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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good Morning everyone~ I have been up since 330. sigh. I hate it when I can't sleep. A lot on my mind I guess. Dad had his 3 month PET scan Tuesday. Keeping our fingers crossed but I am preparing myself for the worst. Since the last one showed return of cancer in all the previous spots (spine, lungs, liver, pelvis, chest)- I would guess that there will be more of the same. I am worried how my parents will react to the news. They have really been living PET scan to PET scan. Literally putting their lives on hold until the news. I will let you all know the news soon. OK... my prediction for Lori's GD is......... Tuesday, March 1! Perfect day since it is also Nelson's birthday!!! If I had to give a time, I will say 7pm. I really cannot write much.. getting sleepy. Will write more later. maybe. I have sooooooo much to do today! Pack, clean, etc. Leaving Thursday for our trip. YIKES. Hi to everyone....... sorry I have been a slacker with posting. peasout..Laura
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    My present from Nelson............ Just what I always wanted, my own personal robot! I thought it was cute. And actually something we played with as a family for a while! LOL We had a very nice dinner My birthday dinner http://benihana.findyourpictures.com/index.php?fuseaction=login.email&imageid=5688689 We had a lovely Water view and watched the sun set. Dinner with my 2 favorite men- couldn't ask for anything more! : ) No school today for Nelson. Yeah! One more day to hang out and play! Gotta run........ peasout..Laura
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I feel the love!!! : ) I am lucky, I am sorta having a birthday WEEK. DH is on vacation this week and we are able to have lots of time together. Today the boys went "shopping". Nelson was so cute before they left, "I can't tell you but we are going to buy you a present, I hope you like it!" I asked what store they were going to and he said "ToysrUs, silly mommy! It's the only store I know where everything is!" I just smiled and said I can't wait to see what I get! : ) We have reservations at Benihana (the Japanese place on the Water where they cook in front of you). I am enjoying my morning of peace and quiet. Took a swim, then a shower, and now some tv and computer. Life is good. I am so blessed. Hope everyone is doing well- will catch up on posts tomorrow. : ) peasout...Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Ok... back from the bus stop. I have a few minutes to post. My DH is on vacation for the next week! Wooohoooo! Not sure yet what we will do on my birthday (20th), but we are going to the Bahamas next week for 4 days with Nelson! Nelson is counting down the days! He also has his first baseball game on Saturday! That is like going to a comedy club! lol. Those kids are so darned cute- funny to watch them try to catch... throw...bat. Welcome to the newbies. You've come to a great site. Pull up a chair and stay a while. Be prepared to hear it like it is from our mentor and friends. Well, since my unfill two weekends ago (had 1.5cc taken out), I have complete relief of all symptoms. No more reflux, pain, air escaping, inability to eat solids... nada. Now, I feel like I have very little restriction but haven't gone overboard. Dr says I can't have a fill for 4 weeks b/c I need to heal completely. I will need to avoid being too close to tight or even the sweet spot b/c , for me at least, I can fluctuate between perfect restriction to dangerously tight overnight with just a little bit of Water retention. In the past I have relied on the band to tell me how much to eat. But now I have to use my brain. I wish i had a brain. <smirk> Yesterday I had a patient that just touched my heart. 21 year old guy, with a BMI of 51. Recently diagnosed hypertension and high cholesterol. They had only given him a 15 minute appointment. I spent an hour an 15 minutes with him. He was near tears when I told him about his two new problems. I told him it was a matter of months before he would have diabetes. Then I told him I totally understand what he is going through. At my clinic I have never told any patient that I have lost 100 lbs. Now, I didn't tell him the whole truth- I didn't tell him about the band. He could not afford it right now and I didn't want him thinking it was the only way. What I did do was help him make a plan. I will see him monthly for weigh ins. I gave him an achievable goal of only 3 lbs a month. I told him to knock my goal out of the water! I was also able to order him physical therapy. Just like you would need rehab after a knee replacement, this kid NEEDS professional help to learn to exercise safely. He will have access to water classes and gym, as well as a PT 3 times a week. I also made an appt for him with a registered dietitian. He said no health care provider had ever talked to him about his weight with a plan- they always just said you are morbidly obese and need to lose weight. I have high hopes for that kid. I'll keep you updated. Linda~ that beautiful GD is soooooo lucky to have you in her life! She will always remember the love you gave her during this time in her life. LOVED the FB pics!!! Lori~ Good luck with court. Judges are usually nice to people that have had their VERY FIRST violation at your age. : ) It will go well. Mere~ Have fun with your sis and nephew pup. Janet~ Thanks for telling me about survivor! I was able to watch the entire episode online, you were right. I like Boston Rob. Hell, I like Russel too. I think the redemption island twist will make it interesting. Be careful who you vote off b/c they may come back to get you! Eva~ Hope you did great on your school work! : ) So proud of you. What happened to your house keeper? I got teary eyed just hearing the news! <wink> I would keel over if something happened to my girls. Karen~ Got your card! Thank you soooooo much for thinking of me!!! ok guys, gotta get some work done. I will CBL.......peasout............Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    http://www.reportertv.info/video/spettacoli-news-events-notizie/lap-band-for-the-mouth This is the segment that Mere was talking about.... Flyby... gotta run... more in a bit! peasout..
