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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Meredith~ You should be out of surgery by now! Am sending plenty of positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery! Congrats!!! MrsBubba/Julie~ Thanks for thinking of Nelson. He's doing fine. He looks like a spotted puppy..LOL. It's healing fine and hope it doesn't leave a scar. Found a huge bruise on his bottom during bath today. Not sure how he hit his butt and face at the same time! BOYS! Wow, I can't believe Mimi hit her head and had a bug bite! Thank goodness it wasn't serious. Those falls are so scary. And I hate that PAUSE between the injury and the cry. Nelson always held his breath when he gets hurt. Joann Marie~ I sent the friend request. Anyone else on Facebook that wants to friend me, send request to peascorps@aol.com I haven't announced my band surgery on FB. Not that it's a secret, just my family and close friends know. Just didn't feel the need to tell highschool friends that live in Seattle about it..ya know? Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    julie~ Caliou has been one of Nelson's FAVORITE cartoons since he was 3! He STILL likes it to this day. Actually a lot of the PBS shows he enjoys.. like Curious George. It's funny that your dear likes it too, thought maybe it was just a boy thing. LOL.. They sell the DVD movies too! Then you can REALLY get some stuff done. Amazon.com: Caillou DVDs for Kids & Family I think I saw them at Toysrus one time too, but I bought most on Amazon. FYI Long/Great~ I like the new name, BTW. And I cannot wait to see a pic of that shirt! WTG! Just come down slow and easy. I haven't been camping since the Peace Corps. It's hard to believe way back then I hiked the Inca Trail in Peru! I joined the PC weighing 210 and left weighing 160. I remember thinking I would conquer the world at that weight and NEVER put it back on! I will do that trail one more time in this life time. On my bucket list. PJ~ ditto. I am enjoying the parents. : ) Enjoy your vacation!!! YEAH!!! Bills bills bills... and pooped pooped pooped! I know I will have more energy. My parents haven't seen me in 3-4 weeks and were shocked to see the difference in me. Although there has only been like 8 lbs since they were here.. I have been at the gym a lot. Mom said it looked like more than 8. Guys I have a question: Do you guys notice a correlation between getting pain/stuck when you are dehydrated? Yesterday I was so busy running around, errands and cleaning and didn't get in enough Water. For the first time since my last fill I had trouble with dinner.. and then noticed trouble at Breakfast. No PB, just severe pain that made me stop eating. Bites were not big and had just started eating- so had not had too much. I spent the morning drinking. LOL.. water, not alcohol. I had 1.5 liters of H20 and LIVED on the potty today! : ) I ate lunch and was FINE. Nelson was jumping on my bed yesterday afternoon (after I repeatedly warned him not to or he would get hurt). I was in the other room and heard a loud thud, but didn't hear anything for 20 seconds after that. He was doing one of those "hold the breath before I cry really loud" moves! I am still not sure exactly what he hit. Foot board? Rug? Post? But I was convinced he broke his nose when it happened.. bloody nose, indentation. But alas... all is well. We were soooo lucky it wasn't worse! BOYS! CBL~ peas
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    just a note to say hello!~ i just went to the gym... 30 min of cardio and 60 min with my trainer doing interval stuff. i am pooped!!! (Meredith's word!) The other day I was reading her post and I thought she said she pooped, and I was about to congratulate her. : ) Picking Nels up from camp and then coming home to get the house ready for my parents' visit! They are flying in from NC today until Sunday. My dad is a pilot and they enjoy their retirement years jumping around in the little plane. They are so active- walk 3 miles a day or do hour Water aerobics! They have more energy than I do at 75! Nelson will be soooo excited to see his Grams. Hi to all and hope everyones mid week is going ok! peasout!
