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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ Volunteered at Nelson's school today- reading with the kids. I absolutely love doing that. Now am making some tomato beef soup. (loaded with fresh veggies) We have TKD after school at 430 and we have been getting in the habit of eating out every Tuesday. Although I really try being "good", I have realized that there are just way too many calories. Trying to make some hearty soups/one pot wonders to eat when I don't have time or feel like cooking. I was just about to get a fill and yesterday was tight ALL DAY! Pbed on cold milk before dinner! That was the most pleasant of all my PBs though. (if one has to PB). Now today I had half a Starbucks protein smoothie (vivanno) and have been full all day. Apples~ so glad you made it to FL! I hope the weather clears up for you. Great~ hugs hugs hugs on the DD issues. OMG, I can only imagine how upset you are. I hope she finds peace with whatever decision she makes. My mom's family HATED my Dad when they dated for 5 years. Everyone and their uncle warned her not to marry him. Said he was too much of workaholic, not religious (not Catholic), and came from a different culture. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Dec/ 55 years together. She has to listen to her heart. NY, Janet, Eva, Julie, Arlene and everyone else~ hi and hugs. I will write more later. peasout.. Laura
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning. Rainy one here today. DH is sleeping... zzzzzzz. He had a 21 hour day yesterday. I am trying to be quiet so he can sleep. I remember before Nelson, I would stay up all night while he was working (I'd do laundry, clean, cook) and then sleep all day with him. Sometimes we'd get up in the afternoon and go to a movie. As crappy as his hours are/were, we had the best memories from that time in our life! Even in our tiny little two bedroom apartment. Julie~ I am up a lot at night too. I will get up with you. : ) We can drink a cup of tea or wine..LOL. Get your phone fixed, so you can call me! Hope you went back to sleep ok. Linda~ Sounds like you did a great job with food at the wedding! WTG. Glad you had fun. Hope you got some rest. : ) Eva~ Hope you got your work stuff done. Don't forget to check in! ; ) Arlene~ I need a fill too. What is so frustrating is that all morning and afternoon too, I am ok. I have good restriction. At night it's like someone let's go of the band! I want a fill but fear I won't eat hard protein at all during the day. I get "free" fills until March2, then I have to pay for them. So might at least get one more, ya know? Janet~ What did you think of the tribute? His poor kids seemed so so nervous. They should have let them pre-record that segment in my opinion. They are too young to have all that attention on them. Bless them. I couldn't find the 3D glasses (we have several in this house too!), so it looked a bit weird. I recorded it- will watch it today. Oh, don't you worry about you putting thoughts in my head! Hell, i already had that thought a LONG time ago...LOL. My problem is I LOVE babies! I would want a little one, even like Nelson was, 9 months old. Though going from no baby to a big 9 month old, gave me SEVERE carpal tunnel syndrome!!! He was like 28 lbs! I had to have surgery on my wrist when he was a year and a half- almost lost nerves in my hand! In the adoption world, new onset of CTS is very common b/c your wrist doesn't adjust to a growing infant. Same guy that did my surgery is taking care of Nelson's hand. He remembered him as this chubbawubba baby. Great~ you aren't being nosey, AT ALL! <hugs> I am an open book. And I am not shy- I would tell you if I didn't want to tell you something. : ) House is all caught up... it's raining... maybe I will go snuggle next to DH after I read my email!~ peasout.. Laura
