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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sjdemant

  1. sjdemant

    First Blog Post - Banded 8/12/09

    MNTwinmom seems like you went through a bummer post op. Sorry about that. I don't know if this will help much at all, but I was banded on August 4. It took 1 entire week before I felt 'human' The pain in the left shoulder still comes and goes but it is not a constant pain and I feel it less and less each day. As far as the port pain - I have to honestly say that I didn't experience it immediately post op, but I do now and it is just like I have a pulled muscle. Sometimes getting from a sitting to standing position i really feel it, but it is just discomfort - not pain. So in answer to your question give yourself a GOOD week. As I previously posted those first couple of days post op had me wondering if I had made the right decision. How people go back to work in 3-4 days was simply beyond me. I couldn't even stay up and moving for more than a hour or so. I go back to work on Tuesday, which is 2 weeks post op and I can honestly say I feel well enough to put in a good days work. I know you will hear it a million times, but do believe it - It does get better. Now I am looking forward to the next part of the journey - my first fill which isn't until September 11. Good Luck to you and trust me you will be on the road to your ole self real soon. Listen to your body!
  2. sjdemant

    I've got mail!

    Good luck to you CarStar! I too had a very very high heart rate and did fine. Trust me the medical staff would not take any chances if they didn't think it could be done safely. I wouldn't worry too much about the psyc evaluation. Make sure this surgery is about YOU - not because your significant other would like a thinner person or people will "like" you better if you were thinner, it has to be a decision you are making for You and only YOU! That is what they are looking for, but my recommendation would be to be completely honest. If you are not ready right now psycologically, I am confident they will work with you to get ready both physically and emotionally. I wish you the very best.
  3. sjdemant

    Surgery yesterday

    I was banded on August 4th and I tell you if anyone would have asked me on August 5th if I would recommend it - I think I would have probably said no, or at least I know I would not have given a firm "oh yea!" Whew - I am with you, those couple of days post-op, I was absolutely not at all prepared for. I can tell you, however, that it does get much better. I have to be honest and tell you it was only finally yesterday where I felt like 'good' So, while it does get better each day, in all fairness, give it a full week. I feel absolutely great right now and it has been a week. I never had any problems, pains with the incisions or such, but the gas and gas pains were awful!!!!!!!. The last couple of days there is MINOR discomfort in the port area (like a pulled muscle), but that is my only complaint. I am looking forward to this journey! My first fill is not until September 11, so my expectations will begin then, although I have lost a few pounds this week. Good Luck. Give me a shout if I can assist you in anyway. Take care!
  4. How you doing today, Ebony? I would love to say I am doing great, but damn this is taking a lot longer than I expected to feel energetic and such. Maybe, however, it is me - perhaps I have set my expectations to high as far as energy and such. I did manage to get a swim in today and it is now 4:30 CST and need a nap. I just feel so lathargic and light headed. I meet with the nutritionalist tomorrow at 11, perhaps she will be able to help me out a litte. I am guessing I am not getting enough calories, but we'll see. I go back to work on Tuesday so I better start getting more energy by then. Please let me know how you are doing. Do take care.


  5. sjdemant

    On My Way! Just Starting Out

    I was banded the same day. I have to tell you that I am really impressed with your ability to work out for 30 minutes. I was just telling my husband I couldn't wait until I get some energy back. I feel like I could get up and do everything I did prior to Tuesday, but then after about 30 minutes or so I am exhausted. I am really looking forward to how things will come together and you have just inspired me to get out and do things - like weed the garden, walk the dog, laundry, all the stuff that will absolutely not get done if I don't do it. At any rate, I wish you the very best of luck on this great endeavor. Please keep in contact. My starting weight was 214 and my goal is 150, as well. Good luck to you! Keep on keeping on - onward.....
  6. sjdemant

    Surgery over

    Greetings my bandsters. Well the surgery part of this journey has finally taken place. I was banded on Tuesday, August 4, 2009. I got to tell you it was not as easy as I anticipated. I am a pretty much get up and go gal and i simply could not get up and go. It wasn't the pain the the surgery sites, but the damn ansthesia that kept me down. I have to admit it was not a pleasant journey. I am now on day 4 to say I was feeling like my ole self again would be an outright lie. Although I am feeling about 70% better than I was on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have a little way to go. I would love to hear some experiences on recovery from many of you. I do not consider myself a slow healer but, man, this isn't going as fast as I would have liked. Some people on here say they went back to work after 3 days? How??? Good luck to you all and I look forward to hearing some of your expirences such as how long you felt bloated, how long it was where you could drink and it didn't feel like it was stuck in the middle of your esophogus (sp) etc. Have a happy day. I am looking forward to the next phase of this journey!:frown:
  7. sjdemant

    Banded 3 August 2009

    greetings Catherine. I was banded a day after you. I can honestly say it was much more than I anticipated it being. How are you feeling? I am not at all hungry, but I always feel like I am just loaded with gas. I have been walking, but I seem to get exhausted much sooner than I would like. Please share with me what your experience has been like. And thank you for the invite-I would love to keep in touch!
  8. sjdemant

    Surgery over

    Greetings my bandsters. Well the surgery part of this journey has finally taken place. I was banded on Tuesday, August 4, 2009. I got to tell you it was not as easy as I anticipated. I am a pretty much get up and go gal and i simply could not get up and go. It wasn't the pain the the surgery sites, but the damn ansthesia that kept me down. I have to admit it was not a pleasant journey. I am now on day 4 to say I was feeling like my ole self again would be an outright lie. Although I am feeling about 70% better than I was on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have a little way to go. I would love to hear some experiences on recovery from many of you. I do not consider myself a slow healer but, man, this isn't going as fast as I would have liked. Some people on here say they went back to work after 3 days? How??? Good luck to you all and I look forward to hearing some of your expirences such as how long you felt bloated, how long it was where you could drink and it didn't feel like it was stuck in the middle of your esophogus (sp) etc. Have a happy day. I am looking forward to the next phase of this journey!:thumbup:
  9. sjdemant

    Life is About to Change

    First off, I must admit I have yet to be banded I am guessing my surgery will be scheduled the second week in July - YAY. No about the diet Coke thing - my addiction was real bad. The Coke was the first thing I aquired upon waking in the morning and then again throughout the day. I had talked to a gal at work who had the surgery and she indicated that you had to give it up and so I made the decision last October that if this (the surgery) was what I was going to do, I had to get serious. I woke up one day in October and said, I am done. I have not had one since. Was it easy? NO. I had horrible headaches and absolutely craved the caffine. It became a game I had to play with my psyche. I did it by the hour, then the day and now I don't even think of it anymore. I have had a case of Diet Coke in my fridge that has been untouched as well as an 8 pack in my work fridge. YOU CAN DO IT. Much like the struggles I am anticipating the surgery will be it is as much (if not more) mental as it will be physical. I wish you the very best. It is not an easy thing to do, but just take it hour by hour and then day by day. Good luck!

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