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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by martyh

  1. I am so psyched- i took matters in my own hands and called my Dr and he will give me more of a fill tomorrow- fingers crossed. Late night munchies is hard- brushing my teeth and going to bed works sometimes- also popcorn but I am scared to try it with the band- also I find chewing gum to be a life saver, although some Doc say no mine siad fine- just don't swallow it!! I will keep you posted!
  2. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Janet- Thank you so much for the explanations! more advice please... so I am 24 hours after my first fill (4cc's) and I am dissapointed that I do not feel more restriction or satiation. I can drink my Water down quickly and I was really hungry last night and got up and made scrambled eggsat 10:00 p.m.- i figured they were Protein. But I am MUCh hungrier than I thought I would be. I am really trying to pay attention to what is emtional and physical hunger. I wonder how long I should wait before I call the Dr's and ask for more? I don't know how pushy I should be by the way I am tracking my food on weight watchers and getting in my points...but I do feel deprived...so scared this is not going to work for me
  3. Hi Ladies- so I am 24 hours after my first fill and I am dissapointed that I do not feel more restriction or satiation. I was really hungry last night and got up an dmade scrambled eggs- i figured they were protein. But I am MUCh hungrier than I thought I would be. I am really trying to pay attention to what is emtional and physical hunger. I wonder how long I should wait before I call the Dr's and ask for more?
  4. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Wonderful wise women- I have decided to start on page 1 of all of these posts to catch up and try to get as much of your wisdom as possible and to TRY to avoid asking you to repeat things- I have only made it to page 6 and I am tired and going to bed...but I have two burning questions....what exactly is the "sweet spot" and how will I know when I find it? also what is PB? Just had my first fill today and (4cc's) and feeling hungry still and making sure it is not head hunger...thanks again for your dedication and support!
  5. Hi Fellow March Bandsters! Iw as banded on March 10th -lost 10pds and gained it all back in bandster hell which I found pretty tough. I just got my first fill this a.m. It was a walk thru the park. I am now drinking some soup but feeling fairly hungry but fairly quickly satisfied. We shall see- I got 4cc's - I PRAY THIS WORKS...I was really discourgaed when I could eat everything a week post op. Fingers crossed to us all! How did you all learn hod to do your tickers etc.?
  6. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    I can NOT thank you enough for responding to my e-mails. I feel so much better after reading them. I only hope someday I can return teh favor. With deep gratitude Martyh
  7. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for the support. I have not had my first fill yet. Happens this Monday, the day after Easter. I do exercise and am proud of myself for getting back on skiis for teh first time in 6 years. It is the SHAME that I feel that is so profound...and the fear that this is not going to work. I read how successful you all are and that helps but it is the fat girl voice in my head that is taking over right now. I will wipe my tears and stop cying but i needed to go somewhere with this pain and dissapointment. Thanks for listening.
  8. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Guys- I am looking for some support. I was banded on March 10 after having my surgery moved from Dec due to my Dr. health etc. So I had a big reunion for my improv group from college that was very importnat to me. I bout a ticket in November thinking I would have lost some weight and I just e-mailed them and told them I can't come I feel so ashamed. But other than the firsdt 10 pounds I have lost 0. My first fill is on Monday. I now feel like this is a big joke and I am never going to get on top of things. I am so ashamed that I am letting my selfconsciencsness (my spelling sucks) stop me. But I am 100pds heavier since they last saw me. On top of it all , oneof my friends who will be there is a super big celebrity and I was so pysched to see him and get him to come visit my students- I have kept my surgery a secret form all but family and close friends - I am alone in a condo in Utah while my family skiis- I am supposed to get out there with them, but putting on gear only makes me feel fatter- boy I am really feeling sorry for myself- I am embarrased that I am so weak-
  9. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you SO MUCH for being there..you have NO idea how much I appreciate it!
  10. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Please help me with Bandster hell....I got the band on March 10 - was back at work on March 13- walked alot immediately and at 2 weeks felt like my appetite and stomach were back to normal- can't get first fill till next week says doc - but know I am petrified that I will not be successful- again- have started exercising- have moved from 2 miles to free weights- have gained what i lost back- feel like a failure- please give me some hope!
  11. HI Guys- I am Marty and I got banded on March 10th and would like to get "in the loup here"....I like March madness Melting Maidens!! I have to figure out how to use this system- where are the starter lessons for how to use this site and download pictures and charts etc? any suggestions? I'd really LOVE to connect to others going thru this weird and wonderful experience! Marty
  12. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Hi guys- I got my band on Tuesday March 10th and am looking for someone I can pester with silly questions. I am feeling pretty good with the exception of the refferd pain in my shoulder. Oh well- I know that there is nothing I can do about that. Any suggestions about this weird acid reflux kind of feeling in my upper chest/esophogaus area? also, out of nowehere last night i starting coughing and vomited- I was so scared about vomiting but couldn't help it- not much cam e up since there was not much in and I have no idea where that came from- I am feeling a bit light headed but I know from my urine I am hydrateted enough. On this week of fluids should I be following a schedule or an amount of fluids during a certain time? my dc did not give me anything like that to follow and I am still not clear when I am feeling "full"- it is so bizarre to not really know my body right now...any thoughts or suggestions appreciated-!
  13. HI Melissa!

