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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandit

  1. LapBandit

    Chicken of the Fill

    My surgeon does them and they do not hurt at all. You don't have to look if you don't want to and the whole process takes less than five minutes. I was nervous before my first fill too but soon realized that as far as office procedures go...getting a strep test (throat swab) is worse than a band fill! You'll do great! See...mysherrijo is smiling the whole time!
  2. LapBandit

    Gotta Fly-Embarassing Question

    I just had to bring this thread back from the grave...I made the trip and flew without issue. Thanks everyone for your help! I just wanted you to know that it was OK...not great...but OK!!
  3. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name Current Weight Christmas Goal A1ikou 294 240 Aza 317 299 BPM 288 230 Elisabeth 301 275 Ericsmom 289 250 Indianlight 308 280 Josette 372 340 JulieNYC 282 235 LapBandit 291 250 Libra 303 275 NatesMommy 305 275 Waterlily1072 307 275 Welcome to the challenge Aza! I've got 33 to go to meet my challenge...I better get my buns in gear too!
  4. Congratulations! I am at 5 months too! You are doing awesome and being off of those medications is the best reward! Enjoy your success and we're proud of you!
  5. LapBandit

    Help! Fills Are Not Working!!!

    Restriction is so subjective. I thought I didn't have restriction for the longest time because I was basing my concept of restriction on what others posted about it. And because I had no PB's, sliming etc. I figured something wasn't right. But now I know that restriction for me is simply the concept of being satisfied between meals. It means that I can eat a normal portion of food and be satisfied for 2-3 hours. That's all it means to me. When you eat solid foods...i.e. chicken breast, veggies and a little starch how long does it keep you satisfied?
  6. LapBandit

    Bad News From Cardio Doc today

    I'm sorry to hear that you've hit a road block but I'm glad that you are not giving up. You can use this time to practice your future bandster lifestyle and I bet you'll start losing weight too. Why wait for surgery...you can be an honorary bandster today! You'll get there!
  7. LapBandit

    maxed weight loss

    Congrats on the loss. I can't relate to 138...I would be totally, utterly DONE and thrilled to be that weight. I think it does depend on body shape and height as to where our bodies want to stay weight-wise. Unless you're not very tall I would think you are at a wonderfully, healthy weight right where you are. Be proud of your awesome accomplishment!! Good job!
  8. LapBandit

    Can Someone Please Help Me Understand Fills?

    Wow, that was a detailed post Wheetsin! I just had a fill today and still enjoyed reading it! Soprano...I just got my second post-op fill this morning and they are a breeze! My doc talks to me during my appointments and if we decide I need a fill he says "hop on" and I get on the table and we're done in a few minutes. No biggie!
  9. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hey is anyone new interested in joining the Christmas Challenge?? Here is our current list. We will need to complete our first check in at the first of the month. Name Current Weight Christmas Goal A1ikou 294 240 BPM 288 230 Elisabeth 301 275 Ericsmom 289 250 Indianlight 308 280 Josette 372 340 JulieNYC 282 235 LapBandit 291 250 Libra 303 275 NatesMommy 305 275 Waterlily1072 307 275
  10. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Well guys, I had my appointment today and my doc was still pleased. Even though I haven't done my best this month I still managed to lose 12 pounds. I also got a small fill-1CC. I'm up to 7CC's in my VG. So, I'm officially back on track!
  11. LapBandit

    How does it feel when you are full?

    Yes, I've had to rediscover what it felt like to be satisfied. For me, I feel full higher up on my chest rather than down in my gut. But, I have never experienced pain in my jaw from eating. Hmmm, don't know what to tell you but I'm glad you're going to mention it to your doctor.
  12. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Way to go Libra!! Congrats! I have an appointment with my band surgeon tomorrow. I am thinking of asking about a fill. This is based on whether or not I even get to see him...I'm having insurance referral issues!! Who knew that referrals could "run out". I've been seeing him for several months now but apparently I need a fresh referral but my regular doctor's office is a mess and I doubt they'll come through and have the referral faxed to his office as requested. We'll see. Wish me luck and I'll let y'all know what happens!
  13. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congratulations to everyone who is approaching the border! I makes me happy to see everyone succeeding. I've been in a bit of a motivation slump. I really messed up badly last week and I'm totally off my exercise routine so I'm slowly getting back on track. I hope all of my fellow Twoters are still hanging in there too!
  14. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Yeah Libra...once TOM ends you'll blow right into Twoterville!! Our town is getting more crowded by the week and that's a WONDERFUL thing!! I hope all are well. I just finished a bad week and for the first time since surgery I have actually gained this week (a lot---7lbs). It's totally my fault but I'm gonna do my best to get back in line.
  15. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Julie, you are kicking butt! I was in the 270's before I left for a conference at work but...there is so much junk food here that I'm totally off track. I can't wait to get back home. I'll tell ya...I really need my safe routines now or else old habits sneak back up on ya. This is something I've got to work on. Real life won't always allow me to keep my safe little routine going everyday. Ugh...I am for sure that I will have gained by the end of this week. So much for the willpower I thought I had! No...I've got to remain positive. I did better than yesterday and tomorrow I'll strive to do better than today. (I'll keep repeating this to myself until I get back home again!!)
  16. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    This is your CONGRATULATIONS parade! Good job! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :Banane22: :Banane45: :Banane43: :star: :star: :whoo: :whoo: :whoo: :drum: :drum: :drum: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :first: :first: :first: :first: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :Banane10:
  17. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I agree...I've got the marching band and fireworks all lined up for the parade! We're gonna party like it's 1999!!!
  18. LapBandit

    Changes in Restriction...

    You're describing me perfectly! I agree, TOM changes my restriction but someone else posted a thread awhile back stating that sinus issues can affect restriction and I think they're on to something. I am experiencing terrible sinus trouble right now (again) and I feel so much tighter. Do you have sinus problems too??
  19. LapBandit

    To Band ... or not to Band.

    I also had about 220lbs to lose before surgery. I was scared too (most of us were) but it turned out fine. The surgery itself wasn't a big deal. I was in and out of the hospital within a few hours. By that afternoon I was home walking around with a bit of a sore tummy and not much else to complain about! You're right, this is a huge life changing decision. But as someone who had a ton to lose as well, I can say that I am so happy I didn't do something more extreme like GB or something because my success has been comparable with my band versus the other options. I've lost over 100 pounds so far and I don't have plans for stopping. So yes, if you're prepared to work at it then I think it will help you too. Once you get some weight off you'll see your life improving. There are tons of NSV (non scale victories) mentioned on this site that will inspire you and help you see how people are getting their lives back. Very motivating! Good luck with the appointment and let us know what you decide.
  20. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Dang ladies...I smell a celebration! Probaby by next weekend you'll be unpacking at your new home in Twoterville. Great news, definately!
  21. LapBandit

    Am I supposed to just wear a figleaf?

    I used to order from the JustMySize.com. Good prices and comfy clothes or Silhouettes.com, I've purchased from both of these online stores and haven't had any problems. Good luck--clothes shopping with only suck for a little while longer!
  22. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Julie you're my hero! You sound so confident and secure and I'm very happy for you. I wish you luck w/ the new guy! You'll get him...what's not to love?!
  23. I didn't lose any weight during pre-op either and I wasn't allowed to eat any solid food at all during the "liver shrink". You're fine. Congrats on surgery!
  24. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I like "at the crossroads" but "midtown" has a certain ring to it. I like it!
  25. LapBandit

    12 hours until banding!

    Good luck and congratulations. Just don't forget your pillow. I really wish I had one to help hold my belly over bumps in the road on the way home!

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