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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Tuscana Virtual Tour
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Are we at 500 yet??????????????
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    huh? Morning... YAWN YAWN. I don't think this post will make it... but the next ones will hit 500 pages!!!!!!!! woooohoooooooo! Isn't that amazing?! So, was talking to DH last night and it looks like we are a GO on Orlando!!! The only thing that would stop us coming is Dad (if he got sick or something). So, Apples, we can figure out the airport runs. I have a big vehicle, so we can maybe just go together. : ) WOw.... I am getting excited!!! I will CBL, just wanted to say hola...............................peasout....Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Yes, agree with you and Apples about the God smack. What a mess. But I also was rushing. THEN.... I washed Nelson's sweats from yesterday without checking his little pockets! ugghhh! Babybel cheese red wax covering... ALL OVER THE LOAD OF CLOTHES! How do you get THAT out of the clothes?! He keeps making animals and boats and such out of the covering! Then, got an "incident" report from his teacher that he broke a little girl's headband and refused to apologize. So... we bought her 5 headbands with HIS allowance and wrote a thank you card. I also was pouring a bag of rice into a tupperware...... yep, you guessed it... ALL OVER THE KITCHEN FLOOR! And of course, after my girls were here cleaning all day. I have got the dropsies. Nothing that a good dose of American Idol can't fix!!! : ) I can't wait. Bummed that Simon will be leaving after this season. Spoke to my Mom a bit ago and she said Dad is not doing well. The chemo on Monday (2 diff chemos) is really affecting him. He has bone aches and is nauseous. He didn't feel like talking to me for two days now. His labs look good and he start peeing normally for a couple days. Perhaps the chemo is starting to work. The oncologist told him not to have too much hope, that it could be the steroids doing it. Why do they have to say that?? ok guys, need to encourage the little man to get to bed on time tonight.... CBL.....peasout.
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi girls~ Just a fly by, but wanted to say hello. Apples~ Glad you are feeling SEXY today! You go girl! And good luck with the appt. Phyl~ Love the photo! You are really an inspiration for us all! Doing a fab job!!! NY~ Welcome! And good luck (ahead of time) with your surgery! Best decision I ever made! I am 42 and wish I had done it 10 years ago. Well, this a.m. I went to my son's school and volunteered. I was the "reading mom". Usually we sit outside with them in the garden, but it was way too cold for that and went to the library. The weather had all of them a bit too distracted today. Nelson also brought the snack today and we made homemade banana bread... and apples with carmel dip. (maybe too much sugar for these 5 year olds!) I had used 2 disposable bread pans (so that I didn't have to worry about cutting them this a.m.) and darn it if I woke up to find 3 inches of the end of one missing!!! DH helped himself to it! I was so mad. Men sometimes don't LISTEN! I told him last night they were for Nels' class. SIGH! One of the MAIN reasons I did it that way, was so I wouldn't eat any! I was so tempted to sample this morning.. but I didn't. Went to Starbucks on my way to school. Ordered something I shouldn't have (a sugary, creamy coffee drink) and as I was lifting the tray it dumped and spilled ALL OVER MY CAR! Me! Both seats, drink holders, floor mats. What a mess. And OF COURSE.... b/c I got one with sugar......... everything is sticky!!! Noooooooooo... I shoulda ordered the SF! That'll teach me! uuughhhh. Can you tell I am having a day? I still have to go finish cleaning the car. sigh. ok girlies... I will write more later. Hope everyone is having a good day! PS. Apples, Can you send the resort info to me one more time (or re-post)... DH is going to make our reservations tonight. I hope they have one more condo! LOL.. or I can share DS and DH. wink wink. Kidding!
