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Everything posted by LittleOleMeinFL

  1. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys! I wish I could write to each one of you- but, alas, no time tonight.... so Fly by. Sooooo so busy. I had plumber here all morning with leak under kitchen sink. Then off to the dentist for my little cavity filled. I also decided to do something for my smile and had impressions made for bleaching. : ) Then running around for Nelson's stuff. I didn't make the gym today- there's always tomorrow. Hugs to you all. PS. Dad's PET scan is scheduled for June 15. My DH is the best- he said "we need to be up there for that". So off to NC we will go. Nels' kindergarten graduation is the 11th, then the 12 or 13th we will leave. Praying it will come out ok.
  2. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning sunshines! Love all the posts... feels good to have everybody back. Glad everyone is safe and sound. Even some sweet smiles we haven't heard from in a while- Meredith and Pj. :biggrin: I'm having a tough day today... my baby boy went on his first out of town field trip this morning! They are traveling an hour away to go to the Palm Beach Zoo. Parents are not allowed. It's the end of the year field trip that only the "Explorers" get to go on. (the older kids in his class- Montessori schools have 3-6 yr olds in the same class) He was sooo excited this morning! I had to fight back tears as he got out of the car. I am heading to the gym. I am trying to talk DH into us getting a "joint" trainer. One of the drs in his group (a female) is engaged to a trainer who has his own gym. I really think if we are both training it will help us both stay motivated. I told him though that if our schedules conflict then I will do sessions alone. We are going to check it out tomorrow. My old trainer is going through a divorce and canceled on me TWICE in the last two weeks. Uh, I don't have the patience for this. I will have to wait until later to do comments. Hugs to you all! Have a great day!!!! peasout... Laura
  3. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hello~ Just a flyby. Hope everyone had a good weekend! I have DH and Nelson home today- tough to get any of my "normal" stuff done. Nels has 6 yr old physical today. He's freaking out b/c I told him he needed some vaccines. (we never did the optional Hepatitis A, but we need to b/c we travel a lot out of the country. he also never got the 2nd flu one- not sure if he will still give it) I don't surprise him anymore and always discuss things before they happen. WTG Jewel! 50 lbs is awesome!!!! You've done a lot of hard work to get there! (and school and a family too- lots to be proud of.) Will CBL peeps. peasout..Laura
  4. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning~ Busy weekend! holding my own next to a 6 yr old's energy! Lots of Mommy and me time. Usually the weekends that DH is on call Fri, sat and sun, I so look forward to my day off with him on Monday... but Monday is a teachers work day and no school! eeek! Yesterday Nels and I met DH for brunch (it was really lunch time). I ordered "Mexican-style frittata made with eggs, mushrooms, broccoli, celery, zucchini and onions.Topped with salsa and cheese" In theory it sounded like a great choice. Nutr. info said 472 cal and 39 gr of protein for whole thing, but I planned on eating 1/4 and asked for avocado instead of english muffin. Well, 3 bites into it.... and I got stuck. When will I learn not to eat eggs out in public?! Luckily this time it passed without a PB- but with horrific pain. The waiter thought I didn't like it and offered to get me something else... omelet, french toast, pancakes... SHut up already! I have explained to female waitresses (if not a teen) about surgery before and why I am not eating much- but have always refrained with guys. Cheri~Myofascial Pain Syndrome can be confused with FM. And to further confuse people, you can have MPS and FM together, or just one of them. Most pain management specialists (and some neurologists, neurosurgeons, and some IM docs) are familiar with the diagnosis. Other practitioners will defer to "label" someone with this diagnosis b/c it is difficult to determine whether it is an episodic/transient event. There is a lot of discrimination associated with chronic pain diagnoses. (arguably NOT getting an answer if you have chronic pain is worse). Joyce~Most literature states that 30gm of protein is the max the body can digest at a time. (others say for females is 20gm)- although it is debatable. It would be better to spread it out. Even consider only putting 1/2 the scoop if you are adding milk and PB. I was surprised recently that I was able to handle the better protein isolates (like from GNC) mixed with water/ice and 1/2 a banana. The first year I ALWAYS mixed with milk. We are all pulling for you and onderland! LauraK~ Love hearing about your date! Keep us updated on how it goes. I agree, don't need to tell someone so much on first date. : ) Great~ OMW you sound busy and stressed! Hope things are moving smoothly- pun intended. :laugh: Wishing you a safe and happy move. It will all be done before you know it. The one great thing about moving is you get to get rid of junk and start of fresh- love that. Phyllser~Isn't it great that even nurses don't know it all?! LOL.. even when we act like we do! :wink: WTG on exercise and PT. JeweI~ I had one of those moments at a kids' thing recently... a mom was pigging out and saying it was her "last" day to eat. I also think it is so interesting that when I don't eat at those events- that NO ONE notices. Yet when I used to eat a lot- I felt that everyone was staring at how much I ate. I love your plan, btw, to watch water and vitamins and do upper body, even though you have leg restriction. you can do it!!!:laugh: Apples! Hope you are having fun at the lake! We miss you and look forward to the recap! Janet~ WTG on the 136. You continue to be an inspiration, really. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your honesty. You remind me of Simon Cowell in that regard. :cool2: Keeping it real, and keeping us honest. You call a spade a spade. I don't think you realize how many people you have helped by starting this thread. In case I haven't told you lately... Thank you.:smile: Peaches~ can't remember if I welcomed you or not. welcome to the club! Julie~ How are you today? How was having Mimi the other night? I am sure your DD appreciated you guys watching her so she could go away for the concert. It's so important with new relationships to have some solo time to get to know each other. I am so happy to hear how the premarital stuff is going so nicely. I know that has to be relieving some of your anxiety. Hope you are feeling better today. Did you ever answer the neurontin medication question? Just curious. If you haven't taken it, ask your dr about it. It worked miracles with my SIL who had a similar problem. JudyJB~ Did I tell you how happy I am to see you back and chitchatting with us? :thumbup: I think I got everyone from the last couple pages at least. Exciting day of nothing planned..LOL. We were at the pool for 3 hours yesterday and even waterproof sunscreen wore off and we are a little sunburned today. I am way behind on my photo journal. May have to work on that tomorrow. First time in years I have a tan tummy. (I wear a 2 piece only at my pool). I was REALLY really feeling PMS all week (sore boobs, swollen, cravings, insomnia, cramps, irritability). Worse actually than normal, but alas no TOM. I had an old pregnancy test from a couple months ago when the same thing happened. negativo (just to relieve that little doubt). To me, menopause/PMS and pregnancy are so very similar. Shutter to think of what would happen if I got pregnant at 43 and in the midst of my weightloss. I know it is really not even a possibility, but I keep hearing of all these women losing weight and then getting pregnant. SIGH... nothing like WANTING your period so bad you can't stand it! Would kill for chocolate right now. :smile2: ok friends, I have rambled on long enough. I will CBL. peasout... Laura
  5. LittleOleMeinFL

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    <echo echo echo> Hello? Anybody there? I am the soloist today! Check out the google home page today if you haven't... Pacman anniversary! Went to the gym.. 30 min on threadmill and 30 min weights. Felt a little more ummmppphhh today. : )
  6. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning~ Will have to do a bit of a flyby. Janet, I also took time away from fb and lbt. We went to bed at 9pm last night. I was just so exhausted. It felt good to wake up at 515 refreshed. I made myself get dressed in gym clothes. Again, don't feel like going.... but I am going. Not sure WHY I don't feel like going. I wish I could get the exercise bug like many of you have. I think I need to rehire a trainer. I know I did MUCH better when I had one. I will have time to chitchat this afternoon. DH is on call Fri, Sat and Sun.peasout............ Laura