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok... i'm pissed.. how the heck did I miss SURVIVOR??????????????? ughhhh. Yes Lori, Nelson was in the dentist chair. He lost his two front teeth at Christmas (25th and 26th) and only one of them came back in. I was worried I pulled out a permanent one! But alas, his tooth is in there, just taking its sweet time. Xrays revealed a cavity in a back molar. sigh. They put sealants on his 6 year old molars x 4 and all the other stuff. VERY expensive stuff. He handled it like a trooper though. Cooking some beef stew. Smells good in this house. : ) SOrry for the flyby............ just got home from work. Will CBL....Laura
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo Peasout....Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Janet~ So scary about the Robbery! Hugs that all is ok. Have fun with the girls! Tell them all hello for us! xoxo Lori~ Hope you are doing ok since your fall. I think they should make heated driveways like they do floors. Just my opinion. : ) Any news on the cervix? Julie~ Glad you are feeling better. Meredith~ You two are like two peas in a pod. : ) Sometimes even a pea needs a little room... and sometimes a pea needs to be next to the other pea. I hear you. Just a fly by. Just got my hair did. LOL. Feel sooooo much better. Have AC people coming for 6 mo. maint. (a must in FL) DH on call tonight. : ( Opening day for the basball season is tomorrow! First the opening ceremony then the kids have a carnival! Such fun. I'm down 5 lbs since my unfill and 2 days of liquids!!! I made that Brunswick stew and had it 3 days in a row! All the Fiber keeps your whistle clean! TGIF! peasout..Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey all, WTG Janet! I don't think I ever weighed 137..LOL! Maybe when I was 7. ; ) It was down in the 40s last night! (after a high of 77 yesterday!) And now up to 72. But I had the heat on last night..LOL This morning I woke up cold and cooked Brunswick stew. I LOVE Brunswick stew, but if you aren't from the south, you may not like it. : ) It's a great high Protein stew though. I will post the recipe. I put a low carb BBQ sauce, so you don't have the sugar. I also add Tobasco and Cayenne pepper to mine to give it a kick. Also, most recipes call for creamed corn, but I put in regular. I put beef, chicken and pork in mine. (the original stew used rabbit I think). I also add okra, tomatoes, lima Beans and corn to mine. SMELLS so good! Nelson even said, "what smells so good?!" I wish he would eat it but he won't. Paula Deen's Chicken Brunswick Stew About Brunswick Stew I got my Valentine's Day pedicure today! The place was already packed at 9:15, they open at 9. I had to go to Walmart and kill time since I didn't have an appt. How does one spend $250 when just killing time??? Damn, I could have had a barium swallow instead! LOL CBL folks...peasout.. Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    I just got back from volunteering in Nelson's class. OMW- what a bunch of snot monsters! Every other kid had a cold or cough! I kept making them use sanitizer before I would read or work with them! Gross. I FINALLY got the last 3 kids in the 1st grade to start reading the AR books! Those three are still at the 0.3 level (which is really beginner kindergarten according to their system). I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look on their faces when they finish a book, then take the computer test, and see that they made 100%! Money could not buy that look EVER! They just beam with pride! Oh Cheri, it's the only thing about teaching (full time) that would be enough pay! I love my 1 day a week with the 16 of them, but couldn't do more. Linda and Janet~ I hear ya on the exercising! I AM going to do it! I only got to do one mile walk today so far- b/c I had to go to school. Nelson has baseball practice tonight. Maybe instead of sitting and watching, I will walk around the sidewalk perimeter. Eva~ The depends were for me LAUGHING! : ) Hope your test went ok. And hope the car wasn't anything big. Just don't spread a battery thing please! Great~ Have fun with the nursery!!! I ADORE baby things! Soak it all in! I don't like putting things together, but like washing everything and folding them. Just imagine that little baby...oh my! How cool would that be if she went into labor in the next few days!!! Yikes about the GB. I had horrible attacks before my surgery. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. Wish her luck from us!!! Can't wait to see those baby pics! Have fun!!! I need to get some work done... more later... peasout..Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Oh Apples, I just love your long posts! I really am going to say DITTO on that one! Boy you covered all the bases! (I admire that about you!) Oh gosh I am pouting today.... Hmmmpppphhh. I would give my left arm to be on a road trip with Thelma and Louise! OMG, would likely have to wear a Depends! LOL. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Janet's! Ha-frikkin-larious! You guys have fun. (not that you wouldn't if we didn't say that.) Hugs to you all. Mere~ You and I are so alike. Yes- we have to learn to draw boundaries and set limits! I over extend myself so often and then get mad. But really, WHO committed? ME. So, learn to draw a line in the sand. I heard the best line on Oprah one day. "That really doesn't work for me right now". Isn't it smart? Hey, what ever happened with your band? You were talking about surgery- did an unfill- and now you are doing a pouch test? Are you back in business? Did they completely unfill you? When he diagnosed it, did they do a barium swallow, fluoro or anything? Julie~ Hugs on the fall. You have to be sooooooo careful when you are taking the pain meds. Falls are #1 side effect. Oh hon, added insult to injury! Hope the chiro straightened everything out. Arlene~ OMW, glad your mom is ok. That is awful! You had a feeling something else was going on! Shame on those nursing assistants! Hope she has a speedy recovery. I am feeling 100% better with the stomach. WOW. What a difference. Slept so well! Now though after two days of walking- have pain in my heel. shit. just what i need. It's not easy getting old! Gotta go get Nels up and ready. Have a great day everyone!!!! peasout, Laura
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Stupid LBT put duplicate post and the new format won't let you delete a post. Oh Lawd!
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Janet~ Thanks GF! (For everything you said.) And yes, you are right. Gotta push. Here's a goal for ya- (besides the obvious of LONG TERM HEALTH AND WELLNESS)........ In July I will meet my MIL for the FIRST TIME! We (me, DH and Nels) are traveling overseas (if everything is calm over there) for our 10th wedding anniversary! I will meet DH's 3 stepbros and wives/kids too. VERY excited but nervous. Most of them speak English too, but MIL says she doesn't. But they lived in PA for 2 years before DH was born! When I have spoken to her on the phone, she will say a few things in English. But sure- not sure we can have deep meaningful conversations..LOL. Yep, need to look smokin hot. I usually take everything from others with a grain of salt- but today just rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway- nuff said bout that. My band is feeling lovely today. I did 24 hrs liquids and then mushies last night. This a.m. did shake and then for lunch made a 3.5 oz. tuna (90 cal, 18 gm protein) with small amt. greek yogurt. I ate slow slow slow. Low and behold- was full until now- 3 hrs! So, i feel like I got me a SWEET spot! I wouldn't wish that reflux feeling (choking on your own stomach juices, cough, sore throat) on my worst enemy! I know I have talked about this before but feel like putting it out there- if any of you get ulcer type pain or have suffered that choking reflux stuff- ask your practitioner for a Rx medicine called CARAFATE. (the liquid one). It's a liquid "band aid". It doesn't replace your Tagamet/Pepcid or