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Brrr... it's 35 (say it feels like 26)... with a high of 55. That's still COLDDDDDDDDDDDD! I didn't sleep very well b/c DH in and out with beeper blaring. yawn. Dad is in his 3rd week of this cycle of chemo. Today they are adding a 2nd medication. He will be there 5-6 hrs for the infusion. Let's pray his kidney can handle it. He will get next week "off" from chemo, but I don't think he feels like traveling. We may go see him all together. Let's see how he feels/does. Off to cross country skii, ummm, I mean, take Nels to car line!!! LOL peasout...CBL
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening everyone~~~ Great~ OMW! You look amazing! I really like that dress. It's classy and unique looking. Is the shirt the same color as your eyes? Really nice. Janet~ We are glad you are like you are. I would rather spend time with other successful bandsters who shoot straight from the hip- than ONE minute with someone who is not doing what they should do and B&Ming that the band failed them. I had to leave my original thread from people who had surgery the same month I did. Everyone was complaining. All the Debbie downers really get on my nerves. Not sure if I told you guys a few weeks back my dr's office called me to see how I was b/c I hadn't been in since Sept.. They have a lot of people get off track over the holidays and call to see if you need to come in. DH said, you should have said "yeah, not doing too well, weight is around 400!" I am not that quick. : ) Apples~ I can only imagine how the unsolicited comments can bother you. My BFF is 5'9" and about 118 lbs. She has been this weight since 18 except when she was pregnant and gained 16 lbs with each pregnancy. She eats 5000 calories min. each day. People don't think twice about commenting on her weight. I remember when she was 6 months pregnant we went to get her some preggo jeans. The lady came over to me and patted my tummy and asked "when are you due?!" My friend was more upset than me. But people don't think before speaking. It's just so rude. I know you are excited about coming to FL! I really hope the weather warms before you come! Laura K~ congrats on the exercise! wtg! We survived yet another birthday party. DH went with me today, which made it much more tolerable. It was at the local bowling alley which entertained them more than the other party. The mother of the kid's is a surgeon and the father is a nurse practitioner. A lot of their friends were also in the medical field, so DH knew a lot of the fathers. Nels got to see his GF, Alexia. He was soooo happy! They were really cute bowling next to each other. : ) Her birthday is next Sunday and we will be in Miami that weekend for a conference. I know the little guy is bummed to miss it. We will get her a present anyways. The only thing I ate today for lunch was the top off of one tiny slice of cheese pizza. Tonight we had grilled marinated lamb chops and couscous with a Moroccan chickpea stew. I hope everyone had a good weekend. I will check in tomorrow! peasout... Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi all... Happy Sunday... just a fly by. Off to another birthday party. It's a bowling party! wooohoo! And it's for brothers, one turned 4 yesterday and the other 6 today. Hmmm.. wonder what is 9 months from this weekend? haha It was 29 last night and my grass is CRUNCHY this morning! WTF?????? EQ, calories, falls, you guys be careful out there!!! Apples when are you guys heading down? How long does it take you? CBL... peas.....
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Just got home from the birthday party. WOW! That was a LOUD party!!! 22 kids in a small guest house b/c it was 35 degrees and rainy outside! And they have several acres too... what a shame we were stuck inside. Took pics with my phone, forgot the camera. Nelson and his girlfriend, Alexia (age 4) They had the local wildlife center bring in animals. possum- corn snake- owl- skunk and baby alligator. geez It was a pirate themed birthday and they had a blast. There was no heat and I froze there for 3 hours. more later....
