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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LovedinFL

  1. What are you doing? You look great!!! DO you work out a lot?
  2. Hey , so I was wondering for people who have had the lap band 6 months or longer, what are your daily eating habits? How have they changed? Do you measure your food? Any recipies you love that you want to share? I have had my band since June and I am trying to teach myself how to eat differently. I still eat basically the same foods, just not as much of it. But it is so hard to change my cooking habits. I wish there was a cooking class for weight loss surgery patients. Anyway, I was just wondering if we could compare some of our new eating rituals. I know we are all different but we might get some new ideas. :thumbup:
  3. This is some great insight, Thank you everyone. Im glad to know I am normal in the way I have been handling my cooking and eating habits. Thanks again.
  4. LovedinFL

    My Family

    From the album: My Fmaily and I

  5. LovedinFL

    Love Them

    From the album: My Fmaily and I

  6. Hello, I was at the same place that you were with thinking I must be at a good spot cause I definatly couldn't eat as much as I used to but I was finding that I was still hungry a couple hours later. So this past monday, I went to the Dr for another check up and he said ok well I am going to give you another fill and then I think you will be at your Sweet spot. Sure enough, I think I am finally there. I am at 5cc and can't really eat anything Doughy like you said. I also have to take my time eating and chew chew chew. Which honestly is A LOT harder then I had thought it would be. That has probablly been the hardest thing to learn yet. But I am slowly getting better at it. The more food that gets stuck the faster I am learning. LOL. Now that I am at a good spot its like the weight is jsut falling off YAY! Well good luck and let me know how you are making out with your sweet spot. It is always nice to share with someone who is going through the same thing.
  7. LovedinFL


    Love your Ink girl, I have 7 myself...so far anyway. LOL. Once I get some money I am going to get more. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head now just need the funds to get them. LOL.
  8. LovedinFL

    Jealous Boyfriend

    Sounds like maybe your bf has some insecurity himself and until he is able to work on that then who knows what he would have been like in the future. He should be happy and proud to have you on his arm and no that you aren't going anywhere. Besides the other ppl were right the weight you have lost so far (while it is a huge accomplisment) is really nothing. I mean what would have happened when you lost 70lbs. Everything happens for a reason. and who knows maybe after a couple days without you he will realize what an ass he was being. But if he doesn't then it just means there is a better man out there for you in your future. Sorry you are hurting.....STUPID BOYS!! LOL
  9. Hey thank you sooo much everyone for your support and words of wisdom.... I know 30lbs is a lot and I know the process will be slow. I guess its like im in that stuck in the middle stage you know in between sizes. To little for my regular clothes but not quite small enough to be in a smaller size. That is annoying. And I do just have to get working out in to my everyday routine. Once I can get it to be part of my routine I know I will feel weird when the day comes that I don't work out. I am so happy that I chose to do this for my life and my families life.They are very supportive through all this but sometime you just need to here some wisdom from the people who know exactly what you are feeling. So thanks again, Everyone and we will all be GREAT success stories for our future I just know it. Im on my way to becoming one hot MILF...(LMAO)
  10. Hello All, I was banded on June 3rd and have only lost 30lbs so far. I know that those 30 lbs are great and I would have never have lost that much before the surgery but I feel like I should be losing more. I know, know I have to work out more I want to start rollerblading.....Any advice on how I can get myslef motivated to just get off my butt and do it!!!! I want to lose some real weight , I want to get into a new size. Just looking for some support! Thanks all!:thumbup:
  11. LovedinFL

    biotin for hairloss??

    I have been taking Biotin and I think it has really helped. Not just with the surgery but just in general. I have thin hair anyway and this has made my hair feel much more healthy and thick
  12. Hey, I was just wondering how many of you went ahead and had a tummy tuck after you lost your weight? Did it hurt? DO you regret it? Or are there some of you who feel like you worked out enough and don't need one? I am just wondering if the majority of us will need a tummy tuck or if there is a possibility that with exercise I may not have to get more surgery. I know everyone is different , with how their skin is and their age and all that, but I am 30 years old and want to look my best and if that means getting a tummy tuck then so be it. Thanks for anyone and everyones input!:smile2:
  13. LovedinFL

    Tummy Tucks?