Nexium/Prilosec but it will help HEAL your esophagus and stomach if you have had an episode of reflux. It's amazing that people talk about reflux and slipped bands and unfills- but never found any posts about carafate. life saver. Cheri~ hope you are feeling better. Just a word to the wise- I despise tramadol. I have had the most problems with patients becoming accustomed to it. It is a derivative of morphine. Supposedly not as "addicting" as other pain medicines from the PI, but I beg to differ. In our clinic we cannot prescribe narcotics and many MDs and NPs write it. Patients cannot stop taking it without feeling "ill". Just be careful. (said with love and care only.) can't imagine the pain you are going through. I have never had chronic pain, so it is hard for me to understand. Just do what you need and know to do. Melissa~ how are you feeling? Others- sorry for the PBs- must be in the air! more later...gotta go ok.. got the boy off the bus. Time for homework and dinner! DH on call. peasout............Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok, ok. It seems my attempt at humor regarding the "coach bag vs. barium swallow to check band" joke was lost in the translation! My apologies. I received SEVERAL concerned and 1 pissed off comment about it, so let me say something for the record. 1) I have had reflux off and on for 10+ years and been on PPIs (prilosec) for 10+ years. 2) Studies prior to banding, during surgery and after have shown no hiatal hernia. 3. Lap banders with a previous history of reflux (almost but not always, usually) have reflux after banding (worst if you are "tight" or "too tight" or even at "sweet spot") 4. I would never ever EVER sacrifice my health for a stupid purse! (yes, someone, who is a "watcher" of our post but has never posted, accused me of putting my health in jeopardy for the vanity of designer THINGS.) DEEP SIGH. We are taking ourselves wayyyyy too seriously guys. They said I need to be careful of what I posted b/c there are LB patients who will take my statement as truth and will jeopardize their health and ignore serious symptoms. That being said, let me clarify things a bit. Yes, 3 months ago after an un-needed fill (which many of you thought I didn't need), I quickly had to go get an unfill. Although I have "maintained" my weight for the last 6+ months, I have in no way, shape or form been very healthy about it. Although I lead an active lifestyle (keeping up with a 6 year old, swimming, shopping, living) I have not been doing much purposeful exercise. The result of which is- I stayed the same weight, but lost muscle and tone. I have actually gone down in "size" but have felt an increase in abdominal fat. Now- over the last 2-3 months have seen a 8-10 pound gain. (hovering around 225 today) Although this seems a small amount (in the grand scheme of things), I truly think it was enough to effect my band. Our stomachs can lose and gain weight too. We have fat around and on our stomachs. Weight gain alone can cause our bands to get tight. If you add peri menopausal Fluid fluctuations in the mix, it can cause havoc on our bands. I truly think that the need for 3 unfills is more to do with the lack of exercise and gaining of 10 lbs, than it has to do with something serious. Other than the occasional reflux which got worse the last couple days, i have had NO PBs, no vomiting, no pain, and no increased ability to eat food- nor the inability to eat food. I have had the same restriction more or less since reaching my sweet spot- after a cup of solid food I am full. Both nights that I had severe reflux I ate too close to bed AND I had dairy (frozen yogurt) after eating solids food for dinner. The dairy then sits on top of the food and loves to cause havoc on my esophagus once it relaxes when I fall asleep. Is this clear as mud now? I am going to go make a Protein shake and take a shower. I walked 3 miles for the second day in a row and my legs are hurting..LOL. I will cbl...peasout..Laura PS. I will write more to everyone later.
