteer sent me gift cards. Made a bunch of calls/emails- then to TKD, then Nels had 2 cutie adopted chinese girls from our bus stop over to swim. Trying to keep him active (he's gained a few lbs (little pooch in the belly) since school started). He hasn't noticed and I would NEVER bring it to his attention, just trying to watch the Snacks a little but mainly just keep him active. DH comes home Friday. : ) He sent me their first ever family photo. Even 20 years ago before he left they never took a photo of everyone.I am just a camera-holic. I made him promise to do it, and he did. You just never know. Maybe it's more selfish too- I want Nelson to have it. Phyl~ Thanks for the sweet card. Made my day. ok guys, tomorrow will write more. Going to hit the hay. peasout........laura

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