  7. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning~ Good news this morning... Dad is being discharged. The blood clot situation is stable. They will see him Friday at oncologist for recheck/labs.. and then nothing until PET scan in 6 weeks. (unless of course he doesn't feel good or needs them). The dr told him to start living his life now. He said he is very optimistic about the PET scan and thinks it will be "cold" (which is what you want). Wow. My parents are in really good spirits. Makes me smile. Today I'm doing laundry, cleaning and then dentist at noon. I haven't been in a couple years and all this talk about dentists got me to make an appt for checkup and cleaning. Thanks guys (Apples). Lori~ Hope you get that stuff straightened out. Yeah, banks don't want to give you money when you don't need it... and they knock down your door when you don't have any. Just simmer down.. it will ALL work out. : ) (easier said than done) Apples~WTG on planting and DH and DS being so busy planting. A friend of mine who works for a seed company in Idaho keeps writing beans and corn... and corn and beans on his FB status..LOL. Seems when it is planting season there is nothing else to update about. Agree on the what you said about AI. I can't help but feel no one is WOWing me this season like previous ones. Just "ok" (feel like randy jackson). WHAT?! Have fun with your friends- stay out of trouble! ; ) Melissa~ hugs. Been there.. done that. Just reread your name.. 1 day at a time. Your good days are way out numbering your bad ones these days.. It's ok not to be perfect. And it's impossible. Janet~ Hope you are having a good day. Julie~ Hope you are feeling better. Must be going around everywhere. 10 kids out of 30 were out yesterday in Nels' class. Praying he doesn't get it. Jewel~ hang in there. Tendonitis in that area is really hard to heal b/c even not exercising- we continue to aggravate it. I think you have really been pushing it hard with the elliptical and such. After it stops hurting- usually about a week of rest. (takes 6 weeks to fully heal) You might be able to add light swimming- doing tiny amounts at a time. If you start hurting you have to stop the full 6 weeks. But you are young, and I bet you will bounce back sooner than you think. That 6 week is an average. I am still feeling tight. Bitchy. Craving chocolate and sweet tea. Feeling bloated. Must be TOM soon. I guess I did more at the gym than I thought... can barely put my hair in a ponytail today.>LOL. But it feel good to be sore- need to get back to the gym on a regular basis. Eating has been ok. Not great.. but ok. Not gaining and not losing. Sorry if I forgot somebody. peasout.. Laura
  8. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ Eva~ Safe travels! Washing underwear and hanging it out reminds me of my Peace Corps days! I once took a trip to Brazil with only a bathing suit, toothbrush and 1 extra t shirt. In the morning when I put on my bathing suit- I would wash what I was wearing. I LAUGH at that and wish I could be so carefree! Hope the pain gets better. Different beds and airports aggravate that sort of stuff. Great~ Hope the house papers get squared away. how frustrating when you have done YOUR job but someone else didn't do THEIR job! Apples~ Great idea for thread. My best personality traits (I know you said one.. but I am indecisive).. hmmm... Compassionate, Loyal, have a good sense of humor and a GO-getter. Did I mention modest?! LOL. Bad traits are : perfectionist tendency and stubborn. News flash (Janet): I went to the gym. I made it there... but had no umppphhhh. (how do you spell umph?) I did 20 min on the thread mill and did some weights. Was there about 45 min but my get up and go... got up and went. I think Aunt Flo is gonna visit.. feeling a wee bit tight and retaining fluid. Talk to you guys later.. got so much work to do! peasout.. Laura
  9. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning girlies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREAT!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOO! I love love love lobster too! Enjoy: ) (Last time I went to RL I was cracking open a claw and a piece hit the guy behind me...LOL) Busy getting back into the routine. DH on call today/tonight. (what a way to end the vacation week for him!) Nels back at school. I am on my way to the gym. Janet, did you hear that?! My Dad was admitted yesterday. He has a popliteal DVT (blood clot behind the knee area) They are giving him blood thinners and actually had to give him a transfusion b/c his counts were so low. They also canceled today's chemo. (obviously) and when his oncologist came in to see him this morning, he said he was done with chemo- to consider last Monday's his last dose. So now 6 week wait for PET scan. I am hoping after he gets out of the hospital that he will start getting more active and feeling better. My Dad has so many things he wants to do ...travel, go on the boat, fly his plane with a pilot friend (since he's on insulin he can't fly alone). I really have a feeling he will start doing better. ok guys, I will CBL, time to get moving! peasout..Laura
