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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RABarras

  1. Hey everyone, Today is day 2 post-op and I wanted to give everyone the scoop. I went to the Surgery Center at 8:00 Wednesday morning for my surgery. When I got there, I had to change out of my clothes and put all of my personal belongings into a locker. After that, I went to my "bed" and they got me all prepped. I had to drink a shot of nastiness to neutralize the acid in my stomach... YUMMY! A few minutes later, the nurse ran my IV. The first thing she put in my IV was something to dry out my salivary glands. Now THAT was interesting. Imagine the worst case of cotton mouth after a night of HARD CORE partying... it's worse than that! After I got the "cotton mouth" treatment, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist came to talk to me. After their round, the nurse gave me the sedation medicine and I was GOOOOOFYYYYYYY! I was wheeled into the OR soon after that, and what I remember there went quickly. Strapped my arms down, laid some instruments across my belly, then they put a gas mask on my face. The anesthesiologist told me that I was going to breathe some "fresh air" and that it would smell sweet.... NOT really. More like sour, but hey, after only a few short breaths of that, I was COMATOSE! The procedure lasted about an hour. I was awoken in the recovery area, and felt alot of pain... unexpected pain. I had a laparoscopic procedure before, but not nearly as invasive. This came as a surprise to say the least. They kept pumping me with different types of pain meds, but nothing was working. I got up and walked around some, but still the pain would not let up. Finally, I asked to be unhooked from the IV so that I could just go home and lay in my own bed. The nurse obliged. I came home and depended HIGHLY on my liquid Lortab. The day of surgery, night of surgery, and day after... Lortab was my bff! But this morning was the magical morning. I woke up and realized that I hadn't taken Lortab ALL NIGHT! I was SO happy. I was not in pain either. And I could BREATHE deeply without it hurting me. I'm able to move around MUCH better today. My stomach is no longer paralyzed from the Lortab, so I'm hearing all the regular "tummy noises" again. My surgeon visited me Wednesday, Yesterday, and Today at my house. He's a wonderful surgeon and I HIGHLY recommend him to anyone considering this surgery. I just got out of the shower and I am feeling somewhat normal again. As far as my weight, I've already lost 12.4 pounds!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
  2. I would go for the sleeve. I had my heart set on the Lap Band for a while, then after going to the WLS seminar and getting more information, I began to research the sleeve. It's a MUCH better choice if you ask me.
  3. My Surgeon is Dr. Thomas Borland. This was just the VSG, not a revision. And I am sorry that I did not explain the pain better... but the pain was more in my back than in my abdomen. The only pain in the abdomen was the area where the retractor was. That pain was not bad. But the pain in my back was horrid. But the reason for the pain in my back is because I had an accident several years ago and did a good bit of damage to my spine. Now, when I lay flat on my back, it hurts alot. And the day of surgery I had to lay flat on my back for several hours. So needless to say, I was taking the Lortab more for my bad back than I was for the surgery site. I'm sorry that I scared you. I just didn't want to come on here and say "oh it's a piece of cake, no pain at all" lol. I want to prepare people as best I can and being that it was just day 2, and my mind was still cloudy from the Lortab, I left that important information out... sorry hun.
  4. I had been considering the Lap Band for a long time. I did alot of research and finally attended a Weight Loss Seminar. After going to the Seminar, I completely changed my mind. I am now going to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. Several reasons have actually contributed to this decision. The VSG is MUCH more appealing to me. I do not want to have to worry about slippage, erosion, fills, etc. Nor do I want to have the foreign objects in my body. But what also affected my decision was my insurance company's lack of willingness to pay AND the Surgery Center's lack of compassion. My first choice for WLS (for the Lap Band) was Southwest Medical Center in Lafayette, LA. When I went up to the desk to register, I was asked for my ID and insurance card. When I showed them a Louisiana Medicaid card, they asked if I also had Medicare, and I said no. So she handed my card back to me and very rudely announced that Medicaid will not cover any weight loss procedures alone, and that I would have to be on medicare as well. Problem is, I am not old enough to have medicare, nor am I disabled. So I told her that I would consider cash pay if the price was right, and I walked over to the scales to begin my sign in. After attending the Seminar, I got a feel that these people do not have very much compassion. There was a lady in there that must have weighed about 500 Ibs and had a trachea tube in her throat. She was VERY sick and had a hard time even speaking. She struggled to ask questions, and the answers to her were just so blunt, no compassion behind it. I felt so sorry for this lady. She was informed that the waiting list for Medicare / Medicaid patients to even have their first initial consultation is about 10 months. I was flabbergasted! So she asked if there were any way that she would be able to be put on the top of the list due to her condition. She was told no, Medicaid has a list and you are put on the list in the same order that you apply. Nobody is given priority. So this poor lady could die between now and then, and Medicare / Medicaid couldn't care less. The next day, I received a phone call from a patient specialist asking if I'd made a decision about the type of surgery I was interested in. When I said that I had gone in to find out about Lap Band, she cut me off and said that I could not get that surgery because I only had Medicaid. So I stated that I would be willing to be a cash pay patient, so long as I just have the surgery. She said that I could not be a cash pay patient! My mind was blown! I asked her again... please repeat that? Are you saying that I CANNOT pay you cash for surgery? Like you will not take cash? Since when? She told me that Louisiana law prohibits Medicaid patients from having procedures that are medicaid approved, and paying out of pocket. In other words, Medicaid INSISTS on paying for the surgery if it is a covered procedure. Needless to say, I do not give up THAT easily. I made more phone calls, spoke to someone at the hospital itself and she explained the VSG to me in more detail. She also explained to me that the procedure is not covered by ANY insurance, so I will not have to fight with Medicaid to pay for my surgery. Needless to say, with all of the positives taken into consideration, I am 100% sold. I went yesterday and had my initial consultation with my surgeon and he has already scheduled my surgery! I don't have to worry about a 2 week liquid diet because I carry the majority of my weight in my legs and not my abdomen. I will only have to be on liquids for 24 hours, including Magnesium Citrate, and I'm IN! I'm SO excited. My surgery is scheduled for February 25, 2009. I would definitely recommend the VSG over the Lap Band any day!
  5. RABarras

