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LAP-BAND Patients
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About shc727

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/27/1962
  1. Happy 51st Birthday shc727!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday shc727!

  3. OK - been banded a year and have been very pleased with my band. Here's my issue. Last Wednesday I had a terrible stomach virus. For 12 hours I was in and out of the bathroom...as some of you probably know, with the lapband you can't throw up once food has passed through your band, but your stomach actually goes through the motions, which for lack of a better term, I describe as 'convulsions'. Last Thursday I was extremely sore in my upper stomach area. Since then my eating has been very off. I feel something like full pressure where my pouch is. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Could it be my stomach is swollen or could there be some real damage to my pouch/band? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. shc727

    Am I Too Tight?

    Well - here's just a brief recap - my last fill was to 6.4 and I was TOO tight, I went in for an unfil and he took me down to 5.0 (I had NO idea he took out that much)... yesterday he filled me back to 6.0 and it seems to be fine. I've only had liquids so I'm not sure of restriction yet. I wasn't really pleased with the guidance I received. But I will try this...get back to LapBand 101 and see if it works.
  5. shc727

    Am I Too Tight?

    Thanks! I do believe that's it!! I don't have any reflux, but that could come. I'm going to print this off and take it with me...I'm making notes for my appt so I don't forget anything!
  6. shc727

    Am I Too Tight?

    I have talked to my dr's office on several occasions and their suggestion has been a little fill...but have not talked directly to my dr...that is what I plan on doing today. I just think a little fill would put right back at that horrible place I was a few months ago before my unfill! Thanks for all your support!
  7. shc727

    Am I Too Tight?

    I am at a loss -- I've been struggling for several months. In September I got a fill to 6.2 in a 10cc band. I was TOO tight! Choking on my own saliva tight! Went back the next day for an unfill - to 6.0. While I was there I thought I might still be a little too tight but thought it would loosen up. Well for that past several months I've lost no weight and it seems eating is a struggle from the first bite. I've made several appts for a fill..but end of canceling them because I don't really think that is the issue. Now I'm wondering if I'm too tight. I wouldn't think I was because I'm not losing any weight...but I'm not eating right either. From the first bite at meals I feel it in the back of my throat...but I manage to eat some. But before long I am hungry an so I snack almost constantly on easy crunchy foods. Has anyone had a similar issue and what was your outcome? I have an appointment today for a fill -- but last night I had the WORST stuck episode I've had since my banding. So I almost cancelled today, but I've decided I've got to go in and figure out if I need a little fill or a little unfill. Advice/Suggestions?!?!! TIA!

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