  10. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning! Up early this morning- Just got a call from my Mom. Dad's leg is hurting in the calf, and it's red and swollen and hot. She knew it sounded like a DVT (blood clot) but I guess she just wanted someone else to tell her to go to the ER. Will update you guys later. Last chemo was scheduled for tomorrow, but he's doing so bad last few days- weakness, diarrhea, lack of appetite, etc.. that I don't think they would give it. ugghhh Julie~ So nice to hear an update from you. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Yeah, worst thing you can do is fall asleep sitting up. Gotta make yourself lean back or lie down. Jodi~ You are a busy beaver! Will come back to you with a recipe. I personally like them thrown on the grill with just olive oil spray and some greek seasoning. Time to check my FB... talk to you later.. peasout.. Laura
  11. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hey y'all~ Wow, pretty busy weekend considering most of us were gone! Well, we ended up taking an impromptu night away. I call it a "staycation" since we only went 30 minutes south. They had really good deals online for the Jupiter Beach Resort. DH and I used to stay there quite a bit before Nelson. It was so nice to get away. Out room was beautiful! We had the most amazing dinner in their restaurant last night. I ordered scallops- and it only came with 4. I know pre-band I would have thought it wasn't enough food; but it was a perfect amount of protein. I could only eat 3 bites of the risotto and veggies. We went to the beach twice. A lot of the sand has washed away over the years and they are left with mostly rocks. So sad- it used to be a great place to swim. Great~Congrats on the house! I know that is a huge relief! It's beautiful, so happy for you! JB~Glad to hear from you. I have missed you. You have an infectious humor about you and beautiful smile. Sorry you are having such a hard time. We are human. You can get back on track. You can do it! I know you can. Admitting the problem is the first step. Hugs. Janet~ Flowers are beautiful! I love them, but can't have them in my house b/c of allergies. (DH must love that he is off the hook!) You sure were busy! Glad house is clean and got ur new contacts. Hope the GNC sups help the legs. Let us know. Jewel~ Your son is adorable! He is growing up so fast too!!! That is so cute how he fed the ducks right near your back door. You sound like you are doing good. WTG on planning ahead for the family get together. Peaches~Welcome! You've come to a great thread. Full of supportive experienced bandsters. Phyl~ so sorry to hear about your HS BFF. Hugs. It's so tough when we lose people who have been in our lives. How is the reflux? I had it so bad when I was too tight. I hope it has passed. LauraK~ hi LadyKC~ How is the tightness? PBing x 3? yikes. If it doesn't get better than you may need an unfill. Julie~ Hugs. Hope the 2nd epidural helps. Sorry to hear it has been so tough on you. Apples~ Did you have fun at the lake? Can't wait to hear all about it! If I forgot anyone- it's not intentional... CRS is always a factor. : ) I know you guys just love my pictures..LOL.. so I am attaching a couple more from the getaway.
  12. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys!~ I am finally getting caught up. Did my shopping, laundry all done, clothes and stuff put away, and the house is clean. DH had the idea of going away for the weekend... and all I could think was, "I just got everything unpacked!" But we may go to Orlando for a night this weekend. I had the strangest thing happen to me at Nelson's taekwondo class- one of the mothers of a kid from his school came up to me and introduced herself. I thought she was either drunk or joking. But, she said we hadn't met before and she wanted to welcome me. Well, I haven't seen her in about 9 months and she really didn't remember me. (I don't think I look that different- but she did). It was a back handed compliment in a way. Weird. I think I am finally at my sweet spot. I am not PBing anymore, but I get an appropriate amount of fullness/pain with 3/4 cup of food. (when I make good choices) I haven't had any heartburn/reflux issues in a while either. (except Mother's Day after eating my SIL's food..LOL)! Now that I have the right restriction.... if I can get myself back to the gym on a regular basis I will be set! Janet, I need you here to kick me in the A$$! ; ) I know everyone is out and about. Apples to the lake, Eva off to a million places, and a few more travelers. Hope you guys are having fun and being safe. Julie, where are you? Lori, let us know how the house hunting goes! Arlene, WTG! Sorry to hear about your mom. Jessica, WTG on clothes and grades! Walk away from the TV. I don't even turn it on during the day. Jodi~ WTG on the 7 lbs! OMG! awesome!!! Phyl~ Thanks for the nice msg. : ) WTG on the new gym! ok girls. I need to get this guy headed towards a bath. I am ready for bedtime (his), Survivor, and watching recorded Dateline. I have an exciting life, huh? Oh, thanks for all the concern and kind words about my Mom and Dad. My Dad is a fighter- I have a real strong feeling the scan will be favorable. My mom is a self induced workaholic. She is offered breaks, but being a typical perfectionist-nurse she doesn't feel like anyone can do her job like she can. (she is right). But she is starting to understand that she cannot do it all. My mom is a cancer survivor. 