    Thank you very much and I will check out the forum, I didn't realize they had that.
  14. LovedinFL

    5614 1116114135646 1010747398 30309899 8317864 n

    OMG you loook GREAT! Good going girl. How long did it take you to get there? Do you work out a lot? I hope I am there one day
  15. I could really use some insight or support from all my fellow bandsters. I went for my first fill on July 6th and got 2cc. Before my fill I went from losing weight steadily to not losing anything but staying my current weight and now since the fill I have gained 2 lbs. It is really getting to me because I was doing so good, I was strict on myself and ate all through out the day , a lot of little meals. I'm still not eating like I used to but I am eating more normal foods now but I don't feel like I should be gaining weight. I don't know what to do and while my family is very supportive, I don't think they get how disappointed I feel in myself the fact that I am now gaining weight. Did anyone else go through this? When is it to soon to go back to Dr. for another fill. I know I am not tight enough yet. Any words of wisdom you all could give me to help me feel like the fact that I am gaining weight might be normal.
  16. Thank you for your responds, that makes me feel a little better. I am going to call my Dr tomorrow and make an appointment for next week. I mean I didn't go through this to gain weight. LOL. Good luck to you.
  17. Hey Everyone, So I had my Surgery june 2nd, and I feel like I can basically eat whatever I want as long as I chew it up really good. I think because of this I haven't lost as much weight as I feel like I should have. I have only lost a total of 13 pounds, including the 2 week liquid diet. I am just really feeling down on myself. I saw my Dr today but he doesn't want to see me for 5 weeks to see if I will then need a fill. Is it just me being to hard on myself or should I be trying harder to not eat. But I feel like I really don't eat a lot, and i know that when I do eat I am not eating NEARLY as much as I used to. Its like 4-5 bites and I am full. I hardley ever feel hungry sometimes I can go like 6 hours without eating , so I make myself eat something. Can someone please help?
  18. You look great, Can I asked if it was easy to come off or have you had to work hard on it. I was banded on 6-2 and I thought I would have lost more then I have. I know the band is a tool but I also know I am not eating Nearly as much as I used to Im just not hungry which is why I thought I would have lost more. Well congratulations you look great and I hope to be there someday soon!

  19. Hey, Yeah I am doing alright, I mean I know I am doing good. But yesterday and today my stomach has been upset. I know I missed last night I was really bummed that I didn't feel good. Cause I had been Great til yesterday and now today. Well I go to DR. K today and I will Def be there next month to meet everyone.

  20. Thats great to hear, I get banded tomorrow at 2:30. Im kinda freaking out about what its going to be like afterword. How are you making out?
  21. LovedinFL

    Recently Banded

    Hey My BMI is a 38 and I am shedualed to be banded on June 2nd... I can't wait, I am so excited and nervous. I am on my 6th day on my 2 wk pre op liquid diet and it SUCKS! LOL. But I know it will be worth it. So are you happy with your decision? Do you work out everyday? And advice you can offer me would be sooo appriciated. Thanks and Congrratulations on your success.
  22. Ok so I just started my liquid diet today and I really didn't think it would be this hard. I didn't think I would feel as hungry as I am. I don't know why since I have gone from eating begals and breakfast sandwhichs to liquids. LOL. But I know I can do it, I have support and I am not doing anything to mess this up I have waited to long to mess it up now. I will try some soup for lunch maybe that will help. :purplebananna: Here is wishing me luck!
  23. LovedinFL

    1st day of liquid diet

    Hey, Thanks everyone for your thoughts and support. I am trying to keep my motivation up by looking at all the new cute clothes I will be able to buy next year. I can not wait to be able to go shopping at a normal store and to walk up stairs without getting out of breath and to be able to run around with my 2 yr old daughter for more then 5 min. I am so excited for this journey and I know it will all be worth it. :redface: Thank you again
  24. My doctor told me that they liquid diet helps your liver shrink so that he can get his laproscropic tools around your liver to be able to attach the lapband to your stomach. I mean not eating or dinking the night before sounds much easier. But I am not taking any chances. Because my Dr said if i don't follow the liquid diet he will be able to tell but not until he goes in to do the surgery and if my liver isn't small enough then he will cancel my surgery. And I don't want to go through all that just to have it cancelled. I would just double check with your Dr. maybe he is doing it a different way. Good Luck and let me know how you make out. Hope i didn't scare you thats just what he said. I can't wait to start my new wonderful life. :)

  25. Hello Everyone, This is my first post, My name is Melissa and I just got my date yesterday June 2nd is my BIG day!! I start my liquid diet on the 19th of May. I am excited:thumbup: but could also use some words of encouragment from all the veterans out there. I have a very supportive husband and family so I am lucky to have the extra support but they also don't know what it is like to live your whole live being heavy and not being able to do the everyday normal things that they may take for granted. Anyway, Just wanted to say Hello and I can not wait to being my new life journey to let the person I am on the inside OUT! LOL. PS. Does anyone know how long it is after surgery before you can have sex again? Just wondering:lol: Thanks, MElissa

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