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    To all of you~Thanks for all of your kind words. It is so true that so much of what happens in our lives is fate. And then the other half is what we do and how we react to our fate! And I am so THANKFUL that I did get this band and help take control of my health and my future! Nelson was a big reason for wanting to live a long and healthy life. We are older parents, and I would hate to leave a child with parents full of health problems that were all my fault and could have been prevented. At least now I have a good shot at living longer! Meredith~ Your story about what happened with your Dad was so sweet! You are so blessed to have such a support system. You are going to do great! I just know it! : ) My family was instrumental with my "recovery". My mom helped take care of Nelson and the house. Mom would usually give Nelson his dinner early and then when they (DH, mom and dad) would eat... Nelson and I would go to my room and watch cartoons and play! And I know I helped pave the way for my sis's surgery. Everyone has been so careful to not sauté' garlic and onions while she was on Clear liquids, for example. Mrs Bubba~ WTG! So proud of you! No pie?! After all the talk of those berries! I am very proud of you. : ) Long~ I love your Goodwill story! I need to go there and look. (especially after all the stuff I have sent there!) Our next support group with my dr they are having a clothes exchange! I feel bad cuz I JUST got the email today and last week I took 3 bags of stuff to goodwill! Oh well. Also we are having a recipe exchange. Hope everyone is having a great Monday night! TTYL
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Apples~ Thanks hon. I take no credit for how adorable he is! I am not sure if I ever told you guys the story... Nelson is adopted. I know I told you all about the infertility nightmare... and the 10+ IVFs. After the last one failed, I came home and just cried my eyes out. My DH had already said that was it.. and we were done (emotionally and financially). I got a call from my DGM who lives in Turkey. She is a retired pharmacist and works with the Red Cross. That weekend she had been called to bring some antibiotics to a homeless family that was living in an abandoned building. It was winter in Istanbul and 10 degrees and snowing. Nelson was 6 months old, had a fever of 104 and his lips were blue. He was septic and had pneumonia. He was the 6th child to a 26 year old woman who was doing her best to hold her world together. When my GM told her he was going to die if he didn't go to the hospital she just said, "maybe it is God's will". My GM thought to herself, "not on my shift!" and took him to the hospital and stayed with him the entire week. The mother did not even come to check on him for 7 days! (she did have 5 little ones.. no money.. and no one to help her). Anyway, it's such a long beautiful story.. and one day I hope to write a book. When the pediatrician told her he had asthma and needed lots of care... he then asked her if she would consider letting another family love him. She said that THIS was the prayer she had been asking. <tearful here> Thus began the beginning of MY PRAYER being answered. The next day my parents dropped EVERYTHING they were doing and flew to Turkey. I stayed here and started the adoption proceedings. (home study, got a lawyer, drug screen, etc..) I left the next week and the rest is history. This beautiful angel who looks JUST like my husband... saved us. People always say.. "oh, he hit the lottery!" I say... we all won. Apples, but you are right. I think every kid should be home until they have to be in school. This summer I have him in summer camp on Mon, Wed and Fri just so I can go to the gym! I pick him up at 12. He is the absolute funniest person I know. So witty and cute and sneaky and 100% boy! I don't remember my life before him. ok guys... just wanted to share. Laura
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi everyone~ We are home... a little tired, dehydrated and a bit sunburned (although we both had water-proof sunblock)! I ate a Protein Bar (Health Wise, 150 cal, 15 gr protein) and a yoplait 100 c yogurt for lunch. Nels had a cheese sandwich, pringles and an apple! We walked and played and swam. It was a beautiful sunny day! Kath~ Thanks for the nice words. I am glad someone enjoys my posts. I post a lot sometimes. ; ) I don't like to journal, so this and FB are my outlet for writing. I actually did a bit of research on the cycle stuff. It seems it can go either way with sudden weight loss. Some people stop or get very light and others flood. I have a weird gyn history anyway, so I wouldn't expect it any different. (pre ovarian failure in mid 30s and endometriosis). The main thing is the estrogen stores in the fat. Anyway, I am too old and high risk for hormones and refuse to have any more surgeries for gyn stuff (unless one day I need a hysterectomy). My gyn last year wanted to do another exploratory lap and I we decided it wouldn't change our actions. So I guess it will all settle down. Reminds me of an old medical saying... all bleeding stops eventually! LOL And another old one.. the way to a man's heart is to saw through the breast bone. ; ) Meredith~ Dear one. Don't stress out! You are doing great! TRUST ME... it will start coming off. Right now your body is going "what the heck are you doing?!" I usually get good food and now I get this liquid stuff. Where are you... stuck on a desert island?! I better play it safe and hold on to this weight just in case it gets worse. Just stay hydrated and keep doing what you are doing. Friday is around the corner!!! Linda~ I love your positive attitude too. : ) I love my band too. I am going to try to attach a photo from the beach. Not of me.. but Nels.
