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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

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    LOL Karen! Do you eat the white or red ones? My DH worked in a convenience store in Miami before he got into the residency program he wanted. They sold pickled eggs, chicken feet and pickled pickles on the counter. To this day he can't even smell them without getting a gag reflex! He had to make cajun boiled peanuts in the crockpot every day too. He worked in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Miami and the drug dealers used to "protect" him in exchange for a few free beers here and there. I have never tried the eggs. Might have to one day. : ) My first job was as a nursing assistant in the nursing home near college. I fed/bathed/wiped butts. I adopted all 60 of the residents as my grandparents. (All 4 of my GP had passed when I was young). Loved that job! OK... what other first jobs did people have? Tells a lot about a person I think. ; )
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good day girlies~ Sorry I have been MIA a bit too. Life sometimes gets in the way doesn't it?! I had another fill the other day- only 0.6 cc this time. I am still 1cc less then my highest. I think this will do me. I have good restriction. I don't want to be as tight as I was- but I don't want to be able to eat bread. That's just me. The few days of shakes really helped kick start my healthy habits back in. I have been exercising every day for the last week. Been busy busy being a taxi mom for Nelson. school, parties, taekwondo, tutor, etc. I wouldn't change the chance to do this for a million bucks! Apples~thanks for the nice note. : ) You are the best. Always say just the right things. Julie~ We are all rooting for you for the neuro appt. GetRDone. Janet~ Hugs. You sound so busy. I hope everything else is ok. We miss your frequency of posts. Eva~ sounds like you are doing good. I am back on the bandwagon. This time when we go to NC I am bringing my own "stuff". If there is an unhealthy meal, I will just have a shake. I can't be tempted with my mom's cooking again. It just killed me. Nothing feels as bad as gaining back weight you worked so hard to get off. Sorry to hear about work. It sucks when companies are bought out- they don't realize how the changes trickle down and effect all workers. Jodi~You are a sucker for taking in the dog. Gotta learn to say NO. : ) I say that with kindness. You cannot save them all- as much as you want to. You can't let a foster dog throw a wrench into everything, especially when you are as busy as you are. The training is expensive. Maybe what you can do is work with the trainer once a week and have them put a "plan" down on paper that you do the other two days. That way they can weigh you and check on progress. If you aren't doing what you are supposed to- you will lose strength. Worth a try. Melissa~WTG, sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!!! Arlene~ glad your mom is feeling a little better. Hugs. Linda~so proud of all your hard work. WTG on the loss! Froggie~ Welcome to our thread. : ) Anyone else I missed.. sorry. Apples' CRS syndrome is contagious! Time to get some work done! peasout.. Laura PICS:a pic of Nelson with his friend Sarah- swimming in our pool. Nelson getting ready to climb the rock wall at the school picnic. (they face painted his face with the blue avatar nose) LOL
