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LAP-BAND Patients
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About zully

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/04/1975
  1. Happy 38th Birthday zully!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday zully!

  3. Hi! I was banded Feb 19 and the first week after the surgery I lost 10 pounds, but now after all the swelling is gone my stomach is almost the same as it was before. I'm getting hungry like crazy and sometimes I eat the wrong things. I'm scheduled for my first fill a month from now, but I'm a little discourage about not losing anymore weight. Will it change after I get my fill?
  4. zully

    21 days post op and not losing weight!

    Hi! I was banded Feb 19 and the first week after the surgery I lost 10 pounds, but now after all the swelling is gone my stomach is almost the same as it was before. I'm getting hungry like crazy and sometimes I eat the wrong things. I'm scheduled for my first fill a month from now, but I'm a little discourage about not losing anymore weight. Will it change after I get my fill?
  5. Hi!

    I was banded on 2/19 and the first week and a half after the surgery I lost around 10 pounds, but after all the swelling was gone I'm back to almost the way I was before and I'm getting hungry like crazy. Sometimes I eat things I know I should not eat and I'm not losing any weight, I'm scheduled for my first fill in about a month from now. Will it change after the fill? Will I lose weight? I'm very discouraged right now.

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