I am going through this journey with my boyfriend of 4 years. It's been tuff, it's only been a month now. He has been there for me, but at the same time, it's been hard with him. I am having lots of ups and downs, emotional lows, highs.
He has been stressed at work so I have not been able to get much support from him lately and he lives 1 hour away so that doesn't help much either. It's been difficult to stay with him. I feel that a lot of my needs are not being met and I want to move on but not until I lose the weight, so it's kind of a tuff situation.
My therapist seems to think once I lose the weight I will have more options and not feel he is the only one for me, since I'm somewhat unhappy with him, but I stay anyways.
So there you have it. It's been difficult.
Yeah I have thought of meeting a man that has been banded as well, but wouldn't know where to start.
Plus I can't do that to my current boyfriend. I would have to leave him first. :cursing: