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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs_Mauricio

  1. I went to work on Saturday night, but I left early in the morning around 6:30 (right before my shift ends at 7). I felt really bad. Idk why. I think perhaps I've been fatigued and my body is not used to yet this tiny amount of food. I called in on Sunday but I have to go to work again tomorrow night. I hope I can stand it.

  2. Mrs_Mauricio


    My Dr. told me at least 10-14 days or until my abdomen doesn't feel sore when I move. But I figure there are other things you and your DW could do
  3. Mrs_Mauricio

    Three Weeks Post-Op 140lb

    congrats! looks great!
  4. how is ur tummy??? looking fabulous im sure :D

  5. mmmm mashed potatos lol....ur lucky!!! congrats on the weight loss as well. and thank u for ur pic comment!!! i cant wait to see what we look like skinny!

  6. Mrs_Mauricio

    Funny Jokes

    You've got to love this guy. This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and even Jay Leno mentioned it on his show. It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the guests. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the Bride's and his family and his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party was an envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone and asked them to open up their envelopes. Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 glossy of his new bride having sex with the Best Man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks earlier and had hired a private detective to tail them. After watching the guests reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said "F--- You!", then he turned to his bride and said, "F--- You!". Then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said "I'm outta here!" He had the marriage annulled the next day. While most people would have canceled the wedding immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with the charade, as if nothing ever happened. His Revenge: making the bride's parents pay over $32,000.00 for a 300 guest wedding and reception, and best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of 300 friends and family members. This guy has balls the size of church bells. Do you think he might get a MasterCard "priceless" commercial out of this? Elegant Wedding Reception for 300 guests: $32,000 Wedding Photographs: $3,000 Honeymoon in Maui: $8,500 The look on everyone's face when they saw the 8x10 of the bride humping the best man? PRICELESS! There are some things that money can't buy, for everything else there's MASTERCARD!
  7. Mrs_Mauricio

    Funny Jokes

    Apples and Wine Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good onesbecause they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten apples from the groundthat aren't as good, but easy. The apples at the top think something is wrong with them,when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along. The one who's brave enough to climb all the wayto the top of the tree. Men... Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes and it's up to womento stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with
  8. I am still in the liquids stage, will be able to move to mushies on Monday and I still can't seem to drink/eat slow enough. I figure it's tea or juice or water, why drink slow but then when I am finished I feel so full almost to the point of being nauseous. Is there some kind of trick I can do, like sing happy birthday inbetween sips or something that will help me slow my pace? Thanks in advance!
  9. Mrs_Mauricio

    Any February 16th bandsters?

    So I didn't think this whole past week I got in enough protein either. I was very fatigued. Today I started my mushies *YAY* and I feel so much better already. I orderd Unjury protein powder off the internet after reading some posts on the best tasting or no-taste protein powder and it seems this one is the best. Once it comes in I will tell yall how it tastes. I am acutally alot less sore today but I want to know when I will be able to sleep on my sides (at least). I am so sick of sleeping on my back and it hurts
  10. Mrs_Mauricio

    A Letter to the Devil

    Lol I love that!!!
  11. Mrs_Mauricio

    Why do I always look tired?

    From the album: This Is Me

  12. Mrs_Mauricio

    How do I slow down??

    Wow, you all have alot of great ideas! I will definitly incorperate these into making new habits and see which one works best for me. I finally had cream of wheat today...oh the joy!!! lol.
  13. Thanks for the update! Congratulations! Yea I drank some tea without thinking about it and then all of a sudden I felt so uncomfortable with pain around my ribs and back n felt like I was gonna hurl. But I didn't *claps* lol. Just a lesson learned! I am so happy today I had cream of wheat and don't feel so hungry afterwards! How is it going w/ u moving on to mushies? Well since being banded I have lost 17 lbs!!! I can't believe it! I started 255 now I am down to 238. It's been over a year since I have been lower than 240. I can't wait to get under 230 now lol

  14. Well let me know what you do lol...I mean they look like they are healing but are still sore so I don't wanna take em off and risk repoening them ya know?

  15. My Dr. said I can start mushies in week 2. I am gonna go shopping later and buy pureed fruits&veggies, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, and pudding!! I can't wait lol. Who would have thought to be so happy over cream of wheat and pudding? lol. I am actually really excited over week 3 when I can have refried beans!!! omg...maybe not to u, but for a mexican its crucial!!! LOL. I am glad to hear you are healing well. When did your dr. say you can start using Mederma or vitamin oil on your scars? My Dr. told me I should take the steristrips off 5 days post op and start using it but I am a nurse and every other Dr. I know says to wait until they fall off by themselves.