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    uughhh, just typed a beautiful, eloquent reply to Lori... and lost my internet connection and the whole shebang. blankety blank blank! $%^&%@!* I have thought about adopting again. But DH is done with this phase of parenting. He likes being able to travel, teach, discuss things, etc. with Nelson. He's not a fan of diapers, sippy cups and tantrums. I can get drunk in the sight and sounds of a baby. It's not fair to him or my marriage. I am blessed with the family I have. I do dream of having a little girl. I think that's why when the Haiti stuff was on, I found myself tearing up- for both the kids and me. Nelson is sleeping... off to some "me" time. Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ yawn yawn yawn. beeper kept me up every hour. Up early with Nelson. We drew, built Lego's, baked, painted, cleaned toys, ate lunch, got out a BIG toy airport and all his airplanes on a blanket in the den... it's ONLY 12:40? Not sure why, but time is moving slow today. ; ) Sometimes I feel so guilty that he is an only child. Today, more than usual, he just wants someone to play with him. Usually he is very content at playing with things in his playroom by himself for stretches of time. Today is a "I don't feel like being alone" day. I get that. He keeps asking to go to the park (there are always tons of kids playing there), but he can't play in sand with the cast. It's also off and on raining today. On a positive note, I got all my laundry and cleaning done! I decided not to go meet my once best friend in Miami. The only way I describe it is "you can't reheat soufflé". We were the BEST of friends from 16-32. She was a bridesmaid, etc. Then when I was going through infertility she couldn't deal with it. She had gone through it and conceived her first child with IVF. But she didn't want ANYONE to know. It was a secret. So maybe my infertility brought back too many memories. We didn't speak for 5 years and then 3 years ago started talking again, but over 15 mo ago- she again ***POOF*** disappeared and wouldn't return calls or emails. Maybe I am just tired of getting hurt with her. I would have driven across town to see her- but driving 4-5 hrs in the car... naw. So far... so good.. with the eating. breakfast: coffee and cream 40 cal 100 cal yogurt lunch: tuna 160 cal 70 cal soup crackers 60 cal I have been reading this blog I want to share with you: Once Upon A Time...In the Land of Cheese and Sunkist She is a really really successful bandster- 120 lbs in a year. She reminds me of a younger version of myself. Her honesty and candidness is refreshing. Hi to everyone. Apples- safe trip. Cheri- CONGRATS! Janet- Glad you had a nice dinner. Eva- I wear a lot of white shirts too. Femme- I thought the same thing about Julie's neatfreakness at first! LOL. Julie- sorry about your phone. yikes : 0 Great- glad you had a good but emotional trip to slc. LauraK- cracking me up with the puppy stuff! LOL Will CBL and write more. hugs.. peas
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Apples~I vote YOU to write the cliff notes version of the posts EVERY day! LOL. Too funny and too cute! So glad you had a facial. I haven't had one in years- they are nice. Have a safe trip. Melissa~ welcome home. Glad you had fun in LA. He accidently slammed it in my sister's car door! ouch DH waltzed in at 2am. yawn. His last patient was an older guy with a splenectomy- he used all the blood from the two local hospitals keeping this guy alive! DH (not the patient) was so wired from the adrenaline with this case that he could not sleep. I finally got up and let him "talk" it out. He is so passionate about his work. I love that about him. My parents said they have 8 inches of snow in NC! Why didn't it snow like that when WE were there!!! They are snowed in and stressing. Dad was supposed to go in for labs and fluids today. Despite having a jeep, they were afraid to get out of the driveway. He gets a "break" from chemo this week but still has to go in every other day for labs/fluids. He's down emotionally and weak physically. He ordered a scooter that medicare paid for. Just in the two weeks since I was there he is unable to walk much. So sad. I hope he bounces back a little with the break. Took Nels to TKD this morning and then to the oceanographic coastal center. He fed stingrays and other creatures. Fun. DH is cooking lamb stew. I am doing laundry. Does Saturday get any more exciting?! More later...peasout