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning to the rest of you~ Arlene~ so sorry to hear about your mom. Hugs. How is she doing today? I am the queen of getting off track when with sick family. You will get right back on the wagon. Eva~ Sounds like your party was a hit. I hear you on the house needing to be just right. I am the same way. LOL on DH pooping out. Good thing you were home to get him! How is the eating going? I still have to lose what I gained on my trip before I go back in two weeks! I have to ask, who came up with your goal weight? 117 seems awfully low. Apples~ are you back yet?! How'd it go?! Jewel~ Sounds like you are doing a really good job with everything. WTG on the exam! Your before/after photos are very noticeable. Isn't that the best?! Cheri~ I am very tight in the mornings but have never noticed getting tight after lying down. I wish it were that simple for me! I'd LIVE horizontal! LOL Joyce~ditto on arlene's advice. ok gals, time to go get my work done. We had a killer storm last night (tornado warnings, heavy rain, T&L, flooding). DH had to take my SUV to work b/c the streets are flooded. It is already going down now just an hour after the rain stopped. He almost ruined his car the last time the street flooded- as it was had $1500 worth of damage to the engine. (old bmw) I didn't sleep last night very much b/c Nels was scared and came to our bed. The night before that I didn't sleep either. (not sure why). So I am running on fumes today.. need to recharge the ole battery. Will CBL. peasout.... Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Janet~ I knew we had a lot in common. I like my lamb and beef rare too. yumm. I like buying the lollipop lamb chops at Sam's/BJs/Costco- then slicing them individually. I brush or spray them with some EVOO and then put oregano, salt, pepper and garlic. I like to grill zucchini at the same time (since they both cook so quickly) and put the same spices on the veggies. I am so jealous of your naps. Tough with a 6 yr old. Oh, btw, LOVED the video of your DGD riding the motorcycle!!! What a cool young lady! I showed Nels and he wants one..LOL. Not. He still needs to learn to ride his regular bike without training wheels. We took them off (again) this weekend and he rode like 10 ft and then put his feet down and wanted them back on! He didn't fall or anything and was balancing. He's just scared he will fall. I am a toughie and refused to put them back on. He is not a dare devil at all and has to be pushed a little to do things. Hope ur day is going well. WTG on the ironing! Want to come do mine?! LOL xoxo Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girls! Wow...... a real real real quiet post this weekend! At least I didn't miss much with my self imposed sabbatical. We had a busy weekend. Went on a bike ride. 45 min walk. Had neighbors over to swim. Two birthday parties and a school picnic. His school had sprinklers set up on the playground- (what a mess!) They had two bounce houses, snow cones, face painting (doesn't go well with sprinklers), a rockwall brought in, FOOD (hamburgers/hotdogs & every side there ever was). Nelson had a BLAST, but got a little too much sun. Not sure what we will do today. Love family weekends. (Glad DH isn't on call). Linda~ soooo glad the swingset is done! sorry for the rain. : ( LadyKC~sorry to hear about the PB episode. It was a problem for me before this unfill. CHEW and eat slow. Julie~Glad to hear DD is doing things for herself. It's a good thing. I know it feels strange to you, not to do EVERYTHING. You have to take care of yourself though. Sorry you still have pain. Bummer. It usually takes a series of 3 steroid epidurals to work. Your dr who did it should be able to write a very strong letter to the insurance company. Usually it's the 3 and it can take care of a lot of issues that would otherwise need surgery. Can guarantee it's cheaper for them (and easier for you) if neurosurgery is not necessary! Great~ How did your hair come out with the new gal? That always makes me nervous having someone new. Any news with the latest house showings?? Good luck with the house hunting! I bet there are some good deals to be had with the economy like it is! Such a great time to buy a house. I wish we weren't locked in an upside down mortgage. Cheri & arlene~Congrats on the weightloss. i need to sign off but will finish my post later, still wanted to comment on a few! oops. peas...