  16. Actually I didn't lose any weight before surgery. They said I didn't need to be on a pre-op diet??? But to tell you the truth I wish I would have b/c I think that is why I am in pain now. I bet my liver had fat around it which made it harder to get my band in. Anyway tho since the last time I weighed myself I have dropped 10 lbs! This liquid diet is killing me tho. I can't wait to start on week 2 foods! I broke down last night girl!!! I literally f*n sobbed my way through nasty plain yogurt until my husband finally got me a little jelly to mix into it. Idk why, but I was a hot mess yesterday lol! I am glad I am over it though. I feel so stupid for crying over yogurt but this whole diet phase is nasty and I am still hungry! It takes the edge off for about 2 hours but then I am hungry again?!!

  17. Mrs_Mauricio

    2 Days out and in severe pain

    I was banded a day before and felt horrible as well!!! I recognize the "gas" feeling now, but I am still sore. All the gas is gone but it feels like I've done 1,000 sit ups. My largest incision to my right is the sorest, and the port seems to give me some pain every now and then too. Although I am still sore, it is getting a little better day by day. I can't wait until I feel normal again. Better yet, to sleep on my side! I am so sick of sleeping on my back and being stiff in the morning! Ugh...we can do it though!
  18. Well I am still sore lol. The gas is not as bad, I get it every once in awhile and try to do some shoulder rolls and walk around some more. The sorest part on me is the biggest incision I have to the r. side. Very tender there. I am spose to go back to work on Saturday and Sunday. I think I'm gonna have to call in. Anyway tho things can only get better!!! Are you hungry at all? I am still trying to recognize the *full* feeling. I don't know if its pain, gas, or i'm full lol. Either way I'm not eating alot but I do feel my stomach growling.

  19. hey band twin! how was it?! i am so sore!!!!ugh.....

  20. Thanks so much for your message! I am in Monterrey right now and I go to surgery tomorrow @ 7am!! I am exicted! Thanks for your well wishes! I will let yall know how it goes!

  21. I was wondering what finally made you all decide to get the lap-band or any other type of WLS? For me it was a few different factors that just accumulated into "I need to do this N-O-W" type of thing. I don't want to spend one day, week, month, year being this heavy or getting heavier. I was never a "skinny" girl. At my best, I maintained 150-160lbs but on me being 5'7" it looked good. But even at that weight, I never thought I looked good. But fast forward to now, I am 255lbs. and I have the opposite of what some of you all call the "fat mind." Even though you are losing weight, you still consider yourself heavier than you are. I, on the other hand, have "skinny mind, fat body" complex lol. My mind does not want to look at that image in the mirror and really take me for as big as I am. And my reality checks are getting worse...that is why I KNEW I had to do SOMETHING!!!! 1. Photos: omg, biggest reality check ever. I hate seing full bodied pictures of me, even now starting to hate just pictures because my face is getting really chunky. 2. Comments: for example this past xmas, I was at my husband's grandparents house and one of their relatives I never met before started talking about how he was diagnosed with diabetes and he is skinny and then there was a "big, fat lady" (at which point in time he said to me, no offense) that didn't have it and how could that be??? I was appalled, I didn't even know what to say!!! I was so angry, I just sat there pissed off and didn't talk to anyone the rest of the night. 3. I'm a nurse and deal with a growing population of morbidly obese or obese in general people. I see what the co-morbidities of these people do to them on an every day basis and I do NOT want to get there!!!! I am 27 and have hypertension and high cholesterol. Diabetes runs in my family, I don't want it!!! Also, I see younger and younger people having heart attacks and strokes and it scares the **** outta me! I do not want to head down this road and keep getting bigger and bigger and having more health problems at an early age. So those are my reasons. What are yours?
  22. Ahhhh I'm so excitedright now!!! My $$$'s in the bank and I'm driving to MOnterrey on Sunday! What are you doing for Valentine's? I said this surgery was my valentine's day present to myself but I still wanna do something anyways lol

  23. I can't wait!!! I live in Round Rock, small suburb of Austin. My mom lives in Dallas right now actually, she got transferred from San Antonio when AT&T's headquarters moved up there.

  24. Mrs_Mauricio

    What FINALLY made you decide to get banded??

    Hey I am a wanna be but soon to be!!!! I have my date set on Monday so I am excited!!!! I think all of these experiences really kinda put up an ugly scrap book in my head, an ugly tape recorder so to speak or maybe not even that, maybe they are a blessing in disguise so that I can finally do something for me and stop wasting more time to just keep being disappointed in myself.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