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    :party:Happy Birthday JANET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy, those dancing M&Ms are making me want M&Ms... LOL... kidding. Linda~ hugs on the mom's dog. Oh gosh, it's tough. You've been so good the the exercise- it's ok to take some days off and let your body recharge. Apples~ LOL, did you take video/pics of them on the wii? Those make some of the best videos (for blackmailing!!!) LOL. It's obvious you did a great job of raising your boys. Proofs in the pudding. : ) WTG. Cheri~ What a blessing for the children whose lives you touch! I wish all teachers had the passion like you. Eva~I think i forgot to say hi yesterday. SciFi? omw~ you and my sister would get along. I was FORCED to watch Star Trek when i was a kid. Although I LOVED Avatar! Julie~ How's mimi's rash? I love that word bamboozled! What was she doing to him?? Sneaking another snack before bed? Those 15 min before bedtime, Nelson will accept any healthy snack that would otherwise be refused! LOL What did I want to be when I grew up? A nurse. My mom was a nurse- she worked weekends in L&D. I loved waking up early and watching her get her uniform on. When she would come home at night I would sit for hours listening to the stories of the babies that were born that day. So I became a nurse and then a nurse practitioner. When I went to Paraguay in the Peace Corps as an RN- i was so frustrated b/c I was expected to practice medicine! I did everything there and at times, had no idea what I was doing. That inspired me to go back to school. I love my profession. I hope to one day do relief work. If I didn't have my family responsibilities I would have loved to go to Haiti. I will CBL...peasout..Laura
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ Apples~ hugs and so glad you made it to Atlanta! (I used to live in Decatur when I went to Emory for grad school). I know your son is glad to have his mom and dad there. Enjoy. Telly~ wowza! You look awesome! Almost can't tell it's you from the other photo. WTG and welcome. Julie~ hugs on the pt. Hope you are feeling better this afternoon. My only concern with doing traction is they haven't determined that there isn't a cervical injury. I want them to approve that MRI STAT!@ Janet~ dogs dogs dogs... makes me content with my cats. : ) what was for dessert? (notice I can spell that word now!) Well, hand dr wasn't as optimistic as the guy that put the cast on in NC. He says he needs it for 3 more weeks!!! Total of 4 weeks and wouldn't consider taking it off before the 19th of Feb. uughhhh! He said no one ever got in trouble for leaving a cast on an extra week- but can get in a heap of trouble for taking it off before it heals. I know he is right. Holy crap, wish I had taken a photo of Nelson's face when he took out the cast saw to trim the rough edges! He yelled "please don't cut my arm off!" as tears rolled down his cheeks! (the dr had already explained to him that it was noisy but wouldn't hurt) poor guy. Going to send a care package to my dad. There's a great Cuban cigar store here- the guy hand rolls them. Dad has been having one of the tiny cigars each night. Going to send him some fresh ones. He's having a rough week. This final dose of chemos really knocked the wind out of him. More later! peasout.. Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Boy it's quiet around here... is it b/c Apples isn't here? <snicker> Went out to dinner. I did pretty darn good. I had 1/2 cup of vegetable Soup. 6 small grilled shrimp and 4 bites of mashed potatoes and 2 brocolli florets. Not positive of the calories- but feel I definitely stayed under 1200 for day. Will aim for 1000 tomorrow- not eating out. Am hoping will feel good enough tomorrow to get back to the gym. Still really stuffy. Cheri~ the sellfish story is funny. Stay warm! Great~ congrats on the fill. I need to get one soon. linda~ glad you survived your busy day at work. : ) JeweI~ congrats on getting through that dinner! I always get nervous eating out with people that don't get the surgery. I once PBed with a friend of mine who was against my surgery to begin with... and then after that, she was so freaked out. Janet~ where are you? Hand dr tomorrow for Nelson. Hoping for good news. Maybe only one more week of cast? We'll see. DH on call all weekend~ I will be on my own! An old friend of mine is going to be in Miami this weekend for a wedding. I haven't seen her in 6 years (we were roommates in boarding school/high school). Trying to decide if I want to drive 2 hrs down and 2 hrs back to spend the day with her. Need to add a 5 year old boy into the equation. Hmmm.. undecided. Hope everyone is ok.. hasta mañana!