    Having VSG instead of Lapband.

    Thank you. I went for my pre-admit / testing yesterday and got the "all clear". And funny thing... I got a phone call TODAY from SWMC asking if I was still interested in having a procedure and paying cash. I said "Wow, I was supposed to get this call weeks ago. I've found another surgeon in the mean time. Perhaps if someone had bothered to call me sooner, I would have gone with you guys". LOL:tongue2:
  6. RABarras

    Having VSG instead of Lapband.

    Yes, I heard that VSG will soon be approved by Medicaid and other insurances as well. I'm certainly glad that I'm getting it done now instead of having to battle Medicaid. Another thing I meant to mention is that the Surgeon that I'm going to is Dr. Thomas Borland, and his price is only $9,300.00! SWMC was charging $13,665. And also, SWMC never even bothered to call me back after I requested that someone call me back to schedule the VSG. I'm glad they didn't call me though. Blessings do come in disguise.:blushing:
  7. I actually attended the Seminar this evening. The location is at Southwest Medical Center on the corner of Ambassador Caffery and Congress St. The Seminar was very informative and the Lapband cash price is $13,500 for outpatient, and $13,665 for inpatient. I will also be a cash patient, so I'm doing price AND reputation comparisons. I wish you the best in your journey. Hope this helps
  8. RABarras