    I had my surgery on Tuesday and am feeling ok. I am unfortunately having that weird reffered pain in my shoulder. It is more of a nuissance as I can't take deep breaths very easily. I am on fluids and am trying to figure out how much to drink and when. I have stayed hydrated really well thanks to all the warnings. But last night I did have this weird bout of naseau and threw up what little fuid was in my body. It is so wierd not to know if I am full or not- any suggestions?

    I do get this weird pain occassionaly in my upper chest like heartburn or something? I am trying to not get to anxious about losing- silly question I can only ask you- how did you weigh yourself? I don't have a scale that I can see past my belly...I was thinking of re-joining weight watchers so that I can do a consisten weekly weigh in- suggestions? how are you? Thanks for being in touch!


  14. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Well I am on my 4th day post op of the band. All went well except for the shoulder gass stuff- I am confused however not that I am on fluids- don't know how much I should drink soup or water. My past I was a guzzler and I wonder if I had some specific amounts it might help me. My stomach stlll feel s really bloted and they also fixed my hernia- when I drink soup I hear my stomcah making all kinds of noises. I am already fighting off th emental hunger vocies but am not sure how much fluid is too much? ANy advice welcomed and thanks for being there!
  15. martyh

    February 4 Bandsters

    Hi GUys- I go in on Tuesday for my band- any last minute advice? I am encouraged that someof you guys are doing so well- i hate to ask but have you seen any loss yet? what is your plan for weighing? I have 100 + to lose.....sigh feels very daunting. Martyh
  16. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    do you have any quick on the go protein snack suggestions?
  17. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Wow- Janet this is an awesome overview and SO HELPFUL. I want to save it somehow and go to it when a I need a "shot of wisdom". The break up letter is HILARIOUS! Thank you all for helping us Newbies- someday I hope I can "pay it back!
  18. I am due for the band on FEb 17th- vidoes on utube? what are they of prey tell? yes I am trying to prepare and get as much info as possible too!

  19. Miss Meliss- I am Marty- I am 44 and live in NH with my DH and 2 wonderful kids ages 7 & 5- your pictures brought me to tears just now. I am so happy for you and I pray that I will have those smiles someday - I have not taken any pictures of myself with my kids for most of theri lifetime or I have cut myself out whenever possible and I LOVE photos- I am scheduled for teh band on Feb 17th and am so motivated by your success. You have sister who you love as do I and I am hoping to inspire my one sisiter with success so that she will do this. I am getting very nervous about post op and life after the band- any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I was NOT going to take a before picture but if someday I can inspire someone the way you just did for me than i will get over my ego and do it ( iwon't look at it though!)....thanks again and congratulations on all of your hard work....

  20. I am so glad I found you guys!!! I have been searching for a group to connect to- can we make oursleves inot one? I am MArty, 44 yo, live in NH and am having my band on feb 17th. I vasilate from being SO excited and reading scary things here that make me really scared- my dr. told me the surgery would be like gallbaldder removal which I have already had and it was a walk in the park -but the stories on here...yikes! and it is hard to not feel like this is my "last time ever eating.."blah blah blah- I am wrsteling with what to tell my 7 and 5 year old and who in my world really needs to know other than family and closest friends etc. and I have heard mixed advice about howlong to do liquids etc. I am a positive and optomistic person usually but today I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and scared- thanks for listening!
  21. Thanks so much for all of the sage advice.....I REALLY appreciate it-

  22. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you so much for your support- I feel better just getting the positive energy from this link- I like you ladies and will be hanging out with you hot ones! I have read all the Q&F on this site and others and now it is the waiting game for the 17th. I am just trying to prepare...I want this to disrupt my kids life as much as possible- great tips about gas-x and liquid pain stuff- I am a bit confused about mixed info about time soent on liquids- my doc said 7 days liquid 10 days soft food but I ahve read about a critical 6 weeks liquid too- I know everyone's body is different etc. I am aware of teh menatl work and that scares me enough- have a therapist/have been in tehrapy /will continue to etc. I don't want to feel like I am "mooching" off of you all..but if you have any "top five tips " or something I would really appreciate your experience. Thank you so much for being there for the newbie, I really , really appreciate it.
  23. martyh

    I'm here to help...

    I am having surgery on 2/17 and I am getting REALLY nervous. I spent the day yesterday reading stuff about post op pain and issues and could not sleep last night. I would love a buddy as I live in a small town and do not know anyone else that I can talk to. I am 44 and 250 pounds with two little children. I KNOW I need and want to do this but would love a buddy who can hold my hand a bit? Thanks!

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