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Linda~ WOW! Sounds like your trip was a success! Thanks for the nice comments. : ) Your clothes stories are so cool! I know what you mean about the mirror. I guess we have seen the fat reflection for so long, that we do not see anything changing. Almost like people that are around us all the time. When I get in a funk, I look at the before and latest after pics I took in just bra and panties. No way to lie there! When I lose enough I might get brave enough to post one. I can't imagine buying a 16! Hell, I can't imagine buying in stores. For so long have bought my 4x shorts online at JJill. I am now in the 2x, but still don't find much stuff in stores. I think I haven't shopped for so long, that I don't know where to go. But, I don't want to buy too much b/c I don't plan on being this size for too long. I have two shorts, one pant, and one skirt in 2x. I have THROWN OUT (given to charity) all of my bigger clothes! That feels so good. It sounds like your eating was like mine on va-cay. It's tough. I wasn't perfect.. but did ok. You might be surprised on weigh day! And personally, I think the trying on clothes counts as exercise!!! Imagine if you had a pedometer on! Re: food you don't want to eat.. I do the same thing. Either salt or throw in garbage then throw coffee grounds and cat food on it. In a restaurant I put half a bottle of hot sauce..LOL Then it's OUT of the game. Strange thing guys... after this last fill, I don't feel anything now. Absolutely nothing getting stuck (even tried a few times just to see)... and able to eat a bit more than I should. (although I am not). I was just hoping for a bit closer to sweet spot. My surgeon was so convinced this was "it" that he wouldn't let me make an appt for "next fill". He said call us if/when you need us, it might be a while. Hmmmm. So i will give it a week or so. Meredith~ I am so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!! I too LOVE thunderstorms! FL is a nice place for those. Although Nelson hates them... and so it is a stressful time everytime it thunders. I KNOW you are going to do great! Just imagine a year from now we will be saying... do you remember a year ago.. wow! look at you now!!! :tongue: Today off to the beach with Nelson! (It's 5 miles from our house!) I am feeling better this summer just to get the energy to go... and to get on a nice suit. Although truth been told, I have never had much modesty when it comes to suits..LOL. DH is on call Fri, sat and sun. Maybe we will see him tomorrow for an hour... even if we have to put on scrubs and go sit in an OR..LOL peasout~
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Long~ OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!:sad::thumbup::blink::wink2: Congrats! YOU guys are sooooooo darn inspirational! Shorts! WTG! LOL about the melting candle analogy! Candles are HOT! ; )
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi gang~ Cute story to tell: A few weeks after my surgery, I was shopping in my local Publix grocery store. Diane, the produce manager, had noticed I had not been in (i think I told you guys that part), well.. I told her I had surgery and then she told me that her sister had Bypass a year earlier and was an NP as well. Then she told me that the Asst Mgr. of the store had the LapBand. Later we met and she was 2 years post op and had lost 90 lbs. She said she had another 90 to go, but certainly felt MUCH better and was off some of her meds. We had a nice chat for about 30 min or so. Well, these days I rarely go to the grocery store, as I try to stock up the freezer with Protein from wholesale(indiv. wrapped portions) and buy produce from the farmers market or stands. So I only go in Publix about every 2-3 weeks for milk/yogurt and such. Today I ran into the same asst. mgr. She had lost weight and looked soooo good! I immediately went and told her and she hugged and thanked me! She said that seeing me all "bright eyed and bushy tailed" about my gastric band had helped her re-evaluate her situation. She had gone in for a fill, attended a support group, and had started keeping track of her food and increasing protein. She has lost 25 lbs in 2.5 months! And is now off all her diabetic meds! It was just a nice turn of events. Here i thought I was bugging her... picking her brain... and asking her tons of questions.. but in the end we were helping each other! : ) I love that. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share. peasout~ Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Morning gang~ Janet.... you look AMAZING in those photos! WOWZERS! And regarding the Juniper Berries reference... are you telling me I can have gin?! LOL. Kidding. Back in 2001-2002 during my struggle with infertility and 10+ IVFs, I didn't have a sip of alcohol for two years. And ever since then really lost my taste for it. I will have one glass of wine on special occasions, but that's it. I am a cheap date these days! Really.. on vacation, DH was commenting how much less our bills are now that I am eating off the appetizer menu and he is eating less and no dessert! : ) Apples.... Happy Anniversary Baby, got you on my mind. <singing> Meredith, Meredith... you made me laugh and cry regarding the olives. You have no permanent damage my dear. : ) After all, we are only human! You are almost done! Keep up the good work!!! TOM is visiting AGAIN, darn it. And he's back with a vengeance and 9 days early! Actually had to cancel my gym today... feeling horrible, crampy and accidents. And of course I had my annual appt with the gyn for tomorrow but had to cancel b/c they can't do pap. Any of you menstruating women notice a change in your cycles after being banded and losing weight? My cycles are ALL over the place and crazy heavy! TMI I know. I had the 0.2cc put back in yesterday... and I know it's early to say, but I think I am either VERY close or at my sweet spot! Things going down well but feeling very satisfied after a small amount! yeah!!! Have a great day everyone! xoxo peas