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Quick morning post. Apples, have fun at the lake. Drive safe and be good! ha ; ) Eva~ Good luck with your party. Sounds fun- hell, I'd come just to eat and drink. ; ) Yeah, the TOM issues are getting fewer and farther between. I haven't had one since Jan- so 3 months. At my physical a few weeks ago he made the nurse do a pregnancy test..LOL (b/c I said I had gained 5 lbs since I had the unfill AND hadn't had a period in 3 mo). I told him I would NOT pay for a pregnancy test. The joke was if it was pos then I would pay. Shook on that deal. LOL. Earth Day at Nels' school. He has to wear a shirt that has something to do with peace. OMW... his shirt is like 2 inches short and showing his belly button!!! How did he grow so fast?! He grew out of 4 pairs of shoes too. Had blisters after PE on Monday! Where was I when he had this growth spurt?! Makes me sad that he is growing up. Part of me wants to keep him little forever. : ( peasout..Laura
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good evening ladies~ Arlene~congrats on the 1 lb! You are doing great. Yeah, may need to bump up the calories just a bit- sounds a little low even for a physician supervised plan. Apples~You made one little boy soooo happy with those pics today! He was asking me a million questions about each part..LOL. Thanks for posting them. Love the sun room too! Looks so warm and inviting. Linda~Happy birthday!!!!!!!! Phyl~Glad you are home safe and sound. : ) I have been having a tough week. TOM's visit has been anything but pleasant. ughhhh. I haven't been able to go to the gym or much of anything else. Even grocery shopping is risky. Unpredictable and frustrating. But still will take this over hysterectomy right now. Hoping the cravings and fluid retention will let up in a few days. I purposely haven't stepped on the scale this week. We decided to go to NC for Mother's Day. : ) We are going to drive instead of fly. We want to try and go to the NC mountains one night while we are there and will pop over to Orlando on the way back for a quick Disney fix. I don't really like the drive but DH wants to drive. He usually gives his annual "donation" to the SC highway patrol when we go through..LOL. We'll see what happens this trip! Happy Earth Day! PEAS on earth! peasout.. Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ I feel like I haven't written in forever- but LOL, it's only been one day that I didn't post. I had a fill last week; only put 1cc back of the 2.6cc I had to had taken out b/c I had that stomach bug with nausea and vomiting and got too tight. Anywho, I do have some restriction- but not as much as I think I should/could have. I want to let it settle for a while and see how I do. I have this tremendous fear of getting too tight, so will go slow this time with the fills. Also, after 3 months of my period MIA, TOM finally appeared without warning! Goodness gracious.... I am a PMSing BIT@!! Apples~ welcome back. Glad you had a good weekend. It was so darn quiet here without you! Julie~ So sorry to hear you are having pain again. You may need another steroid epidural. Some times they give another one 2 weeks after the first. Did they say when the next one is? or when you are supposed to see the dr again? I would see them again and see what they suggest. Melissa~WTG on the shakes. It's tough. You are doing great though. Great~ Good luck with the house sell and the vacay sounds sooooo nice! JeweI~ Congrats on moving! I remember the fetal pig dissection! I LOVED that! I even volunteered to be a teaching assistant in grad school in the A&P lab. Good luck getting back on track with eating. It's tough with all that stress. Phyl~ Loved the pics of the Grandkids! SOOOO cute! Wishing you a safe trip home. Janet~ Where are you? ok, that's all I can remember. Pretty good i think. ; ) Talk to you tomorrow......... peasout.. Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning. Boy, it's quiet around here! I thought my computer wasn't updating or something. I am typing with just a couple fingers b/c I burned 3 fingers on the grill yesterday... tried to close the lid with the metal edge instead of the handle! (I was really hungry and wanted my grilled grouper!) Finger tip burns are the WORST! Held ice on it until bedtime. It feels worse than it looks. Jodi~ I hear you on fitting exercise in when you have kids. It's tough. I have a very small window of opportunity in the morning. After 2- it's all but impossible. I don't have family near and it's tough. Sounds like you are doing a great job! And the schedule will start falling together. Great~ yeah, go to hawaii! There is something to be said about going where you have been- b/c there isn't that sightseeing learning curve and figuring out where to eat, etc. You can relax b/c you have seen the islands before. Moving is so stressful- you guys need to take YOU time before and after. : ) Janet~ How was your friday? You responded to posts but didn't say what you were up to... I need to go see what Nels is doing.. it's a little too quiet. Hmmm... Oh, here is a photo I took one morning this week..LOL. peasout.. Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    hello chickies~ I just got back from my appt to "get younger". (read: hair cut/colored/highlighted). I feel so much better! Beautiful day here today... 75 and sunny. Cleaning and getting laundry caught up. Julie~ So glad you had another ok night. Little twinges of pain will occur as things "settle". It should get better and better. Great~ Hope you are having a good day with Grandma. Get that time in before you move. : ) Eva~That is one helluva day. hugs. No more PBing anymore? Apples~Hope you are having a good time at the lake! We miss your chatter. : ) Exercise Cop Janet~ you are 100% right. I am going today. The pool is supposedly heated at the Y, but they keep it too cool for my liking. So if it is windy and not above 75, it's too chilly to be jumping up and down IMHO. I hear you on not wanting to have to work at 70. There was a guy bagging at the store that turns 82 this week. He said he couldn't afford to live on his retirement/SS. Good golly. ok y'all. Have a terrific weekend!!! I will CBL I am sure. : ) peasout.. Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! JULIE~ That is sooooo awesome! Congrats dear friend! I hope it continues and continues. My sister is in onederland. 196- but she says some days she hits 202 if she has had a lot of water. I am happy for her. That's like 60lbs since June 2009 surgery. (80 since March when her surgery was scheduled). The only thing that concerns me is she has not changed one thing in her lifestyle. She isn't exercising (aerobic) but does taekwondo 4 times a month. She is still eating very large amounts of food and started sneaking diet pepsi a couple times a day. The malabsorption is pretty high for her. She told me some days she has 3500 cal and still loses. I worry that after a year she will start gaining again. I hope I am wrong about that. She still hasn't found a job- and doesn't really seem to be looking. I know my parents have gotten very used to her taking care of a lot of things around the house for them. Cleaning up after meals, dishwasher, errands, some laundry, garbage, turning sprinklers on, getting mail. She doesn't cook and she doesn't clean really (mom still has weekly maid service- though they don't do upstairs where my sis is staying in the guest room). i worry that another year will go by and then she will be almost unhireable. Again, I hope I am wrong. My allergies have kicked in full force and fighting a head cold. ughhh. Confession is good for the soul... I didn't make it to the gym. I had good intentions, but it never got over 71 and too cold for the pool and I forgot my tennis shoes. I could have walked when I got home but DH is off today and I didn't. Don't tell Janet- she'll get out the wet noodle. ok.. gotta explain whey protein. Yes, it is from milk- but it is separated from milk- they use the curd to make cheese and other products and then dehydrate the "whey" and separate the biproducts. If you get whey protein isolate, it is a more "pure" form of the protein and is more readily available for absorption and has less side effects. A whey protein concentrate varies on the amount of protein/fat and lactose in it. Isolate has very little to no lactose in it. USUALLY, you will notice that the isolate is more expensive. The ones your dr's office sells, like Unjury, is more expensive b/c it is more pure protein. I cannot tolerate concentrate- it gives me gas and bloating. Is that clear as mud? Whey Protein Institute - Whey Protein FAQ This page might help. cbl... peasout.. Laura
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning sunshines~ Well, I didn't make the support group last night. Nels had a LARGE amount of energy and I just didn't see him sitting still in a room full of bariatric patients. So, I had him jump in our pool (we have it heated this time of year) and get out all the heebie jeebies. He went to bed by 8pm and slept like an angel. : ) I am off to have a coffee date with an attorney friend of mine and then to the gym. Might brave the ladies again and do water aerobics. I will cbl... have a great day y'all!!! peas Arlene asked if that was my sister, who had gastric bypass, in that last pic.. yes.
