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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jamiatu

  1. My surgery is set for Feb 3rd and my Husband is trying to discourage me , tells me a story of a woman that died due to the surgery, SAYS SHE HAD AN INFECTION, has anyone heard of this as I cannot afford to die right now I have 4 wonderful kids that needs thier Mom 100 PERCENT.
  2. I am getting banded Feb 3rd, preop appt 1/29, I weigh 190 ib,BMI is 28.9, need to loose 50 ibs
  3. Hello everyone, I am new to this , my surgery date is in a week , my BMI is 29,2 I weigh 190 and I am 5f 7in I am scared silly , what I am i to expect after the surgery. I want to loose at least 45 ibs to get to my IBW.

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