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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandit

  1. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Christmas Goals A1ikou...............240...............XX Aza....................299...............XX BPM..................230...............37 candy444...........299.................09 Elisabeth.............275.................16 Ericsmom...........250................12 Indianlight...........280.................8 Josette................340.................25 JulieNYC............235...................9 Koala.................275..................24 Ladydi................270 .................33 LapBandit...........250..................7 Libra...................270................8 Mariguita.............290.................XX NatesMommy.....275.................XX Waterlily1072.....275..................23 I'm sorry everyone, I was trying to keep up and make sure the list was updated but I've gotten behind. So, I went back through the last 5 updates and tried to make sure the totals are accurate. Please take a look and make sure your's doesn't need adjusted. Sorry!! Do you all realize how close we're getting to those goals?!! It's incredible! We're unstoppable! As far as our next goal...I'm wondering who would be up for a Valentine's goal once our Christmas challenge ends? Anyone interested or have another idea?
  2. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    You guys are too funny! But, it's true. I swear some mornings I wake up and my belly is in a different shape from when I went to sleep! Our bodies adjust in leaps and bounds some weeks and I, too, end up with lumps and bumps out of the blue. So far...things seem to even themselves out after awhile. I'd say it's probably a good sign and means your body is readjusting to the new you!
  3. LapBandit

    i'm not hungry, why do i want to eat?

    I agree...head hunger is the WORST. But, if you've been doing OK and lately you're having trouble making it between meals then perhaps your protein intake is off?? Sometimes I start "slipping" and not making a big enough focus on protein. Foods with lots of protein and fiber really do seem to help me stay outta trouble between meals. Just an idea to help.
  4. Wow, I'm sorry you're going through this. Luckily for me, surgery was covered under the insurance. I did have to pay $2,500 for a "program fee" plus follow-up visits cost $30/month. Plus, I'm thrilled to fit into smaller sizes but for work I have to dress nicely which means I can't wear clothes that are too big...I spend a lot more on clothes now. Plus, it's just not fair that buying healthy food costs more each week than buying my cheapo $1 boxes of noodles!! But...it is still worth it. I'm thrilled with my band. I'm definately not comparing myself to you...I'm really sorry about your situation. But, I do agree that this has cost me more money than I had planned on. Good luck and I hope it all works out.
  5. LapBandit

    Help! I'm Addicted To Cheese

    I'm a cheese freak too! I think I must be part mouse or something. Any way, I eat cheese. I've given up sweets but I gotta have some cheese. Now I get the low-fat versions. Fat free cheese is disqusting to me so forget that, but most low fat versions taste great. Plus cheese does have a pretty good Protein value so I go ahead and have some.
  6. 4-3: JenRN - 263/257/238/150 - 25 total 4-3: jenn28 - 282/265/229/165 - 53 total 4-3: Picardy3 - 298/300/257.5/150 - 42.5 total 4-3: tipper - 300/290/259/165 - 41 total 4-4: Sugar1 - 311/289/231/150 - 80 total 4-4: Dak – 255/251/205/150 – 50 total 4-4: Angels - 264/255/235/? - 29 total 4-4: Harpseal Al - 327/295/220 - 34 total 4-5: Boo - 208/203/170/132 - 38 total 4-5: siestaqh - 180+/177/128/110 - 52 total 4-6: Disneynut - 290/287/260/125 - 27 total 4-7: Guysis - 234/185/134 - 49 total 4-10: JulieNYC - 358/252/180 - 106 total 4-11: Vickie1177 - 320/297/267/137 - 53 total 4-11: tellymelly - 240/235/184/135 - 55 total 4-11: Fel0816 - 307/284/265/to get under 200 - 42 total 4-11: dsrjrr - 231/230/210/130 - 21 total 4:11: truckinmama - 262/234/160 - 28 total 4-13: Nursekathy2u - 358/356/335/175 - 23 total 4-13: NJgirl - 248/230/206/140 - 42 total 4-13: Miper70 - 217.5/196/145 - 21.5 total 4-17: Amourette - 22.5 total 4-17: Jeepergurrl - 242/207/140 - 35 total 4-17: MelAnne - 245/207/150 - 38 total 4-18: KAYBEE-284/209/180 -75 total 4-18: Danaclark2 - 270/260.5/245/150 - 25 total 4-20: Omamoon - 220/211.5/188/130 - 32 total 4-20: KimInMD - 288/288/236/156 - 52 total 4-21: Yoda - 273/257/216/150 - 57 total 4-21: kristielynn - 310/302/237/150 - 73total 4-22: alisonb - 286/270/176 - 16 total 4-24: Eficka - 125/117/104/69 - 21 kgs/46.2 lbs. total 4-24: Ceparano - 255/270.5/220/170 - 50.5 total 4-24: Kat - 289/281/219/165 - 70 total 4-24: hlj25950 - 262/257/225/160 - 37 total 4-25: momof2boys - 270/266/237/145 - 33 total 4-26: Bostongurl - 264/244/194/145 - 70 total 4-27: tinaj - 226/221/210/150 - 15 total 4-27: lookingout - 185/178/165/101 - 20 total 4-27: flowergoddesstn - 214/204/190/130 - 24 total 4-27: Dimples0323 - 284/284/241/145 - 43 total 4-28: Susan4794 - 283/267/241.4/140 - 41.6 total 4-28: bluehill - 333/253/145 - 80 total 4-28: Irish Girl - 225/214/170/135 - 55 total 4-28: MomofSixKids - 240/238/205/150 - 35 total<!-- / message --><!-- sig --> <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  7. LapBandit

