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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

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    :heart:Happy Valentine's Day!!!:smile: I just got home after that wonderful trip to Orlando. Here are some of the pics from the weekend. I am already looking forward to the next one!!! Thanks to everyone for making it such a nice weekend. My DH and Nels enjoyed meeting everyone too! peasout... Laura #1 Group Pic #2 Girls at the Outlet Mall #3 All ready to go out to dinner
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Snifffffffffffff... both because of my allergies and b/c I am crying! I just said goodbye to the girls. Janet was my first long hug goodbye. What truly an honor it was to meet all of you guys. You have helped me with the lapband journey and you have helped me in life. (this is not to just the FL group- this is ALL of you on this thread!) I really don't think I would be where I am today without the support from this group of friends. Thank you. I promise to catch up on the threads when I get home tomorrow. I saw some new names... someone had a bday and reached onederland! WTG! Jewel- good to see you! and we so enjoyed meeting you!!! Congrats on the new clothes and you look terrific! What a difference in your before and after photo. I need to go to bed guys but promise to post photos tomorrow. peasout.. sleep well. Laura
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi Guys! We spent most of the day at the outlets! Fun was had by all. I DID get my coach bag! (and one for my sis too- her birthday is tomorrow) Then we picked up Eva (Octillo's) DH from the airport! Now a little down time- recharge- and out to dinner @ 7pm. Most pics are on my camera and will post when I get home. I will let everyone else tell their own shopping tale! peasout.... Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girls!!! We are having such a nice time so far. I am feeling a little, um, not really hung over, but I am a "light weight cheap date" these days. Two screwdrivers and I was a little tipsy. After DH arrived we went over to their condo to introduce him! He loved ALL the girls!!! Then I took the boys back to our place- tucked Nels in bed and then snuck back over to the girls!!! We stayed up until after 11 talking. What great memories. DH said he didn't even know if I would make it home! LOL. Janet makes the best Frozen Lemon Drop Martinis! We didn't go out to dinner b/c we had PLENTY of supplies! Thanks to Apples we had fruit salad, veggies and dip, shrimp cocktail, LF deli meats, lite bread, eggs, protein bars (variety), crystal light (varieties), other drinks (hot cocoa, cider, etc.), cereal. We would be SET for a hurricane or blizzard! What a gal! Today we are going to the outlets! Thanks to Lori, everyone has a coupon in hand! My boys are going off to Universal for the day so I can play! : ) Tonight we have dinner reservations. Will update you later!!! Hope everyone is well. HUGS. peasout... Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok guys... update. jessica and judy arrived. jessica (jeweI) had her DH with her. Very nice people. : ) Then about 30 min later, janet (eva) and eva (octillo) showed up finally!!! SO nice to meet everyone finally! I just took janet and eva to the airport in orlando so they could pick up their bags. They were there!!! So they are happy campers, took them 1.5 days to get here. I think they are going to take showers and rest a bit. Nelson is getting antsy and I am letting him chill a bit. DH is leaving now and should be here around 6. (Thank God). Nels is 5 and just wants to be the center of attention and doesn't understand all of the grown ladies talking so much! LOL. I have OJ, bloody mary mix, lemon drop martini mix, vodka and scotch! It's happy hour in orlando!!! I am happy! : ) Hugs Lori. Hang in there. Hope everyone is ok. Staying warm. We will update soon. xoxo Peas
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    JODI, congrats on your clearance! I hope you get a date earlier than planned! wooo hooooooooo! That is too funny about setting up the machine. I was laughing here.
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok... i just walked over to julie and apples condo to see if the other girls are here... nothing yet! Their flight was 172 min late according to flight stats, but we haven't heard from them. They likely didn't want to wake us and now we dont want to wake them! Guess they stayed somewhere near Ft Meyers for the night. We are all having coffee and waking up. Nelson is watching cartoons. It's cold and overcast today. 50s. Supposed to rain. : ( Not sure what the plan is today- wait for the girls and then visit. The place we are staying in is PACKED. It's race weekend (Daytona 500 on Sunday) so they are sold out. It was a little noisy last night but otherwise very nice. Lori, glad you were able to keep busy. We miss you (and everyone) sooooooooooooo much! hugs, laura, julie, apples, and nelson
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok guys... we just heard from Eva and Janet. Their flight from Dallas to Orlando got canceled, so they will get here via a flight to Ft. Meyers and drive 2.5 hours! OMW, we feel special!!! Apples will have a stiff one waiting for them!!! They won't get in until the wee hours! We are chit chatting... and missing everyone and thinking of you all! The pics will have to wait until tomorrow. HUGS... laura, julie and karen.
