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Status Updates posted by Tiffykins

  1. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment.

  2. Here are some vegan/vegetarian high protein recipes made with tempeh and seitan. You won't be able to eat these until you get to the mushy/soft solid stage, but at least you know there will be options for you.



  3. Yes, I had severe nausea post-op. I also had horrendous gas bubbles from the C02 they use to blow up your abdomen. It travels. Try walking, and or stretching your arms over your head. That's what helped me. If it doesn't subside, please contact your surgeon immediately. I was prescribed phenegran and zofran for nausea. The Zofran is the best anti-nausea drug on the market and does not make you drowsy like phenegran does.

  4. Thank you for the sweet comments. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts for the best results with your upcoming surgery ! ! ! You'll do great.

  5. Hey Chandra,

    Thank you for the pic comments. I never worried that I would not be successful with this surgery. I never worry about hair loss, it's just a temporary side effect, but better than being permanently fat and miserable. My life is fabulous now. Mentally, I no longer feel like the fattest person in a crowd, I don't look at myself and wonder "how did I ever let myself get this huge", I feel stronger mentally and even emotionally. Physically, I no longer get exhausted walking around the mall for 45 minutes, my knees no longer ache, emotionally I no longer seek food to soothe life stressors, I am actually happy with how I look. My body isn't perfect, my boobs are saggy, I have a fat roll on my tummy still, I have flabby arms, but I'm so much healthier that those things will cure themself over time. I can't even begin to put into words just how life changing this surgery has been for me. I have an entirely different relationship with food. I eat to live instead of living to eat.

  6. Happy Birthday ! ! !

  7. Chat shut down, and I can't get back in. I promise I didn't just drop off the face of the planet in there. . . We'll catch up soon.

  8. Cathryn,


    Thank you so very much for the kind words. I am pretty much glued to CNN and FoxNews. It is a sad time for everyone. I have a very dear friend who is stationed there. She could not get in touch with her husband for over 7.5 hours, it was driving me insane. I am saddened by this horrific tragedy, and it heightens my concerns every day when my husband walks out the door.


    As for how he is doing, he is back to his normal, stubborn self. We've been doing good recently, and enjoying our time together. He's been really supportive, and it's great to have him home.


    Thanks again.

  9. I truly believe in positive thinking. I knew that I had to surround myself, my mind and my spirit with nothing but positive. I had to keep reminding myself of the things I wanted to do when I lost the weight. No one can convince you that surgery is the route that is for you and your lifestyle, but I decided that I was ready live. I felt so trapped in the fat, and misery that came with the fatness. I was a happy person because of the life afforded to me, but today, my life is even more grand.

  10. I was amazed that doctors have been doing these surgeries for decades upon decades, and it is just within the last 5-7 years that it is being used for a WLS. I know it's scary, but dying early, and not enjoying my life to the fullest like an average sized person scared me more. I was not really bothered with losing the big portion of my stomach. I figured, "do I really need it?" All I could keep saying is NO, all it did was allow me to continue to volume eat, and be huge. I could of lost the weight on my own, but I could never keep it off. It didn't matter what method I used. I probably lost and gained over 200lbs over the last 10 years, and it all came back.

  11. I never questioned my decision on either of my surgeries. I knew in my heart that the risks of being fat outweighed the risks of either of the surgeries. I knew that a co-morbidity would eventually kill me if I didn't get and keep the weight off. I did a lot of research on gastrectomies. Not just gastrectomies for weight loss, but for other conditions.

  12. At the airport, he looked right at me, turned his face the other way and kept walking in the other direction. Absolutely did not recognize me at all. I had to run up about 10 feet, stomp my feet in my red patent leather peep toe wedges, and he finally realized it was me. His jaw dropped, he ran over, and just grabbed me. He just said "you look so amazing, I love you so much". It was pretty amazing.

  13. Happy Birthday ! ! !

  14. I had my surgery here in Florida so I am not familiar with passport rules. VegasAngel, Cajun, or Ruthi will be able to give you a better idea of the rules since they all recently traveled south for their surgeries. Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful on this one.

  15. Hey Lis, I ordered some liquid calcium citrate with magnesium and vitamin D for maximum absorption. I can't handle the huge calcium citrate chewable tablets, or the horse pills that we're supposed to swallow. Here's the link of that I ordered from, and I haven't found any other website than can beat this place's cost.


    liquid calcium citrate - Vitacost


    I ordered the Lifetime Strawberry flavored liquid. In some of the reviews, I read that this stuff supposedly helps some people get to sleep, and stops leg cramping. I just can't do the calcium citrate tablets, and this is a month supply for 12 bucks including shipping. It's a tiny dose (1 tbsp), and that's it.


    I should receive it by Wednesday/Thursday of this next week, and will post a review once I give it a whirl.

  16. Hey Lis, when you first log in, you'll see your name in BOLD letters in the top right hand corner. Right below your name, you'll see "Private Messages" Click on those words, and it will take you to your private messages. To make friends, for example, you're reading a thread and you want to add someone. Click on their name, go to Profile, and to the right there will an option that says "Befriend" or "Send Friend Request". The page will notify if it was sent, and will give you another option, just click "YES". That's the easiest way for me to add friends. You can also go to the link at top toolbar that says "Members", it's alphabetized and you can search for members by their screen names. Once you find them, follow the same process after you access their profile page.

  17. Haven't seen any recent posts, and wanted to check in on you. Hope you are doing well?

  18. Hey there ! ! ! Haven't seen you posting recently, and wanted to make sure you were doing alright? ? ?

  19. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be keep you in my thoughts over the next few days ! ! ! I'm so excited for you. . .Keep us posted on ! ! !

  20. Thank you so very much ! ! !

  21. In response to my blog entry you asked about, there are protein bullets available that are 3oz of liquid with 26-42grams of protein. They have collagen, and whey protein in them, and there is a lot of controversy with the quality of protein they really are. There's several different brands and flavors out there. You can find them at GNC and WalMart. I am just at my wit's end when it comes to protein supplements, and have to do something. I've used them before, and will go back to them if I can't find another option that will work for my system.

  22. Thank you for the sweet blog comments. Being able to buy a regular XL was amazing, for it to not be an 24/26W was the best feeling in the world. . .

  23. Thank you for the sweet blog comments. . . It's an unbelievable experience. Some days, I miss eating in volume, then I look in the mirror at my waist, and that missing feeling goes away. I never had a waist before this surgery, I was just round.


    You're going to do great with your sleeve ! ! !

  24. Thank you so much for the sweet blog comments ! ! !

  25. Thank you so very much for all of your help, support and guidance. You've been amazing through all of this. . .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
