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LAP-BAND Patients
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Tiffykins last won the day on October 29 2011

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About Tiffykins

  • Rank
    Believes in the Sleeve
  • Birthday 12/18/1976

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    Somewhere Sunny Florida
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  1. Hey! Love the new pic! I am feeling so much better today. I won't lie, I wasn't expecting it to hurt quite so much but everyday is getting better and better. Today I actually felt hungry for the first time since surgery on Wed. Still very sore but I'm so excited about getting healthy and losing weight. I had gained about 4 pounds after surgery... I guess with the swelling and stuff. When I weighed this morning I was down 7 pounds from that number which means I am down almost 4 pounds from my surgery weight. I am so excited about that. I know I can get thru the pain seeing the scale go down and down. Thanks for your support. I'm fixing to post a message on the boards about my experience and tell people to make sure their spouse knows their blood type. LOL I lost a lot of blood when an artery was knicked and it was in a place where my surgeon could not turn the scope around to view it without doing more damage so he had to go back in thru my belly button to find the bleed

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