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Pam~ I am so relieved you are feeling better! I got worried when we didn't hear from you... and was worried you got admitted or something. Phewwww! How long does your dr do liquids after unfill? Two appts ago, I was too tight after a fill. I kept getting stuck and having some PBs. Two weeks ago he took out half. Then I was totally fine, but the last week or so felt I could eat a bit too much. Although I was basically staying within my allowed. (although I lost 7 lbs in two weeks!) So today he put it back in. On liquids for 24 hours and can test it tomorrow. It's funny... they have one of those really really expensive digital scales in the office... and it is a full 2 lbs less than my scale at home! LOL. The last fill I psyched myself out though by changing my ticker to their scale... and then when mine didn't move, it upset me. I am sticking to one scale! I discovered a Protein Drink that I cannot tolerate these days! I had a high Protein SlimFast this afternoon. (15gms of protein) Holy cannoli, talk about the gas pains... and then diarrhea! I will NOT drink those again. I do so much better with the isolate protein powders (like unjury or Biochem). I am having a sudden craving for pie and icecream! I don't even know what a Juneberry is... but I'd probably love them!:eek::smile: Good luck Mrs. Bubba! I don't know how you do it girl! There will be no sweet socials at my house for a while! There is a new doc that joined my husband's group.. and we usually invite the doc and their spouse over for dinner. Well, surgery came.. and then it has just not been a good time to do it the last couple months. Well this afternoon the doc came over to study for his anesthesia boards. (since DH is an old seasoned gas passer...LOL, and a great teacher) So DH and the new doc were studying... and I told him to tell about my surgery. I didn't want him thinking we were being mean. His reaction was so cute, "well you look great!" That fine balance between being nice... and not pissing off one of the partners by hitting on his wife! :wink: Nite nite everyone!~ TTYL peasout
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Apples~ Congrats! WOW! You have done so amazing! Where did the year go? A year ago, Did you ever think you would be where you are now? Can you repeat loudly "I AM AN INSPIRATION!"? B/c that's what all you successful ladies are to us newbie bansters! : ) peas
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi everyone~ PJ~ Thinking about you and waiting news to hear what the doctor said and did. Hope you are feeling better soon! Janet~ WTG with the 136.5!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! That is awesome! I am so proud of you! Also so glad you are having fun with your lbt DD. : ) We've missed you on here daily, but are holding down the fort in your absence. ; ) Meredith~ It sounds like you are doing great! More than a 1/3 done! That's wonderful that you have so much energy! I never tried the Boost. I remember looking at them for post op and b/c of the calories didn't get them. But if they are tasty, it might be a good solution to the post fill days when I have to stay on liquids. Which flavor do you like the best? I love the positive attitude about the exercise! WTG! I went to the gym this morning after taking a week off for the vacation. I did walk a lot last week.. but nothing like I usually do in the gym. Boy, did I feel it today! Before I left I was able to do 15 full sit ups (the good ole fashioned army ones)! When I first started working out with this trainer a month and a half ago I couldn't do ONE! Well, today.... I was so bummed... I couldn't do ONE! I also wasn't as strong with my other weights as I was. It taught me a valuable lesson.. that even on vacation, I can do some stuff in my hotel room (push ups, sit ups, squats...etc.) I know I will get back in the swing of things.. it just showed me how easy it is to lose it if you don't use it! I talked my sister into coming to visit next month. She hasn't been away for a LONG time. For the last few years she was always working, until she got laid off in November. And then since then she has spent every free moment trying to get approved and scheduled for surgery. Now that she is 2 weeks post op and doing great... she decided she should come down before looking for work again. She is doing REALLY well. She went from 259 surgery day to 247 today! That's a bypass for you! I told her I was proud of her and she started crying when she realized she had passed my weight already. It was sweet really. She felt "bad" and was afraid it would hurt my feelings. I told her that I am so happy she is getting healthy and would NEVER be sad b/c she is losing weight! We had a long talk about her decision to have bypass and mine to have the band. I still stand by my decision... that for ME... the band was the RIGHT choice. It's funny that I am the younger sister and find myself reassuring her most of the time, for many aspects of life. But what are sisters for? ok ... off to cook some dinner. SH on-call... and DS is hungry after a busy day of summer camp! peasout~ Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good afternoon guys~ PJ~ GOODNESS GRACIOUS! You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! As an option to the ER, does your town have an ambulatory urgent care clinic? Sometimes those are a bit more reasonable, especially if paying cash. Hang in there. I have never had PB like you are talking about. I am also wondering if there is something else going on besides being too tight. But I know from the times I had it.. that one episode and the swelling just gets worse. Keep sipping the liquids. 1 day is right, sometimes some warm chicken broth might set better. Good luck and keep us informed of what happens! DS is home... more later guys!!! peasout!
