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About kim87

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/24/1969

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  1. I am eating a lot more than you. My Dr has me on regular food, and I feel like I could eat a horse!! He suggests 1200 calories/day with 60-80 g of protein. I'm doing okay sticking to that. I don't feel much different than before the surgery...that bums me out a lot!! I hope the fill makes all the difference. My Dr expects me to wait 8 wks for my first fill. That takes me in to May, but since I'm going through a clinic, they told me 6 wks, so that will be April 23. Seems so far away. I hope there's not something wrong with my band. So many other people seem to say they aren't hungry. I am!! You should probably consume more calories...with only 350, I bet your body is in starvation mode an that's why you aren't losing. Talk soon!

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