    Journey into the unknown

    On Friday, January 23, 2009, I took my first step of a journey into the unknown. I went to the Southwest Medical Center's Bariatric Center's website and sent a request for information and for a seat at the upcoming Seminar. For many years, I have struggled with my weight. In my adolescent years, I was "chubby", and had self esteem issues as a result. I lost all the extra weight and was actually wafer thin for a few years... TOO thin! After the birth of my first child, I looked great. I had enough weight on my body to look normal, my ideal weight. However, giving birth to my second child made it more difficult to return to my previous weight, and after giving birth to my third child, it was just impossible. I became depressed, withdrawn, and a shell of my former self. I began binge eating as a result. I never purged, but I did binge often. I packed on a lot of weight in a short period of time. My depression only deepened, and I became suicidal. I sought out help for my depression and have been much better able to cope. I lost a little bit of the weight (not nearly enough), but it made me feel better to know that I was on the right track. I went to college and began working at a restaurant until I would be able to start working my career as a Cosmetologist. 6 months into my job, I took a fall at work that would change my life for the next few years. I fell so hard that I straightened out the C-curve in my neck. Since then, I am limited as far as physical abilities. My back hurts constantly, and my neck hurts periodically. I have to be VERY careful of what I do. Adding to this strain is the extra weight on my body. I have no idea what I weigh right now, but if I had to guess, I would think it's at least 240 Ibs. Never in my earlier years did I imagine that I would be this fat. That I would be one of the many obese people that skinny people gawk at. I guess God chose me to be the example? Whatever the answer may be, I must make changes. My breasts are SO huge, it's un-bearable. I've always been big breasted, but this is ridiculous. I hurt on a daily basis. If I sit down, it takes everything in my power to stand, because of the strain on my back. So February 3, 2009 will be the first day of the rest of my life. Some people say that the day they get married is the first day of the rest of their lives, but for me, this is MUCH bigger. This is a HUGE step for me. A lifestyle change that I have wanted for many years. I had no idea how to make the change, until now. I have read and read up on this, and I'm ready for it. The change....Weight Loss Surgery. Yes, I am embarking into the unknown. I'm putting on a brave face, ready to face whatever comes my way. Ready to make whatever sacrifices I must make to live a healthier, pain free life. To be "normal" again, to have energy, to feel sexy and beautiful. My daughter kinda freaked out when I first told her because of the negative things she's heard about weight loss surgery. I reassured her that the surgery that I have chosen is the safest one out there. I just told my best friend, who is behind me 100%. My wonderful boyfriend is the next to be told. I am not sure how he will take it, but hopefully, he will understand and back me up on this decision. He of all people sees the pain that I am in all the time. He sees me struggle when I stand up, so I think he will be happy to see me pain free for a change. Besides, I want to feel good about myself, I want to feel that I am viewed by him as sexy and beautiful. I want to be pleasing to his eyes. Nobody else knows. This is my decision, although difficult, it's something that I must do. This is my private battle that I've fought for many years. I have not expressed my unhappiness because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me or for them to know how sorry I have felt for myself. I love myself enough to do this. I love my children enough to do this. I must make myself healthy again. I must do something now, before it is too late. I am VERY proud of this decision, and hopefully, others will be too. :smile:
  9. Hi, I am from Louisiana and I have Medicaid for my insurance. My question is, what are the requirements for Louisiana Medicaid Patients? I have read up on requirements for other insurances, such as a 6 month supervised diet, tests, etc. But I cannot seem to find anything on my insurance. Does anyone know? Please advise. Thank you. :w00t:
  10. RABarras