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    drive by... sooo busy today. read the posts but cannot really write much. No school tomorrow so I have to get all my work/errands done. Nelson goes to the hand ortho tomorrow. Doing better today with food. breakfast: coffee cream & spenda: 40 cal Protein Bar 200 lunch: yogurt 100 cal Protein granola 100 cal 1/4 banana 40 hi to everyone! apples glad you made your first stop and tanker did great! peasout
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening~ Wow, it is really really REALLY quiet without Apples! Lori, that had me laughing, "wonder where Apples is..." That reminds me once I asked my mom to go check and see what chat room my niece was in (I wanted her to peek over her shoulder while she was in the office on the computer). She went to the back of the house, came back to the kitchen and whispered... "she's in the office on the computer". Thanks Mom. : ) I am sooo made at myself about food today. ugghhh. Went with DH to this great Mexican place for lunch. Plan was to have a few chips/salsa and order the chicken vegetable Soup. (It's very hearty and has Beans and bits of chorizo in it). The guy said it came with the lunch specials now~ so I ordered a lunch too. I figured I could have some of the refried beans. Well I ate the spinach and cheese enchilada and the inside of a taco and the guacamole and sour cream, 1/2 of the beans and none of the rice. Still, my estimation would be 1200-1500 calories? I have no idea for sure. I haven't eaten anything that fattening since surgery! I had a 100 cal muscle milk for Breakfast too. And so tonight I decided to have a microwaved apple (with splenda and cinnamon) and a 20 gm Protein bar. 225 cal. After lunch I went to get a pedicure. I was hoping to wait to closer to Orlando trip, but I broke my big toenail on something and had to get it done early. Janet~hugs on the funeral. Julie~ WTG on BP being good! I hope your dr has some luck with your insurance company. So frustrating. And wtg on the 3 lbs, that's 3 gone forever! JeweI~ Congrats on your A&P grade and hubby's promo! Linda~ we wish you (and everyone) could come! We will miss you. I am behind on folding laundry (from when I was sick). I was washing and drying and then hung them over the dining room chairs so they wouldn't get wrinkled. I HATE getting behind. I am having Nelson's birthday party a month from today! I cannot believe how it sneaked up on me. We are having a BYOB (bike) to our neighborhood marina. We did the same party last year, but it was such a hit- he wants the same one! Really all the kids want to do is BE TOGETHER. They all bring their wheels and have a ball. I ordered pizza and had Snacks, cheese tray and fruit and veggie tray. The only expense was a bounce house and port a potty rental. There aren't any bathrooms there and I couldn't have 23 five year olds and their parents go in the woods! (we served beer and wine..LOL) Time to hit my laundry... CBL... peasout.. Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning GIRLS! I tried to scan the million pages of posts in the last two days... OMW... I read... shopping.. ann taylor... coach... outlet... i will shop... i don't shop... and up calories. I will gladly up my calories as we shop for Coach bags!!! : ) And I have a GPS~ so NO fears, give me an address and I will find the place and give you an ETA!!!! I am feeling a new coach bag coming on... someone get me a coupon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have only had two in my whole life. My mom and dad gave me one when I was 30 and another when I was 40. I use them every day. (boring i know) My birthday is Feb 20... so look at that timing!!!!!!!!!!! Fly by.. will write more after I take Nels to school! peas
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening girlies! Apples~ Hope the weather clears up for your drive! yuck. When there is zero visibility on the ground, do you call that pea soup? Dad always says that when he is flying and has to use IFR. : ) Wishing you an early bon voyage. LOL, bras hanging on the rearview mirror! Janet~ Thanks for all your added wisdom. I don't think we realize how one snack can add up. We have a box of girl scout cookies that made it in the house... 40 frikkin calories each!!! (thin mint) and I ate 4- u do the math. ughhhh! I need to get to the gym. Julie~ What do they say is wrong with Mimi's ears? Nels had chronic fluid behind his ear drums and they thought he would need tubes. They gave him this Nasonex drops (kind of like a steroid) and it totally cleared it up! If they say surgery, ask if there is anything else to try first. And if possible make sure the podiatrist is a pediatric one. Linda~ thanks for sharing the article. Yeah, gotta wonder what makes the food taste so good. Salt and butter! Like Apples said, add a stick of butter and any sauce is to die for! SO TRUE! I am so looking forward to our rendezvous!!! Getting excited just thinking about it. : ) Car fixed. Battery was under warranty. DH said this was the first time we bought a car warranty (paid like $5 extra) and it actually paid off. Boy it screws up the plans for the whole day. (they had to test everything first make sure it wasn't the alternator, etc.) Time to put the boy to sleep. CBL...Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Morning~ Apples, are you SURE you want to see more photos of me and my family?! LOL. I post 100 a week!:wink: Ok y'all, watch out the dead battery thing is catchy this morning. Ughhhhh! I was so proud of myself- got Nelson up, fed, dressed & motivated to go to school with a cast... get to the car and it's locked. DH locked my keys in the center console. (we both brought keys to Miami last week). So I spend 20 minutes looking for the spare in the junk drawer. FOUND EM! Unlock the car, get Nelson buckled in, stuff in the car and click...click...click... UGGHHHH. Call DH and they have too many cases and he can't leave. Hitch a ride with neighbor, steal DH's car from the hospital, take Nels to school, and come home. Now called AAA to tow car to mechanic. It's really ruining my plans! I was so excited to finally have a day to myself!!! I am starting to feel better... thanks for all the well wishes! I can swallow without severe pain now. No more fever. Dad is having 3rd double chemo treatment today and then will get a week off of chemo (though he still has to come in every other day for labs/iv fluids). My step aunt and her son are there visiting for 2 weeks from Turkey. Their luggage got lost! One whole suitcase was FOOD for my dad!!! My DGM packed cheese, turkish sausage, tea, olives, baklava, even some fresh fruit! (figs, and tiny apples) I bet they will confiscate it, huh? They had to wear mom's clothes while she washed theirs- then sis took them to Walmart in the morning for some stuff. I think I hear AAA... CBL... peas
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ My vote is to eat out too! I don't care where- just don't want to cook, nor eat junk. I have never been to Emeril's Orlando restaurant. I just checked the online reservations, and they still have availability. Just depends what time we want to go and how many. It's 20 miles from where we are staying- but straight shot up I-4 to Universal. By the way, what is our total #? If you type in restaurants under google and the zip code where we will be... 33896 , you will see some of the places nearby. Not much near the condo except cracker barrel. (Apples fav):eek: There's also another place in Orlando called Moonfish that is supposed to be fabulous. We can also play it by ear, whatever you guys want to do. I am so thankful that I married a geek who doesn't like watching sports on tv. : ) I just don't enjoy it- so it makes life easier having someone else who shares that passion. : ) I had a no bra day too. But Julie... nothing else?! LOL. Your husband must love that! Gonna catch up on Facebook, check email and go to bed early. I just got off the phone with Nelson's teacher- told her about his cast and to make sure and help him if he needs it. They usually work in the garden or play on the playground most mornings (his school has a community garden), but told her not to let him do it till the cast comes off. I can just see a cast full of DIRT! Have a good night!
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Ok... finally able to get back on line. My boys are very needy today... I believe I am the one who is sick, right? But DH did get up with Nels today and I slept until 8am (the latest I have slept in MONTHS) I am feeling better this afternoon. I've been doing everything Dr. Janet said to. : ) OK.. you guys that were talking about therapy/eating/my sister's bypass surgery. She is in therapy and has been since before surgery actually. She goes to individual therapy once a week and Group Didactic Behavioral Therapy. I am not convinced that this group therapy is what she needs- there are people that harm themselves in that group (cutters, shopaholics, sex addicts) Prior to her surgery she had MAJOR issues with managing money. She took out a 2nd mortgage on her paid off condo and then couldn't pay the loans and lost her house. She paid credit card bills with credit cards. All of these behaviors- over eating and over spending are tied together. She has to work on her issues before she will heal. Don't we all? I remember reading a book "when food is love" by Geneen Roth The author has a bunch of great books about food addiction. Melissa~ have a safe trip! We will be thinking about you! Eva~ love the pics! What a nice view. We have bobcats here in FL too. Once when my Dad was visiting (when he had rotator cuff surgery) he was in my husband's office when he saw a HUGE bobcat in my backyard. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was the Vicodin he was on! LOL Jodi~ Good luck with your H. Pylori treatment. Biaxin is the name of the antibiotic in your PrevPac. One of it's major side effects is "metallic" taste. It will go away. Make sure and take it with food to decrease your GI symptoms. You have to get read of that bug before surgery. Janet~ What else did you buy today on QVC? Hmmm.. might have to go check it out! ok girls, I will CBL........ peasout... Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey all~ Still feel like crap. This makes me think that this tonsillitis is viral. Usually strep feels better within 24 hrs of starting antibiotics b/c it is a really easy bacteria to kill. Last night continued to have chills/aches/fever. My lymph nodes are so swollen in my neck that it hurts to turn my head fully. I have had soup/tea/popsicles/fatfree SF icecream/60 cal yogurt. I have lost 3 lbs in the last 3 days by not eating..LOL. Not the way I planned on doing it, but maybe this will "jumpstart" this next phase of weight loss. I really want the 100 lbs off by 1 year anniv. on March 2. 14 lbs is very doable, just need to get my $hit together. I don't want to lose this post and need to get something for nelson.. brb
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ I am finally back home! Now I am sick with tonsillitis- pretty sure it's strep but of course I won't go to the dr. We have tons of antibiotic samples. Last night I had a fever of 102, severe chills/aches. Feeling a little better today, but can't eat. Warm liquids feel better than cool. I haven't been this sick in a LONG time. Thank you for all the well wishes for Nelson and his green cast. : ) He really is being a trooper and handling it better than I thought. He's having a hard time getting his pants up after pp and it makes me nervous to send him to school next week. His cast completely immobilizes his thumb and fingers. Too bad he can't wear a dress! ; ) I might buy him some new underwear that is really loose... might make it easier. Someone asked me about my sister who had Gastric Bypass in June. (can't remember who, think it was eva) Anyway, she has lost 70 lbs and her dr has said she is on the low % of weight loss. I am really worried about her. I am not at ALL perfect with my eating- so I don't want anyone to take it wrong. She is eating WAY too much. She can eat 1 1/2 cups at a time and has SEVERAL (4-5) Snacks a day. 6 saltines and 2 pieces of sandwich cheese for one snack! Although my estimate (of what I see) is ~3000 calories, she is losing weight. My fear is that after a year she will gain it all back. She is also hoarding food and taking it to her room at night. (cold pizza, sandwich, cheese, peanuts) I know all her issues have not been solved and living at home with my parents at age 48 has to be tough. We had a lot of talks and I am trying to be supportive. I always first say something about me and how I lose control, so she doesn't see me as attacking or criticizing her. I am just so worried. You guys have been soooo busy! No way I can catch up on everything! Goodness gracious! Here goes an attempt: Apples~ Please be safe on those roads! The things we do to get "younger"! I think you said you were leaving on the 25th. Have a great trip- and we look forward to seeing you on the flip side! : ) Janet~ Your bro's house/nephew situation sounds like a nightmare! That must have you so stressed out. hugs. WTG on getting back to the gym! Phyl~ LOVED the pics on FB! You look fabulous darling! We also wish you were joining us. Linda~ so proud of you and all the exercising you are doing! WTG!!! How did you like Avatar? I didn't think I would like it and I did. Eva~ Can't wait to pick you guys up at the airport!!! I will have Nels with me that day as DH works until Friday at 5pm- then he will meet me there. I am hoping the weather cooperates and stays nice! Arlene~I am with you on wondering if I need a fill. Today I was tight while flying- but the last few days have been wide open. I took one bite of a soft sandwich so I could take my antibiotic and it got stuck! PBed at the airport in the sink! I know I am missing many of you. Sorry. I promise to get back on track! Where has Meredith been? a few pics... nelson before fracture on the tiny plane (he is listening to the airtraffic controllers and pretending to be flying the plane! LOL)... view somewhere over Georgia... Mom, dad and Nels. (dad in his sunroom in his fav chair) peas and love... peasout... Laura