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Eva~ Have you seen the Wall-E movie yet? Nelson has the little miniatures from McDonalds, from when the movie came out, and the little guy says "eva!" <with a robotic voice> YouTube - Wall-e saying his name Click on the youtube link. It's one of the cutest parts in the movie. You will never say your name to people the same way! : ) I love sushi that is cooked. I love the spicy rolls. I will eat the ones with seafood that is cooked, or vegetarian ones. I have to use a lot of wasabi in my soy sauce. The spicier the better. When I lived in Atlanta, I would eat raw fish b/c it was really fresh and good. Here in the middle of no where- no one here really eats it & things have been sitting a while. Nels loves Japanese chicken fried rice like at Benihana, where they cook in front of you. Yeah, We have to bring a gift. And this time a year, if you don't bring a gift receipt then people think you are "re-gifting". I bought something at Walmart for the two brothers on Sunday and the cashier forgot to print the gift receipt! She pointed to customer service with a line of 20+ people and told me I had to go there. I kindly refused and asked her to call a manager. They fixed it at the register. The party today, we have known the family for 3 years now. This kid is adopted, like Nelson, and is SPOILED rotten! He is the only grandkid for both sides. His mother "registered" at the local toy store for his party!!! They give you a big clear rubbermaid bin with your name on it. Then when people come to get you a present, they pick from the bin and it gets removed so somebody else won't buy it. The store is quite expensive/overpriced. It is sad that kids today are so overindulged that we have to have a gift registry! I will never forget one of the first parties we went to, I had bought a very "practical" gift for the kid. Paper, markers, stencils, game book- it all came in a big zippered lapdesk that you could travel with. The parents LOVED it (b/c they were driving to New England) but the the kid threw it to the side and grabbed a Spider Man gift. Nelson was too young to notice, but I remember thinking 1) It's NEVER a good idea for kids to open gifts at a party 2) Teach your kids to say THANK YOU, no matter what it is. Well, it's raining here and 41 but the report says "feels like 34". They are predicting SNOW in some parts of Florida today!!! (Orlando and north!) This weather is getting weirder. I feel sorry for the mom who is giving this party. She has a big bounce house for the kids and a petting zoo with pony rides coming! All will be rained out. Nelson LOVES parties! It's why I go. My little social butterfly. DH waltzed in at 4am. He looked soooooo tired! Nothing like working a shift from 530 am to the next day 4 am. That's a long day. I'm gonna let him sleep late. I purposely woke up early and came to Nelson's room to snuggle. He woke up quietly instead of coming to our room and jumping on the bed! Now we are on this side of the house watching tv and hanging out. Will CBL...Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ TGIF! Apples~ YEAH!!! And congrats on the year end stuff done! <victory dance> When you said you were unlocking stuff (jaw and joints) it made me think of the transformer movie..LOL Melissa~ yeah, sounds like you are tight. Do you take anything for your stomach? Sometimes all you need is some tums or rolaids to help. Since before my surgery I take a over the counter Prilosec and it relieves any of my symptoms. Check with your dr, but that may help until you get your unfill/or until it settles. Decrease the amount of food, spice and fat content. Hope you are staying warm. Brrrrr! And glad you are coming to FL : ) Great~ That is cold at night for even me! And I like sleeping with it cool. Glad you got to see your Grandma and help her out. Glad to hear about the Ann Taylor stores! wheeewww! Janet~ Just wondering about your head sweating at night. Hmmm.. Is it a hot flash? The rest of you doesn't sweat.. just your head? I have just started having some hot flashes. They aren't bad and have actually gotten better as the weight comes off. What's planned for the weekend? Julie B~ hugs on the pain and death in the family. DH on call tonight- the whole weekend actually. Picked up Nels after school and went to get my car washed. Did the "big kahuna" wash... mats, cup holders, armor all... the works! We played outside for 2 hours, beautiful weather today. 72 and breezy. I sat and read a book and he rode his bike, played in the grass, ran around. Now all fed, bathed and watching the UP movie. :tt1: Life is good! Tomorrow a birthday party and TWO on Sunday! Busy busy. Hope everyone is doing ok. Talk to ya tomorrow!!! ~ peasout..... Laura
