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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ladiprima

  1. ladiprima

    My wedding day, October 25th, 2008. 215 LBS

    What a beautiful bride!
  2. I was referred to Dr Bass and Dr Cohen here in Hollywood, Florida. They are both very good surgeons. Dr Matei is fairly new to the group and I just wanted to know if anyone knows of him or used him? I am scheduled for a lapband with him on March 27. Thank you!!
  3. That's sweet. Let me know when you get a sx date.

    My pre op clearance is next week. I feel like I have read so much information that it's getting to be overwhelming. I just can;t wait for this to get done. I want to do all the right things. Thanks for your prayers. Hang in there.

  4. Megster-twin, I haven't heard of any frozen meals. I was just told to eat protein and veggies with limited carbs. I will be doing a Full liquid diet starting March 20, Clear liquid March 26 and surgery March 27. I wish you lots of luck. Let me know how you progress.
  5. I am very excited! I have been preparing for this since October 2008. I think I am ready! I live here in South Florida and my surgeon is Dr Matei. Has anybody used him? He is with Dr Bass and Dr Cohen. At first I was a little hesitant because he is fairly new to this group. But, the other Surgeons in this group came highly recommended. I just want to be absolutely confident. ALSO.... I just ordered over $100 in protein powders. Will I use it all? I've been trying them here and there. I am soo afraid that I won't eat and do all the right things before and after. I've been reading books and going on bariatriceating.com. But, I still feel like I am going to blow it. How can I be sure to do all the right things? (I think this is my nerves talking right now?) I am getting cold feet! Any suggestions? Thank you:crying:
  6. It was so nice hearing from you! Thanks, We need all the support we can get!
  7. Thanks and good luck to you. Are you also having the lapband? Have you done all the preparations? It takes a long time, but it's for a good reason. Keep me posted as well.

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