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi, we are all here in the condo in Orlando! Hoping everyone makes! Julie got in ok>>> Nelson and I picked her up and just got back. Karen has the place decked out!!! We scored! So excited to be here! We all say hello and send our hugs! Love, Karen, Julie, and Laura..... and Nelson!!!
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok guys, greetings to all. I am on my way to Orlando in a couple minutes! Will pick up Julie and go see Apples at the condo. We will update everyone later. MISSING you all!!! HUGS. peasout.. Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Yeah, we got her. : ) She PMed her flight info and we are on top of things. Nelson has a sign made! LOL. I already told him he got to miss school today- if I went back on my word there would be HE!! to pay! : ) He woke up at 5am today ready to leave! It's 2 hrs from here to airport. I will check on her flight. Call me if they let you in the condo early. Do you text? Or call me when you have good cell coverage! Laura ps thanks charlene and others for the well wishes! I will have my computer and will update everyone!
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe they canceled your flight! I just tried to call you and got your VM. :thumbup: I am so bummed. Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    I got to thinking... I want a coupon, and so I found this link: COACH FACTORY OFFER And it gave a 20% off coupon. Is yours also for 20%? I was freaking out a little b/c DH bought the new laptop and my heart sunk thinking that I wouldn't be getting my bag. He then said, we need the computer for US... but you still need your coach bag for YOU! awwwww Wishing everyone a VERY safe trip!!! Will see you guys tomorrow!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo! I don't even feel like typing much here.. feel like saving it! haha. If anyone needs me to get anything for them (that they forgot to buy or can't carry with them), let me know. I will still have the morning to grab some things. I know Apples has WAY thought of everything! THANKS APPLES! Going to my support group tonight. I have missed the last two months. I also made my one year appt! wow, time flies!!! I was hoping to get 100 off. Not sure I can do that, but I will be close. CBL girls! peasout.. Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    flyby as I had to grab a second on DH's computer. ugghhhh... my laptop died! DH has fixed it so many times. This time he said the little dinosaur might have to go. I am so sad. This thing went through infertility, adoption, traveled overseas many times. But the good news is DH wants to get me a red little travel one with a 10 hr battery life. Hmmmm.. decisions. Ok... so dinner count is 8. Should I make it 9 or 10 just in case? When I call I am going to see if that room is booked. Can't hurt to ask. Ok guys, I gotta go. I will CBL... peas
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey guys~ another fly by as I go through the revolving door, now on our way to Taekwondo. Question: I have reservations for Saturday night. 7 people at 7. There were a few people coming and staying on their own, and Eva with hubby... has the number changed? Do I need to add to the reservation? I will CB tonight. Have a good afternoon. Stay warm Linda! HUGS. Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    fly by post this a.m. hello to all my bandster friends! melissa~ hugs- that sucks that you can't come. I was REALLY looking forward to meeting you! But life happens, ya know? We will meet one day, if I have to drive up and find you! Running late this morning... more later. CBL...peas
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening~ Been watching SB commercials..LOL. I pause the DVR and then FF through the game. I dated a football player in college too- but now, just don't have time or desire to watch FB. Julie~ I have never been able to pack enough with a carry on. There is a washer/dryer in the condo if that helps with the decision. I will have some detergent and dryer sheets. With Nelson I find I usually do a load or two just to keep stuff from getting too stained (and hate to come home to tons of dirty clothes). I think it was from handwashing all my clothes in the Peace Corps! LOL. It taught me to appreciate W/D! As far as packing- bring some layers. But it will likely feel warm to you guys. I live in my Target yoga pants and t shirts with a light jacket. Bring comfy shoes. A bathing suit for the hot tub. Something comfy to hang out in the condo. One thing for dinner Sat night. Remember in FL, everything is casual. Great~ Glad you had a good time on your miniV. Funny about your kids in the back seat! Glad you found your capris. Apples~ Sounds like you are having a good time! I hear you with the laptop- I bring ours everywhere too. Eva~ sorry about your breakfast PB. I hate that. Sometimes we need to stick with what we know works! Cheri~what movie did you end up seeing? JB~ glad you're coming to see us! I think we are going to have a great get together! Well, DH is working (emergency c section- he flew out of the house). Nels is in bed. I am chilling. : ) Nelson started crying tonight at bedtime, said he wanted his cast back on! OMG... I think it became an identity thing. Everyone noticed the bright green cast and asked him about it... and today while we were out he didn't get any attention. I told him I could glue it back on. Have a good night... ttyl.... peas.....