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    A few more notes before bed: Apples and Linda and Julie~ Stay warm. Every time I see those pics and hear your stories of the temps, I just get chills! I guess it is tougher if you aren't prepared or used to it. I can't believe that DH even almost considered that job in Bismark back in 2001! I really don't think I could handle the weather there. Linda, hope your cold is better. Julie, hope your pain is better & congrats on the nephew. The circle of life is amazing. Great~ WOW. I hope if the move happens that all is ok. You had me on the edge of my seat all afternoon waiting to hear!!! <hugs> JeweI~ Sorry to hear about the problems with MIL. I can only imagine how frustrating the healing process would be without a lot of support. Hang in there! You have still made the best decision ever to take hold of your health! Cheri~ Congrats on DH getting work. I know that has to help relieve the stress on you. Everyone else... hello. I can't see any more posts past this page and computer is acting up.... so will sign off until morning. peasout.... Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    I have 3 kinds that I like... depends on my hunger/tightness/cravings: Pure Protein (190 cal, 20 gms protein,Fat 6 gms) Health Wise (160 cal, Protein 15, Fat 4.5) Power Crunch (200 cal, Protein 13, Fat 12) Calories in Pure Protein chocolate Peanut Butter - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter Calories in Healthwise Protein Bar - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter Calories in BNRG Power Crunch Bar - Nutrition Facts, and Healthy Alternatives - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter Health Wise is my preferred. The protein is an isolate and doesn't upset my stomach, lower calories, lower fat and it really holds me- but it doesn't taste as good as the others. Power Crunch is for when I don't feel like eating but need something... it is like a wafer candy bar and is very satisfying for a sweet tooth. Pure Protein is middle of the road. They are the cheapest, hold me pretty good, but cause gas. :thumbup: In the morning I am too tight for "real" food. If I drink some coffee, I can take small bites of a bar (eat it over 30 min). Either I do a bar or a Protein Shake (Unjury, 20 gm protein for powder and 8 for milk, /fruit) or my usual Muscle Milk Light 100 calories (15 gr protein) Tonight we tried two of our favorite restaurants and they were soooo crowded with 45 min waits! So we ended up going to Perkins. (do you guys have this?) Crappy food, but quick and Nelson likes it. I ordered the chicken Pot Pie and a cup of Chicken Noodle Soup (I ask them to just give me just broth). Well, we had our soup & after 20 min she came back and said they were out of the pies. Which was just fine b/c I was ok with just the soup and a couple bites of DH turkey/veggies. The chicken pot pie has a buttery crust - which I don't eat and gravy... but I usually just eat 1/2 cup- 3/4 cup of the insides- chicken and veggies. It's still not a great choice, slider and high in fat. SOOO I think Janet was incognito as my waitress tonight!!! My computer is acting crazy... gonna send this before I lose all I typed..... brb
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Apples~ I OFFICIALLY will stop complaining about the cold. Geez. LOOK AT THAT SNOW! And to think I put hats and gloves on Nels today. It's 57 this afternoon. The pie looks GREAT! Love the snowflakes on your windows! Just got home from school and now off to Taekwondo...... hi ho hi ho....peasout.....Laura PS. Breakfast 20gr Protein Bar 200cal, cup milk 90 cal. lunch 1 cup lentil Soup (200 cal?) salad with LF dressing (50 cal?) (it was this new restaurant called Mecafresh) So... going out for dinner. Hmmmm... Let's see if I can fill up the rest of my calories. <smirk>
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning Girls! (I am in thermals, with sweats on top of them, wrapped in a thermal fleece blanket... and I am still shivering!) and the heat's on 74. It's 35 outside but I think it's the breeze or something. DH said it's b/c it's my first year without my insulation (fat). Maybe that's what it is???? I was laughing, I dressed Nelson in so many layers that are the same size that he couldn't bend his arms... and looked like the Michelin man..LOL. "Mom!!!" <Say it with 5 syllables.... and whine a bit.> Apples~ I USED to do the NYT puzzle every day. About 5 years ago or so, I got out of my habit. Hmmm... how old is Nelson? yeah, he's 5. <smirk> Oh, pssst. fyi, package is on it's way. But when my UPS guy typed in your zip he said, that's smack in the middle of nowhere. LOL! I said, "that's what she says!" So, keep an eye out. Well, keep your eyes in with that blizzard. Maybe they will keep it til the weather gets better. : ) Every time I read yours and Julie's weather report, I stop B&M ing for a while. That's bitching and moaning for people that thing I am pooping over weather. :smile2: I am cracking myself up this morning. Meredith~ hugs for your sweetie's friend's brother. I agree with you, sometimes guys just need to be together. Oh, signing up for sudoko? haha, like you have time?! Uh, did you forget you work like 110 hrs a week and are in school the rest? ; ) Janet~ I didn't know you were back in uniform. I did a citizen's arrest on myself last night. Damn orange slices. I only had two. Then I told my DH if they weren't gone or in the garbage by this morning that my head would spin around. They are gone. : ) Other than those, I did REALLy good with food but didn't make it to the gym. I am going to go this morning. Your chicken cacciatore sounds delicious. Phyl~ don't let all these people give you a hard time about ONE TINY pancake! Now, the wine.....???? LOL. I wish you had YOU on video! Linda~ congrats on the fill and the VS! WTG!!! You are doing so great!!! LauraK~ yeah, I have trouble with fast food baked potato. They are hard (not like if you make them fresh at home). So if I don't chew to mush, I get stuck. And nothing like a Wendy's chili PB with potato. GROSS. I love chili but after a PB I can't eat it for a while. I am almost late to take someone to school... CBL.. peas