    A continuation of my journey

    I am SO ready for Tuesday! February 3, 2009 is going to be the first day of the rest of my life. I realize that most people consider that the day that they get married, but that did not apply in my marriage... as we are divorced... HAPPILY I might add! Anyway, words cannot begin to express how excited I am about this endeavor. I have shared my struggles with nobody... and I mean NOBODY, not even my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I have kept this battle to myself for many years. And now, I'm finally taking my life back. I was SO afraid that I may not qualify, since I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or any conditions that warrant impending death. I honestly thought I was too "healthy" to qualify. But today, I took a very brave step. I did something that I have not done in over a year... I stepped on a scale. Now, I realize that most people will see a higher number and cry. But for me, seeing a high number gave me a sense of excitement... because now, I qualify by my weight alone!!! On February 3, I am going to a Seminar. The first step into Band Land. I'm going to be able to receive more information (as if my many late night rendezvous' with Google were not enough), and I will be able to have all of my questions answered. And the best part... I don't have to travel for hours or out of state to have it done. This place is here... in Lafayette!!! Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! I'm looking into getting The Lap Band™ . I have spent months researching the possibilities. Reading up on surgery options, watching video footage of surgeries, hearing / reading testimonials, and now, joining discussions forums, I feel prepared. I have gotten to the point that I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically prepared for this surgery. I'm SO ready to take my life back. To be out of constant pain that comes from having this extra weight on my body. To be free from the affliction of back pain, knee pain, hip pain, ankle pain, and breasts that are the sizes of large cantelopes... no kidding! To be able to wear jeans again, to see my feet when I stand up, to have ankles again instead of cankles. To be able to run or jog without my breasts beating me up. To have a bone structure, no more double chin, and for God's sake, to no longer be able to get away with parking in the Expected Mom's parking spaces at Toy's R Us! *I know it's wrong, but I get away with it* Finally, to be able to have a sense of pride in myself. To know that I'm going to finally beat this, after years of fighting this losing battle. To feel that I've accomplished something great. To be able to have a sense of comfort, knowing that I will be healthier, and happier. I will be around longer, to watch my kids grow, and to hopefully see my grandkid (and even great grandkids). I want to be able to toss my bottles of anti-depressants and nexium, never to depend on these medications again. To no longer suffer from constant constipation and hemorrhoids. Yea, I know it's detailed, but ya know what? It's part of my everyday life. If you're thinking about doing this... don't do it on a spur of the moment. Really think, research, pray, and research some more. You definitely want to be fully educated and know what you're getting yourself into.
  11. RABarras

    A continuation of my journey

    Thank you yoco. God bless.
  12. Hello and congratulations to all of the bandsters. :tongue2: I am SO excited and anxious about getting banded. I have read a lot on this surgery and it seems to be the safest alternative. I do have some questions and would appreciate any answers. 1) I am about to attend the Seminar (my first step in the journey) and I'm curious about what comes next, after the Seminar? 2) How long does it usually take from the time you attend the Seminar till you are in the Operating Room? 3) What are the Pre-Op requirements? Thank you in advance for your replies. :cheated:
  13. RABarras

    A continuation of my journey

    I am SO ready for Tuesday! February 3, 2009 is going to be the first day of the rest of my life. I realize that most people consider that the day that they get married, but that did not apply in my marriage... as we are divorced... HAPPILY I might add! Anyway, words cannot begin to express how excited I am about this endeavor. I have shared my struggles with nobody... and I mean NOBODY, not even my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I have kept this battle to myself for many years. And now, I'm finally taking my life back. I was SO afraid that I may not qualify, since I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or any conditions that warrant impending death. I honestly thought I was too "healthy" to qualify. But today, I took a very brave step. I did something that I have not done in over a year... I stepped on a scale. Now, I realize that most people will see a higher number and cry. But for me, seeing a high number gave me a sense of excitement... because now, I qualify by my weight alone!!! On February 3, I am going to a Seminar. The first step into Band Land. I'm going to be able to receive more information (as if my many late night rendezvous' with Google were not enough), and I will be able to have all of my questions answered. And the best part... I don't have to travel for hours or out of state to have it done. This place is here... in Lafayette!!! Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! I'm looking into getting The Lap Band™ . I have spent months researching the possibilities. Reading up on surgery options, watching video footage of surgeries, hearing / reading testimonials, and now, joining discussions forums, I feel prepared. I have gotten to the point that I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically prepared for this surgery. I'm SO ready to take my life back. To be out of constant pain that comes from having this extra weight on my body. To be free from the affliction of back pain, knee pain, hip pain, ankle pain, and breasts that are the sizes of large cantelopes... no kidding! To be able to wear jeans again, to see my feet when I stand up, to have ankles again instead of cankles. To be able to run or jog without my breasts beating me up. To have a bone structure, no more double chin, and for God's sake, to no longer be able to get away with parking in the Expected Mom's parking spaces at Toy's R Us! *I know it's wrong, but I get away with it* Finally, to be able to have a sense of pride in myself. To know that I'm going to finally beat this, after years of fighting this losing battle. To feel that I've accomplished something great. To be able to have a sense of comfort, knowing that I will be healthier, and happier. I will be around longer, to watch my kids grow, and to hopefully see my grandkid (and even great grandkids). I want to be able to toss my bottles of anti-depressants and nexium, never to depend on these medications again. To no longer suffer from constant constipation and hemorrhoids. Yea, I know it's detailed, but ya know what? It's part of my everyday life. If you're thinking about doing this... don't do it on a spur of the moment. Really think, research, pray, and research some more. You definitely want to be fully educated and know what you're getting yourself into.
  14. RABarras