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ I guess you guys heard from a few on FB... my baby boy broke his first bone! Day before yesterday he was out with my sister and accidently slammed the car door on his own hand! It didn't break the skin, but there was a definite blue line where the car had closed! He didn't even cry!!! It wasn't until the hand started swelling (3 times the size of the right) and he had big alligator tears running down his face! He never boo hoo'd though. So brave! We took him to the urgent care and he has two fractures... the 1st metacarpal (hand bone between thumb and wrist) and first joint of his thumb. The metacarpal one is the one you have to be careful with b/c it is into the joint. If it doesn't heal well then you can have chronic problems. We saw an ortho yesterday and they put a cast on. He picked John Deere Green! (go figure!) Other than some Motrin he hasn't even needed the pain medicine. Once the cast was on he stopped complaining about pain. Gonna post some pics. Going home tomorrow. Fly out at 830 am in a tiny airplane! yikes. I promise to catch up when I get home. Hi to everyone. Sorry I have been remiss in writing. : ) hugs hugs hugs <blowing kisses>!!! peasout.... Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys. I was posting the night before last and dh had it set to some new browser... I thought I was just closing a window and lost whole post (and it was a long one!) I was so p.o.ed I turned off computer and went to bed. I am sitting with my dad at dr as he gets an iv. He is doing ok. Labs are great- kidney seems to be tolerating both chemo agents and he has begun urinating again. Spirits have been high for everyone. Combo of nelson, dh, and dad feeling ok.dh installed new lcd tv and speaker system for my folks.weather I nice...40s in a.m. And 65 afternoon. I am not as tight as usually am when visiting. Mom is cooking healthy and light. Nels has a cold now after that fever and has been on a hunger strike for 3 days. Drinking though. Melissa- congrats!!! Julie-hope u r feeling better. Apples- how is ur vertigo? We have that in common. I always get a crick in my neck the two times a year when I get it, trying not to have symptoms. Hugs- it's horrible. Janet- how's ur baby? Hope u had better luck w meds. Everyone else- hello. I am typing on phone and can't review posts. Hope everyone is ok. Know that I haven't forgotten about u guys! Oh, lori- hugs with dd issues. Ttyl....peasout...laura
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Just a fly by.... I am in Miami. It's just beautiful here this weekend. I think this is just what I needed. Last couple weeks, I was feeling what a lot of you were... blah weather blues. And I know it's all relative to what you are used to. Although I know 30 degree weather is considered nice weather for some of you... for us, it is tough to handle. And two weeks in a row takes it's toll. We go back home today and then fly to NC tomorrow. Busy busy. My Dad is having a rough weekend. I guess a delayed response to the chemo on Monday. The side effects were just tolerable all week and last night he started vomiting and having severe bone aches. Seems we will be going just in time. He said, that until now he hasn't felt like he has cancer. He said, he now feels like he definitely has cancer. awww. : ( I didn't get a chance to read all the posts. I will catch up tonight. hugs to everyone. ttyl peasout... laura
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Apples~ I know- that rate seems awfully low for a 3 br condo with washer/dryer and linens. The omni just down the block is $159 for a regular room with AAA discount! The Reunion Resort just down the road starts at $228/night for a 3br villa. Yeah, I checked and they do have a chair by the pool with your name on it! ; ) It says APPLES. Love the bath idea. I should start doing that. Always seems that there is not enough time in the day. xoxo peas
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    NY~ I have sleep apnea too (also diagnosed prior to my band surgery) and so do several others on this thread. I also thought I was waking up b/c of my son or that cats or the outside noise. What will be more interesting when you go to the pulmonologist is to find out what your oxygen level drops to during these periods also. It is treatable- they will likely prescribe a cpap machine. And then losing weight is the next step. I thought I would NEVER be able to sleep with it (before I got it) and now I can't hardly sleep without it. With 86 lbs gone my sleep apnea and snoring have all but stopped!!! I still LOVE my cpap machine b/c of the humidifier- it really helps my allergies/stuffiness. I have not gone for the repeat sleep study- which they ordered but I just haven't felt like doing it. I know I should! But that being said, I feel 100% since using the CPAP. I started dreaming again and waking up refreshed. I thought being tired was ONLY b/c of my weight but I realize now that the oxygen deprivation was MOST of it! A few days after I started using the CPAP my tiredness went away. It is also ONE of the most undiagnosed causes of high blood pressure in obese people. My high BP went away before I lost much weight- so I am convinced it was my sleep apnea. I am off all my meds except prilosec, vitamins and baby aspirin. Good luck with the first step of your new life. I am sorry your surgery is delayed, but it is necessary. Let us know what he says!! Good luck!