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi girlies~ Julie~ Yeah! SO nice to hear from you! Loved that Apples updated us too. You must have had your epidural by fluoro. Yes, usually a day or two and the steroids will start doing their job and calming down all the nerve endings and decreasing the swelling. Very often patients will start gradually feeling better (it doesn't happen all at once), and you will one day wake up and realize you don't have pain and it will be like that all day. I pray this is what happens for you. HUGS. Apples~ Love the pics! I would also love to sit on that porch with you and watch Nelson riding up and down the road..LOL. You never know, this summer I might get a wild hair and fly out if you'll have us. : ) Your spring cleaning be done sounds nice! Love the menu. Great~ yeah, sounds like the least they could do is give you a complimentary fill. Well, it will be nice to start fresh in UT and find a place that appreciates you. I will attach a pic of my parents' pool. It's really small- just big enough to bounce around in and do Water aerobics or hold on to the bar and kick. They built their house 25 years ago and they tore down their long back porch to put a sun room and the pool 5 years ago. They had considered downsizing and then decided this is where they wanted to stay. The house is a nice size and now when we all come to visit, there's space for us. Eva and Janet~ hi! Hope work is going ok! Hotmama~ welcome. It is frustrating when you reach a plateau. Are you exercising? I know for me, that as soon as I stopped exercising- I stopped losing. It's like you stop caring and don't pay attention to what or how you're eating. I recently had my band too tight and had a slew of problems. If you are PBing every day- then you are too tight. Might be the reason you aren't losing b/c you are choosing sliders instead of hard Protein. Let us know how we can help you. One of the parents as Nelson's school is a photographer and for a modest fee offered a deal for an 8x10 for $50 and 10% went to our local orphanage. Well, I get to her studio and she took like 75 amazing photos of my son! How could I pick just one?! And then I heard that her husband got laid off at Christmas and they were having a tough time. (her son is in Nel's class and they are friends). So I bought two frames that have 3 photos in it- one for us and one for my parents. It was more than I had budgeted (here comes the rationalization), he has 3 loose teeth and this will likely be the last "real" photo before he starts being a toothless wonder! : ) I asked her to put a rush on mom's so I could get it to her before mother's day. At the gym I walked 30 min on my ole torture machine the step thread. It really gets my HR up, since it's like an elliptical in a way. Then I went to the water aerobics that is full of old ladies! LOL. I had gone 1-2 mo. after surgery and then stopped going (was using my trainer and cardio instead). Anyways, they were all FREAKING OUT at my weight loss! (a few pretending like they didn't recognize me, haha). What a workout! DH is on call and my support group meeting is tonight. : ( I am toying with the idea of bringing Nelson and letting him color or watch a movie with headphones on. I am still mad at the nurse but won't let her get the best of me! I am REALLY hungry today and having all kinds of cravings. ughhh. detox is a bitch. pics: Nelson watching grandma clean the pool with her clothes on! Grandpa sitting in his favorite chair. Nelson bringing Grandpa flowers he cut himself from the garden. Grandma dying easer eggs with N. Auntie making easter Cookies with N. peasout....Laura
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning guys~ Fly by this morning. Scale is one pound down today (was on liquids all day yesterday). Going to the gym. Day 3/3. Don't feel like it, but I am going to drag this butt. Not sure if I told you guys that since my dad got his kidney tube out (nephrostomy) that he is able to go in the water!!! It's hard for him to get in and out of the bath right now (too weak). But he has a small indoor exercise pool that's heated. He's been in twice this week!! And to hear the excitement in his voice- just melted my heart. He just finished the 2nd dose of round 5 of chemo. one more dose for this round... then a week off, and then just 3 more doses! (sounds easy, but I know it's really really hard). Peasout..Laura