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    OK.. this is no longer funny. Frost in South Florida! Are you kidding me?! I am so cold. Our houses are NOT built with the kind of insulation you use in cold places. There are DRAFTS blowing through my house. I can't get the nerve up to hop in the shower. Burrrrrr. ok, I got the tree undecorated, ornaments packed. I had to smile when Julie B. wrote she goes from Christmas to Winter decor. We go from Christmas to spring here. USUALLY. I have my spring John Deere flag up right now and feeling a little silly. : ) Not much time, quick notes: JB~ hugs. So sorry for what you are going through. Jessica~ great job! Janet~ you are rocking the new year with the exercise! WTG! Julie B~ sorry you aren't feeling well. hugs. I feel your frustration Apples!~ happy end of the year fun stuff. love that recipe, might have to try it one day. free~ good luck and let us know what they say. so much better not to ignore problems. I have my cleaning girls coming to help me take the tree apart. It's 9' and HEAVY. DH (don't tell him I told you guys) is afraid of heights and stays away from ladders. They will also haul the stuff into the attic. I am always afraid to go up that pull down ladder if I am alone. For years I wouldn't go on it, b/c it says weight limit 250! Now I can!!! But I still won't go up there if no one is home. Imagine if the door shut and you were up there alone! yikes. time to clean and organize and try and stay warm!!! happy wed!!! peasout... Laura
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    quick quick post. garbagemen showed up! YEAH! And I even ran out in my sweats with holes (sexy, huh) to give them their holiday bonus ($25 grocery gift card each) for 2 guys. They ALWAYS haul ANYTHING i put on the curb. : ) So, the disaster was diverted. Apples, what is your pup's name? Nelson was writing him a card and INSISTED on knowing his name. : ) More tomorrow...s ooooooooooooooooo sleepy. peasout
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning! I know y'all are used to this stuff.. but low of 29 here forcasted for today! OMW!!! It just awful! NOW I remember why I moved to Florida! bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! DH and I took the outside decorations down today. We have two HUGE trains- one is 6ft and the other about 8 when assembled. Well, we have used them 5 years now and they are faded and half the lights out. DH refused to put them in the attic and put them on the curb. Let's all pray the garbage men are back on schedule. If they don't come before Nels gets home from school.... Oh dear, it makes me shudder just to think of his reaction! DH's plan is to find some on clearance and have fresh and new for next season. I am a more conservative when it comes to trashing... find one and THEN throw out the old one. He is probably right, they are looking sad/bad. (at night they still look ok)..LOL. I still have all the inside stuff to put down. (two trees and all the other decor stuff). My arms, chest and back are sore from the gym yesterday. I do NOT feel like getting on a ladder to get down decorations. bah hum bug. I hate un decorating. Yesterday I did good with nutrition all day until right before bed. DH had bought some "orange slices" candy. Those are my weakness. So I had 9-10 of them... just pure sugar. 3 pieces are 150 cal. It was sooooo was NOT worth it. Instead of 1100 calories (80 grams protein), I had 1550 or so. SIGH. I am trying to bump up my protein, so that this round of weight loss doesn't cause as much hair loss. The one benefit to being on "maintenance" these last 2 months was that my hair loss stopped. I know once I am back on stricter protocol it will start again. So the last week I have been upping my vitamins and being careful to get enough protein. Today I can feel the revenge of the carb overload from last night. I get this ravenous hunger that I normally don't have. Just PI$$ES me off. ok friends, today is "together tuesday" at Nelson's school. DH and I are going to have lunch in his class. They put two kids on the list each Tuesday, so with 28 kids it is a while before you go back in (I guess twice a year only). It is fun to see all the kids and Nelson feels so special having us there. I have to pack two more lunch boxes. : ) CBL... peasout... Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    What adorable boys! Love their blonde hair! And now I see why you love Nelson's cheeks! They were cute boys- love the outfits. You look so much like your wedding photo since reaching goal. Your face is exactly the same. You look amazing! Very pretty wedding dress too.
