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Posts posted by ladiprima

  1. I am very excited! I have been preparing for this since October 2008. I think I am ready! I live here in South Florida and my surgeon is Dr Matei. Has anybody used him? He is with Dr Bass and Dr Cohen. At first I was a little hesitant because he is fairly new to this group. But, the other Surgeons in this group came highly recommended. I just want to be absolutely confident.


    I just ordered over $100 in Protein powders. Will I use it all?

    I've been trying them here and there. I am soo afraid that I won't eat and do all the right things before and after. I've been reading books and going on bariatriceating.com. But, I still feel like I am going to blow it. How can I be sure to do all the right things? (I think this is my nerves talking right now?) I am getting cold feet! Any suggestions?

    Thank you:crying:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