5 years ago (Aug) she was diagnosed with Stage 3 uterine cancer. They caught it all with surgery, nodes were all negative (thank God). She didn't need chemo or radiation. She goes every 3 months to Duke for follow up. She had put her last appt off for 2 months over and just went today. My sister took Dad to the dr for IV fluids/labs/checkup and the house did not disappear while she was gone. It's hard for her to let go of control- as much as it is for my Dad not to constantly ask ONLY HER for help. I will certainly look forward to a time that they can have some normalcy in their lives. Cancer sucks. I will CBL peeps. Until then.... peasout.. Laura
  13. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ We got back last night from NC. What a special trip it was. I was so happy that we went for Mother's Day- I know it meant a lot to my parents. The weather got chilly while we were there, and being the typical Floridian, I was NOT prepared for 50 degree weather! It was really nice having my DH there this time. I love love love my DH!!! Not many men would give up their first vacation in months- to be with their in-laws. Dad wasn't feeling too good while we were there. He's having lots of side effects from chemo. Water retention in legs (even with hose and lasix), weakness, and tremors. We went with Dad to his chemo on Monday. Only ONE MORE TREATMENT!!! woohooo! Then the long 6 week wait for his repeat PET scan. All we can do is pray and wait for good news. My mom was the worst I have seen her. She is a ball of nerves and this is the first time I have seen her where she feels like she can't be strong all the time. It's almost like she is running out of steam. She tries to do it all- all of the time. While I was there I cooked most of the meals, cleaned, did laundry, and even cleaned their pontoon boat! It made my Dad so happy that we went out for a ride (he couldn't make it down to the pier), and that his boat wasn't sitting for no reason. He has a scooter that he is using around the house- or a walker. He is the weakest I have ever seen him. Just heartbreaking. I hope after chemo is done (and steroids discontinued) that the weakness and neuropathy reverses some. I know he is frustrated with his lack of independence. But I am so thankful that his doctors are optimistic. The night before we left for NC my little boy lost his first tooth! (bottom front right) I had to fight back tears as I realized he is really growing up. (It doesn't help that I had gotten him a REALLY short summer haircut that day that also makes him look older.) He has a little lisp now with s and z's and th's- it's really cute though. The tooth fairy left him $5 and a dime for the first one. (only a dollar here after). And a book and a new toothbrush. : ) I was really good food-wise while away. I had a protein bar or shake every morning instead of breakfast. I didn't lose but I didn't gain this time. I feel good and motivated. I am ready to get back on my exercise regimen. So much to do- laundry, unpack, grocery shopping, etc. And DH is home the rest of the week, so it makes it harder for me to find time to get everything done. (I would rather spend time with him!:smile2:) I went to my support group meeting tonight. It was REALLY a downer. There were 5 bypass patients were were 4-6 years out and had gained back all their weight. And there was a LB patient who had gained back almost all her weight after 2 years. There were also some successful patients, who are always there. Just seemed the majority were unhappy relapsers. Glad I went- I felt successful. I will try and respond to posts in the morning. I have been reading with my phone- but didn't have time to write properly. HUGS to you all. peasout... Laura PS Pics: 1) Missing tooth 2)3 of their 4 grandkids. (Steven, 21; Kari, 16; Nels, 6) 3)Me and Dad (can see he lost all his hair, eyebrows and hair) 4)Grandpa getting a kiss from Nels while getting chemo. The nurses were so wanting to meet the little guy! He gave Grandpa his favorite Thomas blanket to keep him warm. 5)Grandma and Nels.