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Fly by this a.m. Well, I had to have an emergency unfill on Saturday. Woke up unable to take sips of Water. Had a 2nd night of horrible reflux. WTF? I have had NO FILLS in many MONTHS... only 3 unfills last 3 months. The more I know about this band... the more I don't know about this band. I just pray it hasn't slipped. Dr. reassures me that I would have more symptoms. I might do a barium swallow just for my own peace of mind in a couple weeks. (will be cash b/c we have a $3000 deductible). Hmmm.. New coach bag and shoes for birthday or BS (barium swallow)? Have a good day everyone! Go packers! (DH watched his first super bowl! After traveling to and fro Wisconsin, he became a fan!) LOL. He's like, "what the heck is a 2 point conversion?" peasout..Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Wow, am I the first to post since we RE-APPEARED?! Freaky shit this LBT site! I am going to look into alternative sights, this is getting old. Can anyone say........... can't sleep tonight????? Was up at 1 with reflux. ugghhhh. I ate dinner at 7 and usually eat at 6. (and I guess I ate too much, although DH sat next to me and said I didn't) LOve you all.......more tomorrow...xoxo Laura
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hello everyone~Thanks for the well wishes. Not sure what is going on with me. Yesterday had fever of 99.6. and just an ache in my legs. Sometimes when you know too much, you start turning into a hypochondriac. I was having some RLQ (right lower quadrant) abdominal pain. That's all I need it an appendicitis! But 2 ES Tylenol took care of all the aches and fever. I was dragging at tball practice. DH took pity on me and went with me. He feels awkward there b/c he doesn't know anything about baseball (they don't play it where he's from) and all the dads are on the field being honorary asst coaches. Bless his heart, he can't throw or catch. At home he tries to throw with Nels but there he just feels like a geek. Last night he was remembering HS and how he used to come up with 100 reasons to get out of PE. He hated it that bad. I told him I didn't fall in love or marry him for his athleticism! After practice we stopped at a little greek place for dinner. I completely forgot to have Nelson change his shoes and he drug about 10lbs of red clay on their floor! I felt so bad, even offered to sweep it up! DH left 100% tip..LOL Cheri~ Glad you are ok after the accident. Yes, I agree with you.. Toradol is an amazing drug! I used it all the time when I was in the ER. It does come in pill form but not as effective as injection imho. Good luck getting in contact with the rest of your family. Linda~OMW, I saw your photos!!! Now, that is snow! Curious to hear if you got to work today? Stay warm. The soup sounds wonderful Apples~ I was LOL at your nanna nanna boo boo comment..LMAO! Do you think this is a good time to tell everyone that it is 79 right now, with a high of 84? <smirk> I hope you survive the harsh winter you are having in AZ, a spring jacket, are you kidding me?! LOL. Your FIL is so lucky to have you. : ) I bet you put little labels on the lids- saying what it is and how to reheat it. right? : ) Janet~ I just love your commitment to exercise! I swear every time I read your posts I actually THINK about going to the gym..LOL. Seriously though. You are such an inspiration. WTG. When I grow up I want to be just like you. One of my old HS friends on FB is having WLS soon. She still can't decide btw rny and lb. I showed her your before/after. She was amazed! I showed her mine too. I told her I am the average. She is aiming towards the RNY b/c she is so afraid of failing. Her dr. told her she wouldn't keep the weight off with a band! OK guys, it's early release today. I need to get my butt in gear. Nelson started extended day at his school this week (at his request). He went the first day on Monday. He stayed only an hour and was mad that we picked him up early. Today- will let him stay 1.5 hrs...LOL. I told the director that he is not there b/c I am working or b/c I want him out of my hair. He is there b/c he wants to be- he wants to see other kids and play. I told her to call me anytime he looks sad or isn't enjoying it. I want to give this a couple weeks (only going 2 x a week) and then I might work a whole day on Tuesdays. I have a lot of patients now and it sux when they can't see me b/c they can't make a morning appt. ok all you snow bunnies! Please be careful and stay warm! I hope you melt soon!!! hugs...peasout...Laura PS. I still hate the new format on here! I wish posting a photo didn't take the knowledge of a computer programmer! Those of you on FB see my pix anyways.
