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beautiful mariposa

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beautiful mariposa

  1. beautiful mariposa


    Anyone else have a sensitivity to sweetners? I have migraines when I drink sugar free products with aspartme and phenklyine??? Excuse me for not spelling them right, I do not have these products in my home, they cause me to have MIGRAINES which last up to 3 days. I have tried Splenda and that gives me a regular headache. So does anyone have any suggestions about what I should do? I don't have an appointment with the nutrionist yet, but I will be asking her this question. Is there anyone out here like me? Please let me know what you did for shakes and drinks, and meals? Thank you :laugh:
  2. beautiful mariposa


    I have tried the Stevia, and it does not give me any headaches or side effects. I will use this moderately. Thank you for your suggestions.
  3. beautiful mariposa

    Upstate SC bandsters?

    Hello everyone, I am in Greenwood, The dr.'s office just sent all my information to the insurance company today. So I am just waiting for their reply. My Surgeon is Dr. Rapp. Congrats to all of you, I can't wait to be in the Loser Circle with all of you.
  4. beautiful mariposa

    This Is The Hardest Desecion I've Ever Made

    I am going to be praying for you, I too am very overweight and I would love to be a mama someday soon, I am 34 years old. If you need to talk to someone or vent, you can always message me. Please try to appeal your insurance company, let me know how your doing.
  5. beautiful mariposa

    I'm So Upset

    :tongue_smilie::frown: Hi everyone, I just found out that my job is going to lay off people, we will know something by the end of next week. They are dismissing people from every unit of our hospital. It's most likely the people that are laid off will not return to work after May1st. Just Great right when all I have to do next is do my history and physical on April 2nd. So if I am one of those unlucky people then I won't be having surgery, because it will take sometime for everyone to turn their paperwork in to the DR so that he can turn it all in to the insurance co. Please pray for me that I am able to keep my job and that I will be able to have my surgery. Is there any one else going thru something similar to me?
  6. beautiful mariposa

    I'm So Upset

    Thank you all for your responses, I will definately call the surgeon's office and see what can be done, and I will call the HR department and ask about the Cobra Stimulus Package. We will know by this week whether or not we are losing our jobs. It is a full layoff not a partial. Those that are layed off their last day of working will be the last day of April. I am praying that I keep my job, you all gave me some hope, that even if I lose my job there is still hope and I can still pursue my much needed surgery. Thank you all for your support.
  7. Hi Tawanda, I only have to do an history and physical with the surgeon's office that will be on April 2nd, then i have to wait for all of my paperwork to be turned in, I called the Bariatric coordinator and she said if everyone turns in all their paperwork then I should be knowing something by the end of April. Please include me in your prayers too.

  8. Hi Brina, I am still at the early stages, I don't have a date yet, or an approval yet. But I am praying I will. On the 13th I went to the psychologist it was 4 hours long and the next step is the Nutrionist which is tommorow then and history and physical with the dr's physician assistant, then hopefully everything will be submitted and I will get a precertification number and a date.


    I know long story, how are you doing? I'm reading the messages and it sounds like your doing great.

  9. beautiful mariposa

    Psychologist Appointment

    Today was my appt with the psych on March 13, 2009. It went pretty smoothly I talked to the Dr for about 40 min. about my childhood, education level and my weight loss attempts. When I was leaving her office she said that I was approved, (I don't think she was suppose to tell me that; she had not given me the computer tests yet). I had to do 4 test on the computer and boy did it take long. I was there from 10:15 am to 2pm. When I got home finally I was so tired I had to lay down for a couple of hours. That test drained me. Well next week will be my physical from my regular doctor and my nutritional consult. Hope everyone is doing well. BTW I started a required Exercise Program and boy is it kicking my bunns. :ohmy: TTYL
  10. beautiful mariposa

    Psychologist Appointment

    Today was my appt with the psych on March 13, 2009. It went pretty smoothly I talked to the Dr for about 40 min. about my childhood, education level and my weight loss attempts. When I was leaving her office she said that I was approved, (I don't think she was suppose to tell me that; she had not given me the computer tests yet). I had to do 4 test on the computer and boy did it take long. I was there from 10:15 am to 2pm. When I got home finally I was so tired I had to lay down for a couple of hours. That test drained me. Well next week will be my physical from my regular doctor and my nutritional consult. Hope everyone is doing well. BTW I started a required Exercise Program and boy is it kicking my bunns. :wink_smile: TTYL
  11. I am starting my journey as well, I will be praying for you.

  12. You have done excellent with your weight loss, and you look very sexy. Keep up the great work.

  13. beautiful mariposa

    Weightloss Jan08 Mar09 med

    you have made wonderful progress, i hope i can be just as successfull as you are. Congratulations, I know it takes hard work and your proof that you can have successful weight loss. Girlie you are looking GREAT, keep up the EXCELLENT work.
  14. beautiful mariposa

    February 2009 (294lbs)

    Congratulations your doing great...
  15. beautiful mariposa

    Getting ready to go out (sorry it's so blurry)

    Girl you are doing your thang. Keep up the good work.
  16. beautiful mariposa

    I'm Mad as Heck...!

    I see alot of you are in SC I am in the Greenwood area myself. it's good to see other South Carolina people here.
  17. beautiful mariposa

    Getting My Realize Band Friday

    Congrats Michele you are on your way to your new journey, let us know how you are doing?
  18. beautiful mariposa

    OMG..being stuck is traumatizing

    Awww sorry that happened to you.
  19. beautiful mariposa

    week and 3 days after

    your looking good. how are you doing with your weight loss?
  20. thank you for the pic comment, i appreciate it.

  21. Thank you very much for my pic comment.

  22. beautiful mariposa


    Oregondaisy, Thanks for the quick reply, where would I get Stevia from?
  23. beautiful mariposa

    Protein Shakes

    Can you please tell me which shakes taste the best to you, and possibly how much Protein? I'm not really a shake drinker, but I want to try and sample some of them. Any help will be great. Thanks:redface:
  24. beautiful mariposa

    Protein Shakes

    thanks for your responses, i will try them soon
  25. beautiful mariposa

    Need a fill doctor in Maryland

    I personally can't recommend a DR, but I have worked at Holy Cross and went to a seminar that Dr Barry Greene was having, he is no longer there, he is at Shady Grove Hospital and when I went to the realizeband site and put in my old zipcode his name came up. You might want to check him out, he has been doing bypass for years and he does fills of course on the lap band. Hope this helps. Good Luck and God bless.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
