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LAP-BAND Patients
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About PhatKat01

  • Rank
    Soon Very Soon!!!
  • Birthday 11/01/1982

About Me

  • Biography
    I have been over weight since after giving birth to my daughter in 2001. I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on 65 lbs in 1yr. This is totally like a disfiguring condition and I want my body back....
  • Interests
    Professional singer, Makeup Artist and Hairstylist. Not all at the same time though
  • Occupation
    Makeup Artist
  • City
    San Antonio
  • State

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  1. i know! i felt like i was going to be waiting forever but now it's only 3 weeks away!!! i can't believe im making sucha change in my life! hows things going with you? are u looking into it more or has ur process started?

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