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girls~ Julie~ Keeping you in my thoughts today. I am glad this day finally came and I hope you get some well deserved relief from pain. HUGS. I woke up with a crick in my neck; perhaps some sympathy pain? LadyK~OMW... that is my dream car! I love volvos. Back in 2000 after DH and I got engaged, I spent 3 days at the volvo dealer picking out my car, and hemmed and hawed over every last detail. I finally decided on THE car at 7pm and was to pick it out the next morning. I had HUGE buyer's regret that night and canceled the purchase. The next week my old beat up Ford Taurus was totaled by a cement truck! (I was fine). I never got my Volvo. Maybe one day. : ) Eva~ Just love the photos of your house and work you have done! That reminds me of that show Curb Appeal. I love people that can see potential in a home and really make it look beautiful. WTG. Karen~ Love the pic of DH on the bike! and wish him a HBD from me too. (a little late). My DH grew up in a city and never learned to ride a bike. Isn't that sad? Thanks for the words of encouragement. I need them. Janet~ I hear you on the chocolate. I was at Walmart the other day and they had Easter choc on clearance. ugghhh. I thought, Oh Nels would love a couple of these and they are only .50 cents! Well, one solid choc bunny disappeared. <sigh> Sorry to hear about the animals breaking the frame. yikes. Great~What a nice thing to have your wardrobe almost complete since you are at goal. That is one of my dreams. So proud of you!!! Is DD back from honeymoon? When's the grandbaby due? <smile> OK.. I am off to the gym after I drop the boy at school. Gotta be in it- to win it!!! I WILL GET BACK ON THE DAMN HORSE!!! Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday!!! peasout..Laura
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    I can only imitate her if you ate something you weren't supposed to... or didn't exercise. <smirk> <giggle> I miss her too. Didn't you guys notice the echo I wrote this morning? I made a turkish dessert last night. Muhallebi Tony Tahhan What inspired me was my mom left 2 packages of rice flour here. I put 3/4 splenda and 1/4 sugar. My Nelson just LOVED it. He had one for breakfast and another one after dinner tonight. You guys are so creative and artsy. I fail tremendously in that area. I guess the only art thing I do is photography. I love making cards and such with photos. I always wished I could paint and draw. My Mom's father was an artist. He did all of the grandkids portraits (except mine sadly). By the time they had me arthritis had made it impossible for him to do them. He continued for years to make the signs they put in the windows at the grocery store. ok guys. I need to go give this boy some attention. peasout.
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    EVA~~~happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear eva, happy birthday to you!!! Apples~ that cake was adorable! aww. And the story of that soldier eating your baked goods was so sweet. : ) Your lake place misses you too and you will be there soon enough. Janet~ <echo echo echo> Where is she?! ahh, just saw the drive by. HI! Julie~ Hugs. I am sure making the decision to have Mimi stay in day care is tough. It is a great decision though, so that you can get fully recovered so you can spend more quality time with her. She will be fine and will enjoy playing with the other kids. Arlene~ hope you feel better soon. Linda~ Blackbean muffins? sounds weird. The kabobs sound delicious though. Just loved your pics! You are looking great! Melissa~ Loved the pic of you and DH. Glad you had a good time. Great~ I hope you are enjoying your Monday. I loved having the movers pack this last move! I had two extra rooms (that didn't have furniture yet) so I had them unpack and just put things in little aisles. (the bigger boxes.) B/c they pack with so much paper and stuff. Any nibbles on the house yet? I just returned from appointments. I had my annual internist appointment. He was very happy with my weightloss and everything else. As a matter of fact he had very little to say to me. I realized that I am used to my drs lecturing me and advising me to lose weight or you're gonna die, etc. He said "looks great, you're doing good, labs are fine, see you in a year". He must have seen the shock in my face and he said "is there something else you wanted to talk to me about?". LOL. Then since I was fasting (although he didn't want any additional labs since my surgeon did some last month- I decided to stop in at my surgeon's and see if I could get a fill. I was up 5 lbs since my one year appt in March. (SIGH) She said the dr wouldn't allow her to do fills today b/c he would be in a conference tomorrow and wouldn't be able to unfill if someone was too tight. WHAT?! I was pissed. (and combined with being fasting I think I showed my unhappiness a little more than I should have. read: bitch) I have been wanting to eat the last few days and it makes me mad. I hate the feeling of "slipping off the bandwagon". We've all been there- and it just feels horrible. I can't see anymore posts.. and can't remember anything else. Will CBL... peasout.. Laura
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ Just returned home. Boys are in the pool... AGAIN! This time of year they seem to live there. It's too cloudy for my liking. Movies were so cute. There is nothing more heartwarming than two 6 year olds laughing at a movie! I found myself just watching them. Sometimes as a Mom I have to drag myself to playdates and such.. but once I get there and see the smile on Nelson's face I realize why we do what we do. Apples, just in the last year or so he started staying through the whole movie! We actually started bribing him if he stayed until the credits. Femme, I can't help but cringe when I read your post about the PBing. I had such a time two weeks ago when I was so tight and needed two unfills. If it continues then get an unfill before you get reflux or esophogitis. I will never be that tight again. It was horrible. I need a slight fill, but am going to wait a few more days to make sure I am healed. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. We are having really beautiful weather this weekend. This is the time of year when Florida is great. In a month or so it gets so hot (like where Janet lives.) Talk to you guys tomorrow! Peasout... Laura PS. The 3D movie they went to see was HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, right? Well, they both kept saying "How to DRAIN your dragon!" LOL
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Got a call and had to send before I lost typed post. Julie- hope u r feeling better. I know u r sick and tired of this pain. I hope the steroid injection/epidural helps. I am sure it will. When posting on my phone, I can't review...CRS! Peas
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girls! I am at tkd with the boy. On saturdays I tell him what time we need to leave by; if we aren't ready we don't get to go. If was ready 5 min early! : ). Then am having a movie playdate with hid BFF nick. How to train ur dragon in 3D! Fun fun Great- didn't think u were bragging; thus the joking. I think that is awesome. I always envied airline empl. It's like us going to the beach when u live in florida- can go all the time, it's fun & free. Great- glad the weather is nice! Sorry bout the milk. Uughhh, I hate that. At least the kitchen is clean. Will write more in a bit! Gotta go
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    That is great! Thanks for sharing!!! (smart ass) Well, 2/2 of going to the gym since I returned!!! I was 6 lbs UP Wed night when I weighed! (But I had restricted fluids and drank 3 bottles of water in the afternoon). By morning I was down 3. So- it looks like a 3 lb gain. It was incredibly stressful eating 3 meals a day with others! My mom was cooking to try to get Dad to eat. Chemo is killing his appetite so she was putting extra in to get him to like it. I had added a few bites of bread here and there (since I had 2.6cc out and could tolerate it). UGGHHH. Back to the grindstone again! Yesterday I did 45 min on threadmill and then my weight circuit. (I had lost a lot of strength). Today I did only 30 min on threadmill, BUT...... I got DH to go to the Y with me! (he hasn't gone in 5 mo or so). So, I am feeling a little back to normal. Julie~Sooooooo glad Mimi did well. : ) Great~ Welcome back. I wouldn't know what to do without a camera! LOL. But ya know, when you have been to Hawaii SOOOO MANY times... ha ha. <wink wink> Joking. Apples~ Hope you enjoyed your day. Sorry it was so cold. Janet~ sorry we were too quiet for you! Who won? you or the gym? Eva~ I hear you on the sugar! It is such a vicious cycle! Glad the electric/inspections is done! I know that was bugging you. Arlene~ WTG on the lunch. Have fun with the grandkids. Hi to everyone else. CRS today. Just got home from picking up Nels at school and the boys are already in the pool. Gonna grill burgers tonight. I made a blackbean salad to go with them. CBL.. peasout.. Laura
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    We made it home. : ) LONG flight! 3 hrs 50 min, b/c of head winds. Wow, glad I didn't drink but 3 sips of coffee this morning! We could have landed to pee if I needed to, but I wanted to get home- so I held it! DH was waiting at the little local airport for us. All is good in the world. Julie~ Thinking of mimi and praying her surgery goes well. Speedy recovery. Apples,phyl, LadyK~ Thanks for all your kind words and I know you are all right about my dad. He is really short fused since diagnosis and worse since chemo started. He can't help it. He's meanest with my mom, not so much me. I know he loves me. So glad we went to see them. Easter was priceless. I am with Eva on the trip to Janet's town! Let me know when! ha! Jewel~ Glad you are enjoying your visit. Love the sights and sounds of a new baby! Enjoy. : ) I have to go enjoy being home. I will CBL peasout.. Laura PS some pics from my phone of our trip...
