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LAP-BAND Patients
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About balmyseas

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/04/1949

About Me

  • Biography
  • Interests
    stained glass and oil painting
  • Occupation
  • City
    New Albany
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 63rd Birthday balmyseas!

  2. does one absolutley have to be at their goal weight? if so... how long do you have to maintain your goal weight?
  3. Hi Tom... thanks for adding me as a friend... I really hate to say anything here... however... am having the runs... is this 'normal'?

  4. balmyseas

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi there... how nice to find someone right here in New Albany!!! Surgery went well... after a myraid of mistakes... took them 4 times to stick me for the IV... then come to find out they had parts of someone eles's medical records in my file... they were running over 2 1/2 hours late. Got 2 for one... in the effect that I had a hyatel (sp?) hernia repair that I didn't know I even had one.... so will be interesting to see what I will be charged for that... Today went well ... that swallow test is HORRIBLE... yucko...but passed... so that is all that matters... and was out of Norton's by Noon... How long have you had your band? Look forward to chatting with you more... Joanne
  5. Liz... I was hurt in an accident.... then had to wait a year before I could apply... after that I called SS office and started there... Do you have a SS office that you can go down to and apply... .believe me it takes awhile.... it took 3 years from the date of the accident before I got it...


    Now with medical issues, I don't know how it would work... you will just have to apply and see what happens... they will NO doubt turn you down the first time, and then you will need to hire a lawyer to fight for you... they get NOTHING unless they win your case and you actually get disability.


    I wish you luck on trying.... yes lets keep in touch... I need all the support I can get...


    My email address is balmyseas@yahoo.com please feel free to write me there...




  6. balmyseas

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi... I am from New Albany (SE) across the bridge from Louisville.... so will be having my surgery over there on Monday 2/9/09 finally!!! I really would like to chat with someone locally that has had the band for support and to know of local support groups if there are any, as I would rather not drive over to Norton's for theirs. Any help that anyone can give me... will be very much appreciated... I don't know whether I should give out my email address or what? Joanne
  7. balmyseas

    local Louisville support groups

    Hi... even though my surgery is on Monday 2/9 in Louisville... I can attend any support group??? I hope so... that would be much easier to go to Jeff than back over to Louisville as I am in New Albany.
  8. hey, could you write me back about medicare and how to apply for that? and how to attempt to get on disability? im , 24, couldn't that be difficult? great chatting today, good luck with your surgery. keep in touch. - liz

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