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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by betzeebug

  1. I think is someone is having a problem, they should talk this over with their Drs. Doctors know more than we do, I would think. I also was a "2/per day" kind of gal and always very, very regular, not any more. So I keep Milk of Magnesua on hand and try to get all my Water in, and move as much as possible. Some times it's good and some times not. I never let myself go over 2 days without a BM. I will hit the seneca (natural laxitive). that's what works for me anyway. Also dried Apricots. Those will always do the trick for me!

  2. You'r in good hands. Dr. Edwards (from the same office) did mine 5/8/09 and the whole staff there are awesome! Good luck and let us know you are doing! They have a support group the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30 pm at the Surgery Center room 4B. Ask your Dr. about it, he can give you more info, or his office. You should go, it's really a great place to get more info. Betz

  3. Good morning all you banders out there. Well my surgery date 5/8 came and went without a hitch! It was so easy, and I never have been sick once. Of course I've been follownig every instruction completely. So far since 4/22 pre op diet I'm down 24 lbs. and feel better than I have in 10 years. This is just to friggin awesome and I'd do again all over tomorrow if I had to. I'm walking better, already have gotten rid of one pill (acid reflux) and am working toward a few others. It's so amazing how just 20 lbs makes such a differents in a person's knees and back. I can finally walk without being in so much pain. I'm lovings this totally. So far no hunger attacks. I'm doing perfect. HOpe you all are having an easy time as I am. bb

  4. Oh my! I am being banded on 5/08/09. I am such a speedy eater, years of being a wiatress (many moons ago) I can scarf down a meal in 5 mins. or less. I know I have to slow down and I am trying. I'm so afraid of Earl! Lord I have to slow down! I even drink fast! I'm in trouble I think. Well wish me luck and say a prayer, I will need it all! Good luck to all here. thanks for the wonderful posts, they really do help...Betz:eek:

  5. Hi Sprinfield Banders and those thinking about banding. I will be banded on 5/8/09 and can't wait!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. Dr. Edwards will be doing mine. The reason not many Cox banders are on here is because they JUST started doing this, before they began it was just St. John's doing the banding. Dr. Edwards has many years experience and in doing some reasearch he has the lowest rate of infection around. So I'm glad I have him. He and his staff are totally awesome, so helpful and supportive. I'm an employee of St John's and since I didn't lose 5% of my weight, they denied me, so I'm paying for this myself. I have sent in an appeal and if that doesn't result in a positive outcome I will take it to the Missouri Insurance Commission. It's discrimination what they are doing, I shouldn't have to jump thru hoops! Anyway I so enjoy reading all the positive words on here. Have gotten a lot of help from this site. Good luck to all and hope to hear from some of you in the near future. This place really helps....Betz

  6. I know many people can't tolerate Pasta. Would it make a difference if it was an angel hair Pasta instead of a regular spaghetti or ziti??

    You have to try sphgette squash, it's to die for and it really does taste like sphgette. Small squash, cut in 1/2. Scoop out the middle stuff, cover w/surran wrap or place in large bowl w/cover. Add about 1/2 cup of Water, and microwave on high till tender. I start out w/5 mins. and go from there. When fork is inserted and goes in smooth/easy, it's done. Take it out and let sit for 5 mins. Take fork and scrap thru the the squash and it will ravel up like sphgette. Serve with favorite sauce. you will love this stuff.

  7. all this information is so awesome! I'm not on shots yet, just take metformin twice a day but my sugar level is not the greatest yet. I finally got my date!!! YYYIIIIPPPPIIIIEEEE!!!! I'm so excited I could scream! I go 5/8 and I can't wait! I am so looking forward to getting off all my meds! I take 7 in the a.m. and 8 in the p.m. Good luck to all....Betz

  8. Hi all. I haven't had surgery yet, should get my surg date on 4/23. My Dr. told me I should be able to get off my Diabetic meds but that once you are a diabetic you always will be one. I will have to continue to monitor my blood surgar always but that with proper diet and exercise I should be fine. I'm really going to try to make it fine! good luck to all...bb

  9. that is just to precious! yes your dog is nutz! so darling and love the tiny guy. what a great way to make sure you get out there. Well my hubby is so very supportive and he also needs to lose some so he assures me he will make me move. Right now I can barley walk with bad knees, hips and back. When I get banded and drop a little I'm sure I will have an easier time walking and he will help me stay motivated! good luck with keeping up with the crazy mutt. :thumbdown:

  10. why do we need to prove we have been on a diet for 6 months, or how ever long they requier? I don't know about your insurance but mine also requires I lose 5% of my weight, which I did not. So they denied me. I'm going to appeal and if they still deny me I will take to the State Insurance Commission. Do you know my insurance will approval and pay 100% (except $150 copay) for a male penel implant which is $60,000 plus. No require ments nothing to prove, just have your doctor submit. Well I'm here to tell you that's discrimination and I'm hopping mad! I will not quite till I win and believe me I will win! good luck ladies. bb

  11. Perfumedame - Call your insuranace and ask how to appeal their decision. If you need to do this in writing, then put down all of your obese medically related issues. Explain why you need this therapy and send. They have 60 days to get back with you for a decision. If they still deny it, then lookup in your state what the status are for appealing thru your state. Alot of people do not know that they have other options outside of their insurance. Your insurance is counting on the fact that you do not know this and you will just let it go.

    How bad do you want to lose weight? Then get on line and see what your options are, fight girl! that's what I did. bb

  12. Wow Kelin, you are doing wonderful! keep it up. Well I went out and bought this sexy red dress in a size 12, I haven't had my surgery yet, I should hear next week. I have that dress hanging on my closet door so I can see it every day. The day I can wear that dress I will sob like a baby! I will wear that dress!!! as for buying new clothes I have so many cloths at so many sizes I won't have to buy anything for several sizes, which will be nice as I don't want to have to forkout for a complet wardrobe right away. I will pay off all my cards and some day go on a shopping spree. Good luck lady! bb

  13. Hi all, I've learking for a few months now. I haven't received my surgery date yet but should hear something next week. My insurance would not cover me, because I didn't lose 5% of my weight and they were only going to cover 50% anyway. My thoughts are I don't have to lose weight to have heart surgery do I? I will fight them on this but felt I couldn't wait any longer. My health has been affected by all this weight to the point I can hardly walk now. I want my life back and am willing to do just about anything. I'm so excited I can't wait for my surgery date! Good luck to all of us who are waiting and who have just begun! Betz.:crying:

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