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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedBrother

  1. BandedBrother

    Hampton Roads and Tricare Prime

    I'm about three steps behind Happy2BMe in the process. And in reality still not completely decieded if I'll do it. There are significant lifestyle changes that will need to be implemented and I'm slowly processing their impact. This site has been an excellent source of info though so I'd recommend reading and looking to see if some of your questions have been asked by others. For me a part of this is about being preventative. I weigh 265, take 3 meds and use a CPAP. I've wreastled with my weight throughout my 21 yrs of service (only once did they catch me and put me on the "Fatboy" program :confused: though). Though I'm confident I can drop weight I creeps back, and gets higher. My hope is the band may aid in being a "stop gap" when life breaks up my fitness regimen--which is normally when the pounds return. If there is a theme I've gleemed from reading various post is the band is a tool, not an end in itself. Hope this helps!:confused:
  2. BandedBrother

    Hampton Roads and Tricare Prime

    Go in prepared with how you meet the Tricare criteria, your weight mgmt hx., etc. Might not hurt to have some possible names of local in-network providers. Also have you discussed your situation with the Tricare folks (in a hypothetical manner)? Maybe pitch it to them as a question regarding use of in-network folks vs using the military??? Just a thought. Good luck.
  3. BandedBrother

    Hampton Roads and Tricare Prime

    I'm under TriWest (as we live in Cali, retired USAF/E7) and so far it has been surprisingly straight forward. I made an appointment, spoke with my PCM (civilian folks as we're far from VAFB) about LapBand, described my circumstance--hx of yo-yo dieting, x3 comorbidities(Apnea, Cholesterol, BP) and Triwest approved starting the process. Hardest part was locating someone within a reasonable driving distance who is an in-network provider. Use the Provider Directory and cross reference with doc's near you (unless they are still doing it at the base). I've three more hoops to jump through (psych eval, pre-op diet, Nutritional class) but so far so good. Good Luck!

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