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Thank you so much Linda! What a great idea. I will order it now. Laura
  15. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hi guys~ Just finished reading the posts. I take one day off and I get so behind! Jodi~ Wow! WTG on scoring the clothes and the rekindled relationship. They are both awesome. Eva~ that soup sounds great. Have never made a chicken soup with cooking chicken in skillet before (always cook whole chicken or chicken breasts on bone- boiled in the broth). Will try it. Have a good weekend- hope DH is feeling better. Apples~ Safe trip to the lake!!! Give Tanker a hug from Auntie Laura and hope the toe feels better. Oh my! on DS going overseas. uh, my heart goes out to you! I know you are so proud and scared all at the same time. I know how strong you were when they were both over there. hugs. Janet~ sorry too for the death of your old neighbor. Sounded like a great man- love the stories of him playing games with you guys and always inviting you on vacation. Arlene~ WTG on the weight loss!!!!!!!! Julie~ I second what apples said, hope you are ok. Haven't heard from you in a couple days. Linda~ Have a great weekend and wtg on the gym so early! Are you feeling better after the PB at work from the vitamin? Was 219 this morning- that's 3 more lbs! NSV- I fit in a size 16 skirt/with shorts under it, that I have been saving since a month after surgery. I saw it in the store last spring and thought ONE day I will wear this. It didn't look GREAT, but I was so thrilled, I wore it anyway today. I am taking protein powder, some prot. bars and muscle milks with me to NC. I will not gain like i did last month when we went. I know my parents will not be offended if I don't eat- they understand. My sister gets upset with me though. She thinks I am trying to show that I have better "control" or something. I tried explaining that this has NOTHING to do with her. This morning was Nelson's Mothers' Day tea at his school. OMW... what a cute cute morning! They sang "Everybody loves a Saturday night!" and then changed the lyrics to Mother stuff. And then they sang the I love you song. Nels made a handmade heart pin with crooked rhinestones on it. Just love it! I love the laughter of little kids- wish we could bottle it! (we'd cure everyone of everything!) oh, Nelson did his TKD testing last night and got his camo belt. I will post a pic. Sorry for lots of Nelson stuff. :bored: Nelson's best friend, Nick, is having a horrible time. The kid is 6 years old and found his 10 year old golden retriever dead last night. He is devastated and really really not handling it well. You dog lovers- is there anything that helps? Is it too early to give him a pic of his pet? I took a great photo of him and the dog at Halloween. Just feel like doing something. Or just get a toy- and nothing dog related? His mom said he told her to do something- bring him back! He promised to be good for the rest of his life and said she could have all his toys! When she called me last night crying; I bawled for like an hour. So sad. Hope everyone has a great mothers day!!! I am sure I will touch base some from NC. Thanks for the safe travel wishes!
  16. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning y'all~ This is my last day to get things ready for NC. Tomorrow they are having a Mothers Day Tea & Show at Nelson's class. Awwww. Soooo cute when all these 4,5 and 6 year olds sing together! I just got a bill for my last fill for $205. Question to you guys. I would do a poll but I am not sure how. Is there a different price if you have the RN or MD do your fill? Those of you whose insurance covered your bands- does it continue to cover fills as long as you have the insurance? What is your copay. Those without insurance- how much is your fill? How much are visits with your MD. Sorry for the flyby. Need to get going- will CBL. peas/Laura
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Good morning guys~ Nice hearing from everyone. APPLES~Glad to see you back and mildly trashing around. Poor stinker isn't as effective when you have the spins. <HUGS> It sucks Apples. I abhor vertigo. You and I have so much in common. I was laughing when Phyl said "you eat grain haulers for lunch"....LOL. My mind was in the gutter. Janet~ You are so dead on about the head hunger thing. Even mildly stuck yesterday I wanted to eat more b/c it was Greek food. How fu$%ed up is that? Luckily I was OTL with the wife of a general surgeon who does bariatric surgery. She is a psychologist herself. She understands at least, even if skinny. Her DH has only done like 15 bands (does mostly RNY and even that, just started like a year ago. So I would never have had him do it or take care of me). Great advice for everyone. yeah, I would be pissed about the rug too. ; ) Phyl~WTG on the gym. I love your humor too. Us nurses just crack ourselves up sometimes! :thumbup: Arlene~ Sounds like you are doing great, esp with the circumstances with your mom. Keep it up. I am down a lb today but was in pain the whole afternoon and evening after eating a piece of fried eggplant. So, I didn't eat and barely drank fluids even. Today I feel better but will do liquids and maybe a yogurt. Jodi~ I hear you on the shopping, it's tough. Now I do buy some pre-packaged snacks. It's a way to keep portions for me. No, they aren't the healthiest always, but convenient. I buy a lot of 100 cal. things. I find that if I do that as a treat- it is planned and that is it. If I have