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topless muffin

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by topless muffin

  1. I've got a few questions for him, #1 being whether I need to wean off my sustained release med. I'm going to have DH come up with some questions too, but do y'all have any suggestions for me to ask? I'm terrible at coming up with questions when I actually HAVE the pen & paper with me, I always think of them when I'm driving or drifting off to sleep. LOL
  2. topless muffin

    Getting The Lapband Done With Tricareprime

    Tricare itself does not require a 6 month supervised weight loss. If your doctor is telling you that it does, he's wrong or he's the one that's requiring it.
  3. I'm in process of getting everything approved with Tricare now. I've done my stress test and ECG, met with the psych, still waiting for the sleep study center to contact me and set it up. My initial consult with my surgeon is on Wednesday, the 11th. When I met with the insurance coordinator on Monday this week I asked her if she thought that Tricare would approve the surgery...she said they would without a doubt. :thumbup: So now I'm just sort of stuck in the limbo phase. I'm hoping to get the sleep study done soon, that's the last thing that I'll have to "pass" in order to have the surgery approved. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!! After all that, I do actually have a question. How do you deal with telling people in your life that you're going to be having the surgery? I know that I'm doing this for the right reasons, and it's certainly not an easy way out. However, I'm just now starting to tell my friends, and it already feels like they're judging me about something they know nothing about. The one I told a few days ago even said, "I thought that was for REALLY fat people." Yeah...I wanted to smack her. I know that there are going to be people that don't get it, and I hate having to explain myself, but I also don't want the people that I care about to think less of me for doing something that they don't understand.
  4. topless muffin

    Getting closer!

    My surgeon requires a sleep study for all his patients before he'll submit the request for approval. Yeah, I tried explaining it to her but she launched into "diet and exercise worked for me." It was kind of odd, she seemed almost offended at the idea that people's metabolisms work differently, that simple diet and exercise isn't going to work for everybody. I started explaining what metabolic syndrome is and she flat out cut me off with the "diet and exercise."
  5. Hi there, I'm Meagan. I had gone to see my PA last week about getting on a weight loss med, and she recommended the band instead due to a few other health issues that I've got. My referral to the GI was just approved yesterday and I'm in process of making an appointment for my initial consult. My gut reaction at first was no way, no more surgeries, but after looking into this and seeing everybody's progress, I'm all for it now. :confused: I've been discussing it with my husband, and he's on board too. Wow. I'm so excited that this is becoming a real possibility, and that I have skinny in sight!
  6. topless muffin

    Tricare Prime and Lap Band

    Hi, so glad to see this thread! I had an appointment with my PCM yesterday and she was the one that actually suggested banding. I had never really considered it before so now I'm looking into it. I'm 5'7", 264, 41 BMI, with hypertension, chronic joint pain, and am pre-diabetic. (Ew, I've never typed that out before.) In the bit of research I've done, I have seen people talking about the cost of the fills. Does Tricare also take care of that, or is it just the surgery? Thanks!!

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