:cool:Hello all and thank you to those of you who responded to my initial introduction... your info and encouragment has been very much appreciated.
I guess now Im just trying to get my mind set for doing this. I mean I know I need to. I cant live like this anymore and everything I've tried hasnt worked. which brings me to my apprehension, what if this doesnt work too. I know you see the statistics but thats not real faces to me you know.
I was wondering if some of you could share with me your successes. How long ago were you banded, how much you lost and how well its working for you. the earliest consult appointment I could get isnt til Feb 23rd and I guess I just want that first step behind me so in the mean time I'd like to hear if there are a lot of successes, I have read quite a few who had to have their band removed for various reasons... now I'd like to hear about those who havent. and if they have were they able to keep it off after the band was removed?