    Journey into the unknown

    On Friday, January 23, 2009, I took my first step of a journey into the unknown. I went to the Southwest Medical Center's Bariatric Center's website and sent a request for information and for a seat at the upcoming Seminar. For many years, I have struggled with my weight. In my adolescent years, I was "chubby", and had self esteem issues as a result. I lost all the extra weight and was actually wafer thin for a few years... TOO thin! After the birth of my first child, I looked great. I had enough weight on my body to look normal, my ideal weight. However, giving birth to my second child made it more difficult to return to my previous weight, and after giving birth to my third child, it was just impossible. I became depressed, withdrawn, and a shell of my former self. I began binge eating as a result. I never purged, but I did binge often. I packed on a lot of weight in a short period of time. My depression only deepened, and I became suicidal. I sought out help for my depression and have been much better able to cope. I lost a little bit of the weight (not nearly enough), but it made me feel better to know that I was on the right track. I went to college and began working at a restaurant until I would be able to start working my career as a Cosmetologist. 6 months into my job, I took a fall at work that would change my life for the next few years. I fell so hard that I straightened out the C-curve in my neck. Since then, I am limited as far as physical abilities. My back hurts constantly, and my neck hurts periodically. I have to be VERY careful of what I do. Adding to this strain is the extra weight on my body. I have no idea what I weigh right now, but if I had to guess, I would think it's at least 240 Ibs. Never in my earlier years did I imagine that I would be this fat. That I would be one of the many obese people that skinny people gawk at. I guess God chose me to be the example? Whatever the answer may be, I must make changes. My breasts are SO huge, it's un-bearable. I've always been big breasted, but this is ridiculous. I hurt on a daily basis. If I sit down, it takes everything in my power to stand, because of the strain on my back. So February 3, 2009 will be the first day of the rest of my life. Some people say that the day they get married is the first day of the rest of their lives, but for me, this is MUCH bigger. This is a HUGE step for me. A lifestyle change that I have wanted for many years. I had no idea how to make the change, until now. I have read and read up on this, and I'm ready for it. The change....Weight Loss Surgery. Yes, I am embarking into the unknown. I'm putting on a brave face, ready to face whatever comes my way. Ready to make whatever sacrifices I must make to live a healthier, pain free life. To be "normal" again, to have energy, to feel sexy and beautiful. My daughter kinda freaked out when I first told her because of the negative things she's heard about weight loss surgery. I reassured her that the surgery that I have chosen is the safest one out there. I just told my best friend, who is behind me 100%. My wonderful boyfriend is the next to be told. I am not sure how he will take it, but hopefully, he will understand and back me up on this decision. He of all people sees the pain that I am in all the time. He sees me struggle when I stand up, so I think he will be happy to see me pain free for a change. Besides, I want to feel good about myself, I want to feel that I am viewed by him as sexy and beautiful. I want to be pleasing to his eyes. Nobody else knows. This is my decision, although difficult, it's something that I must do. This is my private battle that I've fought for many years. I have not expressed my unhappiness because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me or for them to know how sorry I have felt for myself. I love myself enough to do this. I love my children enough to do this. I must make myself healthy again. I must do something now, before it is too late. I am VERY proud of this decision, and hopefully, others will be too. :blushing:
  15. RABarras


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  16. RABarras

    New and have questions

    Thank you for your prompt replies. I am anxious, but in a good way. I'm hoping to have a good experience on this journey.

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