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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Tiffykins

  1. Carol, I'm very sorry that you are having to endure all of this. Dr. Aceves is fabulous, he would have been my only Mexico surgeon if my insurance would not have approved my revision. If you have a blockage, I'm pretty Dr. Aceves wouldn't clear you for surgery either. His going rate is $8750 I believe for the sleeve. Again, I'm so very sorry that you have to go through all this, and I hope you are able to get back on schedule. You don't want to have this surgery with your heart having a blockage. You want to be in the best physical condition to endure this surgery. Please take care of yourself, I'll keep you in my thoughts. Get the stent, and get that taken care of first.



  2. My surgeon used a 32fr bougie.

  3. I had a band before then revised to the sleeve. No rerouting or anything additional was done except removing my band, and doing the sleeve. Thank you for the sweet comment.

  4. I just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Best wishes, and post when you can ! ! !

  5. I'm sorry I missed you in chat, John had the stupid volume muted and I didn't hear the doorbell when you came in.

  6. Thanks for the sweet picture comments. I'm 5'2" tall, and weigh 130pounds.

  7. Hey Kelly, to help you with the technical stuff here. Go to USER CP(control panel) at the top of the forum. Hit edit avatar on the side of the page. Upload a photo from your PC or a photo hosting website like photobucket.com


    You will find all the edit options in the USER CP. Profile colors, font text color etc etc.


    For the ticker in your signature, open another window or tab, and go to www.tickerfactory.com


    Select a PIN, and then set up the ticker to your liking. Once it gets to the code page, Highlight and Copy the bbCode.


    Come back here to your USER CP, and hit Edit Signature. You will Paste that code into the signature box, then HIT preview signature, make sure it shows up how you like it, then you'll hit SAVE SIGNATURE.

    To update your signature, you'll just click your ticker in any of your posts on the main forum, it'll open a new window, you'll type in your PIN, and then hit Edit/update weight loss.


    Hope this helps.

  8. Thank you so very much ! ! !

  9. I promise you can do it. I know it's tough, but stick with it. The payoff is amazing. Take care of yourself, and if you need anything feel free to message me anytime.

  10. It's an up and down journey and you'll get there. Stay positive and strong.

  11. I don't have Kaiser, but there are several patients on here that have kaiser. Let me get you some links for their threads, and you can message them, they will give you first hand experience


    There's several patients that have Kaiser in that thread. I hope they can help more.

  12. It depends on your insurance requirements. Let me know what insurance you have, and I'll try to find the requirements for you.

  13. The biggest thing you will need to do is to realize that you will have a longer healing time with the sleeve than you did with the band. You'll have immediate restriction, but that doesn't mean you can still eat a bunch of crap foods. It's protein first, then veggies, and then if you have carbs during the losing stage. Limit carb grams to 30 grams of carbs per day during the losing stage &keep protein at 60 grams or above every day. Know that your tastebuds might change so don't stock up on a bunch of protein stuff thinking you'll like it post-op. You might not be able to tolerate them, so wait until after surgery to buy in bulk. Go ahead and get some samples for you to try. You can find a good thread in the Food/Protein powder supplement forum on here.


    You'll also enjoy that you don't have to deal with fills anymore. It took me about 2.5-3 months to be able to eat more than 2-3 ounces of food per meal. But, the results are fabulous, and life with the sleeve is effortless.

  14. See if these directions help with getting your ticker saved. Make sure you set it up with a PIN number so you can easily update your stats.


    Once the ticker is the made, make sure you are copying the bbCode. Paste that code to your signature. Hit PREVIEW signature to see if it's showing up, then hit save it shows up in there.


    If that doesn't work, follow the directions on this link:



    And if all else fails, send a message to VegasAngel, she's moderator, and will let someone know that handles the technical issues on the forum.



  15. Your ticker isn't showing up, if you need help with it let me know.

  16. Seriously, I'm on videos on youtube? ? ? I didn't authorize any of that, wow that's so scary. Life under goal is cool, I wish I could maintain, I'm just trying to get it to stop at this point.

  17. I had quite a bit of pain only around the incision where they removed my port. Honestly, after having the first revision surgery, then 2 days later the leak repair, I was able to walk quite a bit without much discomfort. The gallbladder incisions hurt much more. Even today, I bumped a shopping cart into the one incision on my mid-line abdomen and it hurt like crazy. The incision sites for my VSG revision were barely pain, more discomfort. I also had 2 drains placed after the leak repair, and that was more uncomfortable than anything else. So overall, the incision site pain for the GB surgery has been more painful than my revision with the exception of where they removed my port. Also, I had tons of adhesions and scar tissue that had to be taken down during my revision around the port incision. He used that incision to remove the excised portion of the stomach.

  18. Hey there, yeppers I have excess skin on my tummy, boobs and inner thighs. My inner thighs look worse than my stomach, but I don't ever wear shorts. The best way for me to describe it is wrinkly. My boobs are really saggy, and kind of resemble deflated water balloons, but with a good push up bra, they look great under clothes. I still have flabby, fatty batwing arms, but none of it is negatively affecting me. I'm not having to wear undergarments to contain the skin, or smooth things out so I don't think it's that bad. Thanks for the sweet compliments, and I know you're gonna do fabulous with your sleeve.

  19. Hey, I just thought I'd let ya know, I just ordered a Calcium Citrate capsule, even though I don't have problems with pills, I'll keep you posted how these work for me.


    It says to take 2 per day. That's 60% of the daily recommend value, so I may take 3 since I eat quite a bit of yogurt, cheese, and have started drinking soy milk.

    Twinlab Calcium Citrate Plus Magnesium -- 250 Capsules - Vitacost

  20. On the top of this forum, click USER CP, go to EDIT SIGNATURE. Then you will need to open another browser window or tab, type in www.tickerfactory.com


    Once there, make your ticker as you please, make sure to set up a PIN number so you can back and edit it as you lose weight.


    Once the ticker is made, get the bb CODE. Copy it, by highlighting it, and then copy by right the mouse on the text. Once you have it copied, come back to VST, and right click your mouse in the SIGNATURE BOX, You'll need to hit PASTE, this will paste the copied bb CODE from tickerfactory to your signature, once it's in there, click SAVE SIGNATURE. You can then edit your loss from any of your posts on the forum. You'll just click on the ticker, and then it you enter your PIN and update your stats. Hope this helps.

  21. Here is a profile from Obesityhelp that is chalked full of information on long term vsg'ers, and some invaluable resources on VSG surgery. You can scroll through her blog and read which ones that interest you.

    MacMadame's Profile

  22. I'm sorry I'm so late on seeing your request for long term sleeve stories. If you go to this profile on obesityhelp, she has compiled lots of research links and threads of patients that are 2+ years out from VSG. . . You can pick and choose which one you want to read, and get an overall feel for people's success and under the researching vsg, there are some invaluable resources as well.


  23. Surgery went really great. It only took an hour. Recovery went really smoothly as well. I was up and awake in about 90 minutes. They let me come home yesterday around 11:30, I got home about noon. The discomfort, and pain has kicked in today. I think I probably overdid a little bit yesterday when I came home, but I'm resting comfortably with the help of lortab elixir LOL. Thanks for checking on me.

  24. Thank you bunches. I appreciate your well wishes and good thoughts. I'll be in the OR around 7:30am tomorrow morning, and either myself or John will text someone to let y'all know I'm okay.

  25. Thank you bunches. I'm having surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30am CST, I'll have John text someone to let y'all know I'm okay. Thanks for your prayers, I truly appreciate it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
