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El Diablo

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. Yeah baby! dan2001xj is groovy leading by a nose, the people have spoken! Yes we can.
  2. El Diablo

    Have you noticed?

    Part 2 of the Poll has moved, go here http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/anyone-notice-post-banders-bit-snobbish-87785/
  3. I have very few responsibilities! I'm retired.
  4. El Diablo

    Getting Banded in a Couple of Weeks

    Hi, I'm getting banded in March so no advice but I had to comment. Love your username.:thumbup:
  5. El Diablo

    Hello from Fort Hood

    Hi Fort Hood, Stuck in Oregon for now but will be back in 1 and 1/2 years, can't wait.
  6. El Diablo

    Please help with ideas

    I say keep doing what you are doing, make sure you are getting ENOUGH calories and your metabolism will kick back in eventually.
  7. El Diablo

    Have you noticed?

    Hint Hint, I agree with you except I will make people pause and think instead of offering a warm gooey rainbow hug, I will not coddle.
  8. El Diablo

    Have you noticed?

    LOL, just because Beth called me a troll doesn't make it so SuzanneG. If you care to read all of my posts you will find the truth of the matter. I am pre-band no doubt. I just find it hard to not reply when people make excuses for failure. Maybe we should ask the mods for /a tell it like it is subforum to go along with the many /Here is a hug I will enable you to fail subforums. Because this forum is predominantly women I do expect I will cause many problems over the years, yes years! I am here to stay and I will offer my OPINION just like you will. I am on my own journey and don't much care if anyone likes me or what I have to say, I'm not doing it for your approval and I will be the voice of reason when I see people lying to themselves and others. Why? because I can. The same reason you or others will provide advice like "It's ok that you ate a horse, I'm sure we all lose weight at different rates and try to exercise more" Why? because you can. I will be thought provoking for someone if nothing else.
  9. El Diablo

    Pre-surg jitters!?!

    Mine is March Friday the 13th, I'm looking at it like this...hopefully some people will be too spooked to have their surgeries that day so I will get in first and not have to wait around all day. :thumbup:
  10. Hi and welcome, Army vet and now an Army spouse so from one to another...Thank you for your service. I have no complaints with Tricare, I hope everything goes smoothly for you. I'm waiting for my surgery.
  11. El Diablo

    What FINALLY made you decide to get banded??

    The tragic day when I bought a 3X shirt. Wish I had "got it" at 2X and XL.:biggrin:
  12. Good morning all, about to get ready for my appointment. My surgical consult is in a few hours. I have done a lot of stuff (see my sig) and I'm very hopeful that the doc says "time to submit all this to insurance". Hopefully no delays or extra things I have to do first. I WILL UPDATE this afternoon, good or bad.
  13. El Diablo

    Cross your fingers

    So, I got my surgery date today :biggrin: I am officially a new member of the Lucky Losers for March 09. I have 30 days until my surgery and no longer have to worry about "maintaining my weight" for 40BMI. No more excuses, no more delay, no reason to wait. The pre-op diet starts for me today. I don't have one prescribed because I lost enough from the time of my nutritionist appointment before I saw the surgeon. So I will impose my own. I'm hitting the Protein shakes from here on out, cutting out the future slider foods and making friends with the treadmill. I vow right here and now, (mark my words and I will keep this thread updated) I will lose another 15 pounds prior to my surgery date. By the time I'm restricted to liquids post diet I plan to have my metabolism firing on all cylinders and take full advantage of the restricted calories while I'm in surgery recovery mode. I'm taking before pictures tomorrow for future use.
  14. El Diablo

    First appt. to surgery

    My March 13th date will take me nearly to the day one year. My insurance was great, my biggest wait time was the surgeons requirement to be smoke free for 6 months before we could do anything. Made me mad at the time but in retrospect I'm better off for it and didn't gain any additional weight during those six months.
  15. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    Oh, I don't see that at all! The starting post described her "raking DH" her description
  16. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    Thank you for stepping in, I turned the other cheek as much as possible. Back on topic, I feel the spouse who chose the procedure should accept responsibility for any changes in the family dynamic. I think to blame the DH is just an excuse for failure.
  17. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    woot woot, ignore me!
  18. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    So, you aren't going to ignore me? :laugh::mad2::lol::crying:
  19. March 13 for me, Friday the 13th if I'm not mistaken. Almost exactly one year from seminar to surgery.
  20. El Diablo

    Insurance Requirements

    The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is easy, just answer a bunch of seemingly random questions and find out if you are whacked. If you decide to do the lap band they will schedule you for any tests you need and handle the authorizations through your PCP. I haven't even talked to my PCM about this but every step along the way he signs off or submits the requests they ask for.
  21. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    No worries, I'm ignoring those who are "finding themselves" and have switched sides, not that there's anything wrong with that. Just accept responsibility instead of blaming DH and men in general. Ultimately it's your fat little fingers that stuff the danish down your throat, not his.
  22. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    So, to clarify, anyone who doesn't agree with you, or join in the husband bashing, or is not yet banded is a; quote, troll, fuckwad, window licking bottle squatter, troglodyte, or stupid, unquote. Seems the moderators agree with you or it's just acceptable in this forum. You seem like a lovely and charming lady and your DH clearly should be put to death because it's his fault. Have a nice day:biggrin:
  23. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    Apparently not too speechless.:hurray: Sorry I forget sometimes that people would rather not hear the truth. It is extremely convenient to blame someone else for your failures; DH won't support me, DH loses weight faster than me, DH made me eat a whole pizza, DH pried my mouth open and shoveled a gallon of ice cream down my throat. I figured the lady would take the hint, look at herself and make the changes for herself rather than making it a pissing contest with DH a nd save herself the trouble of making all those charts and graphs with crayons for us thick headed men But of course I haven't been banded yet and this question/rant could clearly only be answered by someone with that particular device installed. I make my point with reason and logic, some people would rather have a hug :smile: but that's not my fault.
  24. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    So, you hate his mother too?
  25. El Diablo

    When is support not really support?

    So, you resent him for being able to lose weight faster than you with no effort?

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