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Where is everyone today?! I love being home with my little guy (and good news, no more fever since 630 am)... BUT, I hate having the extra time to think about FOOD! It's taking everything I have, not to eat! So far today... Coffee with cream & splenda. 40 cal. 170 cal/20 grams protein Protein Bar 100 cal popcorn 1/2 apple 50 cal Janet~ What time is the appt for your tweak? (I just remembered that you were going in for a fill). Let us know how it goes! Just got off the phone with my Dad. He's really feeling punky today. On Monday he started having the chemo regimen with two chemo drugs, instead of one. His blood sugars are WAY out of whack from being on steroids. Last night was his highest ever documented at home- 444! They started SSI (sliding scale insulin) today. Vicious cycle when your blood sugar is so high it makes you dehydrated- your body starts getting rid of urine trying to flush the glucose out. He's also nauseated and having bone aches. He was supposed to have Monday "off"/no chemo, but the dr wants to go full steam ahead and repeat the doses. He has been urinating about 6 times a day for the last 5 days. He is so excited about this! But only time will tell if it is the chemo shrinking the tumor OR the steroid effect & high blood sugar causing a lot of urine and LOTS of pressure to need to pee. Or both? We decided to go up and see him on Monday. Not sure how long we will stay this trip, maybe 3-5 days. ok friends... CBL....Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Just a little video to get the Florida girls excited about their trip! And to talk those of you who are undecided... into going!!! Looks like a cool place!!! Great LBT friends, a little sunshine and a couple fluffy drinks with umbrellas.... Julie~ Nels just saw the photo of your tractor and said "Now that is just beautiful!" He's going to make a sign to hold up at the airport with your name and a red tractor! : ) You are I are on kid duty today, eh? Hope your day is going well. My boy is being great- just playing and watching tv. Except when he has fever, he is 100% perfectly Normal. Sounds like a virus, huh? Meredith~ We are so bummed that you can't make it! : ( But we also totally understand. You are so busy between class, work, family, baby showers... How do you do it all?! Any news on the house? How is your GM? Hugs on all that. LauraK~ Congrats on figuring out the photos! The leaves look great, but you look AMAZING! What a difference! WTG! Cheri~ Funny fart story! LOL. Janet~ I watched IA, but never got to BL. Some of the Atlanta people were really good. I didn't like Mary JB as a judge. I think Simon has really lightened up. And Kara is not as annoying as she was last year. Yeah, the Haiti stuff is horrible. Just so sad. They were saying on the news that a lot of people are coming to FL. They are giving more emergency/medical visas. Their entire system has crashed. If I was single I would love to do relief work again. Apples~ How's the weather? <wink wink> It's 61 right now. Get excited for FL!!! Just a few days until you leave!!! Hi to everyone else! peasout... Laura
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    uuughhhhh, I just lost the post I was typing. Not sure how I did that. I was up a couple times last night with Nelson. He has had fever 102.4 off and on all night. A tiny runny nose, but otherwise no other symptoms. I guess I should be thankful, his classmate Declan was out for two days with vomiting and fever. yikes. I hope this is just a 24 hr bug. We are supposed to go to Miami tomorrow! DH has a CME conference. We have a nice room overlooking the waterway/bridges. I guess even if he is sick we can go. We can just as well hang out and watch sponge bob there as we can here, right?! I wrote a bunch of nice things to everyone... but HELLO and HUGS will have to suffice right now. I will CBL and promise to write more. peasout... Laura

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