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning. It's frikkin cold here! 49 degrees this morning! High of 60 something. And I just looked at the weather.com site and it's not looking great for our weekend. Thursday will be ok, then Fri, Sat supposed to rain. 70 for the high. I know you guys were really looking forward to pool weather. But that makes good shopping, hanging out, talking, playing games/cards weather! Thur 64/48, Fri showers 67/48, Sat few showers 69/52, Sunday showers 68/50. I hate to be the bearer of Bad news but want people to pack right. I think coffee spilled in my keyboard, it keeps putting extraneous characters! It's driving me nuts. I might have to finish this later after my brain wakes up~ he is still sleeping. LOL. hope every[one is staying warm!!! ttyl peas....Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Tuscana.net Tuscana Resort Orlando 1395 Tuscana Lane • Champions Gate • Florida 33896 Toll Free 1 877 448 8722 • Local 1 407 787 4800
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon everybody. Well nelson got his cast off today. Dh was doing a hip case today and the surgeon's PA asked how N was. They got to talking & he recommended taking it off and xraying it. It looks fine and he is soooooo happy! I am letting him play in the sand as I type. This boy loves dirt and has missed getting messy for a few weeks. He is in a john deere shirt and camo boxers....lol. He just caught a frog! Ate a couple pretzels and am semi stuck. Ughh. Pain but no slime. Will write more later, tough with phone. Cbl
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    good afternoon~ surfer~ I have no idea. Sorry jessica~WTG! This nurse knows how hard you are working!!! Keep up the good work!!! linda~ hope you survived your busy day. where did you guys decide to go to dinner? And can you believe that steak? I could see us ordering one and asking to split it 6 ways! eva~ glad your fill is helping and you are motivated. isn't that the best?! Thanks for your thoughts about my dad- Janet too. Dad is home now. They re-did the stent. (not sure why) No biopsy done (said he didn't see anything abnormal inside the ureter). Urine drains but dye is still slow. The tumor is 13 inches long and wrapped around the ureter, but doesn't enter it. That's why it was missed. The urologist is the only one who STILL is not convinced it's cancer. He's an old fart and frankly I am not fond of him. My dad loves him and I guess that's all that matters. My parents are giving me the cold shoulder b/c I didn't go home for this surgery (first time I didn't go for one). They are getting a big snow storm tonight and I didn't want to get stuck up there. Nelson is having a short week next week with the Orlando trip and don't want him to miss too much school. Rainy day here today. Warm though. I really hope the weather gets nice for everyone next week! I need to cook some dinner. I will be around this weekend- I don't do superbowl (except to watch commercials..LOL). DH on call. Playing with the boy- what I do best. : ) CBL.. Laura
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

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    yeah, maybe you are right. Although I don't feel stressed really. So strange. Even weirder is that both tight days I was planning on making an appt for a fill! My last fill was June 09. Last week there were a few days I was WIDE open. I am PMSing/menopausing- skipped my period 2 weeks ago and am feeling bloated. Moonfish Menu has seafood and steaks. They are known for their "sauces", they charge extra for them though. Their portions are supposed to be really big, so it might work to split. Or order appetizer for dinner. They have good reviews but many are shocked at the price, it is on the pricey side. They have a sep. room, I wonder how many people you have to have to reserve the room. Then we could dance on the tables and not get kicked out...LOL Have a good trip with your family! peas
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning all~ Tightness must be in the air! Yesterday had liquids all day, then tried to eat a yogurt with tiny bits of granola in it- just air escaping the whole time. You know the kind that is not a burp per se but an involuntary air thing? After attempting 3 small bites I had to put it down. Just from that I needed 3 tums and another prilosec. I am drinking liquids fine. Only thing that I did yesterday was take a second dose of my allergy medicine. Antihistamines do "dry" mucosa and maybe that's what it is. Cheri, do you take anything? When DH is on call, I don't cook. The times when I have cooked for him- he gets stuck at the hospital until 2am. When I don't cook... he was home by 7! I had a cold chick fil a sandwich for him..LOL and some bean salad I made yesterday. He was thrilled to be home and glad I didn't cook. : ) My Dad is having surgery today. The urologist wants to re do the stint and check things out in the ureter. They are considering taking out the nephrostomy tube and they want to see if the tumor is shrinking b/c they cannot do a CT scan with contrast. (His kidney can't handle the contrast). His case is scheduled for 10 this morning. Fingers crossed. Melissa, I checked flights for you, cheapest is $350. I think you can do the drive! And we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you!!! So don't bail and you don't smell! LOL Janet~ I hope your weekend goes well. Know that we are thinking about you! Julie~ hugs and have a safe trip! Hope you slept well. Eva~ Congrats! That's awesome with your NSV. Mine recently was being able to buy a bra off the rack and it fit. I was ordering mine online for a year or