the bag open- I am much more tempted to have too much. I buy the little individual hummus containers. Tribe Hummus has little 100 cal tubs that have like 2 oz. Julie~ I was thinking about asking you if they tried a Tens unit? also here is a link that I thought might help you. Just like our thread helps us- there are many people with your same problem. Sometimes they will help you think of something to do to help you get some relief. Neck Pain Support Blog: Cervical Radiculopathy?? How Your Doctor Will Determine the Nature of your Neck and Arm Pain OK guys. I am still feeling punky from getting pain from eating yesterday. It scared me enough that I ALMOST got an unfill. I decided to do liquids for a bit and see how it goes. I don't want to go to NC though loose like last time. No more gaining for me! I need to get some work done. Will CBL. Peasout... Laura
  18. LittleOleMeinFL

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    good monday morning chickadees! Jodi~ Weekend sounds great! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Woke up VERY sleepy. DH waltzed in around 2am and I woke up to say hi. Then couldn't fall back asleep. ugghhh. Today I am metting an attorney friend of mine for coffee after carline. (her daughter is in Nelson's class). Then, not sure what I was thinking a few weeks ago when I scheduled these... I am having lunch with the wife of one of the surgeons Nael works with. She's a nice gal and someone I could see being friends with for a long time. Well, hope everyone is doing well. I will CBL and write more this afternoon... peasout.. Laura
  19. LittleOleMeinFL

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    hi guys~ It's a quiet weekend on the thread, huh? Where is apples when we need her junking it up?! LOL. She'll be back soon enough and then we won't be able to catch up. ; ) Hope everyone had a good weekend. I have been super busy- DH was on call for 72 hours, so had to keep Nels occupied. (especially Saturday when DH came in after being up for 24 hrs and had to get a few zzz's just to go back in to the OR in the afternoon!) We went to a pool party on Saturday. Nels stubbed his toe about 15 min after we got there and refused to go swimming. We were still there 2.5 hrs! They had plenty to do AND they had margaritas for the adults! I love love love children's parties when they have adult drinks. : ) Today, I had the neighbor's girls (8 and 12) over to swim and play with Nelson. They love coming here b/c I feed them and let them act wild and crazy! I made them hamburgers on the grill, cantaloupe and corn. Then after swimming, we went fishing in the lake. Fun fun fun. I was doing so good today food-wise and then I finished the 3/4 of a chocolate icing donut that N couldn't eat. Now I am in pain, have indigestion, and have guilt. It couldn't be a worse feeling. ugghhhhhh. Why do we do it?! (I was on my way to throw it in the garbage). It wasn't even good!!! Hate DD donuts, btw. Attaching a few pics. Peasout... Laura
  20. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Julie, Julie, Julie~ First of all, HUGS. It is very frustrating to hear news that someone can't help you. But it is also GREAT to hear when a neurosurgeon can't help you! I was worried he was going to say surgery only. If there was something obvious- trust me, he would do surgery. The great part (I know it's hard to see the great part when you are in pain) is that this can be overcome. First things first- you need to get that second steroid epidural. The nerve conduction tests won't change things all that much really. Even if it were a "slightly" pinched nerve- it can still be treated with the steroids. Sometimes getting all that swelling down is all you need. So, let your dr's do the initial paperwork for insurance. You will need #1 a letter from neurosurgeon saying he doesn't think surgery is needed right now. #2 letter from pain dr saying that steroid epidural is the ONLY option right now (that everything else- PT, etc aggravates it). Then, when those are in you need to bug the shit out of your case manager. This includes emails, phone calls, and regular mail letters. Let them know that you are in pain and you aren't going away. The squeaky wheel WILL get the oil (or epidural). They bank on patients "giving up" and saying oh well. I really think a series of 3 shots might do it. In the meantime, take your meds and rest. Did you say if you have tried acupuncture? I really really believe in it. Have they tried you on neurontin? (for neuropathy or nerve pain) Ask your pain dr, if you haven't been on it, what they think about it. This will get better. Keep the faith. Remember there is a reason for everything and that this is ultimately in someone else's hands. Thinking of you. Laura
  21. LittleOleMeinFL

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    WTG Arlene! That is such a great idea. I might just have to join you and do it too!!! Sounds so simple- but imagine it would have such an impact. Is he as nice in person as he is on tv? I remember watching the show way before I decided to have surgery. One episode they spent talking a lady out of lapband surgery- he told her she just wouldn't be successful (in his opinion). It really hit home and for a year or so I actually stopped thinking about surgery. I was and am too chicken to have RNY. I have seen too many of them go terribly wrong. I feared the band wouldn't work. Some days I regret not having bypass and others I am so glad I had the band. My sis is now down to 190 and in size 14 (and she is doing very little effort). It's just frustrating b/c I had surgery 3 months before her. Of course I KNOW intellectually NOT to compare the two. And I KNOW that I look and feel healthier than she does. I am sure you get what I am saying b/c of your DH. Do people compare the two of you? Do you ever regret not having bypass? Just curious. Laura