    Researching Lap Band

    cranzoe, The lapband is not meant for fast weight loss. If you're considering the band then you may want to start thinking in terms of a year or two to reach your goal, maybe longer. This is the healthier way to lose rather than very quickly as with a bypass or something. I feel great and yes I would do it again. My only regret is that I didn't know about it sooner! So yes, the band works. But, the band won't stop head hunger and it will still allow junk food to pass through. So, unfortunately I'd say there is a lot of self-control involved with being successful with the band. The good news is most people start to crave junk and sweets less and less as they get used to eating properly. I don't know what else to tell you except to shop around this site and read other people's stories. You'll see that there are lots of people who are losing incredible amounts of weight with their bands. Good luck with your decision.
  8. LapBandit

    Calling all Vanguard Bandsters...

    I've got a VG too. I feel there are some advantages to having this band. But yes, it took me to about 6.5 cc's to feel restricted. I could probably handle a little more but as long as I can lose weight without being too tight then all the better. I had my very first PB not too long ago and I don't want to be so tight that I repeat that experience ever again!!
  9. LapBandit

    First fill questions

    Well, what to expect depends on whether or not your doc uses flouro. Mine does not, so...he presses on my belly to feel for the port and when he finds it he gives me a shot to numb the area. Then he inserts the needle to withdraw all fluid from my band and then refills it with fresh saline to the same amount he withdrew plus whatever the new amount is. It honestly does not hurt me one bit. I think getting blood work done is more painful. As far as how much you'll get...my doc discusses my eating and determines how long it's taking between meals for me to feel hungry. Then he basically makes a judgement call based on our conversation. Everyone's bodies are different so comparing the amount of fill really isn't a good idea. (Just because one person gets a 2cc fill does not mean that's the right amount for someone else.) Immediately after my fill I feel perfectly fine. It doesn't feel like I even had a "procedure" done. As far as restriction...yes, I feel a little tighter for the first day or two then when your band swelling goes down (usually by day 3 for me) you'll get a clear idea of your new level of restriction. You'll want to be careful during those first two days at least (follow your doc's instructions). Day one is usually liquids only for most of us and if that goes well then mushies for day two, moving on to regular food when you feel ready. As far as weight loss...basically you've lost 13 pounds in a month which is an incredible amount. You should feel great about that. My first month was not that big of a number. But, after your fill you will most likely see an increase in your weight loss. So, I don't think you were ever not "on track" but you're questions/concerns are perfectly normal for this stage of the game! Good luck and your fill will be great!
  10. Hey Wheetsin, we are pretty much in the same boat weight-wise as far as where we started and where we are now. It's pretty cool! But I gotta say...damn...your pictures are AMAZING!! I'm in a 22 now too; however, I don't look anywhere as trim as you. You're doing an incredible job! I'm impressed!
  11. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Wow, everyone is doing great! We are all so close to those goals. I hope everyone is doing OK. Keep on 'working it' everyone!
  12. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Maybe they're having trouble? I tried to come to the site the other day and it wouldn't load at all. Hmmm. Try again Indianlight.
  13. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congratulations LadyDi!!! You're doing awesome! Welcome to town!! I just had a great checkup with my bariatric surgeon. I am getting brave and decided to share a "before" and "during" shot.
  14. LapBandit

    Has anyone had gallstones?

    It seems that most people I've spoken to usually just get the gallbladder out but I think there are some medications that work in certain circumstances. I had my gallbladder removed too and the surgery wasn't bad and those darn attacks were GONE...never to suffer with again! As far as "where" gallbladder attacks are located...this seems to be up for debate. For me I had terrible crampy never-ending pain in my upper right abdomen and sometimes it felt like I would imagine a heart attack would feel. Now my sister actually just had hers removed last week and she described her pain as in her upper right abdomen but with back pain too. Darn gallbladders!! Seems like everyone has problems with them! It used to be appendix but now I never hear of anyone needing their appendix out but everyone seems to need their gallbladder out.
  15. LapBandit

    eating crap - sabotage myself?!

