I am very interested in WLS, I actually went down this road last year but had to put it off because of my age. I have minor sleep apnea and a BMI of 42. I weigh about 219 and am 5'1' tall. I worry that because of my age and lack of what my doctor calls more serious comorbities I wont be covered by my insurance or find a surgeon. I am going to an info session on wednesday with dr. lui. I have obesity on both sides of my family and the average lifespan of my mothers side is about 52 years of age :-(. I have been on WW twice and lost 30+ pounds both times but it always comes back with a vengence and atleast 10 or 15 extra. I also lost about 30 pounds on alli but that also came back :thumbup: I think the reason that I have been able to lose weight is because while i was heavy I could still exersize but lately I have been having pain in my knees that is making it more difficult. I want to stop the cycle before I end up to sick to change things. Any advice?