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LAP-BAND Patients
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About aggieatheart911

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/22/1971

About Me

  • Interests
    Photography..genealogy..cross stitching
  • Occupation
    Police Communications Officer
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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday aggieatheart911!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday aggieatheart911!

  3. aggieatheart911

    Almost 2yrs and 100 lbs with neck and shoulder pain

    I am new to this site and just found your post. I am going thru the exact same problems. Fatigue, neck and left shoulder pain, severe headaches. I have talked to both my regular doctor, my lapband doctor, and now I am seeing a neurogolist. I have been diagonsed with migraines, tension headaches and over the counter med headaches. The neurogolist is also a OMT, Osteopathic Manipulative Therapist. Which means she hits all the pressure points to alleivate tension and she has also said I have trapped air in the shoulder area, which she has advised she can get out. I thought my problem was my front top half also but I have lost alot of weight especially in the front so I am leaning towards just basic tension. I too sit at a desk for 10 hours a day. But I just wanted to let you know what I have gone thru and what I have found out. I hope this helps some. Robin :thumbup: Texas
  4. aggieatheart911

    Flipped Port :-(

    Going for my first fill, they found out that my port is flipped. So I have gone every time I need a fill I have to have it done under the floro (xray). As of this morning I have lost 103 lbs since January 2009. My fills the first year were free, now I pay $125 each time I have to have a fill or a unfill due to tighteness. But it is worth it. Robin
  5. aggieatheart911

    need a talipia recipe

    Saute a onion and bacon bits in olive oil until onions are soft to the point of carmelizing. Add the talipia on top of the onion, bacon bit mix and cool about 2-4 minutes on each side until talipia is cooked. The onion bacon bit mixture on top of the fish, very good. also.... crush up pork rinds until extremely fine and in the crumbs add italian seasoning (or any seasoning) and mix in the crumbs. dip the talipia into a egg milk combo then dip into the crumbs and place into a frying pan of olive oil and cool. very good
  6. aggieatheart911


    Thank you. This is a really good site. I forgot to say I had my surgery in Hurst Texas by Dr Mardsen
  7. aggieatheart911


    Hello, I am new here just got banded on Janurary 23,2009 still on sick leave but doing better every day. Everything going really well.:cursing:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