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Meredith, Good luck girl on your two week count down to the rest of your life!!! I am so happy for you! Now, my dr did not REQUIRE the liquid diet for bandsters but did require it for bypass. He did highly recommend we do it for a few days to help clean out the system. I did it 4 days prior to op. My sister did the full 2 weeks and did FINE on it. Question for you: Did they say you have to use the Boost? or can you have other Protein drinks? Can you have creamy Soups, or only broth? You will do fine. Knowing that there is a REASON you are doing it, makes it easier to do. They want your liver to get smaller (and it does!) during this two weeks. I have heard of some people getting canceled b/c they were not compliant. Just keep yourself busy and when you feel you can't take it anymore... sign on and talk to us. We will get you back on track! YOU CAN DO IT!!! woooohoooooooooooo ok everyone.. taking DS to Folly Beach for the day!
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi gals~ Just a quick note. I like to check in and see how everyone is. I just put Nelson to bed and took a shower and now am chilling out watching tv with DH. We have found that even on vacation we don't like to eat dinner too late. It's just so much better to stick to regular schedules. We are having loads of fun on our vacation! We went on a city tour today and then ran all over town using the trolley system here. Some of the tough parts of being on my first vacation (away from home) since banded. 1) I am not getting in NEAR enough Water. (It's tough to find bathrooms.. or can't when you are on a 2 hr tour..etc.) 2) Healthy food in small portions has been a challenge. (I have been finding good proteins~ grilled fish or broiled scallops) The hard part is finding healthy veggies. 3) Less will power in saying NO to sweets or other unhealthy choices. (example.. today at lunch they plopped a basket of hush puppies in front of me. I ate one. Fried corn flour dripping in grease and then dunked in tartar sauce! Why didn't I just push it away?! Coming back to the hotel tonight there were chocolates on the bed. I ate one. At dinner tonight they put a bowl of boiled peanuts on the table.. i ate a few) Now, while I realize I did stop at ONE, I also realize that I had to have one. I know I didn't throw the whole game of healthy living out the window, I did give in to temptation. I guess the bigger problem for me is that when I feel myself slipping a little, I fear that I will slip a LOT. That is what always happened to the pre-band me. I am sort of ready to get back to my safe home, my gym, and my normal life. Too much temptation out in the real world right now for this bandster. Tomorrow DH is in class/conference all day with a bunch of nerdy anesthesiologists. I think I will take Nels on a day trip to a nice beach. Fun fun! Peace and healthy thoughts to all! : )
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi everyone! Greetings from Charleston! What an amazing town! It was sad to leave my family in NC, especially my sis. But she is doing great! She even attended her support group meeting last night, just 6 days after surgery! All the girls went (my mom, me, sis and her daughter). She was so proud of herself for going and everyone was shocked and pleased to see her there. I am down 3 lbs while on vacation! We went to Carowinds (a large amusement park) and walked in the hot sun for 4 hours! What a great exercise day! I am trying to make good choices and definitely not eating large amounts. For example, I was DYING for oysters. I ordered a salad.. that they added 6 fried oysters. Normally I would not eat fried, but I had no other carbs... and I figured they would be less likely to get stuck then steamed. I ended up only eating 4 of them (they were large)... and a bit of salad.. mostly the veggies. DH had ordered a cup of gumbo and I had a few spoonfulls. And he had Jambalaya and I had a few bites of that as well.. just to taste. When we are out at restaurants I am ordering an unsweetened iced tea. Although I only have a few sips. It's only at restaurants, I never drink while eating when at home. Tomorrow will be another busy day of walking and site seeing... before DH is in his conference stuff on Thursday. ok guys... more later! peasout! PS. PJ~ regarding the muscle milk. Make sure you get the Muscle Milk LIGHT. It's 160 cal and 20 gms of prot. (The regular one is 230 cal and then only 25 grms of Protein.) It is a Pepsi product and they sell it at most convenience stores now. They also have them at the local grocery stores. My walmart does NOT carry them. Sam's had the regular ones, but not the light. I know you can order them online. Hope that helps.
