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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rorochef

  1. I'm going to see my doctor on Thursday. He will check me under the fluro to see if my band slipped. Pray for me if it slipped I am going to be very disappointed. I am doing everything by the book. But the coughing had me gaging and almost throwing up for 3 full days. Anyone know the symptoms of a slipped band?
  2. rorochef

    Think my band slipped after a 3 day coughing spell

    I'm going to see my doctor on Thursday. He will check me under the fluro to see if my band slipped. Pray for me if it slipped I am going to be very disappointed. I am doing everything by the book. But the coughing had me gaging and almost throwing up for 3 full days. Anyone know the symptoms of a slipped band?:sad:
  3. lowe long time since I've been on and as usual I'm coming to you with a question. I was having sliming after ever meal about 2 huge mouth fulls. Then I would be fine. Then started with everything. My doctors nurse put me on all liquids for a fw days telling me it sounded like I'm swollen. I think I remember you saying your band slipped and you had no pain. Correct me if I'm wrong. Did you have any symptoms? The all liquids seem to be okay. But I am coughing I think I'm having an alergery attach to be honest. I told the nurse I was coughing she told me I'm panicking and to calm down. We will see I guess if I eer get to etsolids aan. Do you think I shoud wait or be seen by dr. Hey I finally got down to 186 from 232 banded 1/21/09. et me know thanks for your time and help.

  4. I LOVE THAT NAME! I'm a huge fan. Never miss a concert or a Philly Soul Game. Had to let you know there ar lots of Band Jovi's out here. Keep up the good work.
  5. Oh I love that name. Iam a huge fan and never miss a concert or a Philly Soul game.
  6. Low Fat Lasagna. I didn't spell that right. Low fat ground turkey low fat or fat free rigotta cheese tomato sauce fat free mozz microwave or oven till hot yum that is right no noodles.
  7. Thank you very much for words of encouragement. They are very helpful to me and mean a lot to me.

  8. Thank you so much for your words of encouraement. They mean a lot and are very helpful. Thank you again so much.

  9. rorochef

    Feeling stalled.

    Well it has been 21 days and I'm only down 7 pounds. I'm hungry all the time and not for nothing but can eat anything. I've eaten everything even had mushy pasta that I chewed till it was paste and still no restricted feeling. Told my case manager. All ayone says is "You have to wait 6 to 8 weeks after surgery to get a fill. I shoud be back up to 222 pounds by then. My famiy is being very supportive and my kids keep telling me "Mommy your doing great we are so proud of you." I guess me telling them I wanted to have this surgery because I didn't want to b the fattest Mom in the room all the time. Helps them help me.Thank God my daughter alsways says "We love you Mommy cause your mushy!" No matter what that coming from a kid makes you smile.:w00t:
  10. rorochef

    Feeling stalled.

    Well it has been 21 days and I'm only down 7 pounds. I'm hungry all the time and not for nothing but can eat anything. I've eaten everything even had mushy pasta that I chewed till it was paste and still no restricted feeling. Told my case manager. All ayone says is "You have to wait 6 to 8 weeks after surgery to get a fill. I shoud be back up to 222 pounds by then. My famiy is being very supportive and my kids keep telling me "Mommy your doing great we are so proud of you." I guess me telling them I wanted to have this surgery because I didn't want to b the fattest Mom in the room all the time. Helps them help me.Thank God my daughter alsways says "We love you Mommy cause your mushy!" No matter what that coming from a kid makes you smile.:scared2:
  11. rorochef

    Just getting started

    Started on this journey alone thinking no one would be supportive. I never get support on anything I do. Also I never do anything for myself ever. So when I finally told my husband I'm researching lapband surgery, I want to do it and we have very favorable insurance for lapbanding surgery. I was shocked when he said "If it will make you happy and it is something you want to do, go ahead." So I kept going. Went for all the tests, got my PCP to write a letter for me to my insurance company. Thougt for sure they were going to tell me I was too healthy. No high blood pressure, diabetes, no sleep apnea. My insurance company got all my paprwork on Tuesday and Friday my doctor called to tell me I was approved. He said I thought for sure they would deny you once but because of your Mother's medical background they approved you. Plus I was only 37.5 BMI and 45 years old. My insurance told me because of my Mother's medical background and my PCPs letter to them I was approved. I arranged to have surgery 1/21/09. http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wpvTAev/"> >
  12. rorochef

    Just getting started

    Started on this journey alone thinking no one would be supportive. I never get support on anything I do. Also I never do anything for myself ever. So when I finally told my husband I'm researching lapband surgery, I want to do it and we have very favorable insurance for lapbanding surgery. I was shocked when he said "If it will make you happy and it is something you want to do, go ahead." So I kept going. Went for all the tests, got my PCP to write a letter for me to my insurance company. Thougt for sure they were going to tell me I was too healthy. No high blood pressure, diabetes, no sleep apnea. My insurance company got all my paprwork on Tuesday and Friday my doctor called to tell me I was approved. He said I thought for sure they would deny you once but because of your Mother's medical background they approved you. Plus I was only 37.5 BMI and 45 years old. My insurance told me because of my Mother's medical background and my PCPs letter to them I was approved. I arranged to have surgery 1/21/09. http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wpvTAev/"> >
  13. Hi I'm from NJ had Dr Goldstein came home same day. Feeling great. Drinking liquids and ice pops sugar free jello. As of thursday I started on pureed foods. No problems there. I'm loving the new V8 vegetable pureed soups. I've lost 9 pounds to date. How is everyone else doing? I'm hungry thou any one else?
  14. rorochef

    January 21st Bandster 2009

    Thanks I hope I get a fill sooner tan later. I did this because I don't want to be hungry all the time. I hadthe surgery and I'm hungry all the time. I'm doing pureed foods right now. I wanted a piece of bagel so bad the other day I toasted half slice that into two pieces and toasted it again. So it was crunchy not doughy. Ionly took two bites, it did the job got the taste and was full, I was also too afraid to have it get stuck. Thank God my daughter ate the rest.
  15. rorochef

    January 21st Bandster 2009

    I see my surgeon on Friday. Do you think I will get a fill that day or is it just a look at the incisions? I'm down to 212:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