  22. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Checking in... At the mechanic getting my car checked out for the drive to NC. We don't drive long distances much. My car is 6 yes old and just turned 50k. I usually leave this stuff for dh but schedule is iffy before this next week. They always cram MDs schedule with call the week before and after vacation. (U still have to have 11 or 12 call days for the month even with 7 days off!) Thanks for the kind words Linda. Have fun on ur overnight! Love crab legs. Typing on my phone, so can't review posts nor spellcheck. Prob can but don't know how..lol. Hope everyone has a gr8 weekend. Julie, waiting to hear what doc says. Hope he can find out solution (non surgical if possible). Janet, ur work sounds so stressful. I am sure ur weekend getaway should be fun. Ok guys, take care. TTYL-peas
  23. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    fly by this morning... woke up late and now running around like a chicken! hope everyone has a good day and weekend! safe travels for those of you traveling! Only good thing is I was down 2 lbs this morning! yipeeee! peasout.. will CBL this afternoon... Laura
  24. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon everyone~ Great~ Glad to hear you got an offer and that the relo co. said it sounded good. What a nice thing to hear before you leave. Bon voyage. Be safe and have a happy & healthy vacation! We will miss you! Can't wait to see pics! Apples~You are amazing! So many things you have done and survived! You are a hero, really. Have fun at the lake- you deserve it. Eva~So glad to hear you positive about the job change (when/if it comes). I think it will be a well deserved and needed break in between careers. So lucky to have a supportive DH. Aleah~ WTG on the 34 lbs! Sounds like you are doing great!!! Janet~ you had me laughing! I can see you being a waitress. This is a link to that old Geico commercial when the guy tells the waitress he didn't want mayo and she picks up the bread and wipes it on the end of the table and put it back! LOL. Ha, and you don't like ppl! funny. LadyK~Wtg on the gym and the scale! you are doing awesome!!! Julie~how are you doing today? LauraK~ safe travels for you!!! Congrats on DD's grad! oh, getting back to the jobs. Nursing assistant and then I worked as a cashier at Quincy's Steakhouse. The whole summer my drawer NEVER came out even! Usually I had $100 extra or so, meaning I didn't give people the right change back (not enough back). yikes. I waited tables the next summer at the beach for a seafood restaurant named "Big Daddy's". I had to wear a brown polyester sailor uniform, black hose and black reeboks. It was sooo cheesey! Had the best summer though. Kure Beach, NC. Memories. Those were the first few anyways. : ) ok~ busy afternoon. pick up the boy at school, errands, tutor, TKD, and then home. DH is on call this weekend- so have to think of some things to do with Nelson. I will CBL... peasout.. Laura
  25. LittleOleMeinFL

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, Lori, Lori~ I can FEEL your stress. Yes, what were you thinking when you planned a vacation?! You were soooo smart! It will be the best thing for you and DH to have time to reflect on the wedding and the upcoming changes. After DH and I bought our first house (signed papers) we didn't have to move right away b/c we were still in a rental apartment. That was the BEST, not having to move that day b/c of closing! We actually hired a contractor and renovated some. (he had a week to get it done- hardwood floors in master, paint all downstairs, some repairs, take off a wall tv, etc. When he was done he was to hire a cleaning company. I wanted it inspection ready (white glove) even if he had to pay them twice what they normally charged! LOL. What a nice thing... fixed and cleaned house. Moved on MY time. We were soooo happy. Oh, while they were doing the house, we went to PARIS! Memories. So, my point is, take your time. Use the furnished rental fund. Even if you find the house, can use that time to get it spiffy and ready. Is the temp. housing money something you lose if you don't use? When I lived in Atlanta, it was very important to not be GU -geographically undesirable. I lived in the middle of everything, right near school. If I lived out of the beltway, I wouldn't have done half the things I did. So, in some cities, if you don't live near the fun things- then you will never do them- b/c you don't want to drive in traffic. On the other hand, if you stay at home a lot. Then let it be your sanctuary. This last move we bought a house a little farther out so we could have the house of our dreams. When you tuck yourself in at night, you will be glad you did. Especially if DH likes his yard. For me, that's a no brainer. Get the house in the not so cool side... i bet it will be cool soon enough. People that save money, will be cool people! And before you know it- the side that wasn't the side to be on- will be because YOU live there!!! best of luck!!!!! will be thinking of you!!! peasout.. Laura MORE LATER...

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