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    OMW! That is BIG! That is also way cool. Is this the right one?
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Yeah Apples, if your nipples have frost bite, then dogs count as social interaction! LOL. You will have to let me know a week during the summer that is doable. I will send Nelson to you and you guys can put him to work. I don't think they have child labor laws out there, right? His DREAM is to ride on a BIG JD, or hell, any machine on a farm will do. DH took him to a "ride through" safari yesterday (they have elephants, giraffes, ostrich, etc.) and he was more interested in the zebra painted 4x4s! Well, I did it. I got my butt to the gym this morning. And so did every other person in this county! It was so crowded I had to laugh out loud. Several people hadn't seen me in a while (b/c I was out with that knee injury and then with Dad- just didn't go for a month or so) and just FREAKED out at how much weight I had lost. Of course to me, I am EXACTLY the same, but I guess something has shifted or settled. It was nice to have so many compliments. But the real test was getting back to the workout. Did 30 min on the treadmill, only able to go 3.5 (whereas before I did a brisk 4) at a 4 incline. I did a small circuit of machines after I stretched and did 50 crunches. I didn't want to start off with a bang. I know I would end up sore and not wanting to go tomorrow. Now, if i could get brave enough to get in the shower. burrrrr, it's so cold here! And i have the heat on 73! Eva~ beautiful photos. I love summer storms. I am having to wash my WHOLE bed. That cute cat, coco the burmese I posted the other night? Well that @#$%&* PBed on my bed!!! Bedspread, blanket and sheets soaked. nasty. Anyone want a burmese, half price?:blushing: kidding. ok peeps. stay warm. Will CBL after I get some work done!!! peasout..... Laura
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    <singing> It's a beautiful morning... I think I'll go outside for a while... and just smile! Actually is a very beautiful morning... just frikkin COLD! 37 . Now folks, I know that is summer for many of you... but we just aren't prepared down here! Hope it doesn't snow! <smirk> I woke up wicked early. 4am! yikes. I remembered I needed to write Nelson's tuition check and it was keeping me up. And then once I was up and warm- I figured why go back to bed NOW. Got to read the newspaper, drink some coffee. Get started on that ME time I have been missing. : ) I know the gym will be crazy this morning... but I am GOING. I have told myself, get dressed and do at least 30 min on the treadmill, I will be ok. So- that's the goal. Will CBL~~~ peasout~~~~ Laura
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

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    hi guys~ JeweI~ Best of luck on your surgery tomorrow! We will be thinking about you and anxiously awaiting the news. Are you doing same day surgery or staying overnight? Speedy recovery! You will do fine and I am sure your liver will be ok. Apples~~~ Love love love the Christmas decorations! Your trees are beautiful and love the Santa! And I like the reward idea. DQ and food are no incentive for him. He could care less. But the idea of getting a new hot wheel/matchbox should work. Someone mentioned stress. Perhaps it's Dad's illness and being up there a lot. He doesn't seem stressed- not showing as it would with other behaviors. Eva~ One of the best shows in Orlando is La Nouba by Cirque du soleil. Depending on the seats- price ranges from $75-120 but WELL worth it. I've seen it twice. If you've never been to a cirque du soleil performance it is amazing. Just an idea. La Nouba | Cirque du Soleil show at Walt Disney World Resort Cheri~ Great explanation of carbs and proteins/glycemic index, etc. Free spirit~ It sounds like you have had a tough time since your lapband surgery. Hmmm... Would still need more info, like how many calories are you having a day? Amount eating per meal (1/2 cup, cup?) Are you keeping a journal? Are you exercising? The band is not a magic cure for obesity. it is merely a tool. As Indio has said many times, you have to do the majority of the work. It will not make food choices for you. Does your surgeon's office have any support system? Support group meetings? dietitian? psychologist? It often takes good follow up to keep things in check. The reflux is concerning. Have they had you on any medications for this? Is it increased by spicy or greasy foods? If the band is too tight, it can cause these symptoms. Also, they need to make sure it is in the right place. If the band slips, it