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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by a1afl123

  1. a1afl123

    Feels like giving up. Im so upset.

    Well I definately understand what you are saying. I was banded last august. I had lost 40 lbs pre op. I was so excited that I would finally looseweight and not be hungry. Wow was that a lie. I never had any restriction until January of this year. I lost 7 lbs during the first couple of weeks after surgery cause there was swelling. & just on liquids. as soon as the swelling went down I was sooo hungry I cried. there was a person that had written to me welcome to the wonderful world of hunger. I thought he was being silly. I was wrong. it was a month before they game me my first fill. So back to liquids. Lost 5 lbs. not hungry. bam! soon as the swelling went down starving again. this went on for months. Also I am the lucky on that got a staff infection with the surgery. they gave me meds and I got hives. I was a mess. still staring and not itching. I felt I got no support from my doctor cause he was out having surgery. went to er. I am to this day still fighting the staff infection. I have spent lots of money on gas and meds. Finally I had had enough. I was tired of going into the office and everyone smiling and saying how great I was doing. BS! I was staring and hadn't lost weight wasn't gaining either. I deserve what I was promised. I wrote a letter detailing everything that had happened and how I felt. I gave it to my doctor. I didn't want to hurt any ones feelings but I was at the end of the rope. after he read it we started to talk. that month I had lost 12 lbs. but not from the surgery, I had some pfentermine which I had decided to take so I would not be hungry. But because I wrote the letter, action was taken and I got a big fill. it was the first time I ever felt any restriction. After that I have had a couple of more fills. I now have restriction. but it took six months and finally complaining to get there. it has been 8 months since my surgery, I now loosing weight. I have lost a total of 85 lbs. I am no longer hungry. I weight all of my food to be 4 0z. and it is now ok but it was hell and hard feelings for the first 6 months. DON'T give up. Tell them that you want more now. go ing until they get it right. but unless you complain. You deserve it. (now if they can just clear up this lasting staff infection)
  2. a1afl123

    Picture 6 214 lbs

    From the album: 214 lbs

  3. a1afl123

    214 lbs

  4. a1afl123

    Picture 5 214 lbs

    From the album: 214 lbs

  5. Day1. Still dizzy & nausea. Huge pain in my shoulders. Felt like some one was stabbing me. It was difficult to get in & out of bed. Pain from my insicions was ok. drank as much as I could. took the pain med every 4 hrs. Waked & then slept. To dizzy to watch TV or look at anything. Also used the blowing machine evry 2 hrs. This day was a blurr. Day 2. Forgot to turn off the alarm! It jerked me awake! It felt like I pulled everything! Now everything hurts! Not a dizzy as day before. no nausea! The pain in my shoulder was about a 12. They told me that when they do a hernia repair it is next to a nerve that is why the shoulders have the pain. Keep ice on the hernia incision. have a tightness in chest. Today I sat up a lot more & walked more hoping that it was just gas. It wasn't. Used the blowing machine every 2 hrs. I was worried I wasn't drinking enough fluid. They told me that this would be the worst day for pain. They did not lie. Day 3. Shoulder still giving me grief. Had the neighbor get me some gas-x. That didn't make a difference. The only thing that helped was a heating pad on my shoulder when I laid down. Still not able to walk the dog. Today I measured everything I drank so that I knew how much fluid I was talking in. I was allowed to take in protein shake & strained soup!. OH! haven't had food in sooooo long! I just licked the spoon I was in heaven. No problems keeping it down & no nausea & no pain! Thank goodness for neighbors! They take good care of me. Had them over for pizza & a movie! My incisions are good. I still use a pillow when I walk so that they don't bounce, it helps. New thing today, rash from tape at incision points! Feel a lot better. less dizzy. washed dished & straightened up things that were laying around. walked outside a bit. The dog is beings very good. Took a shower! Day 4 woke up with minimal pain in shoulder. Still have tightness in chest. Incisions are not painful, but sore if you bump them. Walked the dog! Looking forward to soup today!. all in all I am doing very good. Not as good as a lot of other people but I am happy with my results. I believe that if I had not jerked my body from the alarm clock I would have had less trouble. I am not hungry. Will try to push more fluids today. Doctors appointment tomorrow.
  6. Not a flowery writer but here goes my day. I am 58 yrs old. Arrived at the hospital at 5:10 am. was taken back to pre op at about 6:10 am. Weighed, asked all of the questions. Then she tried to put in the IV. Ouch, no success. She had to get another nurse to get it in. luckily on the first try. The anesthegiologist came in & talked to me. Waited till about 7:00, Wheeled in to surgery. Totally awake. Got really nervous when I saw the table piled with all these huge tools. (Never knew if they were for me, They were just scary). Next thing I knew I was in recovery. It was about noon. Guess I had gotten really sick from the anestisia. They had given me lost of nausea meds. I was totally out of it. Moved me to a room sat there with my friend. Light headed & having nausea. around 3:00 they said get up & go potty. They they sent me home. Told me that I would need a babysitter for about 24 hours. That it would take that long for the chemicals to get out of my body. Not in great pain at incisions. Have huge shoulder pain! They said that was from a hernia repair. I would recommend bringing a samll pillow to hold onto, chap stick, & have gas-x at home. Seems pretty uneventful?
  7. a1afl123

    Pressure in my chest :(

    hi, 4 days out of surgery. I also have this pressure. Have dr's apt tomorrow. will let you know what he says. I did have a hernia repair.
  8. Hi, Haven't posted in a long time. Got discouraged after the insurance company tried to tell me the doctor sent in someone else's paper work & I would have to wait another 6 - 8 weeks for approval. After many hurdles & insurance difficulty I am finally having surgery tomorrow. I can say that I am quite nervous & excited at the same time. I have just suffered through the liquid pre op diet. Never want to do that again. I have lost a total of 52 lbs. Since I started my journey. For someone not in the process it is hard for them to understand. The family is happy that I have lost so much weight but when I went to see them they couldn't even recognize that I had lost the weight! But I am looking forward to seeing the difference at Christmas time. I wish everyone else good luck on their surgeries. & hope that everyone else has an easier insurance time than I did. I just wish I wasn't so nervous.
  9. Has anyone had any experience with this insurance? How long did it take for your approval? It said that it takes 6 to 8 weeks. I am very apprehensive about approval. BMI of 40, did 6 mo with dr, supplied 5 yrs of med history, all of the weight loss programs I have tried. I am going to go nuts before this is over. HELP!:redface:
  10. a1afl123


    Hi, Live in FL. Benn going to do this for many years & have now found that my ins will cover it:scared2:. I have just completed my 6 mo. dr. visits. & the paperwork has been submitted. Now the waiting begins. it is 6 to 8 weeks to hear back from the insurance. Have you been waiting that long? I started out at 271 & am down to 238. It is a battle to loose weight. I hope that the approval comes quickly. Will be taking the per op class in June. Hope that the liquid diet is not to hard to get through before the surgery.
  11. Have you tried florida bandsters on yahoo?
  12. Hi, I am considering lap band in Mexico. Jengraz can you tell me who you went to and how was it? It sounds like the same place that I am considering. How do you or will you get your fills? How nuch will they cost? Has anyone had expierience with fill center usa? and know the cost? Is there anyone out there from NE florida that went & gets fill here? Scared to death. Need some real people expierience.

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