I had the regular lapband placed. My doctor is an asshole to the "problem patients". My best friend had the surgery from him, a month after me, and shes been out of work since September b/c of all her complications.
I have called around to different doctors in the area, they will not see me b/c I am already with another doctor. I work in a call center that has 5 of his patients in it, all of them, have not been successful as they would of like to be. Getting fills, does not help any of us either. In fact when i get a fill, it makes me munch all day.
I would recommend the surgery to people, but just not my doctor. I know several other people that have gotten the surgery from different doctors, and they have been very successful, and look great! So please do not read this and be discourged from getting the surgery. With anything there are always lemons!