can cause these symptoms as well. It sounds like you were too tight- if you were unable to get in solid Protein and resorted to sliders. What are your physicians recommending? If the reflux continues to be a problem, even with the unfill, then that needs to be addressed. Long term reflux can cause many serious problems (ulcers, etc...) This cannot be ignored. You need to see a gastroenterologist if your surgeon and/or GP do not find answers to your problem of reflux. Good luck! Let us know what happens. ok friends. SCHOOL STARTS BACK TOMORROW!!! yippeee! I have so enjoyed my time with my son but I need to get back to the gym and back to some ME time!!! Bless the teachers in this world!!! peasout~~~ Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening~~~ 50 degrees here. brrrrrr. I can see Apples and Julie shaking their heads and laughing right now. :smile2: OK... I need advice from all your experienced mothers. Nelson started picking his nails about 3-4 weeks ago. A couple times caught him biting them, but mainly picking at them. On Sunday nights (usually before the school week) we have our ritual of trimming them with clippers. So, there was nothing unusual about the length. So the first couple times I noticed it we talked about it and why we shouldn't, etc. (and that if they bother him from being long or sharp that I will trim them- and even carry clippers with me). Gave him several warnings that if it continued the consequences would be giving one of his hotwheels to a poor kid. (I don't threaten to "throw" anything away in the garbage). So 2 weeks ago the first vehicle got placed in the "poor kid" bag. DH thought I had pulled off his testicle when he heard the crying from across the house. It definitely was upsetting to him and is "currency". Tonight during bath I noticed his nails gone. He admitted biting them. We talked about it- explained why & Again we put a vehicle in the bag and again he was very upset. I never raised my voice, I was very loving and hugged & kissed him afterward. DH thinks this is NOT the way to handle this. More than one way to skin a cat. I have used this method for other bad habits and it has worked. Dr. Phil always says to find their currency. Just curious how others would recommend handling this. Posting some pics of my fur babies. Nels' face is red from crying in these pics. Hope everyone is having a good weekend! peasout~~~ Laura
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Julie~ No problem, I am here to help! There are actually web pages on this stuff!!! One said: February: Can still be cold, but temperatures are moderating somewhat. Still in the dry season, you probably won't see rain but will probably have some cloudy days here and there. In North Florida you still want to have some sweaters/sweatshirts, but you'll probably have a few days of more moderate temperatures, so do pack some cotton shirts and lightweight pants, too. Even if the days are nice, the nights can get chilly.Central Florida are cool to moderate in temperature. You'll need at least 1 sweater or medium jacket, but otherwise pack an assortment of long and short sleeved shirts. Once again, at least 1 pair of medium-weight pants and the rest lighter weight. I'd say that the average is in upper 60's to about 70 for the day, 50's at night. It is still winter though, so do include a nice warm sweater/sweatshirt/jacket because we do sometimes get days in the 50's, nights in the 40's. Another: "Capri's, shorts, short sleeve shirts (mix of tee's, tanks and dressy), at least one long sleeve shirt. khaki's, light sweater, light jacket, bathing suit, cover-up, sun screen, beach towel, PJ's, undies, socks, toiletries, camera, comfy walking shoes and sandals. It's kinda cool for swimming right now but, if your hotel has a pool you will want to swim or hang-out by the pool. This time of the year it is rainy and a bit windy one minute and then nice the next." "Feb weather is a box of chocolates. Could be 40, could be 80 so layer a lot. Layer because it could be 40 in the morning and ht 70 during the day. Not much rain though. " This page made me laugh b/c it's a post about coming for President's Day weekend: mostly lists: What to pack when you are going to Florida to play tennis for a long weekend It said to bring your tennis skirts and fake tattoos! LOL. I will make sure and bring some of Nelson's John Deere and Pirate tatoos for everyone! : ) History : Weather Underground I hope this helps............ or completely confuses you! As it gets closer I can let you guys know what it is going to look like weather wise. peasout~~~ Laura

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