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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by loveurself1

  1. Thank you all sooooooo much for your stories and encouraging words. It means a lot to have people other than your family that can & will lift your spirits from time to time. You guys don't know how much that means to me. And I will continue to posts & also read & comment on you guys posts. Thanks a whole lot for making me feel better. :-)

  2. For many of us we have been overweight for a long time. It has become part of who we are and in some cases we've let it define who we are. Suddenly losing that much weight is bound to cause some kind of emotional reaction/identity crisis. Yes, this is what you've always wanted but there is likely a part of you that is scared...you don't know who you are without the weight.

    I totally agree with you! This is finally becoming a reality for me & I just don't know how to deal with this right now. This is happening so fast but i know I'll eventually Celebrate my success. Thank you for helping me to understand this a little better. ;-)

  3. Even before I started losing a significant amount of weight, I was anxious. I had been overweight for 40 years. I knew how to be fat. Now I had to learn to be thin. I don't know how to be thin!!!!!!! But I'm working on it.

    Plus, after being overweight for so long, losing weight was a dream I had given up on. So for the longest time, I kept expecting something to go wrong and I'd gain the weight back.

    It took me many months to embrace the idea that my weight was finally under my control and I was finally at a normal weight.

    Take it a day at a time and eventually the dream will become reality.

    Good luck on your weight loss.


    Thank you so much for sharing your struggles. Seems like you're on the right track no. And good luck to you too on your continued weight loss. ;-)

  4. I started my journey weighing 246 before surgery, I'm 5'7. My surgery was April 25th & I went to see my doctors again yesterday & they told me that I have lost wonderfully so far. Yesterday I weighed in at 211lbs. I'm almost 5 weeks out. The docs had nothing but nice things to say about how great of a job I'm doing & that I'm healing so freaking fast. But I know I should be very excited but I don't know what's wrong with me. This weight loss is something that I've been praying for for a very long time. I've always been good at loosing weight but not keeping it off. My body has changed so much within this past month. I'm down to a size 12/14. But I just can't seem to grasp it yet & Celebrate my success. I'm not claiming depression, not at all but I just don't know what's going on with me right now! I should be ecstatic but I'm just ok right now. I know this is a tmi to some but I'm hoping it's just because of that time of the month and hopefully this feeling will past very soon!!!!

  5. Yes I had this happen to me once - it was after having chicken early in my "soft food" stage. I think I did not chew it enough and a piece got stuck. I threw up several times during the night and if I drank Water, I "overflowed" and threw it up again. It's very scary and unpleasant - I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Everything resolved on its own so I hope that's what's happening with you. After I threw up during the night, I managed to get back to sleep. I still felt nauseous and very uncomfortable the next day and only drank water - but this time small sips stayed down. By evening I tried a little scrambled egg and found the blockage had moved. I was afraid I'd have to go the hospital if it didn't move. Good luck - let us know if everything is OK.

    Thank you for your feedback Janette. I was afraid that if nothing changed by the morning that I would have to go to the hospital myself. But everything is back to normal and from now on I WILL make sure to take smaller bites. Lol! I'm glad you got through yours as well. Thanks again! :-)

  6. Today at Breakfast I'm pretty sure by me rushing and all while trying to get the kids off to school on time I think I swallowed too much food and now it feels like something is stuck in my throat and it's very uncomfortable. I called the doc & she told me to drink liquids for the remainder of the day & to also drink hot tea. I am on pureed foods now & I think it was the grits. But I would really like to know if you guys have experienced that before and what did you all do? Because all of this happened around 9am this morning & I'm still feeling a little uncomfortable.

  7. <p>I am a low BMI gastric sleeve patient. My BMI was a little over 35 when I got sleeved. I was approved by my insurance because I have kidney disease and getting HBP or diabetes would be detrimental to my health. I'm getting very frustrated with people not knowing my history and saying I didn't need the surgery. Although a 35 was the highest my BMI has ever been, it's more about the constant struggle with loosing weight and trying to stay healthy. </p> <p> </p>

    I can absolutely relate to your story. I currently have a bmi of about 36 and I'm scheduled to have surgery tomorrow morning. My family don't know but I know they will feel that I'm making a HUGE mistake because according to them and a lot of people, I don't look like I need to loose any weight. It's just that people don't understand nor do they educate themselves before they speak negatively about this wls. (Ignorance) I'm pretty sure the majority of us who have or are considering wls have done thorough research before deciding on something so life changing. It's not an "easy way out" it's a life saver for most of us who have struggled throughout our entire lives. I've always been excellent at loosing the weight. The problem is keeping it off! Don't you dare get mad at " ignorant" people who don't understand and will never understand until they're faced with an addiction. It's best to surround yourself with positive people who will support you and encourage you during your journey. Best of luck to you & stay focused on your goals! :-)

  8. I still don't have my surgery date, but know how you feel. I live with my special needs daughter and have been separated from my husband for over a year. Just this week he filed for divorce, not a surprise, but he's gotten really nasty really quickly( cut me off from all joint credit cards, checking, etc). I was wondering if I'm crazy for pursuing this at such a stressful time, but I KNOW I'm ready. The lawyer will do his thing, it won't be easy, but I'm so grateful for this group. Good luck on your surgery and please know that I'm just one of many who wishes you success.

