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About kim87

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/24/1969
  1. Happy 44th Birthday kim87!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday kim87!

  3. Pezo - I feel like I am in the same boat as you. Pre-surgery I was 284. Surgery day was 275. And now... 6 weeks post-op, I am 265. I just got my first fill two days ago. I am eating mushies for a couple of days, so I don't know what will happen when I start on solids. I guess I had much higher expectations?? I thought I would not be hungry, but I am. I have read everything about "bandster hell" and I do understand it; I'm just frustrated. I've started walking, so I am hoping that will help. I just feel like I should have lost more than 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks. It's a pity party here. LOL
  4. I am eating a lot more than you. My Dr has me on regular food, and I feel like I could eat a horse!! He suggests 1200 calories/day with 60-80 g of protein. I'm doing okay sticking to that. I don't feel much different than before the surgery...that bums me out a lot!! I hope the fill makes all the difference. My Dr expects me to wait 8 wks for my first fill. That takes me in to May, but since I'm going through a clinic, they told me 6 wks, so that will be April 23. Seems so far away. I hope there's not something wrong with my band. So many other people seem to say they aren't hungry. I am!! You should probably consume more calories...with only 350, I bet your body is in starvation mode an that's why you aren't losing. Talk soon!

  5. OK, I am so glad to hear someone say that they are hungry! I am 14 days post-op, and I am working hard at eating 1/2 cup food 3 times a day on will power! My first fill is scheduled for April 13, and it can't get here soon enough! I have only lost 5 lbs since surgery even on no food! I am consuming 350 calories a day on 1-protien shake and the bullet of 42g protien! I feel like I am starving about 1/2 the time!

  6. Hey Pezo - I was so happy to read your last two posts, because I have been feeling exactly the same way... paranoid that I might stretch my 'pouch'. Right now I feel like I could eat what I ate before surgery; I don't really feel any differently. I was banded on the 14th, and I've lost 15 lbs, but that includes the liquid pre op diet, too. I am hoping that my first fill will make all the difference. I am trying to be really good about my eating, but I am hungry, too.
  7. I'm a teacher too, and I couldn't imagine having gone back to work in only 4 days... I had my surgery on Saturday, March 14th - the very first day of my spring break. I felt ready to go back when I did, but it was day 9! No wonder you are so tired! I do feel hungry. Now that I am almost completely healed, I don't feel much different than before I was banded. Is this how I am supposed to feel? I am exactly 2 weeks post op and i've lost about 14 lbs (including the pre op diet). It seems like I should feel much more restricted, but I don't. I definitely am not eating what I used to eat, but I am eating too much... I think. Will I feel like this until my first fill? Will that first fill change everything??
  8. Hi Life... yes, I graduated in '87, too; hence the name...lol. I am currently eating things like mashed potatoes, Beans, oatmeal, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs... things that are soft and mush and can be chewed until they are almost liquid. I have lost 12 lbs so far and hoping that I will lose more soon. My first fill is on April 23rd. Seems like so far away. I am hoping that having that first adjustment will help a lot. Sometimes I'm not sure if I am hungry or if it's gas pain... I am going back to work tomorrow and hoping I'll be able to figure it out soon!! :crying:
  9. Hi all!! I am 8 days post-op and feeling pretty normal. I have to say, the first couple of days post-op were not pleasant for me at all! For a couple of days, I felt a little bit of regret, but now that it's been a few more days, I am feeling a little more like myself and glad I went through with it. I still have a little gas pain now and then, and it seems like every time I eat or drink something I spend the next half hour burping...is anone else experiencing this? My DR. has me on 5 days liquid, 5 days mushies, 5 days solid mushies, then normal food, so that's what I've been doing, but everyone here seems to still be on full liquids for a lot longer. Must be every DR. is different. I enjoy reading everyone's post; keep them coming!!
  10. kim87

    March 13 here

    My dr doesn't require the liquid diet, but from everything I've read, it seems like the smart thing to do. My nutritionist set me up with the following plan: 60 - 80 grams of protein/day - I will have 3 - 4 high protein shakes/day with approx. 14 g protein each. At lunch will be 4 oz turkey or chk and dinner 4 oz fish or chk. Right now I am using optifast, but they are expensive. I think I will switch to the Atkins high protein shakes next week.
  11. kim87

    March 13 here

    Hi Girls!! I'm not the 13th, but I am the day after on the 14th. I started my pre-op diet today as well. Hoping to lose a few pounds before the actual surgery date. Maybe we can all stay in touch with our recovery... since we will all be having our surgery around the same time.
  12. kim87

    BCBS of Texas

    Hi all! BCBS came through... after 6 mos of dr. supervised diet, 5 yr documented history, psych eval, and every other hoop I had to jump through, I am APPROVED! My surgery date is March 14th! My paperwork was sent in on a Wednesday, and I called the following Monday morning to check on the status (I just couldn't wait), and it had just been approved that morning! Starting my pre-op diet today.
  13. Hi Nancy! I am starting my pre-op diet either today or tomorrow... haven't been to the grocery store yet today, so I'm playing by ear. I live just north of Dallas in The Colony - actually, about 20 miles north of Dallas. No kids, not married... Right now I am 285 lbs with a BMI of 44... My goal would be to lose 120lbs total. I'll chek your info out, too. Thanks! -Kim

  14. Hi, Kim, my date is 3-17-09, start my pre-op diet next week also, on tuesday the 3rd! Where are you from and what are your weight and goal stats? Do you have kids? What kind of work do you do? Check out my about me thing and msg, I also started a social group for banders from Fort Worth! Gotta run, Nancy

  15. Hi all!! I'm excited to join the LUCKY LOSERS!! I have jumped through all of the hoops set out by my insurance company over the last six months and have been officially approved!! My surgery date is March 14th. Anyone on (or near) the same day want to be 'buddies' and check in with each other during the post-op?? I'm starting my liquid diet next week. Thinking about the Atkins shakes. Optifast sounds great, but it's sooo expensive. Any preference?

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