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Posts posted by betsyboo09

  1. I am numb around my incision...I went 3 days after post op and the doc said it was fine...i don't believe him..it will be 2 weeks since my op and it still numb....does anyone have this?

    OMG and it itches like crazy around the incision...it drives me nuts.....

    All worth it at the end of the tunnel

  2. I am suppose to start mushies tomorrow. Woohoo...I made myself a chicken salad and I am sooo ready to eat it tomorrow..

    My doctor has me on a no carb schedule so for you guys that get to eat mash potatoes...luck you....

    Just read a post for the low carb yogurt....I am so going to look for it here...I cant wait because I love yogurt...Thanks and good luck to all!

  3. I went back to work on Monday too. My co-workers have been great. We go out eat all the time, but now we go eat soup! We have been eating Pho!

    As for losing weight...I have lost about 14 pounds. Sad thing I don't fill it. I had gained so much weight that I feel the weight that i am losing is the weight I put on the day I found out I was having surgery. I so regret it. I would have been at 220 if I had not gained to my heaviest 253 pounds... Going down but slowly...for a good life....

  4. I was banded 8/10/09 and dammm I am hungry.. It is so sad cooking all these meals for my bf and just watching him eat. My doctor has had me on liquid diet for two weeks after surgery. I then go to "soft foods". Well, I cheated. Today I forgot my protien shake at home and just drank Water all morning until lunch. At lunch I went to a Chinese Restaurant and had a Won Ton Soup. Drank the broth and ate a few little shrimps, and egg that it had in there.. NOthing happened....just that my bowl movement was solid since pre-surgury.....lol

    Sometimes I think....what have I done...but then I think to the future!! It is all worth it.:confused:

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