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    I am popping in to say hi. Sorry to say another flyby sorta. Only read page 845- so can only respond to a few of you. Mere~ Stay warm! Brrrrrrrr. I don't know how you guys do it. Be safe!!! Lori~ We may have humidity but we don't have SNOW!!!!!!!!! I live far enough south that we don't get that much cold. Being from NC I guess I am used to "east" coast humidity. My semi curly hair actually loves it. It is a bummer for allergies though. So glad DD shower went well. I just adore baby girl clothes! So cute! I am sure you are getting so excited! I can't believe you carried the cake on the plane? (did I read that right??) Go Grandma! Apples~ Congrats on the winter/retirement place in AZ!!! <sniff sniff> I won't pretend to act like I am happy about it. <pout> I was really hoping you would settle for this side of the US. (but I totally understand). Thanks for the compliments. It's still a battle- but happy to still be hovering- and not going up. So nice of you to make oatmeal for DFIL. Love the puppy stories. So cute. I had dog fever last week--- BAD. When that happens I go over to my neighbor's- they have a 2 year old pedigree Golden. He's HUGE- like 80lbs or so. He's still thinks he's a puppy and jumps and play bites with slobber and pulls on your clothes. I came home with my black pants COVERED in hair and dog spit. I am cured for at least another week. I definitely think when we get a dog we will get a rescue and one that is past puppy stage. I like dogs that sleep at your feet most of the time. Arlene~ good luck with the thumb. Those hurt. I hope he put some numbing medicine in there too. Eva~ Tamales. yum! I am so glad you are getting to see Apples. Wish I could come see you guys. : ( My parents might come down this weekend. I am hoping they do. Dad couldn't get the bone medicine today b/c his kidney function tests were too high. That kidney just cannot handle the medicine. His tumor in his spine is so close to the spinal cord and they are so worried a fracture could paralyze him. But he said he doesn't want the medicine to cause him to go on dialysis. They will recheck it in 2 weeks. We are also trying to talk them into going to Atlantis with us for our birthdays. They are thinking about it. Mom loves casinos- and Atlantis has a nice one. It would be great for Nelson to see them on vacation. We even told him to postpone his PET scan for a week. It won't change anything, except make them sad if it is worse. There is no more chemo for at least 6 months. This kidney will not take it. I am not even sure why they are redoing the scan. sigh. I need to get to bed. Hugs to you all fixing to get hit with snow!!! peasout..Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey all, Flyby. Nels and I have had colds all weekend. ughhh. Nothing serious just sneezy, stuffy, sorethroat, coughing. No fever but just no real energy. DH was on call Fri, Sat and today. So I was a "single" mom this weekend. Nels has been so needy this weekend- not wanting to even be in a room alone (sooo unlike him). He even had a nightmare last night and came to our bed at 2am. (first time in over a year)- he dreamed the house caught on fire. i couldn't get on LBT this morning either. Happy Birthday Janet (i know I wished you on FB, but wanted here too). LOVED your pics! That cake looked yummy and you look AMAZING! Adios amigos... tomorrow maybe I can get caught up. peasout..Laura
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girls. (and guy) A quick note- have sooooooooo much I need to do. I just returned from volunteering in Nels' class. His teacher was out sick and there was a sub. I could tell she was VERY happy to see me! I took half the class to the library to take their reading comp tests and evaluate scores to decide if they move up. I absolutely ADORE seeing their faces when they do good and are proud of themselves. I wish you could bottle that. Priceless. Then went back and took the other half. She said she repeated the lesson, but that with the smaller group it was easier and went fast. The sub is retired and I could tell she wasn't fond of the computers. I got them all signed on and started. She asked me what to do when they were done. I told her just to hit the power button on the monitor..LOL. (too complicated to explain to a non computer person how to shut down..haha). Well, we made a decision about my birthday (Feb 20) and Nelson's (March 1)... We are taking a family trip! (Janet has me on a roll with that). We are going to Atlantis in the Bahamas for 3 nights. They have all kinds of deals right now, free companion airfare, kids eat free, etc. Nelson was given the choice of having a birthday party or taking a trip- was very happy and proud of him for taking the trip. I told him we will still Celebrate in his class on the DAY of his bday (bring cupcakes for everyone). He also said "I have too many