so. Those small things mean so much. Off to get Nelson to school. CBL... peas....aka laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning guys~ DH was up and out the door at the butt crack of dawn. He was on the schedule to work Pres. Day weekend. When I strongly objected he rearranged his schedule for me, but now it has him on call Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun- starting today. I might have to be REALLY really nice these next couple days! It will be tough, but I will try. Last night we ate out and I was soooo super proud of myself. I ordered a cup of onion soup (no cheese or bread on it) and their house salad with a piece of salmon. I always love the add on portion of proteins b/c it is just perfect for us. I got their vinaigrette on the side and asked for vinegar. I use like 1 tsp of theirs for the extra flavor and then use vinegar. Yummy salad with feta, a few olives, artichokes and roasted red peppers. I was bummed I could only eat a small amount. Not sure why the sudden tightness yesterday. All day even with water I would get that "air escaping" sound that sounds like a burp. Weird. OK... Emeril's or Moon Fish? Take a vote. I say Moon Fish. Once we get a count, I will go ahead and make the reservation. Let me know. Send me a PM, so I won't miss it too. Time got away from me... time for car line! BBL peas
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning guys~ Just caught up on the posts- you guys have gotten busier now that Apples is posting again! Janet~ Hope everything came out alright. giggle. I hate being constipated! (Silly, raise your hand if you LOVE being constipated?!) I find when I am eating one protein replacement a day, it keeps me regular. Another thing that works great (besides obvious- miralax or other lax) is sugarfree chocolate. If I have two- the xylitol/sugar alchohols- go right through me! Apples~ now that you have stopped traveling (although you are still moving!) is the weight coming back on? Add a couple snickers bars, that's what my friend who had trouble gaining used to do. 2 a day keeps the dr away! Cheri~ Great posts. Don't have two thoughts to add. : ) Great~ So glad you slept great! Aren't nights like that so refreshing?! Still thinking about you and DD. stressful. Julie~ I forgot to say something. When you were talking about not being able to shop all day, I am with you! I only want to go to the coach store and then come back to the condo or go do something else. I am not buying clothes yet either until I get closer to goal. So don't worry- I will hang with you. hugs. Femme~ no wet noodle needed. Seems like you do enough for yourself. I did the same thing a while back, where one day turned into a week of out of control. It's like speeding- if you find yourself going 5 miles over the limit, do you say FU%& it I am already speeding, might as well go 100?! Slow down girl! : ) BTDT. Eva~ We did eat in last night. Felt better. I just need to do it for this week. Also Nels was eating too unhealthy. He only eats burgers or chicken fingers when out- but at home he will eat corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, melon. NEVER a veggie in a restaurant unless it's Benihana Japanese where they cook in front of you. Linda~ Agree with the advice of the experts- bump up a little. Yeah, funny how something as little as a tomato can make someone not like it. DH wasn't thrilled with the soup alone for dinner. He made lamb chops, rice and peas, hummus and salad. He thought the soup was too bland. He likes when I make chili or brunswick- something with a kick. FL girls~ have we decided if we want to do dinner? It is always FL casual here, and nothing really dressy. Even Emerils if we go is casual. Think about it. I am getting sooooooooo excited!!! My Dad is having a crappy week. The weather is better, but he isn't. Last week he got one of those electric wheelchairs (almost called it an electric chair), that you see on tv. Free with medicare. He didn't need it really, but he likes to get his money's worth of medicare. :thumbup: Anyway, he had taken too many meds (ativan and vicodin) and forgot his kidney bag and took off in the chair. He pulled out the tube partially from his back and had to go have emergency procedure to put it back in place. Now he has a kidney infection. He feels crappy physically but I am more worried about his mood emotionally. He's depressed. Rightly so I guess, but he is self medicating and not moving around. Mom said he sits or sleeps 80% of the day. I am worried about him. sigh. I have been busy the last two days planning Nelson's 6th birthday party. It's the last weekend in Feb (27th) although the day isn't until March 1. We are having a NASCAR Racing Party. It's BYOB. haha. (bring your own bike or battery operated vehicle) We have a private road near our community marina and the kids have a blast. We did the same party last year- though it was John Deere & he got a battery op gator. I literally found the invite I made last year on the computer and changed the 5 to a 6! All the parents had fun and said it was the best party all year. I make sure and have a tent for parents with tables and chairs, and plenty of beer and wine. I think the parents should have an equally fun time! Last year he had a bounce house- but this year he will only have had his cast off a week and I decided not to this year. This will also be the first year my parents have not been at his party. : ( I have the worst acid stomach today. Took my prilosec and some mylanta. I just feel nauseous. ughhh. ok guys. I will CBL, have a meeting with teachers @ 3. peasout... Laura

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