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys, I don't have time to really read the last few threads. But wanted to say hello. Actually shocked that I am DOWN 2 lbs since I left home! : ) I actually am so busy, forgetting and not concentrating on eating. We are actually trying to make breakfast fast and easy. Cereal or whatever and eating out, so not to make it harder on my sister. She is doing good but having a hard time smelling foods. Although she has no hunger, smells are making her head hunger kick in... and making her nauseous?! Not quite she of the connection.. not sure she understands what she is feeling yet. But we all remember being on Clear Liquids but wishing we had something else. We went for a walk down to the lake today (my parents live on a huge lake - Lake Norman) in NC. The weather is perfect. Later in the day we all went out on the boat for a nice ride. My sis opted to rest. Tomorrow night is her montly support group and she asked me to go with her. She still isn't driving yet. It will be good to go with her, both for me and her. Most of my family (other than folks) have not seen me since last summer, so they were all shocked to see me! 57 lbs is 57 lbs. I do have a bitch of a SIL who does not believe in WLS and walked to the other room as we were talking about it. She is ex army lt. colonel and is rigid in all her life. 0600 exercise 0630 shit 0635 eat.... anyway. She showed her true colors this visit, never said a word about how i looked, never asked me how the surgery went, NOTHING. ANd better yet, she is a women's health nurse practitioner!!! Tomorrow we are taking Nels to Carowinds, the big Carolinas amusement park! Lots and lots of walking there! Should be fun for him. The food will be VERY challenging there. Will likely eat a good breakfast... and plan on a Protein bar or drink for lunch. I don't want to have to search high and low for something to eat while they are looking for rides! ok guys, LOVING Long's photos! Holy cannoli, gives me so much motivation!!!!!!! Way to go! Hope everyone had a good weekend! peasout
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi everyone! Greetings from North Carolina! What a long trip! Nelson did fabulous 10 out of 12 hours ; ) I finally broke a rule of getting out of seatbelt. He was tired and wanted to lie down on the floor board with blankets and pillow and nap. I figured he was more protected than up on the seats. I do have a bit of guilt ans was worried. We never had seat belts when I was young and we are still here! The drive up was good. Some rain. The eating was a bit challenging. There are no "nice" restaurants at exits and we didn't want to wander too far from the highway looking. lunch I had my Protein Cereal at home with skim milk, snack handful of Nelson's peanuts, lunch the meat only from a Jr whopper. had the tomato, ordered a side salad but only had 4 bites. My son had chicken fingers and didn't want to eat, and I ended up eating one might I didn't need. : ( no symptoms. dinner we stopped at a Breakfast place. I ordered eggs over medium and pushed the yolks to the side. I had one sausage patty and 3 bites of DH's grits. Again Nels didn't want to eat and had a piece of toast. His grandma will fix his wagon now that he is in her house! I can relax. Other than a few bites of Nels' Snacks, I did really good. My sister almost cried when we arrived. She is doing great though. I am so proud of her. She has little energy though, which i know is common with bypass. We got in late and didn't get to talk too much. She had taken her pain meds and was ready for bed. Nelson brought her a small hotwheels car in her favorite colors... and told her he hoped her belly button felt better! So sweet! ok guys, more update tomorrow. peas
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Thanks guys for all the advise and words of encouragement. I am sure I will be ok. Just want to be good. : ) I am bringing my exercise gear and plan on walking at least every day. Mom and Dad have some free weights and an indoor pool and can do some water aerobics. Yeah, my sis is excited to have me come up. I have tons of samples from my dr's office. Mainly stuff that is geared toward roux en y patients. Puddings /shakes that you can mix with as little as 2 oz of water. Protein drinks (ice tea, lemonade, etc.) we will only be home for 2-3 days and then off to the beach... and then to Charleston for the last weekend. I will have my computer, so will touch in from time to time. Have a good weekend everyone! ~peasout