toys anyway, I wouldn't want friends to bring anything." That just warmed my heart that he KNOWS he has enough. : ) He did ask if he could still make "goodie" bags for his classmates on his bday. So he isn't interested in getting- just wants to give. His big wish to do in Atlantis is the extra excursion to SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS. DH and I decided we would also do it with him. DH is nervous they won't have a wet suit to fit him. I told him they would. I know that 2 years ago I would have DIED to have to try to put a wetsuit on. DH and I stayed in Atlantis for our honeymoon back in 2001. We decided this time not to stay in the fancy part of the hotel. They have some condos with kitchens, W/D and full balconies. You have to walk a little, but well worth it. It's close to the price of a reg. room but with all the amenities. I am feeling a little guilty b/c Dad's PET scan is the 23rd and we leave 24th for trip. Just can't be there every time. (and esp for Nels' bday). In April Nels and I will go up to NC for the week of spring break. DH has to work. Apples~ So glad you are enjoying the R&R and seeing your FIL. I am sure you needed this time to thaw out and clear your mind. This has been a stressful last few months. YOU DESERVE IT! : ) Eva~ Glad you are getting everyone's pipes fixed..LOL. yours and glimmer. ; ) Cuando hablas Espanol mejor, si quieres, yo voy a practicar contigo. GL Linda~ Happy Bandiversary!!! WTG.........woohoo Julie~ Hope DH does ok. Will keep in in my T&P. Janet~ Don't work too hard. Hugs ok guys, got lots to do. Baseball practice tonight. DH on call. TTYL.......peasout..Laura
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    hi everyone... I am p.o.ed at my DH. Three words: GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! I remember having this conversation last year around this time. He was so sweet and kept them at work for the others to eat. He took Nels to a movie and to get a baseball helmet and brings home TWO boxes of my favorite Cookies. Now, I KNOW he intended for them to be for Nels. But............ it doesn't matter............... I ate a whole row of Thin Mints. Sigh. uuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhh. pllllllllppbbbbbbbbb. Going to the YMCA in the morning if it's the LAST thing I do. nite nite...peasout... Laura
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey everyone~ Lazy day today around here. Cold & rainy front came in. My son actually let us sleep until 830. That NEVER happens. : ) I left a note on the counter for him to feed the cats and have muffins and a juice box for Breakfast. He was so darn proud of himself! We were supposed to go to the Italian festival. Probably good that it was rainy and I didn't feel like going. We would have ate too much anyways. : ) We wanted to go out to dinner tonight but both of our favorite restaurants are booked! only times for reservations are 4 or 830! WTF? I HATE this time of year when all the snowbirds are here. sigh. I really want a bumper sticker that says IF IT'S SNOWBIRD SEASON, DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN SHOOT THEM? <hehehe> kidding of course. Lori~ Sorry you didn't sleep. How is DD? I am glad the contractions are slowing down. yes, the external dilation can be felt by the practitioner's hands and internally they can check that on ultrasound. I am sure she is nervous and that doesn't help things. I pray the bun stays in the oven a little longer. hugs Eva~ sorry about coming home to the mess. yuck. $hit happens. Literally. I would be a millionaire if I got a dime for everytime I stepped in one of my cats PB hairballs! The one downfall to oriental rugs- can't see crap. Glad you guys had fun together. Julie~ Sorry to hear about all your pain. All the side effects you are reporting with the narcotics is so common. They can really change a person. I wish you could go back to the pain mgt dr. seems you had relief albeit temporary from the steroid epidural. I think you need a series of 3. IMHO. Lifelong narcotics are not the answer. As you are seeing you are building up a tolerance and needing more and more. One ends up taking them to not feel "sick"- but after a while they stop actually giving relief. I so wish for you a life without constant pain. Sandy~ I agree with Janet. Have to allow for treats now and again. Cuban and Brazilian foods are somewhat similar. They both are big on blackbeans and rice. Brazilian food has much more variety b/c of how big and various the country is. If you are near the beach - you have one kind of food and near the mountains- another. Brazilian has much more meat (beef, lamb and goat) and Cuban- more chicken and seafood. Spices are different too. Brazilian used a lot of yucca/mandioca. The food you find in the US vs. in the actual countries is night and day. I am hungry just talking about this. Cheri~ I couldn't agree with you