    So sorry to hear that! I think this will be the beginning to a wonderful life for you. You're not crazy for pursuing this! This is what you might just need right now. "Loveurself1st!" Hang in there, and I'm here if you need someone to talk to. :-)

  9. I am preop. I am going to mx to avoid the preop crap. But I wanted a support group here. Well, some of the groups only want 'their' patients. I searched around and found a Banner group that takes all patients. And its a Center of Excellence to boot. Every week is a different topic, with a nut, psych, nurse etc. I would recommend trying to find a group. And at least.test drive. Oh yea, we're here too :-)

    Thank you much Susysleever!:-)

  10. Does your program have live support group meetings? Go to them. I would suggest getting a therapist who specializes in bariatrics too. I'm sorry he doesn't support you. What are his reasons?

    There are support groups available but the one that's associated with my program is way too far from where I live. My husband don't understand no matter how much I try to explain it to him. He thinks I can do it on my on without taking this route. Which I have done before & have lost a lot of weight in the past. I once weighed 330lbs years ago. Got all the way down to 199lbs which lasted for about a week :-( But after that I couldn't seem to get out of these 200's. & it's been about 8 years now. My current weight is about 235 & I'm 5'7. I think/know my husband has insecurity issues which he will not dare admit too. Because when were out together a lot of men tend to look at me & he sees that! I think he feels once I get this surgery he will loose me. I just don't know!

  11. I understand completely what your going thru! It's just I do not have the courage to say it out loud :( so with that said your not alone ! My husband does not agree and I feel like if I go thru with it ; I'm not coming out alive ! So I'm thinking May be I shouldn't ....than I say to myself the hell with it .God is my pilot and I will be ok and so will you !:)

    AMEN! Thank you for the support and please keep me posted on your progress. :-)

  12. You are not alone. We are all here for you. I felt alone too because I didn't tell many people. When I finally told my friends, I was so glad I did. The support, even if only from a small handful was all I needed!! I didn't want to tell people because I thought they would think I was a failure or was taking the "easy way" out. But then I realized that I don't care what they think. Now almost three months post op, when I do tell select people I see that look in their eyes. Oh well. I look at it as we had the courage to undergo the surgery. I admit I needed help to lose the weight. Good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

    Thank you much Ms Sue! I can so relate to what you just said! I'm the type of person that honestly don't care what people think of me so why is this bothering so much about what they might say. Like you said "I admit I need help to lose this weight" and it shouldn't matter what nobody at my job or my family has to say about it! Thanks again Sue_t I needed to read your comment!:-)

  13. you will do it. I told a couple of friends and a few family members. The one family member I thought would be supportive was not. So I stopped telling people. I am 4 days post op. Easter is in a few days so I guess folks will know!!! At least I won't have to listen to why I shouldn't have to do it. I feel great. First few days was rough for me. However, I never vomited. I keeping everything down. I am glad I found this support tool.

    That's one of the reasons why I haven't told many people because of their negatives comments on why I shouldn't be doing it! I am so glad also! So far everybody has been awesome on this website. By the way... Woohoo!! Congrats on your surgery! Can't wait until my big day! :-)

  14. Hi Everyone,

    I have my surgery Tuesday (April 22nd), I have followed the pre-op surgery instructions given to me by drinking on the shakes (4 per day) and one black coffee. I feel really hungry. I am just wondering if I ate something (just anything) if the could cause the doctor to decide to not do the surgery. I just need something solid,

    Has anyone else cheated this close to surgery?

    If you made it this far don't give up!! Hang in there, Tuesday is right around the corner. Stay focused you can do it!! ;-)

  15. You guys have literally brought me to tears! From the bottom of my heart I appreciate the support you all have given me thus far and i will continue to reach out for help from you guys in my time of need. I know this journey is not going to be an easy one but I plan on staying focused no matter who supports me on this. Congrats to all of you who have gone through with the surgery and to those who are on their way to becoming a better "you!" Love you all & thanks again for making me feel better during this difficult but happy time in my life.

  16. I was sleeved 2 days ago. I know what you mean about lack of support. My husband knew someone who had a horrible experience with the bypass so he really did not want me to get the sleeve. However, once he saw how unhealthy I really am and understood this was not a decision based on vanity, he has stepped up and supports me. I was one to tell myself that even though I am fat, I am healthy. The tests leading up to the surgery showed me how wrong I really was. sleep apnea, Vitamin deficiencies, cholesterol, knee and back pain. I have told many people about this surgery. I refuse to be ashamed for seeking the help I need. Everyone I know has been supportive, even though some are concerned. Embrace your choice, it will give you many more years with those loved ones who are not supportive, because they are afraid for you.

    Hopefully my husband will have that same mentality after my surgery. I also agree that it's not just about vanity reasons, it's because I am unhealthy and I'm tired of not being able to do some of the activities that I enjoy. I am happy for the support from you & so many others on here. Also CONGRATS on your new journey and I pray a speedy recovery for you. Thanks again!!!

  17. I am scheduled for surgery on the 25th of this month & I feel all alone! I know for a fact that my husband does not approve of this surgery & I haven't told my family or coworkers only because they are very judgmental & gossip way too much for me. My only comfort during this preop period has been me reading you guys posts & comments. By the way...thank you all for that! :-) I'm afraid that after the surgery I will fail only because of the lack of support. What's crazy about all of this is that I'm usually the type of person that feels like I don't need no one to help me but I'm confessing now that I really need some support to get me through this life changing journey that's about to start next week.

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