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys~ Apples, you are so right about what you said about extended family. Nuts.. Ha ha. Well, I managed to really make my Dad mad today. I posted a pic to my facebook of him sitting on the porch- and his step sister called from Turkey and told him she LOVED the photo that Laura just posted. Well, he said it was invasion of privacy and mean, etc. I felt horrible, no ill will intended. But I think he looks good today and it does put some family and friends a little at ease seeing him up and about. But didn't think someone would comment to him so quickly or at all. I was so proud of him for getting up and going outside. ugghhh. Feel like shit. I love my Dad and would never in a million years want to hurt his feelings. I need to go pack. Miss my DH and ready to go home. I haven't been very good with food this week- am feeling a little puffy. Refuse to weigh myself. Time to get back on track. peasout.. Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ Today is a better day. Just a tad better. Dad really had a tough day with chemo yesterday. pp and poo accidents @ infusion center. Two chemo agents at the same time are tough. Blood sugar in the 500s doesn't make you feel to great either. Just a pissy mood. Can't blame him. Nels came up with the idea yesterday to buy grandpa a betta fish. He was with auntie- who quickly obliged. He put a little gold catfish looking thing in too (so scientific of me). The betta is "grandpa fish" and the other, you guessed... "nelson fish". Now dad has something to look at when he doesn't want to watch the lake or tv. Went with mom to have her mammogram today. She put it off for 6 months b/c dad has been so sick. Told her to stop taking herself off the list. (easier said than done). We had a nice talk the 30 min drive there and back. Everyone needs to vent. We head back to FL tomorrow morning. Weather is supposed to be great. Nels is ready to see Daddy. I told DH I was going to the spa. Ha. Kidding, but was nice to hear him say, "of course honey, you've had a tough week". He's the best. He won't admit it, but I think he has had a good "break" from us. Sitting in boxers, watching tv, eating what he wants without clearing it with the bandster...etc. He slept until 930 yest (after night of call). He forgot garbage day TWICE though! ughhh. Men. Apples~ happy cleaning. : ) Glad your DS is doing so well! He must be feeling better if he is flying. Julie~ Wet concrete. yuck. Have fun with little bear and little mimi. Eva~wtg on the walk!!! Janet~hope ur day at work is ok. I know it has been tough lately. I hear ya on the heat over snow, me too. Cheri~ Interesting thought on your DD. My SIL btw, whoever asked, is not overweight. She is retired army leut./nurse and plays tennis, jogs, whatever. She will cancel on anyone if she has workout planned. It's not just not noticing or commenting on our weight loss (she is against bariatric surgery and told us that before), but she also NEVER asks my Dad how he is feeling. She is from a cold cold family- old fashioned German heritage. (not that the German is cause- I know many kind, fuzzy German folk). Anyway, it is what it is. Gotta go. Will CBL. sorry for those of you I forgot or didnt' comment on. peas
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys~ I am sorta walking around in a daze....Not sure what to write either... what a day! We were at the infusion center from 815 to 345 today! OMW!!! That's a long time for doing ANYTHING! He was in a lot of discomfort and it obviously upset my mom that he was feeling so bad. I was doing my best to help them both- but there wasn't much one could do. Attaching a pic of them... it doesn't show much, just sharing my day. He's home now and sleepy. his blood sugar is wwwwaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy out of wack. The first one said HHH meaning too high to measure. Gave him his highest allowed doses and it came down to 514. Chemo + steroids SUCK! I cooked tonight. yum... garlic scallops and shrimp and Ratatouille ; nice simple protein/seafood and lovely veggies with a tomato sauce. Everyone but dad enjoyed. He could only stomach a hot Cereal. I am already dreading saying goodbye on Wed. I don't do goodbyes well. Apples and Janet know this about me. nope. not me. : ) But I try to be a good example to my son and don't want him to turn into a crying baby everytime he says bye to someone he loves. I hope you all are ok. My brain feels like it is only at 50% power and is puttering along. I promise that when I return home and have my normal life---- I will be back to myself. Welcome to the new faces~ momplus2 and anything else. Welcome. Pull up a chair and stay for a while. We are freiendly ...Sometimes. hasta manana chicas.... peas out//// Laura

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