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning everyone! Meredith~ OMG, I cannot believe some people! I am sure you handled the situation with grace and elegance. I don't know why some people (and I have had young people do it too) think it is ok to be so offensive to someone. Had you not been at work it would have been so nice to say... "and you obviously have a personality disorder which allows you to be so rude. Have you scheduled your lobotomy?" That is great though that you can take away the positive and see it as an affirmation that you are doing the right thing by getting banded! way to go. Joann~ It sounds like you and I are near the same sweet spot. It's such a nice feeling. I feel more confident in eating now. Getting back to the reimbursement issue with Medicare. Holy cannoli! I get so tired of the health care system having to change the correct way of practicing medicine because of what the insurance company says! My DH has been on the same cholesterol medicine for 5 years and suddenly his insurance decided they won't cover it. (after trying 5 others that either didn't work or he had side effects) It took 10 phone calls and 5 letters to get it approved. But it shouldn't be this way! And I doubt the average jane or joe would know the hoops to jump through to get something like that done! 1 day~ Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. So sad. {{hug}} And hope the computer problems are fixed! Hello back at ya. Rainy day here in southern Florida. DH is post call and sleeping (worked all night). DS is out of school for the summer but woke up at 6:30am per usual! I want to go to the gym but he wants to stay home and play. I feel bad b/c it is the first day of summer vacation... but I also want to get a good workout in before we go to NC tomorrow, as we'll be in the car all day! If it was any normal day I'd say, get in the car.. we are going to the gym NOW! (they have a playroom/babysitting there). But I am trying to be a little more kind/diplomatic today and might resort to some sort of bribe to the dollar store for a toy..LOL! I am usually in a rush as I have an appointment with my trainer, but she went to Puerto Rico for the week. Funny as we both had our vacation planned at the same time months before we ever met! ok.. this morning finally back down to 257! : ) I had been riding at that 259 point all week and REFUSED to adjust my ticker. At least I can leave on vacation back at ground zero. I am a little anxious, as this is my first time away from my "safe house" where food is safe and I have everything I need. (food scale, measuring cups, healthy food) I hear all of you experienced bansters going on cruises and doing fine. I just don't feel I have that much of a grasp on finding good choices out in the real world! The good news is the first 3 days of the trip will be in NC at my moms. And for the day in the car I will bring along stuff in my cooler as the boys eat fastfood. It's next week I am worried about... during the day in Charleston with my son. I guess it's always good to keep a Muscle Milk Light or Protein Bar in your bag for emergencies? I know I will do it, just stressing me out a bit. : ) Any suggestions for vacation eating will be much appreciated. ok friends, TGIF!
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ Janet, I was rereading the posts from the other day. Why did you have to have an open incision vs lap? Just curious. Was it planned that way or they found out after they got going it was tough? My sister is staying an extra night in the hospital. She is still having issues peeing after getting out the cath on wed a.m. (it was in 24 hours). She was also running a lowgrade temp 100.4 which they think is lung related b/c she has asthma and is congested. They are doing albuterol nebulizers and really making her do the spirometers. Her CBC was negative for blood infection. She is off the pain pump and switched to oral pain meds. She is allowed 90cc of full liquids an hour and has not been able to get it all in without feeling nauseous. She said she has NO hunger.. but still can't watch food commercials on tv, b/c her head hunger kicks in. She said it feels like you have a bad stomach flu but still crave pizza. I think she will be ok. She will go home Friday and then I will get there Sat night. I think my parents kinda pushed the idea of her staying in. Dad has a bum shoulder (had rotator cuff surgery last summer), and mom had a fall and hurt her knee (on the boat a few weeks ago)... so they are afraid that if she needs help getting up and such, that they won't be able to do it. It is understandable. DH on call tonight and DS had last day of school with noon pick up today! FUN FUN!!! I still have to clean house and pack! I am doing so much better since the unfill. Perfect sensation really. Full after 1/2 to 3/4 cup of food. If I eat any more then I feel pain. But none while eating. No slime, no PB. I'd say I am close to that SS!!! : ) Hope everyone is well! Way to go Janet!!! GYM at 5 am! That rocks! Even I can't do that! ; ) I had hair done today (colored and highlights) and skipped the gym. First day in a LONG time.