more about grief coming in waves rather than stages. I have watched my family all go through the different stages at different times and different degrees and even combinations. It's a complex topic and varies from culture and family. I know that sudden vs long term illness is so different. I wish for you the strength and wisdom to write the article. I know you can do it- but it will likely take a lot out of you to do it. It opens wounds when putting your heart into something like that. hugs. Janet~ WTG on the shopping! You make me laugh on eating icecream for lunch! I have done that before. Sometimes if I want dessert- i just have dessert b/c I know I can't have a meal and dessert. Last night Nels was in the mood to make cupcakes. He claimed it was one of our cat's birthdays..LOL. The mix was enough for 24 but I made 6 and dumped the rest down the drain. Same with the icing. I didn't want to deny him the treat but knew it would be too much of a temptation for me. hi to everyone else. a little person is wanting my attention and i better go. : ) have a great rest of the weekend! Lori, keep us updated!!! keeping your DGD in our thoughts and prayers. peasout...LAURA
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Yeah apples on passing the ole boulder!!! Did you name him/her? I thought of a good name.... F^%#$@*&! What do you think? <wink wink> Janet, glad you got the keyboard/mouse thing worked out. Last night got a distraught call from a NP friend of mine (her daughter goes to school with Nelson)- her 67 yr old FIL dropped dead in the parking lot after visiting his doctor!!! I didn't hear the phone ring while Nelson was in the shower. It was an hour or so before I saw I had a missed call- she was wanting me to pick her daughter up from school. She's with a classmate for a sleepover now and doesn't know about her GF. OMW. Just makes you realize how fragile life is. When the kids graduated from kindergarten we had a cookout here- and the GP attended. I can picture him sitting on my lanai with a drink in his hand. Sigh. He's going to be cremated and then ashes taken to his home in Germany. He was being treated for colon cancer but was in remission. Can you imagine how his dr feels? Imagine telling someone you think their symptoms are benign and this happening? ok.. time to make a lunch for Nelson. No plans for the weekend yet. There's an Italian festival in town... but alas, everytime we go... we eat too much bad stuff. peasout..Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    I haven't had surgery but I have had the opportunity to talk to several plastic surgeons and several people that have had it done post WLS or even weight loss without surgery. The consensus from most surgeons is a rule of thumb is to lose weight at least to 10% near goal and maintain that weight for at least a year (though some said 2 years). The reason being that many lose weight but fail to keep it off. If you are going to gain it back, it is pointless to have the surgery. (with exceptions being panniculectomy or other surgeries that improve mobility but are not necessarily done for purely cosmetic reasons.) The reason many say you don't necessarily have to be at goal weight it that some people have up to 10 lbs of excess skin/fat that actually gets cut off. It varies from person to person of course. I would make sure and have at least 3 consultations and see what each one says. If you get the same answer, then you can feel more comfortable with your choice. My DH has told me repeatedly that I could get it if/when the time is right. I still have more weight to lose, then would need to keep it off. Let us know how the appt goes!
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys. Apples~ Still rooting for a delivery! You may have to name this one! (and might need an epidural!) Hugs. Julie~ sorry about the fall. Need to be so careful with stairs and pain medication. Actually one of the number one causes of falls. May need to get xrays and make sure nothing is fractured. Linda~ Thanks : ) So nice of you to notice. Don't work too hard. ; ) I just got back from work and had such a beautiful morning. It's nice to be in a place where everyone is glad to have you there- from patients to nurses. Even the other NPs have started realizing that I am not in competition with them. I really made a difference in a couple people's lives today. Can't save the whole world- but if you can just be kind to a few. Imagine if everyone did that. (I am starting to sound like Oprah). I need to get house work done now. I am thinking of making a stew for dinner, but it's warm outside and it gets me out of the mood. Sigh. I am switching to mushies today. I am starting to feel better- no more acid reflux. Only took my prilosec once yesterday and was fine last night. I just cannot eat past 7, period. I will CBL...peasout..Laura

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