    What's scary? My advice? If so, sorry but it's true. For example, if someone knows how to do it but chooses not to then there is no reason the band should work. Losing weight IS easier with the band but it's not a magic cure. It won't make someone never feel hungry and it will do nothing for head hunger or emotional eating...but it will help someone feel satisfied with less food when the person is following the "bandster lifestyle" (when they are adjusted properly and have restriction). That's all the band can do...its a piece of plastic. The success that many have had with the band ultimately came from within themselves.
  16. LapBandit

    eating crap - sabotage myself?!

    Well, first of all you need to decide that you're life is worth the effort it will take to be successful. Here's a tip--it is...you ARE worth it. Next, you will be more successfull if you select a daily plan which includes a variety of foods which you enjoy. If you treat this like a "diet" instead of a lifestyle change then you will probably run out of steam and fall off the wagon. Most of us were this way and that's why we needed the band! This is a life change. You will need to eat properly from now on. Yes, you will splurge once in a while and that's OK but first you need to get your head in the game and get serious. You CAN do it if you're serious about it. You deserve to be successfull!
  17. LapBandit

    Pain and Numb Skin?

    I experienced nerve damage during surgery but it happened to my leg. Apparently they have to strap you down to the OR table and the belt must've damaged a nerve. At any rate...my experience felt just like you are describing. If nerve damage is the case then the good news is...the burning sensation will eventually go away but the numbness lasted about six months. There are prescriptions that will supposedly help calm down those weird sensations so I agree that you should discuss it with the surgeon. Good luck!!
  18. LapBandit

    losses four pounds

    Good luck with everything. Yes...it happens to me too that you have some swelling following a fill then once it goes away you feel like you have lost some restriction. Bummer!
  19. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    How's Halloween going all??? Anyone succumb to temptation or did we all keep our eye on the prize? There's a caldron full of awesome junk but so far I've managed to steer clear! Good luck all...there are terrible forces at work tonight-beware!!! I almost forgot...it's the start of a new month. Time to check in with the Christmas challenge if you haven't already done so. We're rounding out to the home stretch...one full month to go then part of December!! Christmas Goals A1ikou...............240...............XX Aza....................299...............XX BPM..................230...............37 candy444...........299.................23 Elisabeth.............275.................16 Ericsmom...........250................XX Indianlight...........280.................14 Josette................340.................25 JulieNYC............235.................23 Koala.................275..................24 Ladydi................270 .................33 LapBandit...........250..................13 Libra...................270.................14 Mariguita.............290.................XX NatesMommy.....275.................XX Waterlily1072.....275..................23
  20. LapBandit

    One reason to tell people

    Yes, that was really nice. Very respectful of your feelings too! Good for you!
  21. LapBandit

    Halloween: The Perfect Storm

    You guys are reading my mind!!! There is a delicious looking caldron of yummy chocolate on my counter that has been hauntingly calling out to me. But alas, I agree--it's not worth it and once I pop I just won't stop. So...the candy remains for kids and will go *somewhere* by tomorrow! Good luck all!
  22. LapBandit


    Well, I'm not sure any of us can answer this online. I'd suggest seeing a doctor because I don't think the band should cause you to black out. That is SCARY stuff! Keep us posted and good luck!
  23. LapBandit

    What Does The Pb Stand For

    Productive Burp--basically the eqivalent of a normal person's puke. In our case, I don't believe we puke from the bottom of the stomach any more...ours is from above the band and the food is not yet digested so it sort of pops back up. Usually a good burp when something is stuck will help bring up the food and thus there's the name! I hope that helped! PS-there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers! Don't be afraid to ask us!
  24. LapBandit

    Can you eat more close to TOM?

    FuelMan, your post cracked me up!! Ginger, to answer your question-YES, definately I can feel out of whack during TOM. I don't know what scientific proof could backup my statement but I'd say it's hormone related. I think hormones mess with your emotions and it's really the emotions that make us feel so hungry. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Actually, if I fight the urge to splurge then I usually make it through relatively unscathed. However, if I give in to a craving then I usually fall off the wagon and get myself off track. So...I try my best to stick to life as usual until TOM is over!
  25. LapBandit

    Here Is My Situation

    Your diet sounds a little too limited to me. Also, your calories probably don't add up to very much. It is important to eat enough to lose weight (sounds odd I know). If I had to guess I'd say you probably aren't getting over 1000 calories a day...if I want to lose weight then I need around 1200 a day. Any less and my weight seems to plateau. Just an idea.

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