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Long & others~ I just discovered that you can see people's graphs when you click on their tickers :confused:(if someone didn't know what we were talking about... that statement sounds so nasty! LOL) Anyway, it is so motivational to see your progress! You have made such an AMAZING accomplishment, as have many of you on here!!! I cannot get over how inspirational it is to talk to this fabulous group of women. I ditto what was said about their support group being a bunch of people complaining about not losing whilst they eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream each night. I find it MUCH more helpful to talk to a group of people who have been successful with this band tool. And the really neat thing is that it is a reciprocal relationship. As you help us... we help you keep in check. (like running support groups MAKES you keep yourself on top of things). Just amazing. I love this thread and I love you all. Despite what the scale said today, feeling strong and motivated. If we just keep doing what we are supposed to... the weight HAS to come off eventually! Janet, I hear you girl. I know. I know. (re: the scale) Update from my sis. She DID get up... and again thanked me for telling her she HAS to! She actually felt a LOT better. I made her laugh by telling her about the poor little trapped fart inside her that needs to get free! She said she stood up and passed some gas and was about to say "be free little fart", but was afraid the nurse would take away her morphine pump or think she was nuts! LOL. She is also happy to have the catheter out. I am so happy for her- that she had the surgery and her journey begins. I am sure there will be that comparison of us.. especially this coming December for my parents 50th wedding anniversary party! So it gives me something to work for!!! <stepping off my soap box and getting back to chores>
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    update on my sis. She had a ROUGH night! The bypass was her first surgery EVER and she's one of those who cry with a hang nail. They wanted her up and walking yesterday and she couldn't/wouldn't do it. She said she was in too much pain. She called me crying her eyes out last night! She was so nauseous. I told her to lay off the ice chips and let the IV hydrate her. She wanted to take off the Sequential compression devices (the squeezy things on your legs to prevent blood clots) and I advised against it. And she thought the pain medicine would magically take away all her pain, and it didn't of course. So I think she was a bit unrealistic in her expectations. But I spoke with her nurse and she said other than B&M she is doing good. (bitching and moaning..LOL). She didn't say that...just my translation of nurse talk. Although her dr didn't require preop bowel prep... i highly advised her to take something. She is SOOO thanking me that I made her do that. Hopefully by the time I get up there Saturday she will be MUCH better. I will be more helpful to her preparing protein mess and various liquids in 30cc shots. ok friends, just felt like sharing. Time to clean house... do laundry... wait for AC guy for 6 month maint of AC and pool heater.. make calls... pay bills. The fun never ends!
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning gang~ For the first time in a while slept REALLY good last night! Woke up appropriately sore from my workout yesterday (I always like that... you feel your muscles hurt, but not so much that you can't move!) I was on liquids yesterday d/t unfill... had 1100 calories. (Ok Janet, don't read this next line), weighed 2 lbs heavier today!!! Just about threw my scale in the swimming pool. I KNOW it is water weight or whatever, it just pisses me off. I am post-TOM, the time when water weight is usually down. The good news is, I am feeling a good bit of restriction, but without the pain this morning. Perhaps I am closer to my sweet spot?! I only had one of those Healthwise Bariatric Protein Cheerio type cereals (90 cal/15 grms protein) and 1/2 cup 1% milk. So, we shall see what the rest of the day has in store. Skipping the gym this morning for a mani and pedi! I will get cardio in this afternoon. We are going to NC this weekend to see my sis and then off to Charleston for a week! My first vacation since being banded! (I typed branded at first!LOL) ok guys... have a great day!!! peasout~

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